High Magic Earth

Chapter 1070: the way

Dr. Manhattan is not the captain of the atom. Although the former is just a theater version of the latter, the two of them are equally difficult.

As the name implies, the captain of the atom is the controller of the atom. He controls the existence of the atom, one of the most basic cores of countless multiverses.

In detail, Dr. Manhattan is not a generation of Atomic Captains. He is completely different from Atomic Captains. He comes from a completely strange superhero world, the Watchman.

But his ability is not essentially different from that of Captain Atomic, or even stronger.

In his original world, someone once described him as such.

"God exists. He used to be an American."

Doctor Manhattan is equivalent to the omnipotent God.

His ability exists in another field, it seems to be quantum, but it is not, non-physical, nor energy. As a cosmic-level hero, he can control time and read the trajectory of the most basic particles in the world to predict Out of the future.

He can control particles. In his perspective, there is no so-called matter and energy. Some are just a bunch of particle aggregates that are inexplicably combined. He can even create life based on this.

Finally, he is not affected by cause and effect, he is thinking, thinking has the possibility of infinite quantum change, he exists in all time points and all time lines.

These are enough to show his terrible.

He really is, to destroy the enemy, just one thought is enough for that kind of existence.

Even Dastan, who can control the time, is not sure that he will not be wiped out on the spot. After all, Dr. Manhattan can directly observe what may happen in the future. Perhaps no matter what Dastan does, every step of his time may be in the other side. Among the predictions.

Theoretically, this guy should be inseparable now.

Because these cosmic-level heroes were already taken care of by the boss before the magic night came. The magic night is a full-scale attack, but it is not a decisive battle.

The real decisive battle has already begun before the magic night.

The two sides of the battle are those top appearance gods, and these cosmic new human beings.

Even the angels and demons of those magical creatures who should have been swept into the garbage dumps can only participate in it if they exist in a very small number.

The cosmic-level new human beings are totally different from the planet-level new human beings. It’s easy to understand that even if you can blow the planet with one punch, in the eyes of the existence of Dr. Manhattan, which can directly extinguish material particles, the extinction is actually still An instant.

Among the new human beings, there are not many cosmic-level superheroes, but there are also many, and all are aborigines like Dalstein. To the best of his knowledge, there is no such strongman among free men.

Before the full-scale attack, his boss has specifically targeted these guys, arranging traps one by one and choosing good opponents.

Even if you can't win directly, you have to hold them down, and then wipe them apart a little bit.

Dr. Manhattan is one of them, because he can observe the future relationship. In order to prevent things from being exposed, he can be said to be the first one to be found.

Dastan does not know how the boss did it. He only knows that most of the appearance-like gods like him have not moved, and it seems that they are some non-physical and non-energetic forms of appearance-like gods. After the removal, this bypassed Dr. Manhattan's particle observation and the direct raid was successful.

What is non-physical and non-energetic, and how his boss did it, Dastan is not clear.

Then Dr. Manhattan was hand-held by the boss, imprisoned in a universe, and then dragged him by the external appearance **** Witch, giving him no chance to escape the universe.

The Witch of All Ages is arguably one of the most top-notch among the external appearance gods. It is said that after graduating from the capital of origin, it has traveled several worlds and won the top academic qualifications of several institutions in the world. Both are extremely high-tech.

Because it is not the top IQ, becoming the first person in the school domineering group, the wisdom and power of the Witch of All Ages are incalculable.

It is appropriate for her to deal with Dr. Manhattan, which has one of the most basic substances in the world.

But Dastan did not understand why the particles reunited in front of him, why Dr. Manhattan appeared here.

Could it be that. . Because the night of magic disappeared and the Witch of all ages disappeared, so Dr. Manhattan finally got rid of the **** of that universe?

He also said that the night of magic disappeared, and the universe that imprisoned him did not exist.

That would be too bad.

If both of his existences against Dr. Manhattan disappear, Dalstein has no confidence in fighting against Manhattan alone, and even escaping from his hands is difficult.

What's more, if Dr. Manhattan reappears, and he is the only one here, then Dastan is the most conspicuous light in the night.

Once his existence is noticed, not only will he not have the opportunity to find the cause of the disappearance of Magic Night, but he will expose it all.

Stumped. . Do you want to take the initiative to be silent for a long time?

It is difficult for Dastan to say whether there is any point in time. In just a moment, his thinking has run out.

All this in front of him has been slowed down by Dalstein. Otherwise, in the blink of an eye, the particles on the ground will reorganize and show the real comer, which will give Dalstein a chance to let him observe and think a little bit.

But Dalstein quickly thought about it again, thinking that his guess would not hold.

Because the Witch of All Ages and several other top-level appearance gods, as well as the boss itself, have been separated from the control of time, their existence is somewhat similar to that of Dr. Manhattan, and is also an existence free from cause and effect.

Even if the magic night disappears, it will not affect the Witch of All Ages, because she exists independently, so there is no reason that the magic night magically disappears, and it will also affect these guys who have been stripped out, and Dr. Manhattan alone is released. .

Although at the end of the magic and the end of technology, the two look at each other and their own, they have become very vague, but some of the most basic rules of things still exist.

In the infinite multiverse, everything is possible, but based on objective laws, it still exists.

Just when this thought fell, Dalstein felt that he could not bear it.

The surrounding time was out of his control, and the reunion of particles began to accelerate faster, as if the speed of everything around them had become smoother.

Dastan’s face is ugly. No matter what the visitor is, he doesn’t plan to touch it first. Dr. Manhattan can’t fight it, but if the time gem is in hand, it’s not easy for the other party to catch him. .

As soon as the thought moved, Dalstein had grabbed the eye of Agomomoto. The time gem had fallen from his hand to the ground because of inexplicable force. Fortunately, it was not far away.

In Rip's eyes, Dastan instantly came to the front of the eye of Agomo.

Oh. . Rip was now crushed under a ruin, and the injuries on his hands were even heavier, and the other parts did not receive much damage.

But at the next moment, Dastan acted a little and took two steps backward.

Because he felt that he could not grab the eye of Agomomoto, a huge repulsion came from above, and how much energy had accumulated on the previous, how much repulsion came from this time.

At the level of Dalstein, he can find some small skills at a glance. This should be a magic that is often used to protect treasures.

. . Wait, magic?

Before Dalstein thought about this detail, the particles had reunited into a human form. Seeing that the eyes that wanted to retrieve Agomoto were fruitless, Dalstein did not escape.

He must get the gem of time, otherwise he will not be able to escape for long even if he runs.

And now, it is the best time to find a way to get back the time gem.

But in the next moment, Dastan froze there.

The person who appeared was not Dr. Manhattan. The red robe, the dark blue dress, was Dr. Strange Strange, the singular doctor, not the blue bald man.

Dalstein was relieved and angered.

No wonder he feels so familiar, no wonder that the smell of magic that appears on the eye of Agomo is the guardian magic that Strange has left on the eye of Agomo.

He used Dr. Manhattan’s atomic control ability to combine with his own magic to produce a new kind of magic. In addition to being triggered when gathering energy, it will also condense Strange itself, all of which are The ghost that Ranch is doing! Almost instantaneously, Dastan wanted to understand the causes and consequences.

Although I don’t know the specific mechanism of the trigger, how the eye of Agomoto distinguishes the target, and what existence this Strange belongs to in front of him, all this does not hinder Dastan’s anger.

Dr. Manhattan. . He is indeed not an opponent.

But if there is only one Strange, don't try to stop him!

When he thought that he was so frightened by mistakenly thinking of this magic as a precursor to the emergence of Dr. Manhattan, or even intending to leave here first, Dastan's heart rose involuntarily.

Knowing that this Strange could not be true in front of him, it was not a phantom or a doppelganger, but he couldn't help but want to vent.

"Look! Look at your ugly face. You've been cheated." And when Strange's particle reorganization was completed, he also flicked his hands for the first time and pointed at Dalstein, seeming not to laugh. Aloud.

Obviously, he knew Dastan, and he knew what Dastan would think when facing Dr. Manhattan. He purposely made such an appearance, and he wanted this effect.

"I... to tear you apart!"

Dustan uttered a roar of undead humans, his figure swelled instantly, his appearance appeared irregularly distorted, and the entire body followed to deform.

"...Oh!" Strange waved, teasing like an old friend meeting, "Don't be so angry."

Seeing that Dastan intends to unfold the appearance of the outward appearance in the city, it is clearly impossible for Strange to let him do this. No matter whether he is a projection or an avatar, his essence is just and will not let human innocent The city was destroyed.

He folded his hands together and rubbed them slightly, as if drawing a circle, with a bizarre beauty to the sides, and suddenly, the whole world appeared like a kaleidoscope with countless double shadows, and also Dastan has become very huge, like a deformity A strange, spider-like figure was buried in it.

Rip under the ruins had struggled to crawl out. The last scene he saw was when Strange opened the mirror world's enchantment. He opened his mouth, spit out a few words to himself silently, and then pointed Refers to the eye of Agomo on the ground, and finally jumped into the mirror world.

Although Rip didn't hear the sound, he was still able to read his meaning from Strange's mouth shape.

"Go! I won't be able to hold it for long..."

Rip didn’t dare to stay too much, whether he was mentally or physically weak. He stood up against the bleeding wound, grabbed the eye of Agomo on the ground in his hand, and then stumbled towards A player who fell into the ruins recently.

Whether it's Atomic Man or Fire Storm, as long as you wake up and take other people away quickly, there will be no problem.

. . .

Thousands of kilometers away, an underground layer of soil in New York, where the sewers and subway intersect, and the space between the ground and the top of the subway tunnel, the unknown darkness is lightly sleeping.

Neither the crowds waiting in the subway station below, nor the citizens who are flowing in and out from above, do not know their side, lurking a monster hiding in the dark.

In the dark darkness, there seemed to be a human figure surrounded by a large shadow, and as it seemed to breathe together, the darkness was slightly undulating.

Just as Strange appeared through magic, something seemed to awaken in the darkness.

As if he was aware of the existence of magic, it slammed and the ups and downs stopped.

Probably after a moment of careful identification, the darkness violently twitched, and it looked in one direction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quickly rushed out, almost a blink of an hour, it had left for dozens of meters.

It moves freely in the soil, and there is no vibration caused by the soil at all. There is no abnormality in the place where it passes, and naturally no one will notice its existence.

And the direction it is heading is exactly where Rip and the Magic Girl are.

. . .

The police surrounding the war zone have long been prepared. Although the sudden large-scale explosion made them disgraced and dusty, they did not disturb them.

Although the scope of the explosion is large, the power is not very strong. The main blows are concentrated on a few points, and they are all in the center, and they have not spread out.

In fact, the policemen are probably in a much better state than the guys who have eaten the refraction of attacks like Rip and the Magic Woman.

Seeing that the smoke had dispersed slightly, the center of the surrounding area hadn't heard anything for a long time. The FBI who took over here temporarily waved his hand forward. Suddenly, the policemen around the outside began to move forward slowly, gradually narrowing their encirclement .

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