High Magic Earth

Chapter 1077: When Madison met Roberts (2)

Wearing a dome, it looks like a lovely chandelier, a soft and thick comfortable carpet, a red-brown floor and a slightly open door, the surrounding scenes began to become clear.

Madison and Emma's feet felt a soft plush feeling.

"This is your house?" Madison fixed Emma on a chair again, and then said to himself, "It's warmer than I thought."

Emma was trapped again. She struggled twice, unable to get rid of the rope that bound her to the chair. This time she couldn't even make a squeaky voice.

This world is no stranger to Madison, because there is almost no gap between the two worlds except for herself.

The same era, the same place, disappeared, just those things about magic, um. . Maybe, Madison did not forget that she had just seen a Ye Qi flying through the air.

In the original world, she lived in New York for a period of time, that is when she did not know that she was a witch, still cherishing the Hollywood dream.

It is a pity that she is not Roberts in that world, and she is not well-known, no money, no reputation, she can only live in a cheap rental house.

She couldn't talk about that New York, but she didn't have a good impression.

After many years of hard work, although she was already well-known, she still couldn't see hope, and then she chose to leave and set up a small villa for herself.

It is full of simplicity and convenience in small towns and small cities.

Afterwards she became a supreme witch, and the building of the Witch Academy was old, but some were full of mystery and nobleness.

It was completely different from the warmth in front of her.

Bookshelves full of DVDs and fashion magazines, scattered coffee tables with lots of snacks, comfortable pillows and soft sofas that look very comfortable, as well as soft lights in front of the bathroom door.

and many more. . Someone.

The sound in the living room had awakened the people, the bathrooms were pushed away, and a strange man wrapped up in a bath towel and emerged from behind the door.

Ivan Peters.

Emma Roberts's fiance, or former fiance.

"Oh..." Ivan was at a loss when he saw Madison. It should be that Madison was Emma. "I just stayed one night." He explained hurriedly.

"There is a script suitable for me waiting for me to audition. I didn't book a hotel. Anyway, this house is already vacant. I didn't think about you coming back."

Ivan Peters and Madison naturally knew that his relationship with Emma Roberts was written in Emma’s profile.

When I checked Emma's information online, Madison noticed the name. He had been engaged to Emma and then broke up a few years ago.

The two have no contact now, he should be here by accident.

As he said, I didn't expect Madison to appear here too.

The house does not belong to Emma alone. It should have been bought at the time. The two shared it in New York. After the peaceful breakup, the house was naturally vacant. It is between New York and frequent cities. Their agents did not sell it here.

This is ok. . What a coincidence.

Madison narrowed his eyes slightly, a dangerous luster flashed in his eyes.

Ivan Peters is also an actor, which is obviously not surprising, and not only that, he also participated in the third season of the American horror story, which is the world of Madison, her original life.

But because of the arrival of that person, everything was disrupted, and Madison did not encounter this guy.

While looking at Emma’s profile, Madison clicked into Ivan Peters’ profile and saw his performance experience, only to realize that he also played American Horror Story, or that guy in American Horror Story , Turned out to be Emma’s ex-fiance.

I have to say that Madison has no good impression of him.

because. . The plot about him in the movie is not so beautiful.

Although everything has been disrupted and has not really happened, when Madison came to this world and watched the entire TV series, his heart was still very uncomfortable. This feeling became stronger after seeing the real person. .

Seeing Madison staring at himself with a weird gaze, he didn't speak, and Ivan was obviously helpless. He opened his hands and tentatively said, "If I need it, I have no time to book a hotel."

Madison still didn't speak. Ivan shrugged and exhaled, "Okay, I'm leaving now."

"You should leave." Upon hearing this sentence, Madison, who glared at Ivan for a long time, finally slackened slightly, his voice stiffened.

Ivan didn't think she was strange.

As a female violent man with serious violence, Ivan, a tough voice like Emma, ​​was not surprised at all. He didn't care much about Madison's dress. After all, they are actors. Strange makeup and costumes are the most normal thing.

Ivan walked to the second floor with his slippers, but after a few steps, he stopped.

"what is that?"

Behind Madison, leaning against the wall, on the side of the table with vase laptops and figurine dolls, there seems to be a dark shadow on the mahogany high-back chair, and it is still shaking, as if struggling on the high-back chair Looks like.

Curiosity instantly attracted Ivan's attention to the past. He turned sideways slightly, and the direction of the original staircase also reversed. He grabbed the handrail, and at the next moment, he had looked at the back of the table from another angle.

"I thought you were gone." Madison, who had been standing on the spot, finally couldn't help it. She stepped forward and directly stood in front of Ivan, then said coldly.

It's a pity that it's too late. Although she bound Emma's actions and voices before, she didn't restrain her hearing.

Miss Emma heard the conversation between Ivan and Madison. After discovering that Ivan seemed to notice herself, she was twisting her neck desperately.

Just glanced at Ivan.

Although Miss Emma’s position is in the backlight, it is enough. The combination of light and shadow makes her face dark and uncertain, although it is slightly blurred, but her eyes are the window of the soul, which is enough to recognize a person.

Ivan recognized it at a glance.

She is Emma, ​​Emma Roberts.

But Ivan's second reaction was that he felt wrong.

Because if the person sitting in the high-back chair is Emma, ​​who is the Emma standing in front of him?

Under the dim light, Ivan felt that his scalp was tingling, and even felt a blast in an instant. "Uh, I seem to see..." he said with some uncertainty.

He looked closely at Madison's face, both in height and appearance. .

Wait, Madison and Emma have almost the same face, but they are taller, and after careful observation, Ivana found that Madison seemed to have a special temperament, as if it was an arrogant feeling.

It's not ordinary arrogance and toughness, but it's like a natural birth, the nobles look down on the civilians, and even the feeling that the predator spies on the food.

As an actor, Ivan is very concerned about temperament and acting, and is very sensitive. After realizing this problem, he immediately noticed the strangeness of Emma in front of him.

Perhaps she is not. .

Seeing Ivan's movements, Madison also gave up again, and then gave up the block, which was no longer needed. Both the movements and the words of the other party could be seen. He had discovered it.

And the really innocent Miss Emma, ​​the protagonist of the inner activities of the three people, is turning her head and desperately shaking her head at Ivan. Because her mouth is sealed by magic, Miss Emma can only make a squeaky voice, Of course Ivan will not understand.

But this time, Ivan saw clearly.

It was Miss Emma who was tied to the chair with a rope. Ivan looked at Madison standing there, then looked at Miss Emma again, and then looked at Madison.

In a flash, his head almost filled up with more than 30,000 words of emotional drama. Emma Roberts also had a sister or sister who had been separated for many years. The two of them were not happy to meet, sister or sister. Outstanding, it looks like it was educated in a noble family.

She was **** by her sister or sister. It seems that the first meeting between the two was not only unpleasant, but even a bit scary. It may be a matter of inheritance rights. Could this sister or sister who has been separated for many years suddenly learn about herself There is another elder sister, or younger sister, who wants to kill the other party in order to prevent the inheritance right from being separated?

Although not a director, Ivan has also seen many scripts, and his brain is not small, but soon, he was laughed out by his own brain.

From the initial panic to the current relaxation, Ivan also calmed down.

Although Emma's violent tendency is serious, it is essentially different from killing. Ivan did not feel that the matter was so serious.

But he smiled and smiled, his expression gradually getting a bit stiff again.

Madison was still looking at him calmly, with cold eyes in the dark as if watching by fierce beasts, causing Ivan to swallow saliva unconsciously, and Emma didn’t seem like a joke, she looked embarrassed and sweaty. Wet all hair on the forehead and disrupt it.

Whatever the case, after half a second of silence, Ivan realized that he should not stay long.

"I'll leave now." Ivan stepped back and said softly again, "I didn't see anything, nor would I say anything about tonight, is it okay?"

Ivan was a little startled at first, and didn't feel scared, but things were really weird tonight. Under Madison's cold gaze, he began to feel panic.

This fear seemed to spread, and even the darkness around it seemed to deepen a lot, as if to swallow him up.

Ivan instinctively wanted to leave here, even forgetting Emma.

Driven by the spell of fear, fear often quickly occupies the brain and deprives the last sense of reason.

"Of course you can leave," Madison said suddenly. "If you don't tell what you see." She gently pulled out her wand in the cuff.

At this time Emma also stopped struggling, panting and watching Madison's movements, with consternation and fear, but more of it was curiosity, and an expression that finally saw the live version of Harry Potter.

"This thing is also very simple." Ivan also stared at the stick drawn by Madison, and didn't seem to realize what this thing represented. "Even if I don't believe you, I can erase your memory with magic. "

"But... I don't want to do this, not only because it is very troublesome, but also because..."

Ivan seemed to perceive a certain dangerous breath and started to retreat instinctively. His hand touched the escalator next to him, and in the next moment, he could go straight to the second floor.

"..I hate you so much."

This sentence was like igniting a fuse, and the last string broke in Ivan's head. His figure jumped up sharply, and he would run to the second floor, but it was too late.

"Killing Curse!"

In Emma’s staring eyes, the unknown green light was like a black lightning that cut through the night sky, and the shadow reflected on the ground was like a voluptuous dance. Madison waved his wand, accompanied by an ancient spell, the sharp sound of breaking the sky. Emma's pupil flashed through, and immediately came to Ivan's back.


The curse hit him and hit him **** the back.

Ivan seemed to be hit by some kind of heavy object. The whole person seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and his body instantly lost his vitality and became paralyzed.

He collapsed weakly towards the stairs, and then under the influence of gravity, "Boom!" The lifeless body rolled down the stairs, making a series of booming noises.

His eyes widened as if he saw something terrifying, but no one would know what it was, because it had solidified on his face and it was Ivan's last expression.

Emma was there for a while, and she stared straight at Ivan, who had lost her vitality and had some grayish blue faces.

She finally realized what Madison had done. She killed Ivan. Magic not only represented marvelity and beauty, gorgeousness and brilliance, but also death and cruelty, cold and suffocating.

After froze for a few seconds, Emma began to struggle frantically, seeming to squeak what she wanted to say.

But Madison didn't pay attention at all. She stepped forward and came to Ivan's body. With her wand light, she confirmed that Ivan had really died.

Madison didn't have much fear of the dead, because in the original world, there were not many people she killed by hand.

There is no place of absolute peace in the world. This is true of the world of ordinary people, and the same is true of wizards, whether they are prying eyes who are not good for little witches, or conflicts between different groups of wizards, Madison, the supreme witch You cannot be soft-hearted at all times.

Death may not be an effective means, but it is necessary.

Emma seemed to rattle Madison with a squeal, and she disturbed the magic on Emma's mouth impatiently and asked angrily, "What the **** do you want to say~www.wuxiaspot.com~you Kill him!" After realizing she could speak, Emma screamed for the first time. She stared at Madison in disbelief and repeated, "You killed him."

"Yes." Madison's voice was calm and slow, like a tone of singing. "I believe that your eyes haven't gone wrong. I killed him."

"Why?!" Emma asked incredulously.

"Uh." Madison turned his head slightly, thinking while saying, "First he saw something that he shouldn't see, and unfortunately, I hate him more."

"Don't tell me you haven't watched the third season of American Horror Story, it was you."

"You hate him because of this?" Emma exclaimed. "That's just a TV series." She didn't even know how to describe it. "Then, that's just a script written by the screenwriter."

"For you, yes." The turbid light shook over Madison's head, the light and shadow hit her face, half bright and half dim, "But for me." She paused, " That is my world."

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