High Magic Earth

Chapter 1085: reaction

"Slap! Slap!"

Habens crackled and cracked at the keyboard, and in front of him were several huge electronic screens, as if the server-like computer cluster was about to surround him.

Harbins and Mei Mi in the room were not as anxious as expected. Although the atmosphere was already tense, life still had to continue.

Harbens is keeping his old business in front of his computer, trying to grasp more information, hackers.

Although the power he gained in the Second World is a kind of sacrificial magic, in fact, what he is best at in this world is hacking technology. The two seem to have nothing to do with each other, even far apart, but the fact is so wonderful .

Only the other male wizard who was also staying in the room seemed a little uneasy. The young face was covered with a dark cloud of frowns, as if it would collapse next day.

The number of wizards is not as small as Yi Biao imagined, but not so much.

At least Harbins had already contacted a considerable number of wizards, of course, if only a few magics could be called a wizard.

Not everyone has an arrogant mind, nor does everyone start to grow in strength immediately after entering the second world.

It is common for most people to linger after a long time.

Especially for the profession of sorcerer, it is very difficult to calm down and study the magic. In addition to Yi Chou, there was no soul like this at the beginning, and I would not be interested in anything. I was completely attentive, Most people cannot do this.

They should rejoice in the particularity of Harry Potter's magic. It is very simple. After the hourglass is activated and gives them the magic of the wizarding blood, as long as it is a simple study, you can use the magic.

But even so, there are still very few people who, like Miss Masters, can study hard, even in the second world where magic exists, there are many people who have not been exposed to magic at all.

More people stopped after learning a few magics, perhaps because of the plot, or because they were distracted by other things.

After the magic is really needed next, it's too late.

But anyway, because the magic is simple, and it is very fast to master. After returning to the present world, as long as you communicate with each other, the learned magic can be quickly spread.

Among them, Phantom Shift, Floating Charm, Phantom Charm, and Transfiguration Charm are the most popular magic.

They are especially practical, and the wizard who has mastered these four spells is very convenient whether it is to pass a message, escape or even other things.

It is for this reason that there is always a wizard around Harbins and Mei Mi.

Of course, although there are many wizards, not everyone can enter the core circle of Harbins and others. Some of them are not reliable and have little talent. They have been shaved.

People who can enter the core circle are absolutely reliable, and their strength is not low.

For example, this young wizard at this time, although he was only the most skilled in coma and phantom transformation, was able to sit here safely.

Because he had no exposure to magic in the world of Harry Potter, let alone mixing into Hogwarts, only by returning to this world in a short time, he learned phantom dislocation and coma by communicating with other wizards. , Showing his high talent.

As the young wizard's sigh frequency became faster and faster, he finally succeeded in attracting Mei Mi's attention.

"Aiboer, can you put away the expression of the end of the world." Mei Mi glanced at him and said angrily.

"Why?" the wizard Aiboer frowned and said weakly. "Don't the end of the world come."

Mei Mi pretended to look out through the curtains, and said coldly, "Well, it seems that I have hallucinations, why there is a Walmart supermarket in the end."

"Aiboer, you are an adult anyway, can you calm down."

"Calm down?! How can I calm down?"

I don't know which words touched Aiboer, his voice suddenly said, "You see those people on TV, that is a superhero!"

"How do we fight against superheroes?! Spell spells everywhere with wands? I don't think the lightsabers from Star Wars are more useful."

"And they want Iron Man, Superman, Thor, and Hulk!"

At the end, Eibool growled.

Even Habens, who had stuck his head in front of the computer, raised his head slightly, but after glancing at Eber, he turned his head back silently.

Mei Mi still looked at Eber quietly, his expression didn't seem to change much at all.

After a long time, she seemed to wait for Eber to calm down before she said coldly, "Why do they think they will conflict with us."

It seemed that Mei Mi had asked an extremely stupid idiot, and Aibo chuckled, mercilessly ironically, "Come on, who doesn't know that they are looking for us like crazy."

"Don't superheroes stand with those free men? They will definitely join in sooner or later."

"I don't think they are together." Mei Mi said calmly, "otherwise these superheroes have long been here. The freeman and the superhero are not all the way. Maybe they have a good relationship, but this is not a threat."

"Things on TV are definitely exceptions, don't forget their particularity, two variants, and a time master who can travel between time and space."

Mei Mi's analysis is very structured. "You just confirm that there will be Superman?" She finally asked back.

Aiboer was speechless by what she said, opened his mouth, and finally refuted weakly, "One Hulk is enough."

The last few years have been the hottest period for superhero movies and culture. Their powerful fighting power has almost penetrated into the hearts of the people. The concept of invincibility has always been the persistence of everyone.

So when I learned that superheroes really appeared in this world, Aiboer would be so disoriented.

Even if they can bring out the people in the source world, but bring out a Dumbledore, a Harry Potter, or a few vampires and werewolves can block the fierce pace of the Avengers.

No one stronger than them.

Aiboer does not understand why those free people always target them, just because they are in two worlds? Is it possible that a world with infinite parallel worlds and universes is not enough for them to develop resources, so they have to occupy another one.

But Aiboer did not have much time to think. The continuous pursuit and the compression of the living space made him overwhelmed, and he even began to wonder if there was something wrong with them. They were the evil side, and they will eventually be affected by justice. Beat or touch.

It is also more like the relationship between mutants and humans.

No matter what, it is unclear.

"How many people have the same idea as you?" Mei Mi asked slowly after noticing that Aiboer had calmed down completely.

She refers to the rebel. The so-called rebel is a name that spontaneously formed and appeared after the free people of the Second World of Wizards gathered.

This is not a fixed organization, no leader, no purpose, and no fixed place.

It exists only to allow the free people of the wizarding world to communicate more conveniently. Anyway, let them know that there is a place where they can communicate, and they have the same kind. They are not alone.

Mei Mi and Habens are closer teams, but they are also very loose.

Some people who are selected by Mei Mi who still look good and whose strength is not good come back. Just like Yi Chou at the beginning, they gathered together, always paying attention to various events in the world, in an effort to make some adjustments.

Habens have no fixed goals. As they said, the number of free wizards is too small. They must respond passively, and cannot take the initiative.

Although the rebel groups and Habens and others have no clear subordinate relationship, they are one. They are all free people. If the rebels become panic-stricken, it actually represents all the second world free people. Status quo.

Hearing Mei Mi's inquiry, Aiboer pulled the corner of his mouth, "A lot." He said.

"How much?" But Mei Mi was not satisfied with the answer, and immediately continued to ask.

Aiboer twitched the corner of his mouth again, before showing a bitter smile, "Almost all..."

No one has confidence in themselves, magic is very powerful, maybe they can kill Green Arrow, Daredevil some of these street heroes, even Iron Man is just an ordinary person under the shell.

But there are still clear-minded guys thinking, what to do with Hulk, Thor, and there is magic in the Asgard people, as Thor, how could he not know how to resist magic.

Even without mentioning Thor and Hulk, and Barry Allen, and now that mutants have appeared, the Professor and Magneto are not far away.

In the face of the professor, they should not say that they can't hit, I am afraid they will not even have the chance.

Not every wizard can learn Occluded Brain, this is a very deep and difficult magic.

But the reason for not being completely desperate is that the other party seems to be just looking for and arresting these free men, perhaps to peep into the magic of their own world, or to peep into the resources of their own world, but their lives may be intact.

And those superheroes are mostly just, they won’t catch people for no reason.

But even so, most of the rebels are a little panicky and even panic-stricken.

Upon hearing Aiboer's answer, Mei Mi finally frowned, "We're going to be faster." She said to Habens, "It's not good to go on like this."

Mankind uses blind obedience. When a panic spreads to the group, no one can say what will happen, and any disturbance will evolve into a bad thing.

This sentiment must be contained.

Harpens sighed, he raised his head and asked back, "Evacuation?"

"Where to withdraw."

"Europe, Asia, or just break up."

Mei Mi shook his head, "There are many people's homes here, they can't go, we are not soldiers, we are just a group of ordinary people with special abilities."

"Everyone's experience is different. Maybe some people grow up fast, maybe some people have not yet changed from the ordinary people's mentality."

"There may be a small number of people who will choose to leave, but any one who does not choose to leave means that we have given up."

"When we left, there were only those free people left, and how they would choose, it was self-evident."

Harbins sighed.

"Valkyrie sent me the latest news not long ago. All New York Police Department cases and investigations on Broadway blocks were stopped and they were taken over by bi."

"Then immediately, there was no more news."

"There are two possibilities. First, the government has not taken this matter into consideration. This matter has passed. Second, they have noticed us for a long time. They have been silently observing, so this can be the case. Respond quickly to suppress this matter."

"I don't know what is waiting for us, but I know that once it breaks out, it is absolutely unstoppable."

"Do you think the first... is it possible?"

Mei Mi was silent, and Habens sighed again.

"Our situation is very bad, whether it is people in the government or other organizations that are malicious to us, and now what I am most worried about has happened."

"Our existence has been exposed, and may have been noticed long ago, but at least our surface remains hidden, and the other party has no chance to force it."

"It's completely exposed now, they don't even have to be pressured, they can start against us."

"Even I suspect that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the government has already started to act. After all, their current behavior is very abnormal and it is easy for people to notice something."

"It's not safe here anymore. I used to think it was safe. I often invited other people to come to the United States. I didn't expect it to be exposed first."

Mei Mi's frowned slowly released and finally said, "If this is the case, there will be no safe place in the world."

"We should not transfer, but should unite."

"Free people in another world have gathered into several organizations. There are people behind them who are supporting, but there are certainly flexible free people who have not joined. We can contact them."

"Even if it is not for resistance, we should gather together, at least to ensure our rights and interests, and not to be unable to resist everything that happens next."

Aiboer listened to the conversation between Mei Mi and Habens, and the calmed heart was a little restless. As Mei Mi said, they were not warriors, unable to face such a big thing and remained calm, There are a lot of people who haven’t been exposed to magic or the second world in essence, and their mentality is still an ordinary person.

"Perhaps..." Harbins frowned slowly.

But before he finished, he was interrupted by a clear bell beside Mei Mi.

The three people's eyes shifted together and landed on a cell phone beside the wine glass on the table. It was as if no one was shaking and louder, as if they could not feel the atmosphere at this time.

Mei Mi's gaze converged with Habens, and Habens nodded slightly.

The next moment, Mei Mi answered the phone, but did not speak.

The other party seemed to have no intention of covering up his identity or making a circle. After two seconds on the phone, a slight pause and he said directly.

"I am Yi Huo, do you remember this name."

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