High Magic Earth

Chapter 1083: Strength (2)

"Power, power... the most fascinating thing in the world."

At the same time as Yi Chao's bird's-eye view of the blue planet, one of the tallest buildings in New York City, a white man in a black suit on the top floor of the Petronas Towers, also looked down at the land at his feet.

He stood in front of the window, shaking the glass in his hand.

"Become a mortal and become a god, and then lift the **** from a high position. This is really the oldest and enduring story."

There was no one around him, nor did he expect anyone to answer him.

As if asking himself and answering questions, he continued, "But power is not so easy to control. It's like revenge. Once you taste it, you can't give up anymore, only get lost."

The man seemed to shake his head ridiculously, put down the glass, and then opened the window.

"When I saw the lamb uncovering the first seal of the seven seals, I heard one of the four living creatures with a voice like thunder, saying, come."

His voice was deep and powerful, like a thundering roar, with a strange rhythm.

But no one else in the room can appreciate it, because he is the only person on the entire top floor of the Petronas Towers building.

Perhaps this cannot be said, because there is a huge thing behind his back, in the center of the room.

The blood-colored cocoon, like a vein like a blood vessel, beats like a heart, breathing like a volt. It is two tall, three adults are so wide, and it seems to be parasitic on the floor and ceiling like a vine. .

That's... a huge egg.

"I watched and saw a white horse riding a horse holding a bow. And a crown was given to him. He came out and won and won."

With a smile on his face, the man said slowly and lowly. At the next moment, his arms fluttered for a while, and the dark wings flew along the back of the spine, taking him into the air.

He flew out of the window, the figure and the sky merged into a color, and then flew towards the New York church, and soon disappeared.

Only in the empty room left his last words.

"War is coming."...

Yi Chou has been flying outside the atmosphere for a long time. He thought that after leaving the ground and away from the earth, because the ball became smaller, he could cross the ground as long as he moved a short distance outside the atmosphere. Long distance.

But this is not the case. Even if Yihou has supersonic speeds, flying is still a very physical matter.

Because he had just given himself the ability to fly, there was still not much improvement in strength and physical strength, so he just suspended quietly outside the atmosphere and did not move around randomly.

Even if you just look down, it's still an unpleasant experience.

Personal experience and the very different concepts seen on TV and pictures.

But suddenly, Yi Chou, suspended in a vacuum, suddenly felt a dry heat, and the tingling and crisis like a needle tip made him very puzzled.

Here is the outer sky, although it is very close to the earth, but there is no black technology in this world that can place powerful weapons here.

He turned his head and saw a small fireball like a meteor growing rapidly, dragging a long flame like a tail.

That is a meteorite.

"Wow." Yi Huo whispered.

This is a strange scenery, and indeed it is, there are many meteorites falling to the earth. Although it can not be said that there are small meteorites burned by the atmosphere every moment, but the number is still a lot.

But just after entering the outer sky, there are few opportunities to observe the meteorite falling at close range.

In particular, the size of this meteorite does not look small.

The speed of the meteorite seems to be faster than that of Yi Chou. It was only as big as the black spot before. Now it has reached the size of Yi Chou's finger.

Yi Xiao estimated the speed in his heart, and soon it was concluded that its real volume was about as big as the room.

This is already a disaster.

Fortunately, rapid and overheating will split it into small pieces after it enters the atmosphere, thereby reducing its volume. In the end, it is not easy to be as large as a refrigerator.

After figuring out that it would not have any catastrophic consequences, Yi Chou was somewhat curious to get up.

But as soon as his body moved, a sound came from his ear.

"Sir, what are you going to do."

Yi Chou was taken aback, and then it came back that it was Lucy's voice.

"How can you contact me, no... you can see me, how did you do it?"

"Sir, this is magic." Lucy said in a deep, pretentious tone.

"Also, I can't see you, I just saw a meteorite approaching the earth."

"See... meteorite?" Yi Chou's eyes jumped slightly.

"Nasa." Lucy replied briefly.

NASA, the answer is very clear, Lucy connected their lines, and then observed meteorites approaching the earth.

"I doubt that Mr. Mr. intends to take any action. I have to remind you that the meteorite fall is indeed a very beautiful strange landscape, but the high temperature and dust it generates are enough to kill most of the powerful creatures, including those without magic defense. you."

Hearing Lucy's answer, Yi Chou's eyes jumped again, "You still... really know me."

"Of course, sir, understanding the master's lifestyle and personality is the most basic thing of magical intelligence." Lucy said meticulously.

Yi Chou pouted.

"I guess you just pouted, sir."

Yi Xuan felt that he still underestimated Lucy's intelligence, and only by relying on the contents of the meditation basin he gave her, could Yi Yi speculate and analyze this level.

He also said that Yi Hao's habit is too simple to understand at a glance.

"You don't really need to worry too much, sir, you have absolute control over me. Nothing like Dornting will happen. That is the intelligent master control of Oz. The original operation right is not in your hands."

Yi Biao was silent for two seconds, then suddenly asked.

"How do you know Dornting."

He did not place information about Dornting in the meditation basin, because Yi Chou was not sure how a rebellious magical intelligence would affect Lucy.

So... how did she know.

"About this, I found a very interesting thing." Lucy didn't seem to realize what this meant, and still said in a very ordinary tone, "Sir, you should come back soon to see, maybe your plan should be Some changes have been made."

At this point of the conversation, Yi Chou obviously couldn't go to the meteorite to join in the excitement.

In the short period of conversation, the meteorite has come out of the atmosphere at an extreme speed. Although it is far away from Yi Chou, he can still feel the burning sensation that is gradually increasing.

The huge meteorite just burst into the atmosphere, and the sudden eruption of friction ignited it into a fireball. After glancing at the bright big guy, Yi Chou flew past him instantly.

At the next moment, his figure stopped in an instant, as if ignoring the resistance, and suspended in the air very flexibly.

The movement is soft and flexible.

He felt something strange. In addition to the heat and a lot of smoke and dust, the meteorite seemed to contain a little magic fluctuation at the core.

But the speed of the meteorite was very fast, and when Yi Chou was stunned, it had no shadow in the blink of an eye.

It was obviously difficult to catch up again. The flames of the meteorite were dusty all the way. Yi Chou didn’t want to follow him to eat ash, not to mention that he wasn’t sure whether it was real or an illusion.

Frowning, Yi Chou turned and flew to New York again.

Within half a minute, he had returned to the temporary stronghold.

"Now, I can explain it." He said directly to Lucy.

Lucy no surprise, nodded, "Of course." She said, "Alimond."

Although disguised as an adult, Alimond, who is still a house elf, is still on call immediately, and the illusion immediately appears in the room. Yi Xiao frowns slightly, thinking that Lucy intends to tell himself that Alimond said Dornting. of.

If this is the case, Yi Huo has a lot of lie detection magic.

But unexpectedly, things did not develop as Yi Huo expected, because Alimond handed over a comic book.

"what is this?"

Yi Xiao took over and immediately saw the cover, unfamiliar style of painting, some unfamiliar issues, but very well-known names.

"Agents of SHIELD: Smart Crisis."

"Marvel's comics." Yi Huo whispered to Lucy.

Lucy nodded irrefutably.

Yi Xuan did not speak anymore, but turned his head down quickly.

The content is very simple. It is undoubtedly that after the Ultron incident, a new intelligence crisis appeared again within the SHIELD, an artificial intelligence penetration event caused by a dark book magic book.

Of course, although the crisis is caused by artificial intelligence, the chief envoy is still human.

Although the content is very simple, Yi Chao still pays attention to the place where Lucy wants to show him, that is, other intelligences that seem to have vaguely appeared in the background.

There is the name of Dornting.

Not in this world, but in other parallel worlds.

In other words, in other comics.

Yi Xiao raised his head and did not wait for him to speak. Lucy had floated a notebook in front of him intimately, and a webpage was opening on the screen.

After a quick glance, Yi Huo would have a general understanding of the above.

In Marvel’s latest story, they seem to have a plan to open a new world, and this time the crisis encountered by the new world comes from magic. The protagonist should be Dr. Strange and others, because they are in charge of magic.

Compared to d, Marvel seems to be slightly weaker in magic. Perhaps there is no relationship between prominent characters. At least before the release of Dr. Kiwi, except for Marvel’s iron powder, few people should know the name.

The comics have not yet been released, and even the content has not been specified, but there is a general idea. The analysis on the web page mentions Dornting, or a very similar existence to Dornting.

And the name is absolutely correct.

The story naturally originates from inspiration, but Yi Chouqu is more clear. This is not just the reason for inspiration. Perhaps some of it is human original, but the other part is definitely the feedback of the Second World after absorbing the energy of this world’s fantasy. Come out of the projection.

Dornting fled to the Second World of New Humans, and took root there.

Yi Huo paused for a long while before digesting the news, "So... my guess is right?"

Lucy shrugged like she was arrogant.

At the beginning, Dornting opened the space coordinate to escape, but after it left, the coordinate disappeared, and Yi Xiao did not trace it.

At that time, Yi Biao suspected that it was not just as simple as jumping into the world. It was very likely that it would jump out of the second world directly, otherwise it would be impossible not to leave a clue.

But Yi Biao didn't expect it to be mixed in the second world of the new human beings... If the fish is in the water, you should know that the black technology of the superhero world is frequent, and there are some villains with high value and strong capabilities that just hang out after a few episodes. Off.

A magical intelligence seems to be a bit difficult to succeed.

But now it seems that it has its own independent story.

Perhaps it is because Dornting is not in the main universe? The superheroes inside do not have as many protagonist auras as the main universe.

Yi Biao is not clear, but he knows that as Dornting develops faster and faster, it will soon be exposed and then be noticed by angels and demons.

There is a base for new human beings. Even if it develops fast, don't try to escape.

Don’t allow Dornting to be acquired by those guys. This is not just the reason for betrayal. The Oz country database it holds is the most important thing. This has not been seen by even Yi Huo, let alone those guys. In the hands.

"It seems that we need to speed up..." he said.

Lucy nodded in agreement, "I have some new abilities for you while you are enjoying the flight."

"Strength, physical endurance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ anti-strike ability, resilience, and mental defense against mental mutants."

"The brain is closed..." Yi arrogantly stopped talking and was interrupted directly by Lucy.

"For the final protection, you can't always count on the passive passive defense of your spiritual power. Don't forget that there is a stronger presence than Professor Charles and the Purple Man who broke the fourth wall."

This time Yi Chou did not refute, but nodded silently.

"And... I modified the way the magic book is used for you."

"Now you still rely on the power of the silver tongue, read the content of the book, and then turn it into reality, but the biggest problem you need to face is to have some abilities or effects that you want to use. The story that constitutes them will be very Long, cannot be shortened."

"So why not transform your thinking, use your silver tongue, and write a story directly, defining that you have the ability to say what is true."

"Create a new silver tongue with a silver tongue, this is for you, sir."

"Finally, in the third new Tokyo City World War I, I noticed that you once briefly defined the energy of the Scarlet Witch to give yourself. This is a very good attempt, but this energy has pros and cons and is not suitable. you."

"But its way is very good, it is suitable for you to fight and use in some occasions where you don't need to use magic, but I am afraid that you need to redefine an exclusive energy that is completely under your control."

Lucy's high efficiency made Yi Chou a bit dumbfounded. When she finished the series, Yi Chou was a little dazed.

Fortunately, he recovered quickly.

"Uh, so good." Yi arrogant nodded.

Then at the next moment, Lucy's hand was stretched out in front of Yi Chou, who was holding a sheepskin scroll and said quietly on it.

"A man beyond Spider-Man."

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