High Magic Earth

Chapter 1073: clue

The extension of the world. .

Sitting for a long time makes Yi Huo a little uncomfortable, and there seems to be no more valuable things broadcast on TV. The rest are guesses about the identity of these unidentified people.

It seems to be the same in any country. Experts and scholars from all walks of life take turns taking turns in television. It seems that no matter what major they study, which is useful and useless, researchers all over the world have jumped out.

After taking the newly purchased mobile phone on the bedside table, the Internet has already exploded.

Because the incident happened suddenly, many videos and photos were posted on the Internet. With the developed network in the world, interception may not be possible.

Then the TV station rushed to the scene a step faster than the police, and part of the picture at that time was already broadcast.

Covering up has been unintentional, and the police did not cover up the truth too much afterwards, only covering up some of the pictures and data of the casualties, and what they felt was important.

So the characteristic appearance and dress of Ripple and others were also exposed instantly.

Things are making a lot of noise. The number of followers is naturally surging geometrically, and their identities are quickly taken out. After all, Marvel and dc companies on the Internet, whether they are fans or iron fans, are numerous.

Rip Hunt, the time master of the comics world under the DC, Atom Man, Ray Palmer, Fire Storm Jackson, and Stein, etc. .

The only two people that appeared in the Marvel World, the mutants, the Magic Girl and the Spirit Butterfly.

Of course, there is something that all three parties seem to be fighting for, and the quaint green light is shrouded in the quaint eyes like a work of art.

Oh, maybe Rip and they are unilaterally robbed.

It was inferred that it was the latest movie released by Marvel, one of the infinite gems belonging to Dr. Strange in Strange Doctor, the camouflage of the gem of time, the Eye of Agomomoto, which is also a powerful magic weapon in itself.

What's more, after the explosion, it seems to be vaguely seen the figure of Dr. Strange.

I just don't understand why the eye of Agomomoto fell into Rip's hands. This is not at all whether Rip won't **** it, or whether Strange gave it to him.

This completely broke the dimension wall.

Because Strange and Rip belong to two worlds, it is not as simple as the mutants and the Marvel main universe and other parallel universes. Marvel and dc are two completely different universes, and even the tip of the universe controls The identity of the person and God are completely different.

In theory, Strange and Rip will not even know each other's existence forever, let alone meet each other.

But based on the incredible extent of these people's identities, it seems that there is nothing strange. Is it not that people in Marvel World and DC World say hello to each other in advance? Is this even more so than people in the comics world? Is it strange?

Certainly not.

The parallel world does not mean the world of comics. After all, there is a lot of speculation about the parallel world. The creators flashed the scattered information from other worlds, received vague content and pictures, and then expressed them in art forms such as movies and comics. There is also a large number of supporters of this guess.

After all, to put it another way, every author, cartoonist, and director is a creator. It sounds too scary.

It's just that the problem is in the appearance of Ripple and others, which are exactly the same as they played in their movies, Dominique Purcell, Wentworth Miller. .

That's why I thought it was the latest trailer on the Internet.

In addition to the two groups of Rip and the Magic-shaped woman, there is the person Yi Biao pays attention to, a third party, Time Assassin Dastan.

Yi Xiao did not recognize him in the first place, or think of his identity, but his identity was quickly picked up when the discussion on the Internet was in full swing.

Not because of his ability, or dressing, but only by his face.

Although his makeup may be a bit thick, and the patterns in the corners of his eyes are also a bit spicy, he is also a popular male star after all, starring in Jack Gyllenhaal who has broken the mountain.

But in this scuffle, his identity is an earlier movie, Prince Dalstein, Prince of Persia.

The reason why he recognized it by his face is not how handsome he is, but his ability has almost nothing to do with the original movie.

The Blade of Time is an adventure movie. Although there are many magic elements in it, Dastan does not have such a powerful ability.

The ability to control the blade of time freely.

But beyond that, there is no other better and more similar speculation.

I have to say that the power on the Internet is endless. They even analyzed the patterns of Daztan’s eyes. Some people vowed to ensure that this is the logo of the Horus Eye, and even gave a lot of stickers and evidence.

But no one knows what is going on.

"The blade of time, the sand of time..."

Yi Xiao squeezed the phone, just like squeezing a magic wand, his body slipped unconsciously, and then the whole person lay flat on the bed quietly.

He put his hands on his chest and stared at the ceiling in peace.

After a long time, Yi Xuan felt that his body was a little stiff. It seemed that this movement was not suitable for him. His fingers slightly buckled the edge of the bed. Suddenly, with a wave of water twisting, the whole bed became a Comfortable and thick sofa.

Yi Chou, who was trapped by the whole person, felt much better.

He was not very interested in the news of the explosion on the Internet, after all, he knew much more truth.

Even if it is a speculation about Dastan’s identity, Yi Biao does not pay much attention to it, because there is a free man like him who can freely travel through the second world without being known.

Compared with the characters of the aboriginal plots that can be traced and inferred, the most flexible free talents are more difficult to grasp.

The ghost knows what world they have experienced, what hidden secrets there are in that world, and what kind of free man was constructed by chance.

Spreading four or five worlds, I have gained the ability to say what is true. Even if other people are not like themselves, I am afraid they are not as weak as Zhang Junyun and Jamie.

So instead of entangled in these issues, it is better to think about what all this has to do with yourself.

Rip Hunt, Demon Shaper, Dustan, Eye of Agomo, and. . Silent beast.

The appearance of Silent Beast made Yi Chou a little surprised. Although he had just made up for a while, the Harry Potter sub-world in the second world already existed.

However, if there is a plot reference, it's not bad. After all, I don't know when I might encounter it.

But Yi Chou never thought that the plot would come so fast.

And still in this world, this is the point.

If the story of Harry Potter appears in a certain sub-world, Yi Chou will not be surprised, at most it is strange why there are so many Harry Potter worlds.

But if it is this world. .

Yi Xiao hoped that this silent beast was only brought back by some free man. Whether it was out of control, or the wizard who supported it was killed by it or whatever, it was just an accidental coincidence.

But reason tells him that this is not the case.

The Silent Beast does not exist alone. On the way to it, Yi Chou also saw another magical animal, Ye Qi, and after Alimond came back, he also told himself that this city also has its kind, other domesticated Elves exist, and the number is not small.

In addition, Yi Chou itself also felt some other magic fluctuations.

Wizards whose magic power reaches his level cannot be said to have sensed all the sources of magic power within a hundred miles, but some powerful magic powers will still be captured by him when the reaction is intense.

For example, the Eye of Agomo, such as the Silent Beast. .

Obviously, there are more than two of these things in New York City. There are still four or five things that Yi Biao perceives. Without exception, they are definitely in the magical world.

Most importantly, he did not find any other wizards to do the aftermath.

Not to mention the large number of wizards, not even a small amount.

This means that magical creatures are being discovered in large numbers, especially after the magical animals have just been released, I am afraid most people will recognize these things.

It can't be brought by other free people. If it is, with the number of existing magical creatures and the speed of discovery, it has been exposed for a long time. How can it continue to be calm.

So they have only just appeared, but with their current number, full exposure is only a matter of time.

However, Yi Chao is more concerned about the time when they appear. . It seems too coincidental.

It's just like. . Come back with yourself.

A long time ago, Yi Xiao thought that he was just an ordinary person. Although he was mentally disabled, it was a disease, and there were not many disabled people in the world.

Later, he possessed magic, but the free man was not the only one. The magic he could learn could be learned by others. Of course, if he didn't, he would say otherwise.

He understands his abilities and the power he possesses. There is no unknown phenomenon in his body, and there is still no change except that there is no soul.

In general, he is not a special existence. He is very ordinary. Even if he enters the second world, he is just an ordinary free man.

Just like other people in this world,

There are no special exceptions in this world, which is the so-called protagonist aura.

But Yi Xiao now has to doubt that all this really seems to be related to himself, because it is too coincidental.

There are a lot of new human beings. Whether it's Yi Observation's personal observation after returning from Zhang Nunyun or the information they revealed, it indicates that they haven't been discovered yet.

This means that either the traces of the activities of the new humans have been eliminated, or their actions in the present world are constrained.

Thinking of the existence of several unknown organizations, Yi Chou feels that both kinds of speculation are possible.

So, why Ripple appeared suddenly, and no one stopped them, let alone the aftermath, or even exposed them directly to the public.

Once exposed, there is absolutely no possibility of recovery. All the previous hiding is in vain. Is it that the new humans no longer intend to continue to hide, or? . Did not have time.

Just like these magical creatures that suddenly appeared in New York.

There seems to be something strange mixed in.

This idea suddenly appeared in Yi Biao's head, yes, it was like something suddenly came in, but this time it appeared in this world.

Fusion came into a world, and Yi Xiao thought of the information once recorded on the hourglass. Recently, the hourglass did not let him collect the world's energy. It seems that the last two collections have not been fully absorbed.

Now it seems. . Is it absorbed?

So why only merge the world where the magical creature is, and the US Department of Magic has not followed, is it not yet? . It has come, but these wizards have no idea.

Rip and the magical woman. .

They don't belong to the wizard's second world. Even if the world merges, it has nothing to do with them, but it may be related to Rip's own characteristics. After all, he is called the master of time and can travel through time.

But it is a bit far-fetched to explain in this way. There are more people who have traveled through space or time in the movie, but they have not seen anyone who actually traveled into the present world.

The time he appeared and himself. .

Yi Xiao frowned. He thought of a man who was being locked in the grounds of the Red Castle, Vandal Savage, Rip Hunt’s fateful enemy. If Rip had anything to do with himself, it would probably be This person is gone.

and many more. . Yi Chao suddenly felt like he had forgotten something.

Neverland, Vandal Savage, Rip Hunt, Lord of Time, as well. . Ghost of time!

Yi Xiao didn't know much about the ghost of time, but it didn't prevent him from remembering the power of the ghost of time. Even the power of the silver tongue only barely blocked its peeping eyes.

As for where the ghost went in the next time, Yi Chou was completely unclear, but now I think that all of this seems to be inseparable from this guy, and only it is the most suspected.

Perhaps you can ask Miss Shio in this regard, as a racial talent, it should know more.

The magic-shaped girl and the spirit butterfly may be the mutants who stay in this world. They seem not to deal with Rip and they intend to grab his things.

But before that, Yi Chou must first confirm one thing.

Yi Biao stood up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ instantly came to the shadow gate of the wall and stepped in. The little yellow people did not stop because of Yi Biao's actions, but apparently without supervision, they were lazy immediately A lot.

Fortunately, Yi Huo came out after a while. He went around the hourglass of Neverland and found nothing unexpectedly, but there was something changed.

It seems that the mutation in this world, or a certain part of the mutation, is as he guessed.

As for the rest, Yi Chou can't manage that much for the time being. After all, his knowledge of the ghost of time is not very detailed.

Leaving the area of ​​the shadow door, Yi Xiao lowered his head and said to the little yellow man below, "How are things sorted."

Answering him was a gurgling voice, but fortunately Yi Biao could understand clearly. After a while, he motioned the little yellow people to continue and then walked to another shadow portal in person.

This is his temporary warehouse, which has roughly sorted out the previous harvest and placed it in it.

Turning the yellow light ring on the finger slightly, Yi Biao's figure disappeared silently.

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