High Magic Earth

Chapter 1090: Multiparty

Saralans was drinking a glass of booze, and Rip also played with the glass in his hand, silent. The fastest update

After a long while, Rip finished drinking the wine and then said firmly, "We are real."

Without any explanation or analysis, Rip spoke his heart with the most straightforward language and the firmest tone.

They are real.

Even if Rip has seen the comics that Gideon searched for them on the Internet, the information of the d comics company, the actors who played their roles, and even the fans, but Rip still believes in this.

Because of his memory of more than 20 years, the thrilling experience of every mission cannot be faked.

No one can deny his existence, except for himself.

But Rip's mouth gun was obviously not as powerful as a guy with a surname, and Sarah didn't even bother to throw it to Rip, but he still drank himself.

Saralans is from the Assassin League. This powerful and weak organization may not be noticed by the world, but the internal training is strictly cruel.

To become an assassin, the first thing to have is a strong heart.

Never question yourself.

Saralans can change her own thoughts, but she certainly will not change because of others.

Rip was not surprised to see that Sara was unmoved. Apparently he had expected that he would smack his lips and push the glass down the table to the bartender, Rip continued.

"One thing can prove what I said."

Noting that Sarah's eyelashes were trembling, Rip was hitting the iron while it was hot. "There is no writing in the comics. We can come to this world. The so-called real world, whether it is comics or TV shows, does not have this story."

Listening to Ripple's sharp tone, Sara finally put down her glass.

"Maybe it hasn't been drawn yet..."

Sara turned her head and stared at Rip with a drunken gaze, spitting his face with alcohol, "Maybe it's still the inspiration in the head of some creation god..."

"What do you say... Captain..."

Rip sighed, "You are drunk, Lance said.

"I'm not drunk." Sara shook her head.

Rip took Sarah's glass down, took out a few banknotes and patted it on the bar, and said to Sara, "Go."

Sara didn't refuse, but when Rip reached out and tried to help her, she threw it away vigorously. The strong force made Rap know that she was right. She was not really drunk, or ...Drank too drunk.

Sara, who shook off Rip, picked up a big travel bag from the ground next to her and raised her neck.

"What is this?" Looking at the black travel bag, Rip frowned.

Time and space travel to this world, they have no mission, because the spaceship was damaged and entered by mistake, and since they are now targeted by the police, and here is so special, then the meaning of Rip is naturally less troublesome it is good.

If the big bag of things were all firearms... they wouldn't need them.

"Comics." But in the face of Rup's doubts, Sarah's answer was very simple.

But this made Rip even more speechless.

"Miss Lance, you know... we have Gideon..."

Gideon has downloaded all the comics on the Internet, and they can read them at any time in the spaceship.

Sara's answer still maintained her usual concise and clear style, "collection."

"Okay..." Rip shrugged. "Hope..."


The next time, before Rip's sentence was over, there was a bang in the bar.

Rip instinctively bowed his head, Sarah almost pulled out his weapon.

"There are people injured!"

"Boss! The boss!"

The crowd screamed and was noisy. The two quickly saw the whole story. The big screen behind the bar performance suddenly burst. Several recordists and band members were scratched by the fragments of the screen and are bleeding. .

Other than that, there are no other abnormalities.

Rip didn't know whether this was another conspiracy against them, or it was just an accident, but he knew it was not appropriate to stay here for long.

"We should go." Rip whispered to Sara.

Sarah’s face was quiet, as she said, not drunk at all. Of course, she might be awakened by drunkenness. For the most part, she nodded and carried her travel bag silently, then followed closely at Rip. Behind him.

There are still a lot of panicked people who don’t want to get into trouble and are leaving the bar while the chaos is happening.

But... nothing is absolute.

Because just on the ground not far from the explosion of the big screen, a milky white transparent figure slowly floated out of the ground like a ghost. She stood on the ground halfway, buried halfway under the ground, like a mermaid immersed in water, It's just that this mermaid is scary. She stared calmly at the most disturbed position of the crowd, where Rip and the two left...

At the same time, mirror the world.

"Stranger! Don't run! Don't hide like a little bug!" Dustan stood in the very center of New York, screaming upward.

A circle of ripple-like things spread out along his voice, stirring the whole sky into red, like a red sand river.

Stranger, who was bruised again and again, hid in a private house, unable to breathe.

Hearing the clamor of arriving at Stan, he couldn't help but probe slightly, looking at the appearance of Dalstein's singularity no less than that of Daenerys, and unkindly muttered, "You're so sorry to say me..."

Strange's whisper did not end, a sharp pointed claw had pierced his chest, and came out again.

He coughed up a bit of blood, and death fell on Strange's head again.

Similar to when he had just brought Dalstein into this mirrored world, Strange was still full of energy, and only by careful observation would he notice that his body was obviously blurred.

His magic is going to be unsustainable, I don't know how much time is left.

The green light flickered weakly in his hand, and Strange sighed. "Come on... you are a few hundred times away, and you can win too much."

Dastan was obviously too lazy to listen to Strange's last words. His sharp claws shook, and Strans' body had been ripped into pieces in the air.

At the next moment, the time is reset.

The two again appeared in different corners of New York City...

The meeting between Yi Xiao and Mei Mi was not pleasant, and the second meeting of the two seemed to end in disappointment.

But Yi Xiao did not put this matter in the first place, because even if he had the help of Miss Lucy, a magical intelligence, there were still many things that needed his own hands.

Returning to a villa run by Lucy in the city, Yi Chou threw his coat to Alimond, who had been waiting here.

"Daily maintenance time." Yi Xiao said.

"Yes, sir." Alimond held his clothes and retreated very respectfully.

What a wizard is most afraid of, sudden attack, assassination, the most terrible thing is not to have no magic response, but to have no time to respond, even if the magic power reaches the level of arrogance, it is still unavoidable.

This is also a problem that everyone faces. Unless there is real immortality and fearlessness, no one can maintain vigilance every minute.

Faced with this problem, in addition to increasing her own capabilities and defense, Lucy gave the same plan as Yi Chou thought.

That is a defensive magic item.

Yi Biao once changed his wizard robe into a magic spell of triggered magic items, iron armor curse, refraction curse, forced phantom dislocation, etc.

But now, as his strength improves, these little tricks are not enough to watch.

Lucy gives a more alternative, or rather, a new set of magic, using silver tongue, Yi Huo referring to a variety of templates to finally produce a set of clothes.

Reverse time, this is to deal with the haste, although the speed of the clamor is also very fast, but it is still not easy to think of the haste beyond the only expertise.

If you can't keep up, you can't keep up. If you can't keep up with the pace of the hurry, then there is no difference between the speed of one meter per second and the speed of 100 meters per second. In the eyes of the hurry, it is as slow as the turtle.

And around Yi Yi's clothes, anything that comes close quickly will be flipped and become extremely slow, and how fast it will become slow. Conversely, if the speed is slow enough, Yi Yi will not react, but This is somewhat difficult, because if the speed is too slow, he can avoid it before approaching Yi Chou.

The flow of air, moving cars, human walking and running, and fighting are all within the normal range, and will not trigger the reverse time, so they will not consume the magic of clamor.

There is also room for stability, this is to prevent a Supreme Master who likes to open the door indiscriminately.

Super self-healing magic, can quickly grow broken limbs and arms, and even fill the wound like filling plastic.

The magic reserve draws lessons from the guys who often encounter Lucifer and Eve, who like to smoke blue and the magic ban, and Yi Chou made the clothes into a large-scale reserver.

Normally, the clothes will slowly absorb his magic power, and once the above situation is encountered, the magic power stored in the clothes can be used by Yi Chou, even the soul energy that is very easy to consume by himself, Yi Chou is stuffed into some.

And because the source of the magic power is clothes, if it is a magic against Yihuo, it is likely to miss this point.

There is still a lot of impossible magic in the realm of time, forced transfer, autonomous recycling and cleaning, etc., which have been slowly repeated in the step by step test of the silver tongue.

In order to make the silver tongue successful, which is more in line with the rationality of the story, Yi Chou had to sacrifice some other aspects.

For example, the appearance of clothes needs magic recharge every day. There can only be one piece in this world, it will never be cleaned, etc.

Fortunately, the story is controlled by himself, so all sacrifices are small details that are harmless and elegant.

As for the template, Yi Chou has more reference to the signature trench coat of Hell Detective Constantine, but it is different, so it looks a little dirty.

It is Constantine under the d comics, not an old friend.

"So why is the movie world of Hellblade Blade Warrior and even Ghost Rider here with me? Shouldn't they be obediently staying with the new human being?" Yi Biao asked smoothly.

"The answer to this question may need to be sought by Mr. Personally. Of course, I suspect that this may be inseparable from the magic of angels and demons. Only they can do this. Or, the two worlds and we don’t know Secret."

If anyone else in this world can keep up with Yi Chou's ideas, only Lucy.

After all, once Lucy was born, the first thing she learned was Yi Miao's memory meditation basin, his way of thinking.

After throwing his coat to the house elf, Yi Chou rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and walked toward the wall while summoning his shadow.

After Yi Biao left, the shadow portal was naturally closed. The valuable things found in these worlds were almost inside the portal. Naturally, you need to be careful.

Soon, the shadow reappeared, and then formed a twisted gate on the wall.

The internal space of the villa is very small, even for a villa, it is a little pitiful, but based on the requirement that Yi Huo can not be too far from the goal, it is not easy to find such a satisfactory villa.

Moreover, Yi Biao does not need an internal area. Behind the shadow portal, there is more space than the villa.

Soon, Yi Chou took Lucy into the shadows, and the villa returned to calm. Only the space door was still twisting and boiling on the walls, and Alimond was alone.

The solitary Alimond raised his hand, his fingers trembled, the door of the villa was bolted, and the complex locks all closed tightly on their own, leaving no gaps.

Sitting quietly on the sofa, Alimond held the magic iron in his hand and ironed the clothes in front of him over and over again.

Only when Yi Xiao entered the door of the space, Alimond looked at Yi Xiao, and the trace of worry in his eyes could show the heart of the house elf, and it was not as calm as it appeared on the surface...

Behind the space door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The small yellow people in groups are still busy. The basic transportation has been completed, but there are still many tasks that need them. Even with a silver tongue, there are many things that cannot be done.

Seeing Yi Xiao coming back, the little yellow people put down their hands and gave a burst of cheers, then continued to get busy.

Since Lucy was born, the management of these creatures has been transferred to her hands, and she does not have the name of magic intelligence to manage them in a well-organized manner. Not only has the efficiency increased by a few times, even the madness of the little yellow man A lot less.

Looking at the little yellow man at his feet bypassing himself carefully, instead of bumping into his head as recklessly as before, Yi Chou's mood was obviously much better, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and then he said, "Lu..."

But before waiting to turn his head, Yu Guang saw Lucy's fingers together, and then clicked on his forehead.

Yi Chao: ...

"You still have the ability to teleport... or can you communicate with brain waves?"

This movement is really too classic, no matter whether it is a professor or Dragon Ball, but the position of the **** is slightly different.

"None." Lucy took her hand from his forehead calmly, then said calmly, "I just think this action is more handsome."

Not waiting for Yi Huo's face to freeze a helpless expression, Lucy said again, "Sir, I found a very interesting message, you will be very interested."


"Not long ago, a large number of computing resources on the Internet were called. After my investigation, I found that they were used to collect all the works of Marvel Comics Company and D Comics Company, and related information."

"Then I continued to track down and found that the other party is also an intelligent existence, artificial intelligence, and it has its own name, called... Gideon." (To be continued...)

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