High Magic Earth

Chapter 1081: Armed

"It sounds a very stupid proposal." Yi Chou said unkindly.

"I already have the power of similar gods, why should I put shackles on myself, I don't need to care about the worldly eyes and ordinary people's views, nor do I need to restrain myself from hurting the so-called innocent, and no one can force me , I'm in charge here."

"So tell me why I should do this."

If it was not Yi Biao who believed in Lucy, he even suspected that he had made a false magic intelligence, not to mention, even if Lucy betrayed herself like Dornting, she would not be exposed in such a low-level way.

Yi Xiao believes in Lucy, but he also knows that he has no demeanor, so he still has a certain vigilance against Lucy. It is less than a day since Lucy was born. What power does Yi Xuan even have for her? Don't understand.

Moreover, things like intelligence have been arguing endlessly in their early days.

They are different from human beings. Like any other non-human race, there has never been a possibility of peace, but most other non-human races are not powerful, and only intelligence can directly threaten humans. This is the most essential, and it is also The most intuitive difference.

I believe this debate will not stop in the future.

Until one party perishes.

When creating Lucy, Yi Xiao wrote a lot of things on the paper. They were all realized by the silver tongue, and then gathered on Lucy.

There are a lot of movies and books about artificial intelligence. When he studied Dornting, Yi Chao also involved them, which gave him reference and inspiration.

The T-1000 liquid metal robot in the Terminator movie, so Lucy has the same flowing nature, but it is not liquid metal that constitutes Lucy, but an unknown magic component.

This is Lucy's most basic material. The remaining three pieces of low-level magic intelligence in Oz serve as the core of Lucy and build Lucy's core framework.

But Lucy apparently has evolved significantly on the three low-level intelligences. Her remaining abilities were taken from other different intelligent settings.

Not only perfect, but also have their own strengths.

Jarvis' operation mode and working attitude, Hou Hou's calculation and intelligence, and even the monitoring ability of the machine God.

Yi Xuan's initial consideration was to make Lucy as a template for magic. After all, Zhenjin is far more expensive than conventional liquid metals, and it is also very hard. It is difficult to realize the story.

It may be possible, but it needs to be modified many times, and even the modification in other places is nothing but drastically reduced before it can be achieved.

But that no longer makes sense.

In addition, the most cumbersome setting of Yihuo is Lucy's loyalty. Once the Dornting incident happened, it is not necessary to have a second time.

After the artificial intelligence in the movie was created, it seemed that he had to betray its owner once. Yi Chou also specifically wrote down this problem, and then he encountered it himself.

But if this kind of thing happens repeatedly, there will be some. .

In the early days of Lucy's creation, in addition to using logic locks to control loyalty, Yi Huo's biggest reliance was magic. Magic intelligence has the conditions that artificial intelligence does not have, magic.

And this is what Yi Chao is best at.

He believed in Lucy, it is better to say that he believed that his means were still effective temporarily.

Faced with the irresponsible question, Lucy was not surprised, and even seemed a bit breezy. She took the bat cookies prepared by Alimond for them from the table next to it, and gently put it into her mouth. , Swallowed without chewing.

"Omnipotence is a very beautiful vocabulary, but it also packs in countless waste. If you can really control this power, you can identify it, but unfortunately, you don’t."

"So, you need to be restrained. This is the easiest way. You already have unlimited. The next thing you need to do is to reach the extreme within a limited range."

"Your prerequisites are very good. Not only do you have a blank sheet of paper, but you also have pencils and erasers that you can smear at will, within the scope of this sheet..."

Lucy seemed to like this kind of preaching speech. She was very excited, even with a hint of scholarship, she picked up a bat cookie again and stuffed it into her mouth.

But Yi Xuan couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his hand and stood in front of Lucy. "Speak a little." He said.

"That's all right, sir." Lucy swallowed the small biscuit. The half-palm biscuit didn't make her throat wriggling, and was squeezed out completely. She stared at Yi Chou, then asked gently. "Can you fly?"

Yi Biao was stunned for a long time, and he was always attentive, but at this moment, he still wanted to hear the subconscious question, "What?"

"I said..." Lucy has a good temper, she will not have a trace of impatience, she is still calm, smiling, and asks the question that mankind has been a dream in thousands of years ago, but it has been realized at this time. , "You, will you fly?"

Yi Ao heard clearly, or rather, he accepted Lucy's unexplained turning point, but he didn't understand it, so it seemed that he replied somewhat angrily.

"Of course, I can fly, do you need me to show you."

Do you want Lucy to answer? Yi Xao swipes to the right with one hand on his chest as if directed, a floating spell envelops Yi Xiao's whole body, and then his feet float off the ground smoothly.

Opening his hands to Lucy, Yi Chou fell to the ground again, and then sat down on a chair.

"If I were you, explain things quickly, otherwise you won't want to run into bat cookies anymore."

Lucy shook her head and dragged the cookie tray behind her without saying anything, and then said to Yi Chou, "No, sir, that's not called flying."

Yi Xiao did not refute, but looked at Lucy, waiting for her below.

At the next moment, Lucy directly answered with actual actions.

The ground lightly under her feet, and then the whole person vacated backwards, as if the air was regarded as an invisible liquid. The whole person was suspended in it so quietly, her feet were not flat, and even remained light. The action after clicking the ground is flat and vertical, drooping unintentionally, with a strange beauty.


She said.

. . .

Lucy moved back slightly, her body immediately raised her height silently, the whole movement was natural, and Yi Chou didn't seem to feel the slightest flow of air.

Her whole body is like anti-gravity, suspended in the air effortlessly, as simple as walking on the ground.

Some condescending gazes at Yi Chou, Lucy's gaze has not changed, but seeing this scene, Yi Chou seems to be thoughtful.

"This is the flight, sir." she said softly, then landed slowly.

As Yi Chou mentioned before, he considered using vision as a template to create Lucy. Although there was no soul gem, the creation was ultimately unsuccessful, but Lucy still retained some of the ability of vision.

For example, flying.

Of course, after removing the soul gem, the only thing left for Vision is the vibration gold skeleton and flying.

But Lucy mentioned this at this time, definitely not to show off her flying ability. Not only she was created by Yi Chou, but Yi Chou was not able to fly, although Lucy's movements might be more elegant.

What she meant was not as simple as flying itself.

"You mean..." As a wizard who touched the river by feeling the stones, in the field of magic, Yi Hao's hands-on ability is absolutely no less than Stark and Luther, Lucy gave him inspiration, he immediately understood To understand the meaning of Lucy's actions, "I empower myself."

"Yes, sir." Lucy nodded with a smile. "Silver tongue is your most powerful force, but not the most powerful attack method. Using it as an attack method is a great waste."

"I saw in the memory of the meditation basin that you made an ordinary book to act as a silver tongue magic book. This is a very good idea, but it is still not enough."

"Silver tongue is like an inexhaustible treasure. You can find all kinds of rare treasures in it, and you can also satisfy all your desires, as long as you can express it in words."

"You can fully arm yourself, use different abilities, create them with a silver tongue, and give them to yourself."

"The **** does not really put a shackle, but transforms the invisible silver tongue power into various visible and visible forces, and then they will reach the extreme in their respective fields."

"I found out that you plan to conduct an experiment code-named the "Creative God Project", using magic to attract unknown forces at high latitudes and then extradite to those with potential."

"Very clever idea, but the problem is as you worry, those unknown forces are too uncontrollable, so why not replace it with your silver tongue, it can be controlled, and it belongs to you completely."

"As long as you are alone, you can continuously build a large army."

"It has to be said that using silver tongues to make small things and provide some convenience is really a waste."

"Limited end is infinite."

Yi Xiao stood up, frowned slowly, and then quickly became expressionless.

His heart was thinking wildly.

The inspiration for the God Creation Project was Daenerys, which was originally a treatment, but the unknown power of high latitude eroded her into a nine-headed dragon. Perhaps her nature is not bad, but there is nothing wrong with the word magic. If you look at her style.

When thinking of the plan to create the God, Yi Chou seemed to have a flash of light, as if he had thought of something else, but he didn't catch it.

But Lucy made up for this for him, Silver Tongue, it was indeed more than just a weapon.

But soon Yi Chou calmed down again, "Creative God plan is not that simple." He said, "I used to use illusion as a template to create you, but it did not succeed."

The meaning of this sentence is that if the silver tongue has failed, Lucy failed to use the illusion as a template to create today. Perhaps tomorrow will fail more things, you must find the reason.

"The limit of the silver tongue?" Lucy asked back.

"I don't know." Yi Chou shook his head.

"Perhaps it's a matter of the soul gem." Lucy continued, "The limit of the silver tongue comes entirely from imagination, and imagination is structured on the cognitive level."

"If you don't know the concept of the planet, maybe you will never have an imagination about aliens. If something exceeds your cognition, it obviously has reached the limit of imagination."

"The things beyond the limit are beyond your imagination, so the soul gem is still within the limit. The silver tongue is likely to succeed, but I am afraid that many places need to be sacrificed, for example, to remove the existence of the gem that you cannot recognize. ."

"Then it doesn't make sense. By the way, I don't like the appearance of illusion, especially because my gender is a woman, that's not suitable for me."

Yi Chou's brain was thinking fast with Lucy's words.

He didn't talk nonsense and said succinctly, "You think the infinite gem is something I can't understand."

"Then artificial intelligence, those monsters, are things I can understand."

"Don't rush to deny it, sir." Lucy remained calm. "The infinite gem can be imagined, which means that it is not the limit of imagination, but it is close to it, and the silver tongue can hardly create it."

"Most of the small faults can be created by the silver tongue. Artificial intelligence originates from the technology of computers, monsters originate from magic, and both are familiar to you."

"For a simple example, the power gem, which represents power and energy, is not difficult to imagine, but it is the most basic composition, which contains a large fault, how power and energy come from, and what evolves from , We don’t know and understand, just like the power of the silver tongue itself."

Yi Xuan was silent again, and Lucy said something seemed reasonable. There was no evidence to prove that she was right, but it was also impossible to prove that she was wrong. So before there was a new proof, Yi Xuan decided to temporarily believe this statement .

But after thinking for a few minutes, Yi Huo asked again, "Why do you know this."

"You forget how I was created." Lucy smiled on her face. "It was the silver tongue that created me. When creating, you need the answers to these questions, so... I know."

Yi Xiao gave her a deep look, then said again, "So, how to break this limit."

"Solved from the root cause, there are two kinds of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the first one is that after you understand and recognize, the limit will naturally break." Lucy's voice is stable, "As for the second kind, I remember correctly Then, the world you plan to enter next is originally the world of superheroes."

"Find it, get it, so that you don't need to understand it, and you have it, the limit no longer exists."

"But before that, you must first arm yourself with the power of the silver tongue."

"I thought what we just discussed was the feasibility of this matter." Yi Xuan frowned, "and the result seems to be terrible."

"It's just that the plan to create the God may be difficult to implement. For yourself, it is still feasible. Don't forget that you have more than one silver tongue."

Yi Xiao thought of the other three powers he gained in the world of silver tongue.

The wrinkled brow finally relaxed a little, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "What should I do."

"First, let's get rid of your crappy flying action first." Lucy took out a thick stack of paper with a disgusted look.

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