High Magic Earth

Chapter 1088: Conversation (2)

Mei Mi's expression seemed strange, and she didn't know if she wanted to sneer or something, but in the end she swallowed it all back and licked her lips, as if her throat was a little dry, and said in a strange tone, "Uh... some kind of meaning In general, I am not a human, I am a vampire."

Facing Meimi's sarcasm, Yi Chou was unmoved.

Obviously, Mei Mi did not understand what he meant.

This is not surprising. Before coming to Neverland, Yi Chao thought that the world was what he saw, and knew that he did not dare to say that he must have known all the inside story.

After clearing his throat, Yi Huo put down his coffee and said calmly, "I mean, literally."

The guy in front of me is so weird.

It’s more weird than the last time I contacted. This is the only thought in Mei Mi’s heart. If I said that during the brief contact before, Yi Chou was like a baby who just came to the world. He was curious about everything, but also right Everything is indifferent and friendly.

Although it is strange, it is not difficult to reach.

Now, he is like a lunatic who doesn't have a preface, no... maybe it shouldn't be called a lunatic, because Mei Mi saw indifference in his eyes.

Mei Mi, who was once a rich girl, has seen this look many times, and she will not admit it wrong.

With a sigh of relief, Mei Mi's head began to think, "There are mutants in those free men." This does not look like a bad joke, so even if she has more dissatisfaction, it slightly suppresses the irritability. temper.

"I don't know how their genes were carried over, but they did wake up the genes."

"Oh, by the way, besides that, there are also aliens and biochemicals, and people infected with biochemical viruses can no longer be called humans, right?"

"If you say that these free people are not human, then some of them do not belong to humans."

Mei Mi spread his hands, "They seem to have more choices than we do, except for the vampire werewolf and the wizard, we can hardly see any other existence, which is really monotonous."

Her voice sounded rather envious and jealous.

Hearing the complaint in Mei Mi's tone, Yi Biao showed an inexplicable smile on his face, which made Mei Mi become somewhat inexplicable again.

God, she hates this feeling.

Noon has passed, and the sunlight in the open-air cafe near the floor-to-ceiling windows has become less abundant. Although it is no longer lunch time, as the wall clock hands on the wall continue to shift toward afternoon tea, the surrounding crowd still does not diminish.

But the exceptions around Yi Chao's table.

Just like being isolated into two worlds, Yi Chou's magic allows the surrounding people to involuntarily bypass here, they will not pay attention and observe, or even feel that there is anything unusual here.

The mottled sunlight lay in diagonally through the clear glass, swaying only the remaining temperature, they refracted colorful angles on the glass, seeming to leave a hexagonal spot in the air.

Mei Mi was on the side facing the sun. Because she came in a hurry, she didn't have much to dress up, but the bonus of the vampire's face value still made her naturally attract attention.

Sunshine hit her face, making her skin appear healthy and rosy, as Yi Yi observed, from the outside, she couldn't believe she was a vampire.

Some neurotic behaviors, pale skin, morbid expression, these behaviors did not show up from her at all.

She looks very normal.

On the contrary, it is easy to clamor, he seems a bit abnormal today.

Whether it sounds a bit upside down or even Mei Mi feels incoherent word order, or the style he wears.

Of course, the latter Mei Mi did not understand, she just thought that Yi Xuan looked too casual, and even a little sloppy. After all, a person like Yi Xuan who looked very rigorous and ascetic always dressed herself up. The board is neat, even wishing to wrap himself up.

Yi Biao has only two styles, either in the non-modern world, dressed in black wizard robe, if not the kind of mopping robe, black robe is still very convenient.

The other is the suit in the modern world. The suit is the armor of a modern gentleman. Although Yi Chou is not a British agent, he has to admit that this dress is really very easy.

But now, Yi Huo is completely different.

His upper body was wearing a long coat rather than a suit, black, it seemed a bit old, and it looked like he didn't know where to turn it out. The pants were also very casual loose slacks, only that The pair of leather shoes was still shiny, with a dark glow.

Mei Mi stared at Yi Chou. His skin seemed pale, even pale, and abnormal. It seemed a little morbid, and his spirit seemed not too full, and he looked very tired.

If it weren’t for Yi Chou’s still dressed-up man and his appearance was healthy, I am afraid he would be stopped by the police when he walked on the street.

It seems that the two people's identities have been exchanged. At this time, Yi Xuan looks like a vampire, but more.


Mei Mi didn't understand.

But Mei Mi, who was observing Yi Chao, suddenly felt that the surrounding light was dark, as if the sunlight was blocked, but she quickly realized that the surrounding sunlight was still bright and the only thing that was dark was here. It was as if a large stone was covering her head.

Change comes from itself.

Mei Mi's pupils contracted suddenly, and she finally realized the source. Yi Biao's body shed a lot of black things like ink, like a thick liquid wandering in the air, but if you look carefully, it seems to be loose. Not a single mist that can be grasped.

But in any case, this is a ghost of arrogance.

The shadow of Zhangya dance claws formed a strange and huge shape behind Yi Chou, showing a hemispherical shape that seemed to wrap everything below.

Mei honey was startled, "Are you crazy!" she yelled, her body instinctively fled away.

She does not know what Yi Biao wants to do. There are not many conflicts between free people, and rarely does it mean that there are no conflicts. Even if they are also free people in the second world of the wizard, there are times when conflicts occur, because as long as there is a place of interest There will definitely be conflicts of interest.

Mei Mi didn’t know where Yi Xiao’s maliciousness came from. Maybe it was just that he suddenly cramped, maybe he took a fancy to his appearance or the identity of a vampire, or maybe there are other reasons that he didn’t know, but no matter what, Mei Mi There is no easy hand in hand.

The coexistence of several vampire bloodlines not only allowed her to live in the sun and wiped out most of her weaknesses, but also brought her undoubtedly enhanced abilities.

She can easily jump more than ten meters high, without any help to jump up the four floors, can run for a long time at super speed, the fastest time to climb the ten stairs only takes a few seconds, she The power is also extraordinary, and can even easily block two or three tons of trucks at normal speed.

And this is not the most powerful place for vampires. The power of vampires comes from immortal ability and regeneration. Unless the heart is completely smashed by silver weapons, Mei Mi can be resurrected anyway, but it is only a matter of time.

Mei Mi's abilities have surpassed most of the superheroes, mutants, and superpowers, even if not considering the huge number of groups in the Marvel World and D World and the thorny existence of the two worlds, free people on the mysterious side can completely No need to be afraid.

This is also the main reason why people such as Habens and Mei Mi realized that their existence was about to be exposed, but still calmly, but felt that they had to run again.

Self-confidence from their strength, and Mei Mi is only one of the strongest among the rebels, but not the most top-notch existence.

Of course, the shortcomings of vampires are equally obvious. Many magic can effectively restrain vampires, as well as so-called sacred objects.

But don’t forget that Marvel and D World have magic, and even the oldest magic gods, high latitude planes, but playing magic is also the mysterious side of the old line, and even the foundation of the wizards.

Although there are a small number of free people on the mysterious side, the quality is still very high when counted down.

There are only so many superheroes. Mutants, aliens, and superpowers seem to have a large cardinality, but there are not many valuable combat abilities.

The special abilities of mutants and so on can be seen as an extension of human abilities, only that human abilities are learned from the day after tomorrow, they are born.

Not everyone can withstand training to become a qualified fighter, nor is every fighter excellent after training.

What's more, this is for human learning, and the number of mutants is inherently uncontrollable, and the number of values ​​is actually far less than imagined.

It is estimated that the situation of free men belonging to the new mankind is not much better. The blood of angels belonging to the world has become very thin after thousands of years. Even if they can awaken their abilities after entering the second world, their susceptibility is very doubtful.

Yi Chou estimates that if those superheroes and plot characters are considered hero units, then these free men may be considered as soldiers and cannon fodder.

It may be possible to evolve one or two hero units, but it is estimated that their total value may not be as high as that of biochemical weapons.

After all, the latter has quick results and large output.

These thoughts rolled in Yi Biao's mind and were organized into orderly and valuable information one by one. These are all messages that should be passed out. But if Mei Mi is explained a little, it will be too troublesome.

Yi Huo hates trouble.

"Don't worry." Yi Huo said, "Just tell you some news."

I don't know if Mei Mi listened clearly, or whether she believed it or not. Anyway, her movements didn't stop at all. Seeing that Mei Mi seemed to be leaving, Yi Chou stood up and reached out and grabbed Mei Mi.

Mei Mi's speed is very fast, within a second of the reaction, she has left her place and near the table.

But Yi Huo's speed seems to be a point faster.

Under the gaze of Mei Mi's pupils squeezed into needlepoints, Yi Xao has reached the level of her vampire only with the speed of her body, and even exceeded some.

With a thick black gas that seemed to drip ink, Yi Chou's hands suddenly grabbed Mei Mi's head.

The strength of the vampire's body is conceivable, and under the strong regenerative vitality, Mei Mi doesn't care whether he suffers or not.


Although Yi Biao's speed surprised her, she still just thought that it might be some kind of magic, and she would definitely not be a vampire's opponent.

Mei Mi leaned back, and seemed to want to break away from the shackles of easy talk.

But she was quickly surprised to find that Yi Biao's hands were like two iron pliers, holding her head fiercely, fixing her with a kind of strength that would not hurt her. Suddenly pressed her back into position.

Mei Mi still wanted to make a final struggle, but at this time, the thick black smoke was already like a permeable liquid, and her brain was wrapped in an instant.

"This is an ancient war, even spanning an era, it never started, because it never ended..."

"...At the last moment of victory, there was a rebellion inside of human beings that was enough to shake human fundamentality. Perhaps it should not be called rebellion, because it was caused by a group of creatures that are exactly the same as humans, but completely different in nature. They are called Angel on earth..."

"...Angels, demons, they can't crack the last bastion of hope for mankind, but they shamelessly copied one, belonging to their second world..."

"...New humans will eventually betray humans..."

"...This is a war."

"Ha!..." As Yi Biao pulled his hands away, the thick black smoke faded like a tide, they slowly converged from all around, and finally disappeared, Mei Mei also breathed a sigh of relief~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then opened his eyes.

A large amount of complicated information poured into her head, making her eyes temporarily dull.

This is the latest magic that Yi Biao has mastered. Some of it is like the blushing energy of the blushing witch, and it can not only control people's thinking and sanity, but also have a broader role.

Thinking of power, lifting objects, physical defense, spiritual defense, and even tearing open the space, stabilizing the space, this black energy is almost omnipotent.

Yi Biao did not have such powerful spells and spells, but as Lucy said, after having the power of silver tongue, he may not need such things as spells, and he should no longer limit his thinking. On top.

Because the silver tongue is a spell.

The silver tongue can create everything Yi Biao wants, even if it is only abstract.

This ability is the latest solution provided by Lucy. Using the Scarlet Witch as a template and idea, it creates an almost versatile magical method. It can easily replace most of the magic, and can also be used as a regular means of arrogance.

This is a special kind of energy, because Yi Chou specially created it, which is theoretically unique to him. Originally, he just intended to use ordinary magic energy, such as fire, ice, darkness, etc., but Lucy proposed A different idea.


It is the inspiration that appears on the shadow of Neverland, combined with the shadow of Yi Chou, to create a kind of shadow energy.

Even Lucy thought of a name for Yi Huo, called Shadow Wizard.

But Yi Xuan thinks this sounds too lo, and it seems that his style has been reduced to a negative value, but no one has ever commented on Yi Xiao's style positively.

He just used the shadow energy to transfer the information directly to Mei Mi's head. Of course, it was all news and content that should be said. What should not be said, Yi Chao has already been shaved.

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