High Magic Earth

Chapter 1087: chat

"Oh." Mei Mi froze a little, then frowned, like a low growl of a low voice, "Are you crazy? Those free people are sticking behind us like brown sugar, and you still use magic like this. ?!"

It's really a wizard's style. She leaned a little bit at some monitors in the corner of the mall, thinking that it was too late to go to the security room.

"Relax." Yi Biao's tone was calm, as if he didn't see Mei Mi's anxious look. He took the coffee delivered by the waiter next to him. "They can't see me and they can't notice it."

Mei Mi's frowned eyebrows didn't loosen, but she had found the waiter's godless eyes next to her. After turning the drink off the tray, she turned around and left, not seeming to realize what she had just done.

Her spirit was controlled.

Glancing at Yi Chou silently, Mei Mi whispered, "There is also monitoring, don't you feel stupid in the source world."

Yi Xiao didn't speak. He glanced at Mei Mi, his face expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking, but the woman next to him took the topic.

"Hello, my name is Lucy and I am very happy to meet you, Ms. Felton." She said, "I am an artificial intelligence."


Mei Mi's voice slightly increased by a few points, but he quickly suppressed it. "This is a strange existence. Do we have technology in the source world that reaches this level?"

But Lucy didn't answer, just looked at Mei Mi with a smile.

Yi Biao put down his coffee and adjusted his sitting slightly, "Dr. Mystery." He said.

"Is that our world?" Mei Mi's expression was a little surprised, "I thought it should be a type of science fiction."

"I haven't been there, but I have heard of it." Yi Huo's answer was very brief.

"You haven't been there, where did this robot come from?"

"I didn't say that Lucy belongs to the world of Doctor Who, I just mentioned it by the way."

Meggie felt that her mood was getting worse, but after being called unilaterally from a phone in the hiding place, it was even worse.

"What's the matter with you?" She changed the subject decisively. "It's not always calling me out, just to tell me a Doctor Who plane when I don't know when I can go."

Since there is artificial intelligence here, it should not be a problem to complete monitoring. Even if someone finds that the monitoring has been changed, it does not matter. There are so many monitorings changed in a day. Not everyone has a brain hole. It can be thought that there will be two free shuttles. People of the world meet here.

"By the way, I am so happy to see you in this world."

And in any case, it is a happy thing for Yi Biao to contact himself. In the Second World, it was not absolutely safe, and he faced many pursuits in this world.

There are too few free people who belong to Mei Mi, the source of the world.

Every extra person is a very good force, and now the remaining free people are from different countries, but there is no separation. Even if there are racists or other people, they are also pressing on the other side. Next, there is no mind to think about these issues.

Although I don’t know why the other free person is pressing them step by step, it is not a good thing from the point of view of everyone who is found, loses contact and then no longer has a voice.

"I'm also very happy to see you, especially... the real you." Yi Chou smiled as if pointing.

Mei Mi didn't understand what he meant, and didn't wait for her to understand, Yi Xuan continued to say, "How much do you know about the current situation and the information of those free people."

Yi Xiao did not directly answer Mei Mi's question, but began to inquire about the news of the world.

After all, the last time he returned to this world, it was still several worlds ago.

At that time, he did not touch the secrets of the second world, but simply thought that there were frictions and disputes between two free people who belonged to different source worlds because of their interests.

A magical world shrouded in magic and mystery, a world of abilities driven by technology and superpowers.

And he just didn't want to be used as cannon fodder by messy organization, so he wanted to escape and protect himself.

But now, this is obviously not so simple. The free men who belong to the new world of angels and demons are all new human beings different from human beings.

All of them are descendants of a group of human angels created directly by God. No matter how clear they are, they are different from human beings.

"What's the situation now?" Mei Mi was stunned. "Oh... didn't you just come back, you have been missing for more than three months, don't tell me you have been in the Second World these three months?"

Yi Xuan did not deny that he nodded.

"...Then you must have gained a lot." Mei Mi once again showed a surprised expression. This period of time can be long enough. The oldest one of them is less than two months, and Yi Chou directly added a month.

Many world times are different, and they have known this for a long time, so Mei Mi was only a little surprised, and nothing happened.

Perhaps when she wanted to come, Yi Chou only spent some time in the Second World, maybe one year, maybe two years.

If she knew that Yi Biao had spent eight years on Neverland, plus more than ten years in other worlds, she might not think so.

Yi Xiao still did not deny that he nodded again and said calmly, "It is indeed a lot to gain."

His attitude made Mei Mi quite bored, and reminded her of what kind of person Yi Chou was, boring, strange, and even a little numb.

It's like the robot next to it.

Mei Mi glanced at Lucy involuntarily, okay, even if it is better now, he is still so boring.

"The situation is getting worse." Lucy finally got to the point. She directly said that the most critical point is that there are too few people to even make a decent resistance. "

"The Eurasian continent is directly occupied by research institutes and campuses, and almost every area has their contact points. These two worlds are the places where the source world was born, so the earliest people entered more than a year earlier than us. It is not surprising that their strongholds were established so quickly."

The second world is a world full of opportunities. It is not surprising that there is a leap in growth in terms of strength and other aspects.

"The situation in the South Asian continent is better. The people there are extremely xenophobic. I heard that even if the two organizations are developing there, it is very difficult."

"There is little news in the Russian Federation, and the polar bears are not a mess."

"As for here... the institute's hand has been extended, seth company, I don't know if you have heard of it, this company is their pioneer."

"They have produced some gadgets from across the ages, the projection technology of personal terminals, and the unstable floating flight technology are all things that have been eliminated in the Second World, but they are the most advanced in this world."

After a pause, Mei Mi seemed to say with some resentment, "Why are we all wizards, and we don't have any technical talents at all, we can't start a potion sales company."

"Or can I sell vampire kisses?"

Yi Ao didn't respond much to Mei Mi's complaint, but she rested her hands on the table quietly. Mei Mi made a fuss, but fortunately she already had a psychological expectation for Yi Ao's temper.

"Originally pretty good, you know, we pay attention to personal heroism. During this time, many small groups and individuals appeared, but they soon disappeared... I suspect they were annexed by the institute."

"But even so, they mixed the water and slowed the development of the institute."

"I don't know why the free people in another source world are so hostile to us, but I believe that there will be no good things."

"The hostility of the research institute seems to be extremely large. Many of the guys who have just become free men have also shown their hostility towards us soon after joining them. This is very bad."

"And what's worse now, because the superhero who was exposed to Broadway not long ago, I doubt that the government has known us, and now we have to face not only free people from another source world, but also people from the government. "

"We are ready to leave here, and India may be a good choice."

Mei Mi intermittently told Yi Xao a lot of things about this world, for example, they spontaneously gathered together and became a rebel organization.

There are not many in number, but there are nearly a hundred people after counting down.

This is not a large number, because they come from all over the world, and they are not all gathered in the United States, and even fewer than twenty people are in New York.

Nearly half of them are vampires, and the rest are occupied by wizards and strange things.

I even heard that... someone has acquired the ability to become a descendant of Poseidon, but unfortunately he is not in New York, maybe this is just a rumor.

After a long while, Mei Mi stopped. She said something dry, and Lucy thoughtfully served her a cup of coffee to soothe her throat, watching Yi Yi, who was silently pointing her finger at the coffee table, Mei Honey rolled his eyes in his heart.

"Say a word of thanks anyway." She said angrily.

It is true that free people from the same source world are united, but that is all. No one has an obligation to help others.

For people like Mei Mi and Habens, expanding the free people who have just entered the second world is indeed strengthening the strength of their group and helping themselves, but also really helping others. This is mutual.

And it was they who sent out the friendly signal first.

"Thank you." Lucy said to Mei Mi with a smile.

But on the contrary, Mei Mi felt that the smile on her face would be stiff.

If it is not in Harpens' view, Yi Huo may be a very important guy. Mei Mi is going to leave now, they have contacted many different free people.

Sometimes it goes well, sometimes the other party doesn't cooperate.

Not everyone can accept all this smoothly, fear, escape, arrogance, everyone has a different reaction, some people have the attitude of far away from the appearance of the same kind of people, and some people think that they are not Gaining power is the most powerful, and you can see everything.

For those who can't be smoothly integrated into the group, Mei Mi they just said what they said, and then left directly.

And before that, clean up all traces of yourself.

Fake identity, fake faces, no one will find them.

They don’t have much time to waste, and even if such people change and join in, it is also a hidden danger for large groups. It is better not to have such strength.

Of course, Yi Mei, in Mei Mi's view, may have been somewhat indifferent, but it is still not arrogant and disdainful. It is much better than the arrogant wizard who wanted to capture himself as a kind of slave not long ago.

To Mei Mi, the wizard was not only a half-hanger who had just started, but also exposed them easily, so he died.

Yi Biao didn't speak, and Mei Mi didn't say anything. Anyway, her plan today was to contact Yi Biao more. He seemed more mysterious than what Habens saw in the prophecy.

In fact, Mei Mi's original temper was not so good, but people will become, and she has changed a lot during the travel between the Second World and this world.

It took a long time for Yi Biao to wake up from his thoughts. He looked at Mei Mi and asked softly.

"Are vampires thirsty?"

While drinking coffee, Mei Mi, who thought Yi Huo was thinking about a major event, almost didn't spit it out. She resisted the urge to press the coffee cup flat on Yi Huo's face and said angrily, "I can still bask Well! Didn’t you find this!"

Seemingly because of anger, her fangs gleamed a little bit cold.

"This..." Yi Chou really put on a serious look. "You don't say I haven't noticed yet, why?" His eyes quickly crossed Mei Mi's fingers, no rings, and his skin did not shine. .

Mei Mi carefully observed Yi Huo and determined that he wasn’t kidding. He said strangely, “You’re serious? This is no secret. Vampires can merge many bloodlines, most of them are also vampires~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I am compatible with the vampires of the night legend and the vampires of Twilight, so I am neither afraid of the sun nor shining in the sun."

"So... do you have superpowers?"

This is the setting of a vampire in Twilight. Almost every vampire has different superpowers and seems to be different.

"Yes." Mei Mi nodded.

She didn't say what superpower is, and Yi Huo didn't ask, which seems to belong to the scope of personal*.

"In this way, your strength can still be improved." Yi Biao said thoughtfully. "This is much better than I expected. I can be more at ease, or... smoother."

"What?" Mei Mi stared at Yi Chou and said unclearly.

Yi Xiao did not respond to Mei Mi's gaze, nor did she answer her question. He had always been in a calm state, his hands crossed and shelved together, and there was no specific focal length in his eyes.

It seems a little absent-minded.

This look made Mei Mi inexplicably uncomfortable. No matter how it changes, the nature of the person will not change. She is impatient, and of course it will be very uncomfortable to meet a slow guy like Yi Huo.

Just when Mei Mi's expression was unsustainable, Yi Biao suddenly raised his head. He looked at Mei Mi's eyes, and then said softly, "How much do you know about those free people?"

Mei Mi froze, she felt that what she had just said was fed to the dog, but then thought that Yi Chou didn't seem to be such an unreliable guy, so she frowned and said, "Uh... a group can enter another A source world, a completely different person from our source world?"

Yi Xiao slightly jawed his head, he didn't deny it, he just continued to look at Mei Mi gently, and then said, "Then if I say... they are not human at all."

"Want friends to visit with your mobile phone."

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