High Magic Earth

Chapter 1084: abnormal


Madison groaned painfully, his long fingers squeezed slightly, and then touched the wetness of the soil and the softness of the lawn.

The real feeling finally made her wake up, her eyes moved slightly, and slowly opened a gap, and the ensuing pain instantly spread all over her body.


Madison whispered painfully again and couldn't help whispering.

She felt that the whole person was about to be ripped into pieces, like a sharp axe splitting her head, and the pain seemed to spread across every cell in her body like a torture.

Lying quietly on the ground, she didn't want to move at all, nor was she pneumatic.



Quietly outside the villa under the night, with the death of Emma and Ivan, there is no other voice here. Although this is one of the most expensive villa areas in New York, people who actually stayed after buying a house here But very little.

After all, people who can afford the house here hardly stay in a house for a long time.

The owner of the villa is dead, no one in the villa is disturbed, and no figure is visible in the whole villa community. Madison lies quietly in the grass, and the surrounding is like a silence.

Only the timed spraying device of the lawn is still doing its job with due diligence. It traverses a beautiful semicircle and arc in the air, like a folding fan, and evenly sprays the clear water flow onto the surface of the lawn.


Then at the next moment, the spraying device changed its angle, re-covered an unwatered lawn, and sprayed Madison's face from head to toe by the way.



The wet hair clings to the forehead, and the white skin is a little dazzling under the rendering of blonde hair, and at this time, under the refraction of moonlight, it is pale and scary.

She still can't move.

Although the pain has passed, the signal of pain still stays in her mind, and any cell in the muscle, bone, and body is clamoring to strike.

How long hasn't she been so embarrassed.

The Supreme Witch is not just a title, it is a power.

Otherwise, only with the magic and the witches' talents learned from the British magic world, Madison can suppress all other witches and wizards. Other witches also have talents, and they can also learn.

This power was not even noticed by Yi Chou at the time.

After Yi Biao left, it slowly awakened from Madison's body.

A kind of magic, belongs to the magic of the witch.

Madison didn’t know the specific details, but from the moment it awakened and slowly grew, she was born to know that this is the power of the supreme witch, and it will grow with the power of the witch, like a booster, witch The stronger the magic power, the stronger the increase it brings.

The world of witch assembly seems not so simple, it seems to hide many small changes, but unfortunately no one seems to notice.

In other words, not aware.

Because these existences are taken for granted, they are imperceptible, and there will be no exclusion.

Madison was obviously lucky. She met Yi Chou. Before starting the Supreme Witch Achievement, she learned her magic to a very strong level by learning magic.

So when the title of Supreme Witch fell on her head, she was not only the strongest among the witches, but also to the extent that she could suppress those wizards in the British magic world.

Fiona, the last supreme witch, obviously had no such luck. She got the title. Although she is the strongest in the witch, it is far worse than other wizards.

But now that the secret has been discovered, then I am afraid that every future Supreme Witch will only be stronger than one.

The detached strength made Madison live well in the world of witch assembly. Although the friction was constant, she was still able to defeat all the enemies with her own strength. Few people could force her to such an embarrassing degree.

At this time, her injuries are undoubtedly reminding her that this is the most embarrassing time in recent years.

More importantly, she did not know where she was injured from.


Madison rolled his eyes, still lying on the ground, spitting the clean water from the spray device aside, and then tried to struggle.

The pain was slowly subsiding, and she began to regain control of her body.

Madison, who had calmed down, was already thinking about the problem of this magic anti-bite. No one attacked her. There was no second wizard here and no one would attack her. Then the rest is naturally the magic bite.

She hasn’t used it for dozens of times, but she has had it for more than ten times. She has never had such a problem.

Is it the sequelae symptoms caused by the accumulation of less and more?

Madison was a little uncertain, and because of the change, she thought of another possibility.

Tom Riddle, the poor Englishman, is the British Dark Lord who made a comeback and whimpered again a few years ago after the disappearance of the witch rally world a few decades ago.

Well, Madison admits that he can't beat him, she is a little worse than Tom, it is estimated that it is about half a catty with Dumbledore, when he is dead after all, isn't he?

Only living people are qualified to speak, and dead people cannot speak.

After the death of the Dark Lord, although most ordinary wizards still talk about it, as if it is a terrible taboo, there are still some flexible and noble wizard nobles who are interested in the former Dark Lord.

His magic, why he is so powerful.

At any time, weak meat and strong food are the rules of most civilizations. Even a utopian civilization will cause problems in details like communication, unless it is a single civilization, there is no object of communication and communication, only Your own consciousness and individual thinking exist.

In the wizarding world, magic is everything.

With that, the news about the Horcrux was also picked up.

But in the end, it is still very secretive, and it only circulates between the noble wizard and a small group of wizards. Madison naturally knows these news as the supreme witch.

Although I don't know the complete production process of Horcrux, I already know enough about it.

Tear one's own soul and turn it into earthworm-like existence. One soul can still be reborn from other souls after it perishes.

Although it takes a long time to recover once the soul is missing, this is indeed a method of eternal life, which is to make people crazy.

Madison naturally had no idea about the Horcrux, in fact, she did not know what to do.

But the information about tearing the soul, pain, and injury on the soul level is still known.

Now the situation is somewhat similar.

She killed Emma and used the life-spelling spell. Awada life-span directly acts on flexibility. It will destroy the wizard's soul directly, and the wizard will naturally die.

Madison suddenly blacked out before Emma died, and then fell into a coma, like... There is a special connection between the two.

Emma is exactly the same as Madison. She is played by Madison. In other words, to a certain extent, she is Madison, but Madison in this world.

Perhaps...killing Emma is equivalent to killing yourself. You just tore apart your soul unintentionally?

Madison did not dare to confirm, because she did not know what the consequences should be after the soul was torn, and she did not know the specific pain.

It's just a guess.

"damn it……"

Madison whispered for the third time, "If you knew that, it would be better to capture the Soul Curse..."

Although it is more troublesome, there is no such risk. Soul tearing is not a trivial matter. This is not just pain, it is more madness on the soul level.

Although it is easy to reveal Emma's flaws, it is not that important. She is just a small star, and she won't pay much attention to it. Even if it does, it's not much.

I was still too cautious, and even overreacted.

Complaining in a low voice, Madison sat up on the soft lawn, trying to get up from the dirt.

Then the next moment, she froze there.

Because she had stood up like an invisible force. When she had just thought about it, but lifted her up before her body responded, it was like an invisible big hand holding it up.

This feeling seemed effortless. For Madison, jumping from the ground seemed to be as simple as picking up a pair of chopsticks.

Standing silently, Madison seemed confused.

When do you have such power?


The dedicated water sprinkler turned its direction again, spraying the clear water like a maiden's scattered flower, as long as it was watered again, today's grass will get full life water growth, and it can continue to be still Staying quietly under the dirt acts as your own little transparency.


But Madison, who has been thoroughly punished twice, obviously will not let it go so easily. The small sprinkler is innocent, and Madison is also more innocent.

She waved her hand violently, instinctively wanting to stop the sprinkler, but then, what happened in an instant was not as Madison expected.


I saw a sudden explosion, and the ground and the earth were under a huge burst, and the invisible explosive force came out fiercely under the soil, instantly flying everything on the ground.

The large lawn in the half of the parking lot and the nearby asphalt road were completely destroyed by this force. A huge gap spread quickly under the soil, like tearing the ground in half, this gap extended directly to the villa. In front of the door, only one step away is needed to swallow the crumbling door.

The lawn, water sprinklers, cars parked nearby, street lamps, stone bricks, all damaged and intact things floated in mid-air, and they were standing still for a while, as if this time was suspended.

The most innocent lawn: Who am I? Why am I in heaven? !

Looking at the scene in front of him, Madison was undoubtedly a little dazed.

She swallowed saliva involuntarily, and then with a "crack!", the crack spread a little more centimeters again, and the long-shattered gate finally crashed to the ground.

The crunch sounded like a certain signal, and the things floating in the air began to fall down like a dumpling, and the whole floor was covered in an instant.

Most things fell back to their original position, but the direction seemed to be a bit wrong, for example, the lawn and car that were turned upside down.

After half a minute, the lawn outside the villa was quiet again, but outside the entire villa area, it seemed as though it had experienced a small-scale war.

There are potholes everywhere.

And Madison was on the verge of all these explosions, and was also the starting position, looking dull.

This is not magic, this is definitely not magic, or that is not the magic she learned, but one of her witch's original magic.

Mind shifting, this is one of the most common abilities after the witch's awakening power, and it is also Madison's initial ability.

After being exposed to the British magic world, although she started a new learning journey, she did not forget to exercise her own witch power.

Every witch will never forget, after all, this is their innate and the biggest difference from ordinary people.

In fact, as a supreme witch, Madison is even stronger than other witches in this respect. She not only has more witches, but also many types.

At first she only had the idea of ​​moving objects, but as the power of the Supreme Witch began to awaken ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ abilities such as fire control, cursing, and instantaneous movement also gradually appeared.

But it is definitely not so powerful.

Why did all of this happen, Madison itself was completely ashamed.

With some instinct and numb confusion, she lifted her feet and took a step forward, preparing to return to the villa, and the next moment, a huge magical power spewed out of control.

The magic was agitated in her body, and then gradually gathered together.

Even without Madison's control, the magic had sent her to the front door of the villa.

Madison turned her head, looked at the distance she had crossed, and then slowly turned her head again, her face calmly beginning to feel silently.

Magic, huge magic.

Not only her original magic power, but a lot of growth based on her original magic power.

Very much, even like... doubled.

The magic of two people! ...

Several days have passed since the Broadway block incident. Despite the restlessness on the Internet, New York has no other action except for the relevant news being broadcast on the news all the time.

No restlessness, nothing.

But this is not a good phenomenon, because it is very likely that what is hidden under this calm surface is real restlessness and restlessness.

This breath even spread to Mei Mi, and even the wizards of the Second World who are not part of the new humanity began to become uneasy.

Of course, they themselves do not know the difference between themselves and the new humans.

Because of the need to pay attention to the news at all times, neither Mei Mi nor Habans and others will easily leave their long-standing stronghold.

Only Valkyrie, who is responsible for collecting information, has been away. They are waiting, waiting for changes in the outside world, before they can decide their next stay.

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