High Magic Earth

Chapter 1086: Magical animals

This world, Brooklyn, New York.

"2000 dollars, or **** left." The body was thin, but his face looked a bit fierce. The white man was sitting behind a dim table lamp, and a gray cigar swallowed in his mouth.

"Please... please..."

Correspondingly, another man was paralyzed on the ground, his nose and tears mixed with a terrified expression.

His leather jacket was torn and ragged, stained with some unknown liquid and filth, his forehead was also full of blood, and his hands were trembling.

If it were not for a few sturdy men with fancy tattoos standing next to him, it is estimated that he was lying on the ground at this time.


Hearing the boss's words, the tattooists immediately dragged him to the table and pressed his hand hard, but unfortunately there was a crunch in the corner before they even started.

But they did not care, but continued to drag the unlucky egg with all their hands.

The iron table glowed direly under the light, and it looked unusually cold. The flower tattoos placed his long arm on top of the man regardless of the miserable howl of the man.

In addition to the table lamp, the iron table was scattered with waste paper and banknotes, as well as a small amount of white powder, and then an unusually sharp paper cutter.

The man's hand was placed under the blade, directly against the base of his finger.

The white man hidden behind the lights finally made a move again. He blew away the smoke around him, and then said in a simple and sharp tone, "So...you didn't get the money."

"It's a pity that you have neither siblings nor girlfriends, and no one can help you."


The guy who was crying and running was estimated to have lost all his courage at this time. He was paralyzed on the table, and there was no way to do it.

"Please, please forgive me for two more days..."

The white man shook his head helplessly, then waved his hand.

The flower tattoo on the side immediately grabbed the handle of the paper knife and was about to be pressed down hard, but at this time, another crunch appeared in the corner of the room.


The white man paused, and the flower tattoo that reached the full level immediately stopped. The white man took a deep breath, and then yelled in a low voice.

"Did you hear the noise! ​​You can't take a look! Are you all idiots!"

When the boss spoke, the younger brother naturally dared not hesitate.

Immediately, a thin man pulled a knife from his waist, and then walked to the corner where he made a noise.

This is not to blame him. Most members of the gang like to make the stronghold very dim, as if they can give them a sense of security without seeing a little sunlight.

And they were originally social dregs living in the dark, even if they evolved the ability to night vision.

Shaking the knife in his hand, the wasting man didn't feel scared at all, but here was their base camp, and the dozen or so brothers behind him were not furnishings.

He went dark, and then seemed to reach the end slowly.

But where did the noise come from, the mouse, or the debris fell.

Without getting the expected answer, the thin man looked a little puzzled, but fortunately he saw a new discovery, which was a pair of shoes.

Obviously, it is worn on people.

The owner of the shoe seems to be doing some sort of struggle. His half body is hidden in the shadows. The thin man can only see his calf in jeans and his feet twitching.


One of his right feet hit the wall with a crackling sound, and this is how the sound came out.


The thin man screamed, and his heart was immediately cold. He wasn't the one who hadn't seen the dead man, nor was there any fear of the dead man. What was really scary was the danger accompanying the dead man.

The secret knife, the bullet of the cold gun, the police chase.

But soon, the emaciated man will probably know that the most terrifying thing in the world is not these things, and there are far more terrible existences than them.


As if the sea water in the deep sea was generally cold, the suffocation of liquid suddenly appeared when the thin man noticed that it was not good.

He felt as if his body was not his own, his head stiffened up, and then he saw a more terrifying existence.

A ghost-like black shadow was holding the dead man, seemingly sucking something from mouth to mouth. The faint milky light should bring warmth to the person, but at this time he was only given a more biting, trembling straight into the soul .


The thin man could only make a short scream, and the ghostly shadow of the human figure rushed at him in the next moment.


The heavy object fell to the ground. On the contrary, the thin man's body was lifted high. There seemed to be a faint struggle in the darkness, and then there was no sound anymore.

The people waiting outside are not much better.

When the emaciated man went to see what happened, the hapless man did not escape after all. His **** were pressed on the paper cutter and cut off, but his personal loan was also waived.

The flower tattoo is about to give him a hasty bandage and throw it away. He saved more blood than died here.

When the unlucky egg wailed on his wrist, the shudder of the thin man in the dark! A series of exclamations and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground were also heard.

The abnormal voice immediately made these people nervous, and the white man's face was a bit ugly.

Affected by the heavy atmosphere around him, the sound of this unlucky egg seemed to be weakened a bit, holding his wrist and looking weakly around, not knowing what happened.

Unlike in the movie, they will not realize that something has happened until one person after another disappears.

When the wasting man did not return, everyone immediately became alert.

The white man made a wink, and the younger brothers immediately began to act silently, some took out their pistols, and some began to sort out the surrounding banknotes and clear the evidence.

The white man hiding behind the table also reached out a delicate pistol and then retreated silently.

It was Nypd’s policeman or the actions of other gangs. He stood up and fumbled at the edge of the wall behind him to fumble for the electric button that opened the back door of the warehouse.

There was no movement for a long time in the darkness, and soon a younger brother turned back again to ask for instructions.

But as soon as a few flower tattoos and black jackets twisted, they stared blankly at the direction of their boss, trembling, and even distorted their faces.

The white man realized this for the first time. "No..." He rolled his eyes in his heart.

He turned and retreated extremely quickly, hiding in the crowd, while the gun in his hand had been loaded and aimed.

Then the next moment, he stayed there too.

In the darkness, there is a row of creatures clinging to the wall. They float in the air like black ghosts.

No, they are ghosts.

The tattered cloak is their most intuitive appearance. There is nothing under the cloak. There is no face or any face. There is only a black hole in the mouth. The dry hand bones are like burnt bones, with the feeling of burnt black and ashes. .

They are suspended in mid-air, there is no entity, and there is a thick black mist around them, as if the lights have been swallowed up.

The white man swallowed saliva.

He felt fear, he wanted to escape from here, but he couldn't do it, like he was frozen in place, his body strength was lost, he couldn't control his body at all, even screaming.

This is true of everyone else, and what kind of monster is this?

Fear and despair came into his mind. He seemed to feel no more courage and hope, and pain and sorrow quickly surrounded him.

The white man's hand holding the gun hung down slowly, and then his body fell to the ground.

In the next moment, countless shadows moved, like a carnival, with their circling sounds everywhere.

Only the unlucky egg with his finger cut off, it seems that his unrequited life finally showed a twist and luck, he was not noticed in the corner, he was trembling, looking at the scene in front of him, as if Devil's dinner. ...

Many books on dangerous magical animals have mentioned that gathering a large number of people in the dark can not only breed Bogut accidents, but also attract ghouls and dementors.

The former is very easy to deal with, whether it is flame or light, it will make ghouls hate, so as to achieve the effect of expulsion.

As for the latter, it is not a magical animal at all, but a very terrifying creature. Although there is not much introduction, almost every wizard understands the terrible dementors.

Unlike Azkaban's dementors, wandering dementors are even more terrifying. Before the construction of Azkaban, groups of dementors were one of the most terrifying wizard killers.

Even after the fifteenth century when Azkaban was built, wizards often died in the hands of dementors.

When they gather together, they can even directly withdraw the courage and strength of the people's resistance, so that the wizard can't read the patron saint curse, so as to be sucked into the soul.

Unfortunately, Muggles don't seem to know this.

And they can't draw experience through the lessons of countless blood, because... they will be cleared of memory by the forgetting spell. ...

On a small square in Queens.

An artist from an ancient country in Asia and Europe is blowing exotic dance music. With the tune, the straw basket cover next to him seems to be licked together by the contents of the basket.

As an ancient snake dancer, there are not many professional people who have passed on to the true meaning. As a true snake dancer, Kunal deserves to show his art in a more advanced team, but he does not like this, he is more He likes to walk to the streets of cities all over the world to show his skills.

Of course, most of the time it will not be welcomed by the city police, because the snake is a very dangerous animal. He wants to report to the people here. Before the police come, complete this dance.

There are a lot of people around, and there are still pedestrians who stop and watch attentively. Of course, some people will glance at it without stopping, but more people will still stay and then take out their phones. Shooting while talking with friends.

This is what Kunal wanted, and I heard that New York is full of enthusiasm. Sure enough, he never experienced such a phantom in any city square and gathered so many people.

The melodious flute is accompanied by an ancient melody, as if coming from a long-term temple, the purple viper snake slowly swings with the ups and downs of the tone, and it looks like it is dancing.

The customs from different cultures fluttered on the small square in Queens, New York, like a small...

Wait, there seems to be something wrong.

Kunal's eyes rolled a little, and he flicked the corner of his eyes to his less loyal partner, and the cold sweat on his forehead immediately stayed.

Because he can't remember a snake's skin color being blue-purple, even more... with a pair of blue wings.


This is Kunal's memory, because at the next moment, the purple snake suddenly became bigger, swallowing it with him and his flute.


After two seconds of silence, the surrounding crowd looked at the behemoth entangled in the middle of the square, issued a horrible scream, and then fled. ...

Yi clamor.

How could not remember the name.

Mei Mi, who was sitting in the open-air cafe on the fourth floor of the mall, was playing with the mobile phone in his hand, looking absently around.

This was the person whom her younger brother, Harbins, had focused her attention on, and while still in the Second World, Harpens had once prophesied with the help of ancient magic.

He saw something and lost something. At that time, he saw a vague shadow, a very important person related to fate.

Changing to the more popular language of this world is the protagonist of the son of destiny and the son of the world.

But there is no protagonist in this world, in theory.

It is a pity that his prophecy is not powerful. He saw a lot of vague and useless things, and even the figure of the child of fate is far more than one.

Unable to understand all of this, Habens decided to still believe according to prophecy~www.wuxiaspot.com~He found Yi Chou, and some other people who seemed more important.

But nothing happened.

But since it is destiny, then one day, sooner or later, all they do is wait after they are ready.

As a guy who Yi Mei, who Mei Mei personally came into contact with, personally impressed her. After all, the two met Eve together, an ancient and terrifying existence.

Until now, there haven't been any more powerful guys than Eve in the new human race, um... if it's not the latest superhero in the news.

It is a pity that Yi Chou later disappeared. Even if he entered the second world, it should not be so long. Mei Mi felt that he died in the second world, or died in the second world because of Eve's original things.

It was dead anyway.

But I didn't expect that after such a long time, he suddenly got in touch, and he found it directly.

Although the places where Habens and Mei Mi and other people are resident are not unusually concealed, they are not loose. The multiple protection magic prevents ordinary people from finding this place. All the procedures are done using magic. , Will definitely not let anyone find any clues.

Whether it is paper records or network records.

But this is how the other party came up.

After a brief discussion with Habens, Mei Mi decided to see him. The other party is also a person belonging to the same source world. No matter how bad things are, it will not be bad.

The appointment was at 15 o'clock in the afternoon. Mei Mi looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already over 14:59, and it was almost time.

"You came."

Then at the next moment, when Mei Mi hadn't responded, there were already two more people in the empty spot in front of him, and Yi Chou was in it. He looked at Mei Mi, his eyes calm.

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