High Magic Earth

Chapter 1079: sort out

Like a lost doll, Emma's body fell heavily on the soft, dark green lawn carpet.

Under the moonlight, Madison's thin figure slowly swayed to Emma's side. She squatted down like an elf active in the dark. The tulle on her arm covered Emma's head. She pointed her wand at Emma's neck.

She is dead, no doubt.

No strange changes have occurred, it seems that Emma's death is just a common thing, no different from others.

When he first heard about the differences in the world from the taxi driver, Madison thought he was enchanted.

Magic is always weird. It is difficult to imagine a wizard who never knew what effect a spell would turn out in an ancient book hundreds of years ago. Even the wizard himself is unclear.

And as Madison said, as a supreme witch, her situation is not safe at all.

Whether it’s the seemingly quiet witch hunters or the voodoo that has completely disappeared, they are just calm on the surface. Madison can be sure that they are hiding in the dark and want to take a bite or take advantage of their weakness. It is to weaken yourself and take advantage of it.

What's more, because of that incident, the relationship between the West Coast witches and the British magic world has always been bad. The new Minister of the British Ministry of Magic, Miss Granger, almost opposed her everywhere.

If something happens to him, Granger's little **** will definitely be happy to watch.

The witches of the West Coast have been isolated.

Fortunately, for so many years before, the witches had no contact with Britain, another land on the other side of the Atlantic, and had been used to isolation. Moreover, New York, which has Merlin’s successor Dave, could not be disconnected from the British Ministry of Magic.

Of course, she can just let it go. There are always a lot of people who want to be in the position of Supreme Witch. The witch is first a woman, and unfortunately, most women are creatures with strong vanity.

That is, Madison is so powerful that he can suppress the witch from chaos.

With Madison's strength, no one dared to say anything even if she was inappropriate as the Supreme Witch. The new Supreme Witch might not be able to order her, and she would live well everywhere.

But Madison is a proud person, she has her own dignity.

Many people are not optimistic about them, thinking that this long-standing wizard assembly has come to an end, then she has to let these people get their wish.

Madison is growing rapidly in this environment.

But as she kept searching for information at night, Madison gradually discovered that the world seemed to be more than just a strange spell, it seemed. . Is a real world.

So how did you get here.

Madison thought for a long time. She recalled what she did last night in her head, but there was no gain. She didn’t do anything to bring herself into another world. She didn’t find anything strange. thing.

So she gave up, and soon she was immersed in the online world of this world.

As a half-man, Madison before going to know Yi Huo, or even knowing that she is a witch, is also her favorite thing to do online. Witches are no different from ordinary girls, except that they are magical.

Although the two worlds are similar, they are still slightly different. At least, Madison has never seen a movie he played.

She felt that this guy named Emma Roberts would be a breakthrough.

She is another self, a self in this world.

Then Madison watched the plot of the American horror story unsurprisingly. Seriously, if this is the historical track she should have in the world, then it is not a good thing for her.

Madison didn’t know why Yi Huo appeared in his own world, but he didn’t know much about it. There was no mention of Harry Potter in American horror stories. Similarly, there was no mention of the American Witch Rally in Harry Potter, even There is also an American Magic Congress in the United States.

But she had to admit that knowing Yi Xiao was the most important turning point in her life.

Although it has been a long time since I saw you.

I was really curious about which movie this guy would be in. With curiosity about Yi Huo, Madison searched for Yi Huo's name at night. Obviously, she got nothing.

There are no related movies, no related protagonists, and no related novels and comics.

There are two possibilities, either Yi Yao told himself a fake name, or there is no information about Yi Huo in this world, that is, movies and the like, because this is the world in which Yi Huo lives.

Her own world is a TV series, and it is watched in another world. Then, it is very likely that the world she is in now is also a TV series, and then watched by the next world.

But Madison had no more clues, and the inference came to an abrupt end.

She decided to go find Emma.

However, her meeting with Emma was not pleasant, er, or, before seeing the accident of Ivan Peters, the two got along well.

Madison tentatively tested Emma, ​​and small tricks such as the torture curse had an obvious effect on her, and she did not feel it, which meant that Emma had no connection with herself.

So, even if she dies now, she will not die with her.

This also means that Emma may not be the key to her understanding of why she came to this world.

The death of Ivan and Emma is not a trouble. The simplest of Emma is that no one will find her death at all. Most of the information Madison can also be found online, who made Emma a star.

As for Ivan, several confusion spells confuse the police.

With a slight sigh of relief, Madison decided not to urge herself to find the answer to the question, because she felt it would be good to spend more time in this world, or even to stay there.

At least there is not so much danger here.

She has decided to take a good sleep tonight, and then starts to make up all the comics and movies she has not seen.

The cold wind at night passed slightly, making Madison feel cool. The breeze blew up her silk robe and rustled with the surrounding bushes.

Standing up, Madison cleaned up nearby footprints with his wand, and then turned Emma's body into starlight.

"I don't want that either," Madison whispered. "I gave you a choice, but you didn't cooperate again and again and made the most wrong decision... sorry."

Madison didn’t like Ivan’s role in American horror stories. He didn’t like him even with him. For a supreme witch, she hated the most essential way is to cast a death curse. In fact, she also Do it.

But Emma. .

Madison didn't think about the Soul Curse, but then she gave up the idea. The Soul Curse is one of the most terrible black magic but also the most unreliable magic.

The Soul Spell sometimes reveals very large flaws, even without wizards, ordinary people can see it, but in most cases its disguise is still flawless, so its usage rate is still very high.

As Emma's body was cleaned, Madison also stood up. She gathered her wand and turned to walk to the villa.

But the next moment, a severe pain enveloped her, from head to toe, as if to tear her whole person in half, squeezing her constantly.

The severe pain was almost unbearable. Like a torrent of torrents, Que Que swallowed Madison instantly.

"As long as I knew this, she used the Soul Spell, not the Life Spell." This was Madison's last thought before the coma came.

Then there was only darkness in her eyes.

. . .

"You look a little uneasy, sir." Lucy seemed to be a competent bodyguard, following behind Yi Biao's inseparable form.

Since the appearance of Lucy, Alimond has been squeezed out, from being a butler to a miscellaneous being. Fortunately, it is a house-elf, and he is not dissatisfied with this change.

"Is there." Yi Huo asked back, "I don't think you can detect my physical condition?"

"Of course, sir."

"How about my body?"

"All indicators are normal, sir, yes, your blood sugar is a little high, maybe you should put down this small bat cookie in your hand, and in addition, you can't detect the existence of your soul, which is still a big problem." Lucy Wei He tilted his head and watched Yi Huo calmly report data.

"Can you check the soul?" Yi Huo froze slightly.

"Why not." Lucy gave a very good answer.

"The soul can't be detected by routine testing, it needs..."

"But I am not those ordinary scientific machines." Lucy crooked his head again. "I am a magical creature, sir, you should remember this."

Yi Chou nodded and remained silent.

Lucy's appearance was more successful than he thought.

He originally intended to create an intelligence similar to Stark's Jarvis, but it was only magical intelligence. Even if it was a blank piece of paper, he could cultivate it slowly.

However, during the continuous debugging process of Silver Tongue, Yi Xuan found that if he wants to realize it, he must constantly make changes. Its material is convenient, smart, template, and loyal.

Some changes are made on the positive side, and some sacrifice some performance, but this is not determined by Yi Chou, but whether there are signs of the silver tongue, that is, whether the silver tongue succeeds.

When Lucy finally finished, it was like this.

Deviations from Yichao's expectations are large and have shortcomings, but also have advantages.

What Yi Chao wants is a magical intelligence that can control the whole situation. Just like Jarvis, he can sit in the entire base and connect remotely.

But in the end, it was Lucy who appeared. She could not leave Yi Chao too far, because her magic power was provided by Yi Chao. Although she had reserves, she could not sleep for a long time, she would go to sleep and stay in Use magic for the last teleport before sleeping.

No one can see Lucy in the sleeping state, unless she has the same magic source as her, that is, Yi Chou, she can see her entity.

Her material is somewhat like a liquid terminator, but not every drop is an independent CPU, because Lucy is not a mechanical creation at all, she is a magic miracle.

Neither Yi Chou nor Lucy themselves know what this material is, it can only be attributed to the silver tongue.

This is the magic of the silver tongue.

But the good news is that her intelligence is higher than Yi Chao expected, even because of the nature of artificial intelligence, her learning ability and data acquisition speed is unusually fast.

And because of the material, she can also use magic, at least some small magic is no problem, but it is unclear where the upper limit is easy.

A qualified personal assistant can also act as a combatant when necessary.

Fortunately, her loyalty was guaranteed. The only thing that Yi Biao did not modify when she was created was this. Everything else was modified around this.

Yi Xiao mastered certain spells to shut her down, but this was only the last resort, because in theory, she wouldn’t even have a bad idea for Yi Xiao.

Perhaps the shackles of thinking for artificial intelligence can be bypassed by logic, but it is obviously difficult for magic intelligence, because this is magic, and there is no logic at all.

"Sir, this is something you asked me to sort out."

Just as Yi Xao slowly stirred the meditation basin with her wand, Lucy passed a white paper from the side. It seems that she did not inherit the characteristics of Yi Xuan's preference for using parchment.

But Yi Huo froze for a moment, and his movements stopped.

"You haven't read the information I prepared..."

Yi Chao's so-called prepared material is a meditation basin.

As a magical intelligence, Lucy certainly can't enter data in a normal way, maybe it can, but Yi Biao doesn't have those records.

The easiest way is to extract the memory and put it in a meditation basin. If Lucy can digest it, this is undoubtedly much faster than artificial intelligence.

Like Yi Biao's original intention to create Lucy, he needs to make a comprehensive arrangement of the details of the next plan and his own capabilities and items.

But Lucy didn't know what he had, he had sorted it out.

Yi Xiao took the white paper in his hand, and Lucy also walked to the meditation basin.

"You will know if you look at it," she said softly.

Yi Xiao nodded and noticed her movements, and asked, "Do you have a way to do the magic of the meditation basin, or do you also need to watch these memories?"

Lucy didn't answer, but her action of immersing her head in the basin was perfectly explained.

Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Xiao's mouth is slightly drawn.

Then he turned his attention to the blank paper in his hand. He wanted to see what plan Lucy could sort out, and then he saw the only line.

"Comprehensive analysis of silver tongue magic."

Yi Xiao frowned. As his current strongest ability, he had studied the silver tongue more than once. He didn't understand the meaning of Lucy's doing so.

And exactly, Lucy looked up from the meditation basin at this time, the whole process was less than a minute, but Yi Chou didn't pay attention to this issue at this time, but raised his eyes.

"I thought the silver tongue... I already know a lot."

He even began to wonder if Lucy was reliable.

But soon, Lucy's answer dispelled the idea of ​​Yi Chou, "We need to thoroughly understand the silver tongue, because the next series of plans require your cooperation and are also around you. If we don’t even Understand...you should know how serious the unknown situation will be to the magic experiment."

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