High Magic Earth

Chapter 1092: 3rd Multiverse

How fast the Flash is, but not really fast. It's just a blink of an eye, and it's just the speed of coming to the cutting-edge laboratory from the center of Midtown.

From Barry Allen's return to Midtown to his return to the cutting-edge laboratory, it took a few seconds.

As a hurricane swept through the room, Barry suddenly appeared in front of Sisko, holding an iron guy in his arms.

"Save him," Barry said.

"Wow." Sisko jumped out of the back of the test bed. "Come on, buddy." Although he said that, he ran quickly to Barry.

Barry put down the iron guy in his hand, and then patted the iron man's face, "Jarvis, open the suit."

He held Stark all the way back from the world of the song of ice and fire. Although Barry successfully returned to his own world, obviously the timeline change failed.

Barry Allen was missing for more than a month.

But for how far he has lived in the world of the song of ice and fire for more than a month, it is impossible to say whether he made or lost.

But Barry Allen knew that if he didn’t save Stark anymore, he might not have been saved.

After saying this to Jarvis, Barry Allen put the steel armor with Stark on the ground, and the whole person became a hurricane and was busy in the laboratory.

Oxygen meter, heart rate test, bed control, a lot of things he completed in one second, the whole set of actions is not only organized but also very simple.

With a strong scent of iron-blooded soldiers.

By the time Barry returned to Stark's side, the cutting-edge laboratory's test site had become an emergency center.

"Wow..." Watching Barry's transformation blankly, Sisko opened his mouth again and whispered instinctively.

"Jarvis! Quickly unlock the suit, or it will be too late!"

But when Barry returned to Stark's side, and saw Jarvis still firmly blocking the armor, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

Barry Allen is not an impatient, but he is the Flash, and everything is actually very slow in his eyes. Even if it is not impatient, this is definitely a terrible torture.

He even wondered if Jarvis had lost energy and could not hear what he said. If so, Barry would have to tear the armor off by himself.

No doubt, Barry can definitely do it.

Maybe it was a bit difficult for Barry before, but for Barry now, it is definitely a trivial matter.

He seems to have harvested a strange memory in the world of the song of ice and fire. Barry does not know where it came from. It may be the future. It may be a parallel world. Because it is very fragmented, there is no information. Barry has not yet Completely digested.

He didn't know whether it was good or bad, but he couldn't stop it.

Because these memories have begun to change him subtlely, Barry may have been indecisive in the past. His heart is not strong, but now he definitely will not.

He even felt that he was ready to face everything.

Therefore, it is not difficult to tear off this iron skin on Stark. The memory gives him a lot of tricks to use the fast power. He can pass through the skin of the iron skin without injury and then break it from the inside.

But fortunately... Barry doesn't need to do this.

Because Jarvis has given a response.

"Thank you, Mr. Allen."

Jarvis always seemed to have a trace of sadness in his metallic voice. I didn't know why. At this moment, there was a strong uneasiness in Barry's heart.

"But Mr. has stopped breathing, I'm sorry, it's too late."

Barry didn’t know what crazy Maxim had done in the song of ice and fire, and he had to cause Stark to die. Barry knew that the two of them could not resist magic, and he couldn’t kill Maxim, so he tried his best. Took Stark back to his own world.

But I did not expect that it was still a step late.

When Jarvis said this, Barry felt that not only Stark's breathing stopped, but even his own heart stopped beating.

Things are big.

With Stark's death, it is no longer possible for this matter to be just a personal grievance between Maxim and Stark. Even if Barry said anything, the Avengers and SHIELD would have to intervene.

No matter who is right or wrong, Maxim is not a good-tempered guy.

The failure of communication will further trigger conflict, and the scale of the conflict will naturally further expand, and eventually things will become out of control.

They must be stopped.

But you can’t do it, Oliver can’t do it, maybe you can find Karazzo Air, wait... who is this...

Without knowing the reason, this series of analyses appeared in Barry's mind in an instant, but he didn't even know who Karazzo Air was.

But soon Barry didn't even think about these problems, because Jarvis had untied the mask of the steel suit, and at the same time, the entire cutting-edge laboratory's therapeutic equipment was in operation.

Heartbeat stopped, breathing stopped, the brain has stopped...

The measurement results were placed directly in front of Barry, breaking his last hope.

Both Sisko and Caitlin stopped their movements, including Detective Joseph who had just arrived. They may not know Stark, but this is after all a living life passing by them.

Barry, holding Stark's steel armor and corpses kneeling weakly on the ground, the entire state-of-the-art laboratory was quiet, no one spoke, only the slow-driving sound of various instruments.

Jarvis didn't seem to plan to expose Stark's body more. It closed the steel armor, wrapped Stark tightly, disconnected from the laboratory, and then said to Barry again.

"Mr. Allen, if you can, please do me a favor."

"Please say." Barry said quickly.

"Mr. doesn't like being too far away from the Stark Tower. If you can do it, I ask you to send the sir back to his own world. Everything about him is there."

Upon hearing Jarvis's request, Barry immediately agreed, "This is of course, I will definitely send him back, I will find his world, this shock wave can help."

With that said, Barry set his sights on Sisko.

Although Sisko nodded and agreed to come down, he was ashamed, "Of course, of course." He said, "But who is the shock wave?"

After Jarvis said this, he extinguished other energy sources in the steel suit, leaving only the most basic functions of freezing and low temperature.

"I'm not sure how long my energy will last, so... please do it as soon as possible, thank you."

The last sentence came to an end, and the entire steel suit was as if it had passed away, lifeless, only the cold still entrenched on the surface.

But there was no soul in the past when Stark was wearing it. ...

Coulson put down his knife and confirmed that his guest artist's life had come to an end.

After all the strange patterns were carved out by him, this impulse from instinct began to weaken greatly, and instead he was asked to find a place.

A map.

Now Coulson has unlocked the secrets of these strange patterns, but the cumbersome things make him unable to pull away and go to find this place himself.

The strangers related to the map, the Hydra that seems to be resurrected, and even even the street superheroes that are constantly missing in New York.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s serious wounds did not heal, and these sudden times rushed out of the brain, even making Coulson wonder if this was a whole conspiracy.

Coulson, who was sitting in the office, did not move, but his brain activity had been running for a whole number of hours, and he hadn't stopped since he opened his eyes in the morning.

Now he finally understands Nick, who still sits in this position for decades, and in the end will become no one can really believe.


While Coulson was meditating, the office door was knocked, and then after a few seconds, May pushed the door in.

Although Coulson replaced his signature smiley face in time, May, who had been with him for more than ten years, saw the first time that it was inappropriate.

"Worrying about strangers again?" she asked.

"Yeah." Coulson spread his hands, but apparently did not want to talk more about this matter, he asked directly, "What's the matter with me."

May is also very simple, she put the information in her hands on Coulson's desk, and then concisely, "the missing case."

Colson sighed helplessly, "Which unfortunate street hero..."

They didn't find the reason at all. Recently, superheroes in New York have frequently disappeared, especially on the streets.

There weren't many street heroes. After the disappearance of Super Gallant and Jessica, Luke Cage soon had no news. Even Ant-Man was attacked. Ant-Man didn't figure out who the attacker was, but luckily escaped After a disaster.

Now Coulson only hopes that not Falcon or Spider-Man will also encounter poisonous hands, because the combat power of the other party does not look very strong, just pick some heroes who are easy to start as targets.

After Colson picked up the information on the table, May spoke.

"You guessed wrong this time, not superheroes, but strangers."

"Alien?" Coulson raised the volume, "We don't know much about them, and even the existence of the alien has not been confirmed..."

"Where are they gathering?"

"It's not clear," May said. "The other party was exposed by the stranger when he was transferred at a port in Australia."

"So we don't know where the strangers gather or where the other party's base is. In fact, if it wasn't for the stranger to riot the port, we didn't know that the other person also kidnapped the stranger."

"It's really good news." Coulson also scratched his head a little.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has been disintegrated from the surface, the secret part can still win the world in intelligence, and such an organization can't find any clue about the other party.

"Okay." But Coulson said immediately afterwards, "We finally knew a little clue that the Australian port is not the gathering place of strangers, or the base of the group of kidnappers."

May nodded, not surprised by Coulson's speculation.

But she has one more important thing now.

"Fitz said he found information about the group of kidnappers and asked you to go to the laboratory."

Upon hearing this, Coulson stood up immediately, "What are you waiting for," he said. ...

On the day of the Hydra's outbreak, S.H.I.E.L.D. grabbed a lot of talents who were dormant among ordinary people from the Hydra's hands.

It can be said that although S.H.I.E.L.D. retreated from the bright side, there was not much loss of strength. Especially for the research team, their talents did not decline but rose.

Now, Coulson is standing in a brand-new research group laboratory.

"What? You mean the other party has a world-class artificial intelligence?"

Faced with Coleson's doubts, both Fitz and Water O'Brien showed absolute confirmation.

The two looked at each other and then led by Fitz, O'Brien added, "Yes, we have reason to be sure that there is a world-leading artificial intelligence behind each other, which erases all traces."

"Then you." Coulson was not shocked by the news, but focused on the point. "You are the highest IQ group in the world, can you solve this artificial intelligence."

But after Fitz and O'Brien glanced at each other again, Fitz shook his head, "Sorry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other party seems...not just artificial intelligence."

"I don't know what it is, but there are...what's wrong."

"That's good." Coulson knew that this was not his strong point, he opened his hand decisively and asked, "Then what should we do next."

"If we also have an artificial intelligence, there may be a way to find it. The current production is not good. Artificial intelligence needs to learn. The other party may take this opportunity to kill it in the cradle."

Coulson looked at Fitz, waiting for him to finish talking.

"So... Stark Industries." Fitz opened his hands. "We need Mr. Stark's artificial intelligence."

"But we all know that Tony Stark has been missing for more than four months." Coulson said immediately.

Fitz shook his head, but the expression on his face said everything.

"Is there no other way?" Coulson asked with some stubbornness.

For such a long time, since the disappearance of the first street hero, Chao Dan Xia, they have been conducting a tracing, but the entire SHIELD was fully deployed, and no trace of the other side was traced.

Now, Fitz seems to finally have a way to find each other, so he can't give up.

Fitz also knows this, but they have tried many methods, and all failed, "The other party's artificial intelligence is far more powerful than normal artificial intelligence."

"I sometimes even suspect that this is not just an artificial intelligence."

Obviously, both Fitz and O'Brien have exhausted each other's sufferings.

Frowning his eyebrows in distress, Fitz's voice was low, "I don't know how the other party uses the code, because there are some things that the program can't do, it looks more like..."

He took a deep breath and then spit out the last two words, "Magic."

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