High Magic Earth

Chapter 1091: aims

Yi Huo paused, "Gideon?" he said slightly.

Unlike the artificial intelligence names such as Ortron, Jarvis, Veronica in the Marvel world, Gideon is the common name of the artificial intelligence in the world of D. At least for now, the reverse lightning Alber Swan and time The court used Gideon.

The existence of this world, which can be searched by Lucy, obviously should not be Albert Bird Swan, but Gideon on the ship of time, Rip Hunt.

"It seems that they have mistakenly regarded themselves as the characters created in the comics." After hearing Gideon's search for information from the two major comic companies, Yi Xiao guessed the cause and effect. "It's really interesting. I don't know if these people will What kind of reaction?"

Yi Xiao raised his footsteps again, walked to the black metal boxes inside the room, and opened the top of the boxes.

"But you know, we have something more important, and we have no time to waste on those guys." He said to Lucy.

But Lucy clearly disagreed.

"The first series of targets is not Rip Hunt, but this group of people has one of the infinite gems, the time gem, which is very precious, and for you, it should be the most easily available gem."

Lucy's analysis once again made Yi Chou act.

"Then get it," he said.

"Rip Hunt, White Canary, Heat and Cold Captain, Fire Storm, and Atom Man. Only Fire Storm is tricky, and everyone else can ignore it."

"It doesn't need me to do it myself."

"In fact, it doesn't need to be." Hearing Yi's answer, Lucy's face finally showed a satisfied smile, "Because I have arranged for someone to pass."

"Already arranged?" Yi Xiao raised the volume slightly.

"Yes." Lucy nodded indifferently. "Although they are not worrying, they still need to avoid the Hollywood blockbuster model that has been avoided by the other party because they didn't pay attention."

"So I sent Miss Yamamura."

This time, Yi Chou really stopped, and as expected, Lucy stepped aside the problems of the past manpower in advance and turned his attention to the manpower itself.

"Sadako Yamamura?"

Yi Xiao frowned, "Are you crazy?"

"You should have a little more confidence in our new companion." Lucy replied rather indifferently. "No one in the Rip Hunt team has the magic power. They have little resistance to Miss Mountain Village."

"No, I'm not saying this." Yi Xiao waved his hand. "You just let the mountain village Sadako go out, wouldn't there be any problems."

"What will happen?" Lucy asked rhetorically.

Yi Chou fell into a brief silence.

Before meeting Mei Mi, Yi Xao not only used Lucy to redefine his ability with Silver Tongue, but also sorted out most of the gains from these worlds.

One of the most important gains is not from the world of the song of ice and fire, or the era of Decapitated Valley and Harry Potter, it is from the last world, the invaded world of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence entrenched in the land of Tokyo made 17th-century human beings into bio-batteries, using a piece of picking garden to maintain their own operation, and then used a piece of code to compile a new world.

There are ninjas, monsters, and gantz in artificial intelligence. In the world of artificial intelligence, they are virtual codes.

But if they are written by Yi Tong's silver tongue, they can be virtual reality.

A few days ago, Yi Biao has summarized all the magic gadgets of the worlds of Ice and Fire and Dutton Valley. With the silver tongue, they have become less important, even if Yi Biao did before.

Then he and Lucy began their final work.

The first tangent of Yi Chou is the gantz series. Although the number of combat uniforms is large, the relative definition is very simple. It took less than half a day to become a reality.

Then there are Sadako and Fujiang.

The two of them have been kept in the cage of the boundary for more than half a month. Fortunately, one is dead and the other is okay, otherwise Yi Chou may not have seen them.

When Yi Xiao reopened the gate of the barrier, it was smelly and smelled of thick plasma. A large barrier in the room was filled with flesh and blood, and the twisted Fujiang face and head were clinging to the wall. Even when the gap is opened, it flows like a surge.

If the outer shell is fixed, but the interior is growing, the final result is that it is squeezed into meat sauce.

It was really a terrible picture.

Fortunately, the boundary was originally the gap between the world and hell. This trick was still learned from Constant and Constantine, so Sadako could appear ghostly in it, but it was not squeezed into a meatloaf.

After the Zhenzi was dragged out, Fu Jiang was still left there by Yi Chao.

Seriously, this source of fear has no other attack power except that it can multiply indefinitely and finally explode a whole world.

In addition to the inherent skills of ghosts such as heart suffocation, Sadako has only one set of shrew fist.

So Yi Xiao gave her a new life with a silver tongue.

Sadako’s rebirth is easier than she thought, because she has the original book itself, and Lucy took a short time to reduce the original book modification. In less than an hour, Yi Chou successfully made Sadako real.

Not only, but also a bell virus, or a bell virus created by artificial intelligence created by artificial intelligence.

In addition, Yi Xao used the silver tongue to return Sadako's superpowers, which was the superpowers of her life. Unfortunately, Sadako is still a ghost, because this is her core feature, not the ghost's Sadako. It can no longer be called Sadako, and this cannot be changed.

Of course, loyalty, defense, and other characteristics were also taken into consideration by Lucy, which was very successful for Yamamura’s experiment.

Fu Jiang was still locked in the barrier by Yi Huo. He cleaned out some of Fu Jiang's bodies and did not intend to activate her for the time being.

In addition, there are those monsters who are still in a semi-false state and temporarily stored in an antique bottle, and the magic lamp is also called back to liberate Aria from it. This is the task of Yi Chou today.

But it was interrupted temporarily by Lucy's news.

After carefully thinking about it for a while and making sure that there is no problem with Zhenzi in the village, Yi Biao's frowned slightly relaxed.

"Let her not make too much movement." Yi Chou said, "The magical animals seem to have entered this world. It is only a matter of time before humans find them. But here is the present world. Too much eyes are hidden in the dark. If you can Do it in secret, or don’t make things too big."

"But I am very interested in the spaceship of Lord of Time. If she finds the spaceship, tell me that I will go in person."

"I understand." Lucy smiled.

"That's the best." Yi Xuan nodded, then took out a half-height jar from the **** metal box, and put a fairy book next to it.

"This is our last task. After completing it, we will go to seth company."......

After the silver tongue doubled Yi's overall strength several times and jumped directly to a new height, Lucy formulated a hierarchy plan for Yi's next actions.

The first goal is seth company, not only because it is the base camp where new humans are at the front desk, it is the best choice to get more information from it.

Also because of the virtual reality invasion plan of the vampire diary world, it seems to be related to them.

Yi Biao didn't get much information from Seth's company because they were too secretive, but Lucy used the convenience of magical intelligence to find many valuable things on the Internet.

There is a photo.

A woman, lying on an iron bed, was surrounded by dazzling machines that could not be recognized at all, and something like an electroencephalograph enveloped her.

It looks like the latest science fiction movie poster.

But Yi Xuan does not think so, because even if it is only a side profile, he can recognize it at a glance, this woman is Eve.

This photo seems to have flowed out of a laboratory. All the information has been destroyed. Even the original construction code has been disturbed. It is impossible to restore it.

This is not surprising, because if this is really Eve, that is to say, all this is indeed related to seth.

They have an artificial intelligence, it is too easy to delete the information of a photo.

If it weren't for Lucy to find that the speed of artificial intelligence computing to cover up all this seems to be drastically decreasing, she would not be able to restore this picture.

And this series of things just confirmed one thing.

The photos flowed out of Seth's laboratory. After they appeared, the news was immediately blocked. I don't know what happened to the leaked person, but Yi Chou didn't care.

Then the information of the photo was deleted, but because of the destruction of the vampire diary world and the artificial intelligence, its ability began to shrink greatly, so that Lucy, made by Yi Chou, found the flaw.

In other words, Eve was not dead.

What was destroyed was the intelligent core that she controlled.

All this can be matched.

Yi Huo does not know what the relationship between Eve and artificial intelligence is. He only knows that he must find the laboratory of this seth company.

The grudges with Eve, the technology that invaded the Second World, the information collected in the Vampire Diaries, Zhang Junyun, Daisy and Tan Qing survived, or even... that person, the answer to all of this is here.

Yi Chou must find it.

The second point is to find opportunities to enter the world of superheroes.

As the second world of the new human beings, the sub-worlds of superheroes can be said to be the worlds with the highest fighting power. Some low-level worlds may become the base camp of the new human beings, but the superhero world will definitely not.

The first is that their combat effectiveness is too high. I am afraid that apart from the hands of angels and demons, most new humans cannot beat those super heroes.

The second is that the appearance of many Chaoying is very coincidental. Once the wings of the butterfly flap, no one knows what kind of changes will occur and what kind of impact it will cause.

Yi Chou must visit in person.

After all, looking at the Second World of Wizarding is still too limited. The end point of technology is magic. Magic and technology are mutually compatible. The super-British world is still very valuable to Yi Chao.

And he also needs to recycle the Dornting. This thing is a time bomb in the Super-British World. No one knows what changes it will bring to the Super-British World. Perhaps it has not been detonated yet, but it is only a matter of time.

Or the information it stores is exposed, bringing changes to the wizard's second world.

Yi Chou is not sure that Donne Pavilion must have entered the super-British world, but from the coordinates left after it left, no coordinate has its trace, then ten * it is outside the coordinates, the other Second world.

Yi Chou, the god-creating plan, still hasn't given up. Next, he wants to use the silver tongue as much as possible to open up more worlds, look for plot characters with potential and value, and then use the silver tongue or higher-dimensional power to change them.

But before that, he first needs to go to the Super Britain World.

Soon after...

The third multiverse.


The first month and three days after the disappearance of the Flash Barry Allen.

Sisko is still banging on the keyboard. He has been doing this for a whole day, and since Barry disappeared, he has been in this state almost every day.

Very bad.

After get off work, Iris, carrying two cups of coffee, came to the cutting-edge laboratory. Looking at Sisko in this state, she couldn't help but ask Caitlin next to her, "What a different day?"

Caitlin next to him nodded slightly.

Ayres sighed and placed the coffee next to Sisko. "Sisko, I know you are worried about Barry, but if you continue like this, you will fall first."

If after Barry disappears ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who is most worried about him, it is undoubtedly the reverse lightning Alber Swann, played Dr. Harrison Wells, because the Flash is the source of the power of reverse lightning Without Flash, he will never be able to return to the future era in which he was born.

But now Reverse Lightning has successfully returned to the future. The fake identity he used to disguise, Dr. Harrison Wells is not there, and no one will help Sisko.

Caitlin is not proficient in physics, computer science and quantum mechanics. Only in the entire cutting-edge laboratory is Sisco.

In other words, only he can help Barry, or find out where he is.

Sisko knew this well, and he put almost all the burden on himself.

Aris is worried that he will be crushed.

"It's okay." Sisco waved with a heavy, tired face, preventing Aris from continuing to nag, "I already have clues."

"I rewrote an equation. It didn't follow the route I planned, but accidentally caught some signals that I didn't understand."

"I modified it again. I have a hunch that I will succeed and I will find Barry."

I don't know if it's really going to succeed, or Sisko's hypnotic self-talk to bring information to him, he is typing the keyboard faster and faster, and this frequency even attracts Catherine next to him.


At the next moment, accompanied by Sisko's self-talk, a signal source representing a large energy fluctuation suddenly burst on the computer screen, and then with the screen of the monitor in the middle city, Barry's figure was on the top. Flashed by.

He was holding a red and gold metal armor, as if there were some terrible beasts behind him chasing him, running madly towards the cutting-edge laboratory.

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