High Magic Earth

Chapter 1080: power

"Your enemy is too powerful,"

"I saw those pictures." Lucy pointed gently at the meditation basin, and then pointed to her own head. "If you want to win the final victory, you should now put chips on the victory scale."

But Yi Chou did not fully agree with Lucy's words.

"Powerful?" he asked, "those black creatures that do not dare to touch the sun?"

"Strictly speaking, the devil does not fear the sun, sir."

Lucy the Magic Intelligence retorted meticulously.

"Start with me and end with me. No gods exist except me." Yi Huo said slowly, "Listen, this is like a brainwashed lunatic."

"And humans have defeated something crazier than it. In countless movies, humans can always find a way."

"I didn't see its power, I only saw how it was waiting for death."

"But you said it yourself, it's just a movie, sir." Lucy put the meditation in the hands of Yi Chou and signaled him to close it quickly.

Yi Xiao looked at the meditation basin in his mouth stiffly, but he soon ignored the upper limit of the magic ability of the new intelligent housekeeper. After putting the meditation basin in the shadow, he continued.

"What is my most powerful ability. Those movies may be movies for others, but for me, they are not just a story."

"Don't forget, you are what I created."

The talk involves herself, but Lucy still hasn't changed much. She has a faint look, with a calm smile just right, "Maybe what you said makes sense, but I didn't expect you to have such a reaction."

"You should agree with my point of view, and then make the best and worst plans, not so... confident."

Lucy considered it and used an adjective to describe Yi Chou.

Because the Yi arrogance she sees now seems slightly different from those in the memory of the meditation basin. The Yi arrogance in the memory is silent. Although there are few words but rarely loses his mind, most of the time he will not be determined to sever something. Because his character is very cautious.

Almost never like this now. . The reaction was intense.

Yi Huo was stunned and did not feel his abnormality, "... Everyone will become." He said, "I am still learning, maybe this is progress."

"Well, I recorded it." Lucy said, "So sir, are you ready to cooperate with me to test the upper limit of the silver tongue ability."

"As you said, this ability is crucial."

Although Yi Xiao didn't think it was necessary, no one knew silver tongue better than him, maybe Meggie could, but since Lucy insisted. .

He didn't want to disappoint his smart butler, and Yi Huo wanted to know what Lucy would do.

So without hesitation, Yi Hao nodded after half a second, "Of course, what should I do."

. . .

Yi Chou became more and more curious about Lucy, especially when Alimond obeyed Lucy's orders and honestly held a phantom of a lot of materials found in the large library of the Red Castle.

But when he saw what the information was, he put the curiosity behind him.

"Naruto, are you serious?" Yi Xuan said to Lucy, holding a comic in his hand, and then turned his head to look at Alimond, who hadn't left yet. "How could there be such a thing in the library, I I don’t remember buying it."

"This is indeed in the library, the miscellaneous book area, the third shelf, the seventh floor, maybe you forgot, sir." Alimond immediately lowered his head.

"Well, before I remember how I will kill you, you better disappear before my eyes."

The threat of Yi Biao was immediate, and within a few seconds, Alimond “Papa!” a phantom appeared in front of the two.

Then Yi Xiao continued to point his finger at Lucy. "This is a comic." He shook the book in his hand like shaking a large dandelion. "How can I read it like a story?" ."

"That's your business, sir," Lucy's righteous words made Yi Chou not have a temper, anyway, he had no temper.

Seeing Yi Biao still staying there for a while, Lucy urged, "You are not going to test anymore, just looking at the basic requirements of the silver tongue, the world in the comics has unlimited possibilities, if the silver tongue can Realize, those enemies you are indeed enough to ignore."

Yi Xuan feels that Lucy's initial character is a bit bad, and now he feels that his feeling is more correct.

Well, this is indeed a challenge for the silver tongue.

Yi Xiao did not think of comics, because the second world does not include the comics world. Even if it is, it is also an extension of the movie or TV series, and it is not directly reflected from the comics.

So instinctively, Yi Xuan rejected the comics. Similarly, comics are not words. The silver tongue can only act on words, so Yi Xiao also did not consider it.

Now, this question has been raised by Lucy.

But in fact, Yi Xuan is also very curious about the answer to this question, because, as Lucy said, the size of the comics world is not lower than that of the movie world, and even more so.

So in the next hour or so, Yi Chou was all focused on testing whether the silver tongue could achieve the things in the comics.

. . .

Alimond has brought water for the fourth time for Yi Piao and Lucy. After nearly an hour of continuous reading, Yi Piao almost became dry and thirsty is contagious. As a magical intelligence, Lucy almost Undoubtedly, with ordinary people, she can not only drink water, but even feel thirsty because of thirsty thirst.


Putting down the cup, Alimond carrying the tray disappeared instantly, but Yi Chou still did not make any progress.

After testing the last possibility Lucy thought, Yi Xiao had completed 17 different changes between comics and silver tongue, and he had to regret to get a message.

That is, the system of comics does not seem to be triggered by the silver tongue. It is not text, and even if it is changed to text, it cannot be.

"I don't understand why it is impossible to turn comic stories into text." Yi Huo is also very strange. "The same is all text and stories. The text adapted from comic stories is also text. How is it distinguished?"

It is difficult to trigger the silver tongue for a story that does not meet the requirements. It is undoubted that the silver tongue can not require the story to be exquisite, but at least if it is a story, it is often necessary to constantly modify the sentence.

The comics have a strong story, and the comics that can be published are among the best. The text changed by it is in theory completely in line with the character of the story.

But the silver tongue is still impossible to achieve, Yi Chou is very strange about this.

Can the silver tongue really recognize that it was adapted from a comic?

After writing a full length of seven or eight long stories, Lucy still seemed very relaxed. She sat tightly beside her and seemed to be thinking about the problem.

With the addition of Lucy, this one-hour test can be completed so quickly.

Her writing speed is dozens of times faster than Yihuo, because she does not need to write at all, and even the steps of printing are directly replaced by more concise magic, she can directly project the story onto the paper.

Lucy's thinking speed is fast. These comics have already outlined the outline and details of the story. All she needs is a transplant.

Yi Xiao frowned at the scrap paper in his hand, and at this moment, Lucy suddenly raised his head, "Perhaps the problem is not the story, but the silver tongue."

"What do you mean?" Yi Xuan asked.

"Writing itself is a magical thing." Lucy said slowly, "Whether it is a work in written form, or other artistic structures."

"But when it completes a work, perhaps the text that makes up these works is itself linked to the work."

Yi Xiao frowned slightly. Although Lucy's words seemed a bit jerky, as a well-informed wizard, Yi Xao quickly understood what she meant.

"You mean, spell."

"The text of the story is like a spell. The content and ending of the story is the effect of the spell."

"Exactly, sir." Lucy nodded. "Silver tongue is one of the ways to release the spell, so no matter how the story adapted from the comics is modified, it cannot be realized by the silver tongue, because the story and the text already correspond. ."

"Unless the entire spell is modified, that is, the outline of the story, perhaps the silver tongue can play a role, but also, the ending and effect of the story have changed."

"So when you modified some stories before, no matter how the details changed, the silver tongue could not work. Only a small amount of cheapness can the silver tongue be triggered."

"Because the previous modification can only be regarded as the same spell, it is like the curse is reduced and more cumbersome, and then it is like turning the spell into other effects, although only weakly."

"Like fragmentation and bone crushing are also used to fry things, they are completely different."

I have to say that Lucy seems to have something to say, even Yi Chou is thoughtful.

But Lucy was not satisfied with the content. She paused and continued, "Sir, create a copy of my text, do you still keep it."

There is not much doubt in her tone, and it must be concluded that Yi Chou will not deal with it casually.

"Of course." Yi arrogant nodded.

"Maybe you can try to create another one."

Yi Huo froze for a moment, then asked back, "Do you think it is impossible to succeed?"

Lucy nodded.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Yi Chou did not refuse. He took out the parchment again, and then whispered it again, without surprise. When the recitation was over, no new Lucy appeared.

"Because of magical intelligence." Yi Xiao frowned, "I don't have the intelligence of Oz now."

Many times Yi Xiao does not understand the truth, but he can't think of it in such a comprehensive way. Except for the initial enlightenment of the enlightenment, Yi Xiao has fumbled over it by himself.

His practical ability is absolutely not bad.

But as Yi Chao said, there are more and more clues entangled now, and there are many things he can't take care of, so he needs an intelligence to help him deal with it.

This is the role of Lucy.

"That's it, because of the existence of basic materials, the silver tongue succeeded for the first time, but now it fails."

"This proves that the silver tongue is still the upper limit, rather than truly omnipotent?" Yi Xuan immediately understood the meaning of Lucy.

"Can't this prove it yet, sir."

"I can continue to modify this story." Yi Piaoyang raised the parchment in his hand. "Until it is modified, the story you can create without an intelligent foundation."

"But I can be sure that the magical intelligence in that story is definitely not as intelligent as mine." Lucy said softly.

Yi Chou was silent.

Lucy is right, this is a problem that cannot be circumvented. Otherwise, when he created Lucy, he did not need to waste an afternoon to make changes.

There is still an upper limit for the silver tongue, but this upper limit should be your own imagination. Wherever you imagine, the silver tongue will probably be realized. Of course, a reasonable story should be given.

"If the mantra is likened to the code of a computer, then the mantra is the most basic language, 0 and 1, and the silver tongue is the language that humans can understand, the code of software, and the high-level language."

"If I remember correctly, 0 and 1 are more powerful than high-level languages, and it can modify the essential core of the computer." Since the successive experiments failed, Yi Biao's eyebrows have not been released.

"But 0 and 1 are hard to apply, so spells are always very scarce, jerky to read, and effective. High-level languages ​​are more widely used, like silver tongues, it is almost omnipotent."

Almost omnipotent, and omnipotent, there is still a big gap.

First of all, the silver tongue should be a kind of high-level language, because it can only act on words, not images, or even other art forms.

In addition, the upper limit of the silver tongue is also a big problem. The imagination is the upper limit of the silver tongue. This may sound omnipotent, but it is not the case.

Human imagination is not infinite~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, human imagination is very limited, it can only continue to expand within the scope of human cognition, which is horizontal.

It does not make much difference to modify a little on the basis of the existing imagination and generate new imagination.

The vertical expansion is very slow, because this requires expanding the scope of human cognition, human beings recognize more things, imagination can be more complemented.

It's difficult. Thousands of years, even the civilizational message left by humans in the last era, only allowed humans to reach this point, and the pace of progress was almost slow.

And the last point of the silver tongue is also the most crucial point, that is, it is almost omnipotent, so in other words, most of the time it can do almost nothing, it is very cumbersome to want to succeed.

It's like Yi Chou constantly revising a story.

Yi Xiao thought of the magic book method to simplify the steps of the silver tongue, which is very good, but it seems not enough.

"So the next step." Lucy continued, "What we need to do is to bind omnipotence and let it exert its maximum power under limited circumstances."

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