High Magic Earth

Chapter 1076: When Madison met Roberts

Emma felt a cold object resting on her back. The coldness could be felt even through her clothes. She even felt that she was going to be frozen.

"Are you talking about me?"

The voice said again.

It’s a woman’s voice.

This time Miss Emma heard clearly, and besides that, she also felt that the heat exhaled by the other person was spraying on the skin of her back neck. The two were very close, and she was behind her.

But I don’t know if it was too nervous. The icy coldness did not disappear, but became more serious.

But Miss Emma gradually calmed down.

The cold object represents the other party's use of weapons. The most important thing is that the other party is a human being, not something strange.

And as a woman, maybe things are not as bad as she thought.

This is the best news for Miss Emma who thinks she has encountered a supernatural event.

As for the black cats before, I can only think that it was really a coincidence. By the way, let them go to hell.

"Listen..." Miss Emma said in a pitiful manner with her softest voice and her best acting, "Whatever you want, you can say it, Please don't hurt me..."

Calm Miss Emma gave a very sensible answer, after all, crazy fans are ready regardless of the occasion.

But unfortunately, the other party's answer was not wonderful, but let her heart cool.

"Don't hurt you?" The woman behind chuckled lightly. "That's not a coincidence. On the most critical thing, I am afraid the two of us can't reach an agreement."

"Now, turn around."

Emma listened stiffly to each other’s commands, and then turned around step by step. After all, she was just a little actor who had not experienced the big storms. Perhaps she had played relevant plots in the movie, but in reality she has not experienced being hijacked. situation.

It was not easy for her to do this step now, but the previous sentence of the other party made her feel a little overwhelmed again, only to be stiff, and then turned a little bit numb.

Then she saw herself.

Almost exactly like her, the other herself.

Madison Montgomery, the Supreme Witch on the West Coast.

. . .

Seeing yourself is a very wonderful thing. Most people see themselves in the mirror. If they are not twins, I am afraid that few people will have such an experience.

And I have to say that the more familiar things are, the more strange they are. Looking at yourself in the mirror may be a very familiar thing, but for most people, seeing themselves standing in front of them is the first for most people. Times.

This strange strangeness will make people feel uncomfortable. This is the case of Miss Emma. When she saw Madison at first glance, she didn't even make any response, but she was a little stunned.

"You, you..." she stammered.

"I'm not you, rest assured, you are not me." Miss Madison said with a disdainful smile, very contemptuously.

Her wand slipped slightly, pointing from Emma's back to the waist, but she was still held in her hand, and the movement looked like it was holding a dog leash.

However, the next moment, Emma already shouted with excitement, "I still have a sister?!"

. . Why her IQ can be so low, Madison silently self-examined it, but fortunately, she did not bring silly into the movie.

And why not a sister?

Realizing that she also started to be stupid with the other party, Madison decisively paused to continue thinking about this issue, and her wand burst out of a shock. Under the push of an invisible air wave, Emma was instantly pressed into the room behind her. On the single sofa on the side of the wall.


The impact of the sudden stop caused Emma's neck to slam back, making a creak, and she couldn't help but take a breath.

Then she was horrified to see that crystal ice flowers slowly began to form on her wrists and ankles. Handcuffs and shackles like ice sculptures fixed her on this soft single sofa. The ice flowers were combined with the sofa's leather Together, it seems that they are one body, and they can't break away.

And the cold breath constantly stimulated her, and even made her joints tingle. This cold feeling was real, and she saw it with her own eyes. Now she knows where the coldness just came from.

Fear and tears rolled in her eyes, brewing, as if a flash flood was about to erupt.

Reason was attacked a little bit, and fear and fear soon overwhelmed Miss Emma's inner defense, and then she made a move, that is, took a deep breath, raised her head, and opened her red lips.


Scream loudly.

"be quiet."

But Madison's response was obviously faster than her, or she was prepared.

She made a zipper pull on her lips, and Emma's screaming came to an abrupt end, as if the old radio suddenly turned off, swallowing the rest of her voice back into her throat.

It's not unreasonable for Emma Roberts to be called the screaming queen, Madison has long guarded her.

Let her throat let go, not to mention the alarm that triggered the hotel, at least it was okay to spread across the entire floor.

"That's right." Madison's figure suddenly moved forward, throwing a series of afterimages behind him, and instantly crossed the distance of nearly ten meters in the room and came to Emma.

She stepped on the sofa with one foot, grabbed Emma's long blond hair with the other hand, and pressed her head slightly to make her look up at herself, "Don't do unnecessary things, it's not only stupid, it's also very. ."

At this time, even without Madison’s voodoo curse, Miss Emma was speechless, frightened by Madison’s way of moving like a ghost in the ghost film, her eyes were already filled with tears, this time No need to wait, just roll down, even with a snot.

Madison looked at her disgustedly, then shook his hand, condescendingly spit out the remaining two words, "...disgusting."

Then she suddenly retreated and returned to the other side of the wall with a series of afterimages. She fell backward and the whole person leaned against the wall.

Miss Emma was sobbing slightly on the sofa, not knowing whether it was caused by fright, or the reason for her coldness, but the coolness emanating from her ankles and wrists still made her shiver, or even face. Gradually green.

After sobbing for a long time, Miss Emma finally calmed down. During this period, Madison had been watching her calmly on the other side of the room. There may also be embarrassing reasons. She began to gradually calm down.

"When a stupid cat started talking in front of me, I didn't respond so much to you. It's still a human figure standing in front of you." Madison said coldly against the wall, her eyes tight. Staring at Emma, ​​she shone with a bad intention.

Miss Emma did not speak, probably she did not have any suitable words to express her desperate heart at the moment.

It's not as light as I said!

This is more serious than fan hijacking, malicious attacks, and even more terrible than supernatural events. It has risen to the level of supernatural events. Emma thinks that she has not only been frightened, but more importantly, her worldview has been destroyed just moments ago. The mess.

Emma still didn't speak, and Madison looked at her so quietly, each guarding the side of the room, forming a strange silence.

"...That's Atom Man! I saw Atom Man!"

"Magic girl, are there really mutants among us?"

"This is definitely a government conspiracy! They are testing an unknown terrible weapon!"

On the TV hanging on the wall, the picture is constantly flashing. It is all about the news of the battle on the Broadway block. There are replays of the picture, as well as interviews and opinions about witnesses.

The magic woman, atom man, rep hunter, and fire storm, their figures scrolled on the TV screen, as Yi Xiao said, this matter can no longer be covered, all the truth buried It’s only a matter of time before it surfaced.

As the news continued to play, Emma’s attention was gradually shifted to TV, and Madison stared at the screen.

Both of them were watching TV, but Emma watched the TV, then turned her attention to Madison, and then quickly moved back to the screen.

"What do you want to say." Madison asked directly.

At this time, Emma no longer sobbed. She heard Madison’s question and thought for a moment, then looked at her wrist and fixed her on the sofa, and still asked the cold ice handcuffs with cold air. “This is ..what?"

"Magic." Madison's answer was still calm, but if Emma really calmed down at this time, if you listen carefully, you can feel the arrogance mixed in her tone.

Emma asks without hearing Madison's tone, but Madison's answer still makes her feel relieved, confirming something.

"You are Madison." Emma said affirmatively, "Madison Montgomery."

"Not bad." Madison shrugged after hearing Emma finally guess the truth. "Not too stupid."

No matter how incredible it may be, there is no second answer to it. When Madison first appeared, Emma felt surprised. She thought she still had a sister or sister, or she was twins.

But when Madison showed the power of that supernatural scene, Emma’s only inner thought was that she couldn’t understand it.

but. . The news broadcast on TV gave her new inspiration.

If it was before Madison appeared, perhaps after Emma saw the news, she would only take a glance at it, complaining that a Marvel actor could really do something, and then called her agent to ask if she had any Opportunity to sign up to become Marvel's royal actor.

But after Madison appeared, looking at the captain of the atom man frozen on TV, and their almost identical appearance with Hollywood stars and actors, Emma had a new guess.

The characters in the movie come to reality?

This is not a new theme. Even the scripts of some bad movies in early Hollywood are like this. The surviving girl in 2015 also gained a lot of box office, er, but that is the protagonist entering the movie world and defeating The story of a horrific murderer, not the murderer, left the movie world.

In any case, Madison is not an old-fashioned old guy. As a fashion leader, a member of Hollywood, although she is not interested in related scientific theories such as artificial intelligence parallel world, she prefers brand-name clothes and bags, but it is not On behalf of her poor ability to accept.

Almost instantaneously, Emma had guesses about the causes and consequences, and she just froze for a few minutes, exclaiming God in her heart! Then it was quickly accepted.

The next moment, she realized the news value of this matter.

If it is done properly and there is a good script, it can even become a springboard for her career.

Poor Miss Emma may not have realized the importance of this matter to the country and the government. As she said, she only likes fashion magazines and has no interest in scientific journals.

The next step is to guess the identity of the other party, which is not difficult. The other party has the same appearance as himself, that is to say, this is the movie role he has played.

What kind of character can use magic. . Is that magic?

Miss Emma is not sure, but if it is magic, then the identity of the other party can be determined, Madison Montgomery, the young witch in the third season of the American horror story.

"It's weird," Ms Emma muttered. "How come you come to this world, can you help me dissolve these ices? I'm freezing."

Madison felt her eyes jump twice. She hugged her and looked at Emma. This guy was not only an idiot, but he didn't expect to be familiar.

"Your world is strange." Madison ignored Emma and asked her to let go of the ice handcuffs and looked at the TV screen boredly. "In our place, these guys are in comics and cartoons."

"Before this news was broadcast, I thought they were just comics." Emma shrugged, but the cold in the handcuffs stimulated it like a needle stick. "I'm really frozen."

"In this case, let's leave here first." For some reason, Madison was as good as this time. "Yes, I just helped you get the room out."

Well, the reason is clear. She picked up her wand and the tightly closed handcuffs collapsed upwards, and then turned into snowflakes and ice mist to dissipate in the air. "Do you have a house in New York?" she asked.

Emma nodded her head while rubbing her wrists. This is not a killer-based magic. The cold is just to keep the target from losing its power because of the cold. The ice handcuffs dissipate and the cold quickly dissipates. , Emma's wrists and ankles warmed up again.

"Where is the house?" Madison continued.

"Wh... wait, is this a wand in Harry Potter?" Emma asked, screaming at Madison's wand as if she suddenly woke up.

"Of course." Madison looked faintly.

"I remember I was in an American horror story, not a sequel to Harry Potter..." Emma's expression was very interesting.

But Madison did not respond much, but remained indifferent. "Are you sure you have to struggle with this problem?" she said flatly.

"Okay." Emma also felt that she was an idiot looking for science in this unscientific event. She soon gave up and continued to discuss, but she realized another question, "Do you know Harry Potter? I It means, you know the Harry Potter I said, there is another Harry Potter in your world..."

Madison sighed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I read it online. Before I found you, it was not bad. It was really a story of ups and downs, why? I'm a witch, not an idiot like you. Don't forget the script you are carrying. We two worlds are almost the same. Isn't it weird to be online? "

"No, not strange..."

"Now, hurry up and report the address."

Under Madison's toughness, Emma quickly uttered an address, Madison's wand waved again, and the surrounding scene suddenly began to change, and just then, Emma called again.

"Wait, my bag!" She struggled to point to the handbag lying on the bed.

Madison looked back and immediately waved his wand again. The handbag on the bed flew over instantly. "Hermes Birkin Limited Edition, this really can't be dropped."

"You finally did something useful."

The magic continues, and the surrounding situation alternates and changes again, like a fast-forward shot, the two of them instantly leave the hotel screen, and then jump into a new scene.

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