High Magic Earth

Chapter 1093: Related

For human beings, time is everywhere, but it can never be captured.

There are many guesses about time. Just like the parallel world, some people think that time is a straight line, some people think that time is a curve, or even like a big tree, branching.

Time is like a veil from the future, always floating in the previous moment and cannot be uncovered.

But the future can be influenced. It is determined by the present. What happens now is determining everything in the future.

. . .

In this world, the eighteenth floor of the Petronas Twin Towers in New York.

The twin towers of the earth and the gold seem to have become a kind of dead domain. With the continuous development of seth's business, this place has gradually become the private territory of Lucifer.

Before, they only occupied the top floor, but now, all the floors from the top floor to the eighteenth floor belong to them.

Although Lucifer did not like humans very much, he still maintained an appreciation for human creations.

There are many angels who hate humans, even with everything that hates humans, but Lucifer does not think so. He thinks those angels are hypocritical, and the earth is half of humans. If you hate everything about humans so much, why not leave the earth.

You will die if you leave the earth.

So they dare not, these timid and fellows.

But the great Lucifer is not hypocritical. He never hides his love for gadgets made by human beings. For example, he can now eat popcorn while watching TV shows with relish.


Two soft sounds came from the gate, but Lucifer did not look up at all.

He was still attentively looking at the computer screen on the desk, with a smile on his face like a child, "Naliyali, you really should watch this TV series."

Although he didn't raise his head, Lucifer still knew that the angel was coming. After all, he was one of the archangels, or one of the former archangels.

"It's so interesting. Although it was adapted from my prototype, in the eyes of humans, do I really have such kindness?"

In his eyes, there was a color like **** fire, and the tone was cheerful, as if it really did not contain the slightest viciousness, "Help me do a market research."

"One hundred people, think Lucifer is evil, throw him into hell, I don't like people saying bad things behind my back, think Lucifer is kind, throw him into hell, I kindly give him a fall with me forever Chance of hell."

"Also... Help me find the heroine of this drama. I want to see how she will react when Lucifer actually appears in front of her. That must be interesting."

"The name of the play is... Lucifer, make no mistake, the second season."

Naliyali, the female angel who pushed in the door, was the angel who ran after Mina in the Asian land not long ago.

She disregarded Lucifer's nagging and disregarded a large tumor-like ball in the room, and placed a parchment paper directly on Lucifer's desk.

At this time, Lucifer continued his thoughts.

"I really don't understand the principle of bipolar paradise. The second world created by the energy of human fantasy is the second world we created, right."

"Then why did this guy on the TV experience, I also experienced, whether I created the second world, or the second world makes me think that we created the second world. What is this?"

"The latest news of the third multiverse, lord," Naliya Limu said with a face on her face. "And I am the war angel under the command of Lord Michael, not your slave, and will not do this boring market for you. survey."

"Also, the two-polar paradise was not created by you, not even the true dimension of you. This is a masterpiece of my father."

"It's really boring." Lucifer half-paralyzed on the swivel chair and said lazily. "How do you think you are my slave? It makes me sad to say that."

"Are you stupefied by my handsomeness and willing to do me a favor?"

"This is impossible." Nali Yali said indifferently.

"Then... didn't you help me find the heroine?"

"Adult, let's take a look at the news from the third multiverse first. Lord Michael said that if news comes, he will know the first time."

"Okay, okay." Lucifer waved her hand and picked up the parchment on the table.

The curl of the parchment is sealed by red ink, which looks very simple, but it is sealed with the magic of the angels, and only a few archangels can open it.

As one of the archangels, Lucifer was naturally among them. He tore the parchment calmly and shivered.

"What's the matter?" He didn't even bother to look at it. He just laid out the parchment and asked Naliyali next to him.

Naliyali seemed to be surprised by Lucifer’s habits, and she immediately replied, "It is said that Stark was brought back to the multiverse by Barry Allen, and then he died."

This sentence is rather light, but Rao is Lucifer, and can't help but stay a little bit.

"Dead?" he wondered.

It can be seen that Naliya Li is a very responsible angel. Even if Lucifer looks a little out of tune, she still answers very seriously.

"Yes, he is dead," Naliyali repeated.

But Lucifer waved his hand, "No, I don't mean that, I mean... is he really dead?"

"You know, I like fake death very much. I used this trick to deceive a lot of people. Michael's stupid guy will be fooled every time."

"About this news, I can finally confirm it again."

"It has been confirmed." Naliyali knew that Lucifer was very lazy, as if he was not the **** master at all, but the lazy incarnation of the seven deadly sins, and he wished to stay in his office every day to get drunk and dream dead, so she had a bad voice. Urged, "This news is very important, you must contact Lord Michael as soon as possible."

There are many ordinary angels, but the number of archangels is limited.

The angel is the only one who can contact the angel, so Naliyali wants to contact Michael and must pass Lucifer who stays here.

And Lucifer's body can stay in this world as a liaison officer. It is conceivable that his status is not higher than that of ordinary angels.

"Of course, of course." Lucifer said impatiently. "Of course I know this news is important."

If Stark really dies, it's not as simple as dying alone.

With the death of Stark, the vendetta between the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver is nowhere to be reported. Stark will not start Ultron, so there will be no Sekovia incident.

Without the Sekovia incident, Stark would not feel guilty, thinking that he would make mistakes, then other Super Britains would make mistakes, and supporting the Super Britain registration plan, even the 1991 incident would not necessarily be turned back. Come out, this matter will directly affect the civil war.

Everything in the future is disrupted.

"Seriously, I still like the movie Captain America 3." Lucifer said, "It's a pity that I can't see the real version."

"It's just the third multiverse." Naliyali said.

Lucifer rolled the parchment again, "Well, I know, this matter is really important, but... I can't take it off now."

Naliyali frowned slightly, "Master Michael said..."

"Okay, okay, I don't care what Michael said, I am busy now, I don't have time."

"What are you busy with?" Naliyali frowned.

"Can't you see such a large conversion container." Lucifer pointed a sarcoma that occupied most of the room next to him. "I want to help him complete the conversion."

"It's just an ordinary angel conversion." There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Nali Yali's tone. It is estimated that if it wasn't the archangel's dignity that could not be offended, she might already be unable to help.

"No, no, this is no ordinary angel." Lucifer denied, "This is a great avenger."

"Like I said, I like Captain America 3 because the taste of revenge is wonderful, there is a trace of pain in the beauty."

"All in all, he is important."

Lucifer spread his hands, "I'm still waiting for him to incubate and help me manage the seth company again. He is a rare talent."

Fortunately, Lucifer knew the importance of the matter. Looking at Naria Li's frowning, he said again, "Since you hang Michael on your mouth every day, why don't you go and see him in person."

"He is recruiting four knights for us and may need manpower."

I have to say that Lucifer deserves to be the master of hell. He not only understands the hearts of people, but also understands the psychology of angels. His proposal made Nali Yali very interested.

"Where?" she asked.

"The third multiverse." Lucifer said in a very tempting tone, "Go to the world of mutants, go."

"Go, find Aligyeri and let him open the portal for you."

"Make no mistake, Michael's world is called...x-Men Apocalypse."

. . .

At the same time, in this world, in a combat headquarters in New York.

Countless soldiers in green military uniforms and fbi in black suits gathered together. The number of people is large, but the entire base is in order.

Near the core console of the entire control center, stood the highest commander of the entire base, General Sorozo.

"General, it has been more than seventy-two hours. The Broadway incident on the Internet is still out of control. The fifth group said that there seems to be a mysterious force preventing them. They cannot delete any information and lock any IP."

"Will the superpowers do it?"

General Sorozor looks in his thirties, when he was in his prime, he was burly but bloated. In fact, if he was not a general, it might not be bad to be a movie star.

He is very handsome and does not have the majestic feeling given to him by the general.

But his voice sounded dignified but gentle.

"Not clear yet." Hearing the general's question, the liaison replied immediately.

"Is it magic?" Sorozor asked again.

"Not clear." The liaison's answer remained firm.

"Then figure it out." Sorozo didn't seem to be surprised. After getting the expected answer, he simply ordered the liaison.

The liaison gave a military salute and soon turned to leave.

After standing for a while, General Zorozo nodded to his deputy and soon left the command center.

After entering the main passage of the base and using only the general's authority to open a side door, General Sorozo turned into a remote corridor.

After a few twists and turns, he came to the other side of the base.

There are several guards every ten meters or so here, and countless researchers in white coats walk among them. The number of people is no less than that of the command center.

"how is the progress?"

Soon, with the arrival of General Sorozo, his other deputy appeared next to him.

"Same as 13 days ago, still staying in stage c."

General Sorozo asked this question almost every day. After all, this is also the main research content of their research institution, so the deputy answered very simply, without thinking.

"Speed ​​up." General Sorozor didn't care too much, just urged faintly.

But the deputy nodded and wrote down this sentence very seriously.

"What about magic?" General Zorozo asked again.

"The sorcerer we caught said all he could say. The torture expert and psychologist said that he didn't hide anything, but none of the ten volunteers could learn magic."

General Sorozor stopped, "Why?"

"The wizard said... It's a matter of magic."

The two stopped in front of a glass window. The huge window fell straight to the ground. On the other side of the one-way glass was a room. All the daily necessities in it were all available, even the best, and not only that, here There are even several beautiful blonde women, because all this is for the person inside, the wizard.

General Zorozo and his deputy stood in front of the glass and looked down at everything inside. The wizard inside didn't seem to realize that there were people outside, and he was still doing his own thing.

"How to solve it?" General Zorozo asked again.

"He doesn't know." The deputy shrugged.

Seeing General Zorozor's gaze shifted, his deputy quickly added, "He said he didn't know how magic appeared, he suddenly entered another world... Then he had magic and learned magic. "

"Is he telling the truth?"

"Looks like it is." The deputy's answer was also uncertain. "Do you want to..." He pointed to the wizard in the room and tentatively asked Sorozor.

Sorozor thought for a moment, "No," he said. "This is not a determined person. It is easier to induce him to compromise than torture."

"The wizard is very difficult to arrest, we still need him."

"I see." The deputy nodded.

Sorozor stood for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and took him on, and the two came to another scientific research department, where the research seems to be some kind of electromagnetic instrument, because since Sorrowz stepped into the room, The watch and all electronic devices he was wearing were in a state of malfunction.


Seeing Sorozor, a white robe, a middle-aged man wearing glasses stopped his hand and walked over.

"Dr. Const, how is the progress of the jammer?"

"It's almost done," Const said.

"This is really the best news I've heard during this time." Constell's answer made Sorozor feel relieved.

"But we don't have an experimental body in our hands, so we are not sure whether the jammer will have any effect on the wizard's phantom-shifting magic. All this is only based on theory." Only then, Dr. Const throws a problem again. .

But this time, General Sorozo didn't seem to be too distressed, but patted Dr. Const's shoulder, and seemed to say with a smile, "Relax, there will be."

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