High Magic Earth

Chapter 1071: time


With a loud noise, the entire Twin Towers collapsed. The sky and gravel walls and the contents of the building had solidified in the air before they fell, and turned into pieces like red coral sculptures.

The surface of the sculpture is like rust, with a disturbing reddish brown color. They have enveloped the entire ground, and then extended out, assimilating everything within reach and corroding to their kind.

Pieces of cracked buildings that fell from the air before they landed, had been stuck in the air by coral tentacles spreading in all directions.

The reddish brown quickly spread, dyeing the broken stairs to the same color, and then solidified in the air.

All this stagnation seems to be stuck in this picture forever.


There was another loud noise, a giant monster resembling a spider throwing the fluffy gravel claws on the coral, smashing the coral directly.

"Strange, where else can you hide!"

Dastan screamed loudly, waving its body and limbs made of gravel, leveling everything and everything underneath, and then at the next moment, the little black spot representing Strange could only helplessly come out, and then quickly escaped .

Looking at Strange, who was galloping away, Dustin snorted, and then walked with a huge body and eight sharp and gritty legs made of gravel.

Wherever it went, everything was directly crushed by its huge body, and then turned mercilessly into a reddish-brown coral.

As it chased past, it left a red road directly along the way.

But in the next moment, Dalstein found out that he had started turning around again.

The road beneath it extends indefinitely, like a mirror that can't see the head. As it progresses, the faster it spreads, the faster the ground extends.

Ghost tricks mirroring magic.


Dustan yelled angrily.

Just in front of Dalstein, a distant place, Strange was floating in the air, scarlet cloak hunted behind his back, he wiped the non-existent sweat, smiled at Dalstein.

"Destroy is always easier than creation, right."

He condensed his mind once again, waving his hands slightly, then quickly spreading to both sides.

In an instant, the entire world seemed to be refreshed.

Countless buildings are twisted and turned to the middle, or turned upside down and stacked, they come from all directions, the layered ghost images are like countless, from a distance, it seems that the entire reality has become a huge Kaleidoscope.

These buildings and the sky and the earth are the things in the kaleidoscope.

Soon, the reversal between heaven and earth ended, and everything around it became brand new again. Large, corroded red corals no longer existed, and the twin towers that had been crushed by Dalstein re-established.

It seems that it needs to be destroyed again.

Dastan and Strange are also old rivals. As a time assassin, Dastan also listed Strange as the main target of the assassination.

Unfortunately, it failed.

Strange, who holds the Eye of Agomoto, is particularly sensitive to time. He can perceive the arrival of a time traveler, smell the unusual fluctuations in time and space, and even at certain times, he can see ahead of time The danger of coming.

This is obviously intolerable to an assassin.

Admittedly, Dustan is not Strange's opponent. Although he is immune to the ability to control time, even if he does not use the eye of Agomo, Strange is still a powerful magician.

But after Dastan unfolded the appearance of the external appearance god, Strange was no longer his opponent.

Its destructiveness is too strong, and all are indiscriminate attacks. In the city, it is inevitable that some of Strange can't let go, even if he leaves the city, Strange also lacks effective means of attack.

The appearance of the **** is strong and defensive is a well-known thing for all superheroes. Dastan is also very destructive. Stranger is also seriously injured if he does not die next time, but his attack is difficult to cause to Dastan. hurt.

This is obviously not fair.

Just like now.

However, as an old opponent of Dalstein, Strange also knows that he cannot win it, but trapping the opponent is not a problem at all.

And in the mirrored world, it is not so easy for Dastan to catch Strange.

Unfortunately. . His avatar has limited time. When the energy is exhausted, it will naturally disappear. The original energy will not last long. Restarting the mirror world needs energy, which is even worse.

After reopening the mirror world, Strange turned and rushed into the corner of a room, then slowly propped up the barbecue.

Anyway, he doesn't need to defeat Dastan, as long as he drags him off, then play hide and seek first.

This mirrored world has been reset by him. It is a magic specifically for time creatures, because the most difficult thing for these time creatures is that they can jump time on a small scale.

Even if Strange was here to fight Dastan for 300 rounds, he fought for ten hours at a stretch, but when the battle ended, maybe Dastan jumped back.

Ten hours of white beating.

Therefore, the time in this mirrored world is reversed. If Dastan shortens the battle between the two from one hour to one minute, the real-world time will multiply.

If Dastan does not have time to jump, then the time will be shortened exponentially after an hour of fighting between the two.

But even if it is shortened by multiples, the final time is still much longer than a minute.

So anyway, what Strange needs to do is to procrastinately delay time.

The longer the better.

Then at the next moment, a sharp spider's leg pierced straight into Strange's back and emerged through his chest. At the moment of the spread of blood, half of the barbecue roasted in his hand also fell.

"Got you."

Immediately after, Dastan's body tore the building that Strange was hiding, and it seemed to destroy a gap, and coldly leaned down from above.

Strange frowned tightly. Obviously, the severe pain in the wound was unbearable, but. . No need to endure too long.

Because it seemed as if it was a blink of time, Strange suddenly changed positions with Dalstein. He floated quietly in the air, and Dalstein was still far away, below Strange, the one he hid before The room is still intact.

In the distance, Dasi suddenly stopped, seeming to be silent for half a second.

Then he turned his head and walked through most of New York to find the very humble Strange standing on the top of the low-rise bungalow.

"You have established a time cycle again," Dalstein said. "How is it possible that the gem of time is not in your hands."

"Don't forget how I appeared." Strange said, shaking his numb hands, sincerely.

Before Dastan raided himself, it was obviously that he temporarily broke the time barrier, saw the future situation, and then found his place, a fatal blow.

But unfortunately, even if he does not have the Eye of Agomomoto, but the essence of his avatar is composed of the time energy of the Eye of Agomomoto and the captain of the atom and his magic, he can still control the time.

Seeing death approaching, he immediately reversed everything.

Dastan and Strange are both guys whose memories are not affected by time. Whatever happened before, they will not forget even if the time is changed again, so there is no time difference when talking.

Strange is not wondering why Dalstein would walk through most of New York to see himself on the roof. After all, this has been experienced once.

Dalstein was silent for a second, and he forgot that Strange was originally created by some kind of magic pinned on the eye of Agomo.

He even asked such a low-level wrong question.

While Dastan was silent, Strange was not idle. He crossed the kilometer again, and once again entered a room and hid again.

Not the last hiding place, but I am afraid that Dalstein will still find it.

But what can I do if I don't hide it? Strange can't beat Dastan again, and has to delay the time, so I can keep hiding.

Although it has been found before, peekaboo still has to continue. The mirror world is Strange's territory. He is very familiar with it. Even if Dastan wants to find himself, it may take a little time.

While restoring the grill, Strange felt a little relaxed.

But at the next moment, a sharp spider claw pierced his chest again.

The building behind was torn apart, and the huge shadow of Dalstein's body loomed over Strange, everything resembled the previous situation.

"No," Strange complained coughing blood, "Come again...?"

"Of course." But this time, Dastan didn't say to find you anymore, but instead entrenched above Strange, responding indifferently and indifferently.

After he finished speaking, he stared coldly at Strange, but did not continue to expand the wound.

After all, for the enemies who can control the time, the escape before death is probably their best thing.

But Strange didn't dare to be too arrogant. In the face of Dastan, who can also control the time, he rarely had a mouthful, but quickly restarted the time, once again standing on the top of the low-rise bungalow.

"Stranger! Your energy will not last long!"

Dastan snarled back in the distance.

In theory, it is not affected by time control, but here is the mirror world, and it is not the time that affects it, but the mirror world itself.

Upon hearing Stan's roar, Strange whispered slightly, "Relax, I can spend all day with you." He said calmly.

Dustan is right, he doesn't have much energy.

Whether it is to support his own existence, or to mirror the world, and restart time requires energy support, the eye of Agomomoto is taken by Rip, and he may not exist for a long time without the time gem.

But again, the other party needs time and energy.

Strange knows that Dastan's energy for controlling time comes from his dagger, which contains something called Sand of Time.

Although it is called the sand of time, it is also time energy. There is no difference and it can be supplemented by itself, but it is very slow. Dastan locks himself in the mirror world, and then suddenly appears behind him and needs energy to support him.

I don't have much energy, so does the other party.

But do it yourself. . Anyway, it just delays the other party here.

Ignoring Dastan's roar, Strange's figure escaped again, hiding again.

. . .

Mirror the outside of the world.

This world, New York.

Although Rip faced Da Stan directly and was the closest to him, because Da Stan controlled the time, the previous damage came from the attack of Atom and others, so Rip's attack power was slightly weaker, and the injury was the lightest. of.

Probably only the outburst of the gray head and face washed by him, and the psychological shadow damage caused by Daztan may be greater.

At this time, he was struggling to drag Atom Man out of the ruins. Among these people, only Atom Man had a higher combat effectiveness. He who had a steel armor was at least far more powerful than humans in terms of strength, so that it was more convenient to save others.

Of course, there is a fire storm, but as the name implies, like a burning flame and torch, Rip dare not touch this high temperature with his hands.

While removing the rubble from the ruins, Rip heard a murmur of sound in all directions. He moved slightly, and immediately knew that it was the people of this world's human government who came up.

He has no good feelings for human government, but also no bad feelings.

Most of the time he will not have any contact with the government, this is to ensure the accuracy of the time, of course, more often these guys are behind.

For example now.

When they encounter an incomprehensible and uncontrolled existence, they always want to hold them in their hands for the first time. Sometimes they often cause trouble to the time masters, but instead let go of their real enemies.

Rip's hand speeded up, and soon Lei's head was exposed.

"Wake up, wake up!" Rip tapped Lei's helmet mask with his finger.

Although Atomet's suit is not as powerful as Iron Man, since it can support human body flight and combat, it must be very good in terms of earthquake resistance and anti-strike ability, otherwise it may not be able to sustain it.

Dastan controlled the time, and it was Ray’s own attack that rebounded back. Although he was buried in the ruins, it was only a strong shock, and he stunned him. www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ray There was no substantial harm.

At Rip's call, Lei quickly woke up.

Ray opened his eyes, and Rip also breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise he was expected to remove the gravel and rescue everyone, even if there was no policeman and unknown demon girl around, Ripple was exhausted.

"Come out quickly." Rip said to Ray, "We need to leave here."

Ray also knew that the place should not stay for a long time, the power of the armor restarted, and then he planned to rush out of the ruins, and then the movement of the mine stopped there in the next second.

"What?" Rip asked anxiously.

"My legs are stuck." Lei frowned. "The power of the legs can't lift these stones."

Lei's suit is much worse than Iron Man's, especially since he has just developed it. At least Stark's suit will not get stuck in the stone until the energy is exhausted.

But Lei's suit. . It is also different from Iron Man's armor.

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