High Magic Earth

Chapter 1078: When Madison met Roberts (3)

Between the two, it seemed that there was some kind of weird silence. Madison’s death curse took away Ivan’s life and the magical shock that erupted caused the voltage of the entire house to be unstable. The lights in the bedroom and living room Flashing, like the shooting scene of the ghost film in the movie.

Madison lifted his wand and lightly tapped on Ivan's body, and then his body turned into light, as if it was broken into dust by invisible power, just a little, slowly dissipating into the air.

After completing the destruction, Madison put away his wand.

Miss Emma, ​​who was watching her movements all the time, had a slight stiffness in her mouth. She felt that she had been forgotten again. Her blood **** by the rope was completely unblocked, her limbs were numb, and she was very uncomfortable.

Leaning on the wall next to the stairs, Madison looked down at Emma in the dark. "I thought we would have a better meeting. Now it seems that it is not good."

"Maybe I should erase your memory and try again."

"If you let me go directly after clearing my memory, maybe I will be happier." Although the voice was still shaking, Emma still raised objections.

It's a pity that it's useless.

"I don't think there is any good way for us both to appear in front of others at the same time. Do you really want to say that I am your sister? This excuse is too stupid."

"What's more, you are a Hollywood star, I don't like being exposed to the public, it will cause me more trouble."

Emma gradually stopped shaking, and the disappearance of Ivan's body made the place no longer look like a murder scene, which made her nerves relax a little.

Ivan was not so important to her. The former fiancé was a matter of several years ago. The thing that really scared her was that a life passed away in front of her.

Although death is not far away, few people have actually faced it.

This is not as easy as it is said.

"I thought you wanted to be a star." Emma replied in an effort to recall the script at the time, "I remember the script, ah no, in your world, your dream before entering the witch school is to become a star."

Emma's temper is not good, and even some bad and unexpected irritability, but most people are fickle animals, especially in the face of the threat of death.

She rarely began to think about her own words, and she would not talk badly about Madison, because her voice was still shaking, even she could hear it herself.

The character I played came into the real world, which sounded like the beginning of a wonderful life, but now, the wonderful life has become a nightmare.

Seeing that the appearance of the two is almost the same, she hopes that Madison can finally let go of her. Of course, things may not be so bad. . If it was before Ivan died, perhaps Emma would still think so.

Ivan's sudden death shattered Emma's reason.

She finally realized that she was hijacked. Although the people who hijacked her were special, now they are like the relationship between the kidnapper and the hostage. Most importantly, this kidnapper does not mind killing.

Panting, Emma could even imagine in his head how embarrassed he was at this moment.

Madison could feel Emma’s fear, it’s not difficult to understand, if she replaced her wand with a gun and replaced herself with a fierce gangster.

But she needs Emma to calm down.

"I did have a time to want to be a big star." Madison whispered as she tried to relieve Emma's tension with her voice.

"But... you know, the screenwriter may not have set me enough backings as the background, Hollywood is far more dirty than you think."

"I chose to quit because I have a second way."

"Yes, yes..." Emma stammered, her voice no longer shaking as before, "You still have magic."

"Yes, magic." Madison repeated, she drew her wand and slowly rotated it in her hand. "You should know where this thing comes from."

"Harry Potter." Emma replied immediately.

As one of Emma, ​​Miss Roberts is naturally very concerned about Watson, not to mention, she likes the story of Harry Potter very much and grew up watching this book.

Sure enough, Madison did not intend to kill himself here, Emma gradually calmed down and began to keep up with Madison's thinking, "Efmony, American School of Magic." She said.

However, Madison pondered for a while, "I have never heard of Ifamoni, and the US Magic Congress does not exist. I bought it in Diagon Alley, and the ticket is not cheap."

Emma was shocked, where the magical animal was, she saw it as soon as it was released, and the story happened in the United States. There is no doubt that "maybe...just you haven't heard it..." she retorted subconsciously.

But soon shut her mouth, she was afraid to anger Madison again, because her temper seemed to be worse than herself, and the other party would kill.

I have to say that magic killing firearms are simpler and not as **** as firearms. Perhaps it is because of this that Madison has no scruples.

Looking at Madison, who was about the same age as him, Emma had such a thought in her head.

"Impossible." Madison's denial is also very firm. "If it exists, I must have heard, because I am a new generation of witch school's supreme witch, the strongest witch on the West Coast."

"Sorry, they just don't exist. I don't know why the US Magic Congress disappeared."

Emma opened her mouth and her mouth was dumbfounded. She felt that after the movie characters ran into the real world, her three views were once again destroyed and reshaped, because these movie characters can not only come to the real world, but also not follow the script at all. Come.

"Some surprises," Madison said, looking at Emma lightly. "There will be accidents in the plan, not to mention just a script, it is difficult to guarantee that everything is going as expected."

Emma is a little numb at this time. She doesn’t seem to know how Madison is in another world. Maybe she is willing to share with Madison after she is out of danger, but now. . She is still not out of danger.

Slightly breaking away from the rope, still not moving, Emma felt that her limbs were numb and blood vessels were not flowing smoothly.

After pondering for a while, Emma asked again, "How did you come to this world?" She finally asked the question.

Emma was very curious from the beginning, but she didn't ask because she was afraid that Madison would think she wanted to find a way to send her back.

But now, she thinks this is a good entry point, because Madison is the Supreme Witch in another world, and here she has nothing.

Perhaps she wanted to go back, not stay.

There is no Diagon Alley, no magic magic, no her kind, even if there is, it is only her.

Madison leaning against the wall shrugged. "In fact, I don't know how I came here. At first, I didn't even find that I came to another world until you... I was always mistaken for another person. , Your presence made me aware of the anomaly."

Emma heard it with interest, and seemed to really forget her situation at this time.

"I met a fan of you when I was renting. He mentioned the American horror story and the witch rally. Then I searched the Internet, Diagon Alley... Harry Potter World, Balthazar, Merlin descendants... The apprentice of the magician."

"By the way, Dave is even more stupid than in the movie."

"What?" Emma was surprised.

"I just finished all the movies, minecraft, or how do I know the American Magic Congress, where the magical animals are more interesting than I thought."

Emma nodded her head. She should be thankful that the script she received was a story of a modern witch, not a story from the Salem period. Otherwise, a colonial period suddenly came to the modern, and it was magical. How big would it be? Mess.

Not only will she be taken away by fib herself, I'm afraid she doesn't want to run away.

Wait, thinking of this, Emma seems to realize the big picture of things, it seems not only her, but the previous TV broadcasts also broadcast news reports, other people, those Marvel movie super heroes also entered this world.

Now it's a witch and a superhero, what will come next to this world?

But this issue is not what Emma needs to worry about. Naturally, there will be a government to solve it. Just a few minutes later, she will leave it behind. She is more concerned about what Madison should do in front of her.

It was just unexpected that Madison suddenly waved her wand at the next moment, "Slap!" The rope that tied Emma broke off, and she resumed her ability to move again.

"Although I have to tell you the bad news, when I was in this world, you couldn't just appear outside. In other words, you were imprisoned by me, but I didn't want to restrain you."

"After all, in a sense you are exactly the same as me. It is not a comfortable thing to see you suffering."

"But you can't leave here, people outside will not understand why there are two Emma, ​​it's all because of your fame."

Emma rubbed her wrists just a little bit, and when she heard Madison's words, her expression was hard to look again. Listening to what the other person meant, was she planning to shut herself up forever?

"Don't you want to leave this world?" Emma asked.

"Why would I want to leave."

"There is no witch in this world, no magic..."

"No witch means there will be no church, witch hunting, ordinary people's opposition and encirclement, and there will not be so many conflicts between magic, only me, I am the most special."

"And... who tells you that there is no magic in this world, and on the way to you, I seem to have seen some interesting things. Believe me, even if this world was calm before, it will soon be unable to calm down. "

"Aren't we able to appear alternately?" Emma continued to ask. "Actually, my fame is not as big as you think. There won't be so many paparazzi following me."

"No." Madison shook his head. "I don't want to be considered schizophrenic yet."

Emma's brow furrowed. This is indeed bad news, not even worse than death. Although she often stays at home alone, this does not last long. She will still attend some parties and events.

"How long will it take?" she asked again.

"Until I left, or... I found a way to let the two of us appear together." Madison didn't give an accurate answer, only a general direction.

"Now I am going to take a bath." She pointed to the bathroom. "I hope there is enough hot water left."

Then she gave Emma a deep look again, "Don't think about leaving, I will find you again."

After talking about it, she went directly into the bathroom. Even after a few minutes, the shower sounded in the bathroom. I wonder if she was really assured that Emma would not run away, or whether she was really afraid of Emma running away.

Emma was also entangled with the problem. Looking at the covert bathroom door, she swallowed a spit of saliva. Seriously, besides the previous rope and ice, Madison was pretty good to her.

But she really didn't want to be with this lunatic. Although it seemed that Madison treated her well, in the essence, she didn't care about her thoughts at all, and even ignored it completely.

I can't stay here.

After a few minutes of silence, Emma made up her mind. Now the other party can decide for themselves to stay, and later he can decide for his own life and death.

This is too dangerous.

The violent people are all activists. After making up her mind, Emma quietly touched the door. This house was originally chosen by her. Although she hadn’t been to it for a long time, she was still very familiar with it. She even knew how to open the door. There is no noise.

The sound of the shower obscured the last sound of the gate, and under the cover of night, Emma slipped out of the gate quietly, and then quickly ran out along the lawn.

This is the villa area, and you can see other people within a short distance. It is better if she meets the security guard on duty. She can immediately contact someone she is familiar with.

But what Emma didn't realize was that just as she left the door, Madison also came out of the bathroom. The sound of the shower continued, but her body was not dripping.

She silently watched Emma's escape through the window, and then disappeared into the room.

"I said, I will find you, and voila, you haven't even left the lawn of the villa."

While running, Emma suddenly gave a slight shock, she heard Madison's voice, very close to herself, even, as if by her side.

She didn't dare to look back, and there seemed to be a despair in her heart, but at this time, she saw the light, and it suddenly appeared in front of it, it was the light of the car.

It seems that the newly rising sun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is extremely clear in the dark.

Someone, someone who is driving home.

"Stop," Madison continued. "Don't let me move."

Madison's urging and threatening made Emma feel more anxious in her heart. Panic and anxiety prompted her to react instinctively.

"Save me! Hey, save me! Here!"

She shouted loudly, trying to get the attention of the people in the car ahead.

But this is also the most wrong decision.

Madison, who was behind her, stopped silently. She pondered for a moment, then slowly raised her wand. "I'm sorry, I have actually cast a Muggle expulsion spell here, and he won't hear it."

The next moment, an unknown green light flashed over the green lawn again, the low chant of the death curse sounded again, and with a dull thud, Emma's body fell heavily on the ground.

There was no more sound.

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