High Magic Earth

Chapter 1075: Birth

Continuing this, Yi Biao even felt that he should be transferred from a wizard to a writer.

The long whispered reading even made his voice a little jerky, but he licked the corners of his dry mouth, and the revision of the story needs to continue.

I hope that after the emergence of magic intelligence, this situation can be improved, and Yi Chou can only tell himself this way.

Several feather pens are arranged in a row, writing on the corresponding parchment paper. Although Yi Chou only needs to wave his magic wand, it is still very difficult to use.

"...Some similar to the liquid metal robot terminator, but it uses the latest technology of SHIELD. It is not the same as Ultron. It is more like a product of fire source. On the basis of the original magic intelligence, magic gives Gave it a new life..."

Two minutes later, the parchment paper that failed to return again was thrown on the table by Yi Chou. He sighed slightly and then turned his head.

"It seems that we need to waste an afternoon here." He said to Alimond, "I'm hungry to prepare a food."

Although house-elves are good at housework, caring for people also requires long-term running-in to find out the living habits of their masters.

Of all the house-elves, only Alimond took care of Yi Chou, but Rao was so. During the magical research, Yi Chou's irregular work schedule also made him confused.

Alimond froze for a moment, and then nodded. There were no ingredients for him to play. Alimond was going to order a takeout outside.

"Sir." But the next moment, it froze slightly.


Yi Xiao still leaned his head down on the recliner. He heard Alimond's inquiry, but only gave a vague response. Story-making was a time-consuming and laborious task. Even Yi Xiao couldn't help it.

"I'm afraid we don't need to spend an afternoon here..."

Yi Ao immediately understood the meaning of this sentence, and following Alimond's gaze, he turned back suddenly, and several magical intelligences on the table had begun to melt, becoming something like liquid.

The droplet-like liquid slowly flows down the edge of the table, making a ticking sound, and the liquid gathers again on the ground into a small pool, as if there is some kind of gravity attracting them, the liquid is drawn into a line, and then Slowly flow in a certain direction. .


An unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared behind Yi Chou, not Alimond, but a female voice that Yi Chou had never heard of.

But in the first second of her appearance, Yi Xiao had realized what this was.

Or, what is it.

"Do you have a name?" Yi Xiao turned around and looked at the woman standing behind her, with long black hair and brown eyes. Some of them looked like Eurasian faces, although not outstanding, but they looked Very soft.

A magical intelligence, like the existence of Dornting.

"No." She gently shook her head, "You can choose a name for me, or I can choose a name myself."

"Come on your own." Yi Huo hesitated and said.

"That could not be better, in the history of choosing your name." Her voice was still calm, "Lucy, you can call me that."

Yi Xiao fell into a second of silence, and then skipped the question decisively, "How do you know?" He was curious about Lucy's familiarity with his naming history so quickly.

You know, the magic materials he prepared for Lucy haven't come out yet.

"These little guys have records on them." Lucy pointed to the magical intelligence on the table that had almost melted, the liquid fell down the corner of the table, and then flowed to Lucy's feet.

Yi Xiao noticed that after these liquids spread to Lucy's feet, they merged with her shoes, as if they were originally one, very harmonious.

"When I didn't enable these things, they were also recording?" Yi Xiao frowned slightly.

"Yes." Lucy nodded.

Fortunately, these are low-level magical intelligence, and the functions are not complete. When Yi Biao finds them from Oz, they work separately.

But Dornting is obviously different. It should have recorded more things, which gives Yi Yihuo the reason to have to recover it.

The emergence of magic intelligence made Yi Xiao's mood better. He waved his hand, and the discarded parchment on the table disappeared immediately, leaving only the last successful copy.

This parchment was collected by Yihou in a parchment scroll to keep as a backup.

Lucy kept tilting her head to watch Yi Chou's movements silently, and Alimond had quietly left, not knowing whether she was uncomfortable with magical intelligence or preparing food.

It is really strange that house-elves might fear magical intelligence, but if you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing strange about it.

Humans have also shown confusion and fear for the future of artificial intelligence. Domestic elves are just ordinary creatures among magical creatures. If magical creatures and magic intelligence are replaced by humans and artificial intelligence, there is not much difference between the two.

Seemingly feeling Lucy's gaze, Yi Chou turned back, his eyes on Lucy's eyes, and the newborn magical intelligence also showed doubts, and asked Yi Chou silently with puzzled eyes.

"Is there anything in need, sir."

"No." Yi arrogant shook his head. "I mean... Can your expression be more human?"

"Of course." The answer was a perfect smile. It didn't seem to be difficult for Lucy. A light and soft smile appeared on her face. It matched her appearance very well, and it was easy to give birth to. Goodwill.

"The two facial paralysis walking together are indeed too striking, aren't they." She said with a chuckle.

Yi Biao's mouth twitched, and Lucy's level of intelligence had indeed reached the point of being fake, even higher than he expected. Even her expression could not pick out any problems, but this smile seemed a bit. . Familiar with.

"Are you studying the original me?" Yi Huo asked again.

After thinking for a while, Yi Biao finally knew why Lucy's smile looked so familiar, because this was also the expression he often showed when he had no feelings.

Perfect disguise, but unfortunately almost every smile is the same. If you look closely, you will find that they even have the same arc of the corner of the mouth.

Looking at Lucy was like looking at yourself in the mirror, no wonder so familiar.

"No." Lucy still shook her head with a gentle smile. "Our reference templates are the same. They are all good-hearted and polite smiles, but I perform better. Each smile is almost perfect. And can be adjusted according to different situations."

In other words, his smile is not perfect, and he always has the same smirk at all times.

Although Lucy's words came to an abrupt end, Yi Chou could still make up for the contempt that was not spoken in the second half of the sentence. He carefully watched Lucy with his eyes, and Lucy also stared at Yi Chou with innocent eyes, letting He couldn't tell whether she was deliberate or her initial character was natural black.

After a while, Yi Xuan gave up the inquiry. Lucy's ability test for magic intelligence was originally a big project. These small problems need not be rushed.

"Come with me." Yi Xiao waved the things on the table briefly, said to Lucy, and then walked towards the two doors at the end of the room.

Although Lucy's intelligence is high, she still obeyed Yi Biao's orders. After all, Yi Biao has written very clearly in the story. One unreliable magic intelligence is enough. Yi Biao can read the second one without silver tongue. .

The wooden door was opened, and another empty room appeared behind the door. The figures of Yi Chou and Lucy soon disappeared behind the door.


When Alimond reappeared with steaming food, there was only a temporary storage room where no one could see anymore and it scratched his head.

. . .

Miss Emma Roberts is very unhappy.

Because she was enjoying the short vacation that was hard to come by, she was called to New York by her agent, and then arranged an audition for her.

Although she is not a big-name celebrity, she already has a big reputation anyway, do you need to go to auditions so hard every day?

. . Well, she admits that the above are all brain supplements, and there is no short holiday because she is very busy, it is almost a holiday every day, and she must be moldy when she is idle.

There is no small fame. Not only is she not a big-name star, her only fame is also supported by several early movies, and most of them are not protagonists. Now she has fallen to the point of acting in a TV series. Gas danger.

But it was true that the audition was not smooth.

It didn’t go very well today, as if everyone could not get along with her. When I passed Broadway on the audition road, I blocked the car for more than an hour. Not only that, but a black cat that looked dirty. Jumped in from the open car window and almost stepped on her.

Although in the end there was no danger, he hurriedly chased it out, but it also disturbed Miss Emma's already bad mood.

Waiting for the rush to the scene, the audition was all over. Although it was re-arranged to the end, she did not feel that she had much hope.

By the way, she saw the black cat again while waiting at the audition. She was not sure if they were the same, because they all looked silly and stupid.

Miss Emma was angry. She wanted to smash something as soon as she was angry, but what made her even more angry was that there was nothing around her that could smash her.


Just as Miss Emma was lying on the sofa hummingly, watching the TV boringly, and a cat meow suddenly appeared in her ear.

She was a little puzzled, and her eyes continued to look around the screen. Now the news was broadcast. Why was there a cat meow on the TV? She raised her ears and tried to catch the second cry from the TV.

And only when she felt a stuffy thing rubbing her ankle, scaring her to jump up high, and the whole person retracted on the sofa, she realized that the call was not from the TV, and It was in her room.


There was a cat meow under the sofa, and Emma, ​​who had calmed down, leaned down and saw a black cat stretched lazily, curling herself into a ball, where she put her feet before.

Just a black cat.

"Damn it..."

Emma whispered in a low voice. Before realizing what it was, the black cat that suddenly rubbed her ankle did startle her. Until now, her heart was still pounding.

But after seeing that this was just a stupid and weak cat, Miss Emma immediately angered in her heart. It was just that anger started from the heart, and it was evil.

Being shocked is the primary reason. The second reason is that she has seen the black cat three times today. It is impossible for the cat to stick to herself, and she has to see it ten more times.

The black cat's representative is unknown, even if it is quite violent to Miss Emma, ​​not only is there a whisper at this moment.

She could not help but squeezed her fists and squeezed her phalanx, making a creaking noise, and then dropped her bad intentions on the black cat under the sofa.

The black cat who seemed to be sleeping seemed to feel something. His retracted ears moved slightly, looking a little uneasy.

But soon, after measuring the gap between her delicate skin and sharp cat's claws, Miss Emma gave up her intention to use it as a pump.

She is still very good at beating people, as for beating cats. .

So she decided to go to the hotel reception desk. In fact, a lot of her anger came from the hotel. After all, this is a star hotel. How can a stray cat get mixed in, not the Bronx slum.

Glancing at the unconscious black cat again, Miss Emma stomped out of the room on her heels.

But she didn't see it, just after she left, the black cat under the sofa was like thick smoke after burning, turned into a **** mist, and then swirled, disappearing between the floor and the carpet In the gap.

. . .

"How is it possible?! It was here just now!"

Just after Miss Emma angrily caught up with the hotel management, she found that the black cat was no longer there, and even a few people rummaged through the room without even finding a cat hair.

Miss Emma could not help being dumbfounded, and the hotel management felt that it might just be a prank, or the boring vents of the second generation of rich stars.

"Cough, that... Miss Roberts, maybe when you left, you didn't close the door and let it sneak out." A hotel manager said with a smile.

"Impossible!" Miss Emma still did not believe this fact, and she subconsciously retorted, "I used to open it with a room card."

Of course, I also know that it is opened with a room card. The management can't help but feel helpless. He just wants to give Emma a step. After all, his job is to provide comfortable services for the tenants. It is not good for anyone if things are stiff.

Fortunately, although Emma responded a little slower, she wasn’t an idiot. Without any result, she could only say in a sorrow, "Maybe so..."

The manager quickly left the room, and after closing the door, Miss Emma felt more irritable.

"... The chaos on Broadway blocks has been effectively controlled, and we will follow up on the follow-up situation."

Looking at the chaotic picture in the report on TV, Miss Emma felt that today was simply her misfortune. Fortunately, she was not alone.


But at this time, another cat meow appeared directly behind her.

At this time, Miss Emma's cold hair stood up, and cold sweat instantly spread all over her body. This is no longer a simple matter of stray cats mixing into the room. She just turned the room with the management staff just now, and found nothing. A cat meow appears when you close the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a supernatural event!

In a flash, as the future big star, the Black Cat Fright, the Black Cat Murderer of the Horror Hotel, and the Black Curse Cat, this pile of names immediately poured into Emma's head.

The horror scenes on the screen continued to emerge from her memory, and then flashed back and forth, Miss Emma closed her eyes slightly, and then murmured in her mouth, "I didn't hear, I didn't hear, whatever it was, tens of millions Don't find me..."

As she spoke, she moved her steps towards the bed.

No matter what it is, she intends to take her own limited edition bag, and then quickly leave here, big deal she can't stop the hotel.

But the next moment, her body froze.

"Are you talking about me?"

A voice came from behind and suddenly appeared in her ear.

This time, it wasn't the cat's cry.

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