High Magic Earth

Chapter 1072: situation

The focus of the two armor is not the same. With the combination of armor and Jarvis, it is possible to make Steck into the first-line superhero sequence. In addition to Stark’s outstanding brain, the armor is naturally the most not to be ignored. factor.

In terms of firepower and defense, Iron Man's suit is already the best individual weapon in the world, plus a small energy source that no one can make except Steka.

Although the rest of the energy may also be able to drive the artificial armor, I am afraid that both the performance and firepower are far lower than Stark's suit.

Coupled with Stark's smart head can always be updated without the battle armor, he can always stay in the forefront of individual weapons.

Of course, Stark himself did not consider this a weapon.

Atom Man Ray Palmer's suit is obviously different.

The first is the issue of energy. Although various black technologies are emerging in these two worlds, it is very simple in their eyes to create something that cannot be done in the present world, which can be a single-action single-armor armor.

But Ray's suit energy is still much worse than Stark's.

The energy as a substitute can't output energy on a large scale like the Stark suit, so Thunder's suit does not have high-power weapons, and the endurance is also very poor.

This is an unavoidable thing. The appearance of individual armor is very similar, so since the energy is poor, you must make some sacrifices elsewhere.

Of course, Thunder can also increase the volume of armor, but in that way, it is not consistent with the definition and original intention of individual armor.

The characteristic of his suit is not the strong firepower, but the special alloy used to make it, dwarf star alloy, plus Lei's own technology, so that the atomic suit can become larger and smaller.

More like the ability of Ant-Man.

Therefore, his armor is not so much a weapon, it is better to protect and defend the body of thunder, as well as a carrier built by dwarf alloy bearing atomic scaling ability.

The appearance of the armor is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Therefore, it is not impossible for him to be stuck under the rubble. After all, his suit itself does not have such a strong motivation to rush out of the ruins.

But Rip apparently wasn't as panic as Thunder. Looking at some helpless Thunder, Rip shook his head secretly. These people were really too far away from the future superheroes.

He reached out to grab Lei's helmet and said slowly, "Did you forget your codename?"


Lei was stunned, but then he remembered, "...Atom Man, yes, I am Atom Man."

Although Rip was a little speechless about Lei claiming to be Atom Man, the other side also realized what he meant.

The next moment, Lei disappeared without a trace before Rip's eyes.

Suddenly, the missing piece of ruins immediately banged, and the gravel pressed down again, sending a slight sway, filling the place where the thunder disappeared instantly, even slightly tilting the surface with the ruins.

Then immediately, Ray appeared next to Rip.

He did not disappear, but became smaller.

This is the origin of his atomic man code name.

Thunder's suit can be made smaller and larger at will, and maintains its original strength and anti-strike ability, which is almost the same as the ability of Ant-Man.

But he did not use Pim particles, but dwarf alloys.

"Go and save others," Rip said immediately. "We don't have much time."

Even if Lei also heard the voice of the police looming around them, they were expanding the search range, looking for these starters.

In fact, there is no need for Ray and Rip to look for it with all his heart. Although they are all second-line heroes, they are superheroes after all. Before the explosion, they were reminded by Rip. Basically, most people Have avoided the past.

Snart, Mick, and Sarah were the first to avoid the attack, because they are ordinary people, and this impact will be seriously injured until they die, so they run the fastest, and they have climbed out of the ruins at this time. .

As for the fire storm, although it was suppressed, it had already rushed out. Such a large target was immediately discovered by the police. Not long after, these people heard the whine of the surrounding police.

Fortunately, although the appearance of the fire storm is terrifying, it is conscious, and will not start with these ordinary people's police.

"Okay." Rip said frowning. "We should leave here first."

He did not see the two women, the Magic Woman and the Spirit Butterfly. Although he did not know the two of them, he still remembered the culprit that caused this series of confusion.

Of course, even if there are no two people, the strange guy who appeared afterwards may have stared at himself for a long time, but this cannot deny the fact that the two people are indeed the first to do it.

Although I don’t know where they are, it’s not a good idea to stay here.

Rip instructed Ray to find a way to take the three of Snart away. Rip had the eye of Agomo, and it was very simple to avoid some ordinary policemen.

Thunder nodded, and then left the ground instantly, leaping into the air, and then the next moment.


The huge black shadow rose into the air, and immediately rushed from the ground, carrying a large piece of mud and debris, and together with the black shadow, the thunder was enveloped in it.


With a loud bang, Lei was smashed into the ground and disappeared into the dust.

Rip was startled, he flashed sideways, and by the time this was over, he could no longer see Lei's figure, and he didn't even see what even hit him.

This series of things happened too quickly, almost in the blink of an eye.

"Ray!" Rip called.

Similarly, what happened here also attracted the attention of other people, whether they were the police or Sarah, who were shocked and moved closer to this place.

They were close to each other.

In the distance, the spirit butterfly and the magic-shaped girl stood in a well-built building. They hid behind the window and watched the situation below quietly.

"Don't grab that thing?" Lingdie asked coldly.

"Something still has to be given priority." The magical woman seemed to be thinking. "But Eric just told me that even if the thing is not robbed, it cannot be robbed by others."

"So our real enemy is that guy?" Lingdie responded quickly, and immediately understood the hidden meaning of Eric's command.

The guy whom the two knew was naturally Dastan with a Central Asian face.

"Let's go down and help them," said the magic-shaped girl. "Let them leave here quickly. Eric said it was not Strange's real body, and he couldn't drag the guy for long."

"Once he is out of trouble, we are not opponents."

"Hum..." Lingdie made a cold nasal sound, obviously not very convinced, and she didn't quite understand what it meant when Strange was not the real body, but the mutant's ability was strange, and the other party was a magician, It is not strange to have more bizarre abilities.

"The task is the most important." Seemingly seeing the idea of ​​Lingdie, the demon-shaped woman said lightly.

Lingdie still knew the whole thing, her emotions were quickly converged, as if the previous fluctuations were just an instant illusion, and then she grabbed the magic-shaped girl, and the two appeared silently behind a police officer.

. . .

Rip didn’t know what had struck the thunder. Similarly, the thunder struck by the shadow was a bit dazed. He felt a wave of pain entwining himself. This unprovoked pain seemed to be impossible to find. The source, but instantly occupied his entire body.

Pain, pain, unbearable pain.

Lei couldn't scream, and didn't know what he should do. The pain deprived him of his reason in an instant, but the pain came and went quickly. The next moment, it broke away from his body.

And Lei Neng could feel that it was going towards Rip.

Rip in the distance could see clearly. When the shadow was clear of the thunder, the overflowing energy of Agomoto's eyes quickly began to turn, slowing everything around him.

This made him see clearly. He saw Snatt and Mick and Sarah fighting against each other, guarding the surrounding situation, the fire storm was still in the sky, and the special police on the ground also pulled the bolts, Use hostile eyes to scan everything that might appear, including those of them.

Farther away, it was the two women who caused the culprit, who were quickly approaching a policeman.

Rip's expression dimmed, but he didn't care about these two people at this time. It was the most important thing to face the unknown attack from him.

With the help of Agomoto Eye, Rip saw the dark shadow in front of him.

It was a ball. . The real darkness is like seaweed that creeps together. Sometimes it is sticky and solid, and sometimes it is thin and light like gravel. It has no fixed shape, just like a mass of polymer, crawling on the ground in a creeping or rolling manner. Come on, come towards yourself quickly.

Rip does not recognize this product from the magic world, but it does not look like something wonderful.

Silent beast.

The one Dashtan met first hadn't gone far, and it was attracted by the strong magical breath emanating from the eye of Agomo.

Time instruments, no matter in which world, are very precious magic props.

Rippe quickly guessed that this was something that was attracted to the eyes of Agomo, but again, this was also an opportunity to escape here.

Taking advantage of the time left by Agomo's Eye, Rip quickly dragged the thunder out of the dirt. He took the thunder slightly in the direction of Sarah and then quickly ran away in the opposite direction.

At the next moment, time returned to normal, and at the same time, Lei and Rip had already exchanged the position seemingly before the principle.

Lei was a little stunned, and he understood Rip's meaning. His figure quickly became smaller, and when he rushed to the three, he quickly became larger and returned to his original shape. Then he grabbed Sarah and dragged the two of Mick into the air.

On the side of Rip, he is facing the pursuit of the silent beast.

But if it is just a silent beast, although its destructive power is very strong, it is still not an opponent of time. The eye of Agomo is held by Rip on the neck, as if showing a trace of disdain, using the ability of time to slow down and stagnate, Rip disappeared in a few moments.

These things probably happened in a few blinks, and even the fire storm had not responded. When he recovered, he found that everyone was gone.

Jefferson complained in his heart, and then another thought in his body, urged by Dr. Stein, the brain of the fire storm, also hurriedly left the scene.

The sudden change in the situation made the special police officers feel a little dazed. The first moment seemed to be like a war again, and the next moment everyone disappeared.

This sudden change made them a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, they only need to obey the order, as long as the person who gave the order still knows what to do, because then they will fine-tune the muzzle, it seems that everyone's eyes are focused on the magic woman and the spirit butterfly Body.

"It doesn't seem to matter to us here." Lingdie whispered beside the magic-shaped girl.

"Then leave quickly."

The magic-shaped girl's answer is very simple. Although she has some regrets for not taking the Agomoto Eye while taking advantage of it, the power of the Agomoto Eye's time control is obvious to all. Only such things can help their mutants.

Seeing the target running away, there is no good way for the magical woman. She is not fast silver, even if it is fast silver, I am afraid that she cannot catch up with the time.

Before these SWATs have yet to start, she has let Lingdie run with her, although this world. . But she still doesn't like ordinary humans.

After all, she has passed through most of the world, almost half of the world, ordinary people have shown obvious rejection and fear of mutants.

When exactly will they be able. .

By the time Fib's special investigation branch issued a new order, Lingdie and the Magical Girl were gone, leaving only the heavily armed special police and a messy neighborhood.

. . .

"This is the latest situation on the Broadway block. As we have seen, the battle is over, but the mystery brought to us by this sudden attack has just begun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the end..."

Yi Xiao sat back on his bed as usual, quietly watching the news on TV.

On the other side of the room, between the two walls, a large group of small yellow people are busy running, the walls correspond to each other, and Yi Chou opened a shadow gate on each wall, a red castle leading to Dream Island, another It leads to the new space he opened up in this world.

It was like the space where Zhenzi and Fujiang were trapped, but this time, it was used to store temporarily sorted materials. These little yellow men were responsible for handling and statistics.

After accumulating several worlds in a row, Yi Chou is obviously gaining a lot. Although he is anxious to find the whereabouts of artificial intelligence, he has no clue about the seth company at this time. It is better to look for clues while taking the opportunity to count the gains. .

He has accumulated a lot of things that have not been completed.

But soon, Yi Chou's rest time was taken up again. When Alimond hurriedly told him to turn on the TV, he had a bad hunch.

What's more, before Alimond came, he felt the unbridled magic of uncontrollably emerged in New York City.

This is the present world, but it is not a sub-world that will be sparsely covered. There will be no other plots involved. Then it is easy to guess where the out-of-control magic comes from. Undoubtedly only the free man in the wizarding world is possible.

But when he calmly watched the news live, he found that things were far from simple.

Rip and his legendary squad, Magic Woman and Phantom Yihuo knew each other naturally. Although he didn't see the Central Asian, he recognized the dark shadow that appeared later.

Silent beast, also from the world of Harry Potter.

because. . Half an hour ago, he finished watching the latest movie about the world, where is the magical animal during the time he entered the Second World. (To be continued...)

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