High Magic Earth

Chapter 1082: power

The parchment was placed in Lucy's hand, and she covered it gently with the other hand, as if the black text like a tadpole appeared slowly and clearly as if paying the water.

A whole piece of parchment was filled with text. She rolled it up and handed it to Yi Xiao, who took it to the other side of the table after taking it.

At least half of the rolls of sheepskin were stacked on it.

It seems that their work has been going on for a long time.

Although Lucy joined, the working time was greatly shortened, but the most annoying link could not be skipped, even if the content on the parchment did not need to be arrogant to think, but if he wants to make the silver tongue work, he must Read it a little bit in person.

The nightmare reappears.

"Parchment paper can withstand magic better than industrial white paper." Lucy put the last parchment roll on the table, and then said Yi Yiao in an inexplicable tone, "I understand the wisdom of the predecessors. Words."

Yi Xiao suddenly looked for the sheepskin roll, then raised his head and said to Lucy who was looking at herself, "I'm sorry I forgot to prepare a matching database for you, because you were born slightly different from what I expected. To complete the task at hand, I will use the silver tongue to think of a way."

"Thank you, sir." Lucy nodded with satisfaction.

"It feels too uncomfortable." She tilted her head. "Like an adult, she already knows how to live, but she forgets how she knows it, just like... amnesia."

Ignoring the sentimental sentiment of his magical intelligence, Yi Xuan looked at the sheepskin roll roughly, contrary to the habitual similarities in his own writing. The story written by Lucy is not limited to the details of the words, but takes full advantage of it. The logic of their own intelligence, each story is slightly different in logic.

Through the increase and decrease of different places to achieve the ultimate goal, and very balanced.

It seems that the story on each piece of parchment is different, but in the end, their solutions are roughly the same, but the plot of the story development has changed slightly.

This is something that Yi Biao cannot do, and it is really the purpose of his magical intelligence.

He can quickly write a story with boring words, but he cannot complete ten or twenty, but magic intelligence and artificial intelligence can do this. Although their language is not beautiful, they are also blunt, but their logic But they can never make mistakes.

"This is the last story that meets the requirements." Seeing Yi Chou's movements, Lucy also stopped her life thinking and said in a relatively calm tone.

"Is everything here?"

Lucy's thinking is fast, so her answer is also very fast. When the two are talking, perhaps Yi Chou still needs to think and pause, but Lucy does not need to, she can give a quick answer to almost every question. .

Without a pause, she said directly, "If it's about flying and related capabilities, yes, if it's about armed planning, this is only a small part, or the least part."

"Armed plan?" Yi Chou's voice was puzzled.

"Things we discussed before." Lucy said, "I think it needs a code name. The name sounds very good. What do you think, sir."

Yi Chou couldn't refute this, he shrugged, "Just be happy."

"What ability do I need to prepare for myself?" Yi Xuan asked again.

"A lot, sir." Lucy replied quickly as if she were a qualified female housekeeper. "You don't think that one flight is enough. Why do you think that? I thought we had discussed it before."

"I didn't think so." Yi Xuan interrupted her. "I just want to know what other capabilities are needed."

At the same time, Yi Xiao also frowned at Lucy. He was surprised that Lucy's character seemed to be different from before, but it seemed not so big, as if it were natural.

He didn't know if this was Lucy's learning to adjust herself, or whether her character was natural.

"Your strength and defense." Lucy replied briefly. "These are the two most important points."

"Tell me carefully." Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"Strength and defensive ability are just a collective term. The former represents all physical attacks and changes, and the latter represents your resistance to all attacks that can threaten the safety of life."

Lucy’s speaking speed is a little quick, but she is clear and organized, “As we have seen, what you are best at is magic, which is also your most powerful field. The good news is that mental power belongs to the field of magic, so you No need to worry about superpowers and mutants of mental power."

Lucy nodded her head, "like Qin Grey, Charles Xavier."

"In fact, I think Qin Gelei is not as simple as you said, and my chances of winning against her are not high." Yi Xiao added silently beside him.

It's not that Yi Chou is raising Qin Gelei or degrading himself, but it is the fact that it is not Qin Gelei who is in trouble, but the power of the phoenix entrenched in her.

The power of the phoenix is ​​just a name. Every country, every civilization, and even every multiverse has different names, but their essence is the same.

The incarnation of multiverse power and emotional power, the embodiment of energy, just like the death of the lover in the dream of tyrants, she is the embodiment of all the annihilation and end of the universe.

It is just that the starting point of the Phoenix Power is higher and stronger, and the multiverse is immortal, so it is immortal.

No one can bear all the power of the Phoenix, and the piano is just borrowing a little bit. The power of the Phoenix is ​​also the embodiment of all the spirits in the universe, the connection point of all souls, so the piano also shows the spirit of the mutant. characteristic.

The power of the phoenix is ​​definitely a cosmic-level power. Yi Xuan is not clear about the level of the silver tongue, but the power of the phoenix may only be half a catty. I am afraid that it is difficult for the silver tongue to copy it.

"Okay, let's skip this question first, sir." This time it was replaced by Lucy.

Magic is a fascinating thing. Just like a scientist’s love for scientific experiments, things about magic are prone to clutter and unusually persistent. Perhaps this situation was not obvious before, but after he had soul energy, But it got deeper and deeper.

"But again, except for the magic realm, your shortcomings are equally obvious." Lucy continued.

But she only said one word, and was interrupted again by Yi Chou, "I don't think my shortcomings are obvious." Yi Chou said, "I admit that they exist, but as long as you give me time, magic can always make up for them."

Like Iron Man's armor, Hulk may be powerful, but as long as Stark is given enough time, he can develop armor to counter Hulk, and the same is true for Yi Huo, except that technology has been replaced by magic.

And magic may be more convenient because it is more flexible.

"Yes, I understand." Lucy said, "But you don't think it's too troublesome." She said sharply. "When I looked through the meditation basin, I saw that you had a showdown with the Flash Barry Allen. The fastest person."

"You chose time magic to control the flow rate of your entire body time, and even slow down the time, so as to see Barry Allen and fight back."

"It's clever, but don't you think it's too cumbersome."

Yi arrogant is undeniable, Lucy is talking about facts, even because this magic consumes too much, he can’t hold on for too long. In the battle with Barry, he was quick and fast. After getting rid of him, it was Star Gram was temporarily entangled.

"What about your method." he asked.

Lucy's answer is also very simple, "faster than him."

After being silent for two seconds, Yi Chou shook his head, "That's impossible. Even if the silver tongue is only higher than the Divine Speed, it can't be perfectly realized."

"It can reproduce the power of the god, but that needs the story of the Flash. I put the story of the Flash on myself and give up everything I have for the purpose of the speed. This is undoubtedly very stupid."

"I know we can't do this yet, but nothing is done overnight. Now we only need to become fast enough, so that at least enough to get rid of most of the trouble."

"Strength, speed, physical resistance, the story of Spider-Man is absolutely easy for you, and even modifying the story to several times the physical attributes of Spider-Man should be fine."

"You can instill with the silver tongue without mastering combat. The silver tongue is like a huge virtual learning machine, and it still doesn't need you to learn. As long as the story is perfect enough, they will appear directly on you."

"Magic is your most powerful force, but it should not be the only one."

Yi Xuan's face didn't seem to change much, but Lucy, who was observing Yi Xiao, had already observed through small changes in his muscles, and he had agreed in his heart.

There is no need for more abilities, only more refinement. The more abilities, the stronger. These two sentences have their own reasons. The existence of the silver tongue combines the two. Yi Chou can not only give himself different strengths, these Sooner or later, the strength will become stronger one day.

Even if it is not the silver tongue that lifts them, there will always be other ways.

The next moment, Yi Chou would have seen that Lucy held the sheepskin roll, and then handed it to her.

"First of all, it is flying, this is the first step."

. . .

"...When he left from Neverland and returned to the present world, he acquired a special ability, like a new life, that is the dream of mankind since ancient times, flying."

"Like the most elegant eagle in the sky, flying is his instinct, and the air surrounding his skin is like a natural protective layer, not affected by resistance..."

Editing stories is a very rigorous thing, just like when Lucy was created. In fact, this is the most difficult step for the silver tongue, but now Lucy has done it.

There is no requirement for the story of Silver Tongue, just a story, but the story must have correct logic.

The most troublesome thing is that many abilities cannot be connected logically before and after. Too many words will cause small contradictions, so they need to be constantly modified.

Even if these were written by Lucy, Yi Chou still read more than 40 sheets of parchment in a row, and even spent three hours, still not gaining.

Although knowing that this matter is not difficult, but the mental fatigue still makes Yi Huo somewhat boring.

"Perhaps we should stop." After this short paragraph, Yi Xiao less paused. "It may be that there is a problem with the structure of the story. I noticed that although their ideas are different, the ultimate purpose is the same. "

"Because that is the ability you need, of course, it's all the same." Lucy replied unkindly, "You should go on, or maybe I should have applause after every reading."

Yi Biao's mouth twitched. If he remembered correctly, when the child first learned to eat and eat, his parents used this method to encourage them. Lucy's language seemed to improve faster and faster.

Inhaling slightly, Yi Chou said, "Okay..."

"...Anti-gravity floats, the air surrounds him, he can even breathe in a vacuum."


"... He rushed high into the sky, looking down at the earth, like a distant **** who was watching the earth for a long time, strong and kind."

Yi Xiao wiped his eyes, spit out the last sentence, and then put down the parchment in his hand, "I'm not merciful..." He said to Lucy as if to himself.

Lucy didn't have much reaction to this, just put the parchment aside dutifully, and then took out a roll of parchment from another pile and handed it to Yi Chou.

Yi Xiao reached out his hand, but the next moment, he froze there instead of taking over.

"What, sir." Lucy asked, "Do I need to prepare applause for you."

But Yi Xuan ignored Lucy's ridicule, but suddenly stood up from his chair, looking inexplicably standing on the spot.

Lucy realized what was happening immediately, a smile on her face seemed to gather, and then she quickly squeezed away, and then quietly backed away.

Yi Xiao took a deep breath, then suddenly raised his foot.

Without any extra movement, it was so natural that he floated from the ground, very similar to Lucy's suspension before, but more elegant and even full of one kind. . Noble feeling.

Flying is not a floating spell, but a real flight.

Yi Biao's body didn't move, but he began to accelerate, and he came to the ceiling in a flash. His figure suddenly twisted, and the phantom moved to New York.

Yi Chao, who was free from shackles, began to accelerate again, just like a missile that entered orbit, becoming faster and faster, faster and faster, and even brought an afterimage and turned into a meteor.

In front of him is a curved wave of air, as if the air shield is generally above him, constantly breaking through new sound barriers.

Lucy, who was staying in the room, raised her head quietly, as if she could watch Yihuo with a smile, her eyes were constantly flashing through the channel data flow, and mixed with inexplicable magic fluctuations, then she closed her eyes .

"Sir! We have traced a UFO!"

At the same time, the nearby control room monitoring the sky over New York had exploded.

"What?! Where?"

"Just above Manhattan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's too fast!"

"How fast?"

"It has broken through the speed of sound, it... disappeared..."

When all the figures and data of Yi Xiao disappeared in this monitoring center, Lucy in the room opened her eyes again.

At the next moment, Yi Xiao has broken through the atmosphere, and the silver tongue has given him the ability to save him from the huge friction and air resistance, so that he will not become like a fireball, and even he can continue to breathe in a vacuum, Correspondingly, this needs to consume his magic power.

Suspended quietly outside this azure blue planet, Yi Chou looked down at the ground at his feet, small and huge.

He has never realized so clearly that everything has already changed. He should no longer be bound up with his hands. The things that humans could not do in the last era do not mean that he cannot do it.


Yi Xiao squeezed his right hand, as if telling himself, whispered in a low voice.

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