High Magic Earth

Chapter 1089: Suspicious

Cramming memory into my head has never been a pleasant experience, especially with so many, seemingly unacceptable messages, Mei Mi slowed down for several minutes before recovering. The fastest update

She glanced at Yi Chou, who was still there, and asked in disbelief, "Are these all true?"

"I thought I had transferred all the information to you." Yi Huo's tone was calm.

Mei Mi slowed her incoherently and waved her hand, saying, "Well, I know, I just..."

"New Human..."



"I need to take it easy."

Yi Xiao heard some words in Mei Mi's mouth. Obviously, although the transmission was very successful, the experience still needed improvement.

In the past, he had no such magic for memory and thinking. Even if it was, it was used on him. Memory potions and meditation basins. In addition, only the two are from the mind and the forget. The low-level magic in the world of Lipot.

Now Lucy's inspiration to him is obviously very successful.

Thinking of this, Yi Chou turned his head involuntarily, facing Lucy's eyes, but saw her head tilted, and then directly exposed a big smiley face.

Yi Huo:? ? ?

The character of magical intelligence is more unpredictable than himself, and what to do, Yi Chou is also helpless.

Fortunately, Mei Mi had calmed down. She glanced at Yi Chou, and then whispered, "In this way, those free people are equivalent to the real world mutants. You call them...new humans?"

"It's not my name, but they are new human beings." Yi Chou's tone was still calm.

Mei Mi was silent for a while, and this silence directly made the atmosphere between the two more weird. Yi Chou frowned slightly, feeling that things seemed to be moving in an unpredictable direction.

"So... do you know, my grandfather is of German descent..." Mei Mi groaned, and Mei Mi's voice was low.

"I don't know." Yi Huo slowly shook his head honestly.

Mei Mi seemed to have guessed that Yi Xiao would answer this way, and was not surprised. "Then you know now." She said.


Yi Chou nodded very seriously, and continued, "The new man will betray mankind again and again sooner or later, and eventually he will betray mankind."

Mei Mi closed her eyes and seemed to be thinking about something, and it seemed to be brewing.

"Do you know a cartoon character called Magneto." she asked softly.

"I know."

"You are very similar to him." Mei Mi still took it in a light voice. "You two have serious delusions of murder. Why do new humans betray humans and why they will hurt humans." "

Without waiting for Yi Biao to answer, Mei Mi continued, "The things that the mutants do are understandable, and the contradiction between humans and mutants has appeared."

"But here."

Her tone became more and more rapid, "Just because you don't know where to get a message, you will drag everyone into the vortex of war. You can't understand more than Magneto."

"You don’t even know if this news is really fake, if this is to confuse you, if the new human is really the direction of human evolution in the future, it’s the human camp, you can’t be sure ."

"You didn't even tell me your source, and why are you so sure."

It seemed that he was shocked by Mei Mi's stormy low voice question. Yi Chou didn't refute for a while, his hand holding the coffee was slightly frozen in the air, and he didn't put it down for a long time.

After a while, he raised his eyebrows slightly, "Uh, so, are you a non-majorist?"

Although Mei Mi's words were fierce and she seemed to be very firm, it was still not a good question to answer. After careful consideration, she slowly shook her head, "I don't know."

"That's right." Yi Xiao retracted his hands, leaned his back against the chair, and twisted his body to adjust his sitting posture.

"Among the problems you just mentioned, I believe there is one thing that I can deny."


"Me and Magneto are not the same."

Facing Mei Mi's inquiring eyes, Yi Chou's voice didn't even show a trace of fluctuation, "I'm stronger than him." He said.

This answer was obviously impossible to satisfy Mei Mi. She closed her eyes slightly, revealing an unreasonable expression, and then shook her head.

"I'm stronger than Magneto, so he needs the help of mutants, but I don't necessarily."

"This time I came to ask for your help, but it is not necessary, um... maybe once, but now, I just want to tell you the news."

I don't know whether it was because of Yi's disagreement with his arrogance, or his arrogance, Mei Mi sighed with relief.

Of course, she had already experienced the speed and power of Yi Chou from the brief confrontation between the two before. If she remembered correctly, Yi Chou should have been a wizard.

This strange change didn't make Mei Mi refute the first time, otherwise she would have laughed unkindly.

"Speaking of this, let's talk about the threat." Mei Mi changed the subject without leaving any traces. "I think our threat is greater than those of the new human beings."

"You're welcome to say that if the number of new humans is far greater than us, and they still borrow the power of the government, we are also very worried. If we don't want the government to participate, we are not afraid of him."

"Even if Captain America came..." Mei Mi licked her lips, seeming to think of something, "I can taste his taste, he is a handsome guy."

"That's a super soldier serum." Yi Xiao frowned slightly.

Mei Mi shrugged. "The ghost knows that I haven't sucked similar blood."

Through the previous fights, Yi Biao also had a general understanding of Mei Mi's quality. Lucy next to her is the best gap instrument, but in terms of physical quality, she is indeed not weaker than Captain America, and even stronger. , Mei Mi didn't talk big.

Facing Mei Mi's analysis, Yi Nod nodded and admitted, "Indeed, I have also considered this."

Mei Mei, who was next to him, immediately saw the hands with stitches and embraced them, and said chillingly, "It's so strange that the omniscient wizard also agrees with me."

Of course, she didn't mean to chase it down, but just doing so seemed to vent her dissatisfaction.

Naturally, Yi Chou didn't care about it. His tone was calm. "Even so, we still have to face two threats."

"May I hear the details." Mei Mi still held his arms in his arms and shrugged.

"First, the Legion of Angels recorded in the message, not to mention the authenticity of the news, if they exist, what will we use to resist."

"This is a civilized legion that broke down the last epoch. It must have its special features."

Yi Chao analyzed the same reason, this Meimei can not be denied, of course, all of this is based on the fact that this message does.

Yi Xiao continued, "The second point, I am not worried about the free men's miscellaneous soldiers. Once the plan for the new human beings is confirmed, they should be eliminated soon."

"The real danger comes from those powerful plot individuals in the new human world."

"The most powerful, the most powerful ones."

"Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Jonathan Osterman..."

"You understand what I mean."

"Superman, Wonder Woman..." Mei Mi said slowly. "So well, how can you be sure that these superheroes are really in the world of new humans."

"I am not malicious, but just... very little news about them so far. Although their films have been released, it seems that no new humans have been in."

"And even if they exist, why do they necessarily hold us malicious."

In the end, even Mei Mi was a showdown, "Well, back to the original question again."

The original problem was because the two people had different views. If Yi Chou could not convince Mei Mi, or Mei Mi could not convince Yi Chou, it would be meaningless no matter how they discussed it.

Of course, Yi Xao can directly reverse Mei Mi's thoughts with magic, but he doesn't want to do this.

To a certain extent, Mei Mi belongs to himself. He can treat enemies like this, but if he has to use this method to treat himself, Yi Chou is really a person against the entire world.

"In fact." Mei Mi's complaint did not end, and Yi Chou interrupted her directly, "I can explain."

"Of course, you can continue...what are you?" Mei Mi surprised.

"I can explain." Yi arrogant voice calm.

Mei Mi was silent, she closed her mouth, nodded, and made a petition to Yi Chou.

"Have you watched the news on TV these days?" Yi Huo asked.

"Of course." Mei Mi nodded.

"What do you think about what happened near Broadway."

They had discussed this question at the beginning, but since Yi Xuan asked again, she would answer again, "What else." Mei Mi's tone was casual, "We are ready to go to India, of course, this one It's better to pass things silently."

Yi Xiao shook his head, "No, I mean, what do you think about why this happened, these sudden superheroes."

Mei Mi frowned slightly, "What else can I see, a group of reckless superheroes came to this world, and the new humans could not cover the past by surprise, and the matter has been exposed, but I don't know how it will eventually ferment."

"For the time being, let's not say whether the new humans have too late to cover up or deliberately not to cover up. How did they come to this world?"

Yi Huo's rhetorical question made Mei Mi's brow deeper because she couldn't answer.

"In the new human world, there are not many worlds that can cross space or even time. The time machine among the Terminators, the spacecraft of the interstellar world, and even the Flash, Doctor Strange."

"They can cross the barrier of space and reach the earth or even any corner of the universe, but why no one has appeared in this world, only Rip Hunt, the Lord of Time."

The more humorous Yi Huo asked, the more ugly the expression on Mei Mi's face.

"Why?" she asked immediately.

But Yi Chou made a show of hands, "I don't know." He said.

"I can only be sure that this matter must be related to the new humans, this is their conspiracy."

Mei Mi took a deep breath, and there was no brainless rebuttal. No matter whether Yi Chou was hostile to the new human beings, he had reached the point where he got into trouble, but I have to say that there are indeed many doubts and anomalies in this matter.

There has never been a new human world, that is, so-called plot characters come to this world. The figures of the Flash Catwoman in these cities of Los Angeles are nothing more than imitators of free men.

They acquired the abilities like those of the Flash, and dressed up a little, they can directly pretend.

Perhaps there are also plot characters who have been brought to this world, Mei Mi and they don't know, but this is the first time such a big event like Broadway.

Because this does not seem to be the free people of the new mankind, who brought Rip Hunt to this world, but they broke the space by themselves and entered here.

From a completely illusory and virtual world, to the real world, it has also transformed into reality.

"Do you know what new humans can benefit from this matter?" Yi Mei suddenly asked back again when Mei Mi was thinking.

Interest is sometimes the best breakthrough. When there is no clue about everything, Yi Chou thinks decisively.


"It's famous." Yi Xuan replied.

"The degree of attention, whatever you describe, you can be sure that more people know them, and even the eyes of the world are concentrated here."

"So?" Mei Mi didn't know how the Second World works~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So the expression on her face seemed a little inexplicable.

"Fantasy energy...Fantasy energy..." But Yi Biao didn't mean to explain, just vocabulary in his mouth and shook his head slightly.

"One of the most powerful magical energies in the world, what exactly do they want to do..." It seemed like he was talking to himself, and he asked himself in a low voice.

Neither of them could answer this question. Yi Xuan didn't know. Mei Mi was naturally less clear. Perhaps, the answer to the question could only be found by Yi Xao himself...

On the other hand, Rip and his party, who had escaped from the hands of the Magic Girl and Durstein, also encountered troubles that seemed to never be able to escape.

In this world, New York, at midnight.

Because of the wanted relationship of the Federal Police, Rip had to change the gray trench coat set that had not changed in a century, and changed into the customary dressing in the village. He pushed open the door of a bar night scene, and passed through the refracted colorful ground, Finally found a white canary Sara Lans near the bar, who was borrowing wine to sorrow.

"Okay..." Rip gestured to the bartender, ordered a glass of wine, and then sat down on the stool next to Sara, whispering helplessly, "Why I'm not surprised to see you here."

"I'll always be in the bar..." Sarah said in a lazy tone, seeming to be drunk. "What's so surprised... How did you find me? Could it be... Is it..."

Rip's mouth twitched slightly, and he was always clever, but he didn't know how to answer this question.

Because they did encounter a big problem.

People here know their existence, their identity, and in a special way.

Comics, movies, and TV series. (To be continued...)

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