High Magic Earth

Chapter 1094: ready

Madison has been in her new home for several days, and she feels pretty good.

It seems that it is because the actor and the person being played, although their settings are completely different, their preferences and tastes are almost the same.

She likes the decoration style of the house and the comfortable environment inside.

Even more so than the old house in the Witch School that was unknown to be built for hundreds of years.

After all, the Witch School does not really belong to her, she is only a temporary owner, and here, everything here belongs to her, now, forever.

Quite a few people have called her over the past few days. Of course, it was Miss Emma, ​​but they were all answered by Madison.

The voices of the two were almost the same, and no one heard anything unusual. She ignored the manager's irritability and heartache and pushed off several audition plans.

Well, before she became a witch, it was her dream to be a Hollywood star.

But now it is not.

Even if there is a bright way before her.

Perhaps it is not so bright, even if Julia Roberts is in front, Emma Roberts, that is, Miss Madison’s road is still not smooth.

And Julia is already old.

Hollywood has never been an eternal winner.

She is a witch.

Even if she traversed different spaces, killed herself in this world, and completely replaced the identity of the other party, she could not change this fact.

She is a witch, and magic is her most powerful force.

This has been known since the moment she missed and killed.

In addition, someone called to ask her about Ivan in the past few days. It seems that there was no news in a few days, which caused concerns for Ivan's agent.

But Madison was not worried because no one would think she did it.

Because there is no magic in this world, no one thinks of magic. . Maybe?

Madison thought of the night chicks flying in the sky that she saw a few days ago, and her head was not so sure. She was sure that she was not mistaken, because even if it was dazzling, the magic of the flash could not be wrong. .

Not to mention the news that appeared with the day she entered the world.

"Amazing inside story about the Broadway incident!"

"Superheroes invade reality!"

Look at the titles of these news, no matter which world, reporters and the news industry will always be the unchanging king.

Madison knew what she saw on TV. She knew what appeared in this world that day. She also grew up watching Superman comics.

And unlike the ignorant crowd, Madison knows more. If she, for this world, the characters in a TV series can appear in this world, then why can't the characters in the comics appear.

Although there is a TV series in this world that he plays, he is false to the people in this world, but who can be sure that this world is real.

Not in another world, a movie, a comic, or a novel.

No way to know.

Madison's mind has always had a vague sense of crisis. This is from the witch's intuition. As her magic power increases, this intuition becomes more obvious.

Sometimes she can help her avoid many things.

Based on this, she has been exercising her magic recently.

Regrettably, the batch of magic books she recently purchased did not bring it, but the wand carried a wand with him, which may be the last wand in the world.

Madison can use wandless magic. Although there are not many, when it comes to wandless, the stronger is the talent of her witch, the idea of ​​moving objects and controlling fire.

The flame of the witch is ignited by the ordinary flame, and then transformed into a magic flame, which can not be extinguished in ordinary times. If it is Madison's flame, it is even stronger than the fierce fire.

Fortunately, she has the latest harvest, double magic, luxury spree.

Not only is her control of magic power stronger than before, almost all her abilities have doubled, the atmosphere of the flame is greater, and the burning speed is faster. It is not a few points stronger than the fierce fire, but a few points.

She might have been able to control people hitting the wall before hitting the halo, but now, she can even control smaller objects, just like bullets, hit the wall at a speed comparable to bullets, and then eject them.

If Granger's little **** saw this scene, she would shut her mouth obediently and never dare to talk nonsense in front of herself again.

Unfortunately, Madison didn't know if he could go back.

You can't make a TV series in your own world, and then the content is exactly the thing of this world.

After staying in the room for three days, Madison was lying on the bed watching all kinds of TV shows except for the snacks that Emma bought.

Every day is hung on the Internet, the whole person seems to become an Internet addicted girl.

TV series, movies, comics, the two worlds have a lot in common, such as superhero comics, such as the most classic superhero, Superman.

But there are many different places, at least there is no one called Emma Roberts and Emma Watson in that world.

As for why this is necessary. . Madison certainly likes to watch these things. She is a witch, but also an ordinary young girl, not an old witch who has lived for hundreds of years.

Not only does she like to watch idol dramas, she also likes to be at the forefront of fashion and the top of the trend.

But today, she always feels a little uneasy.

It seemed that she couldn't calm down all day, even her favorite music would make her moody.

Towards the evening, Madison had intended to lie in bed early and slept for twenty hours, but after several laps, he could not sleep peacefully for more than half an hour.

She suddenly removed the quilt covering her head, opened her eyes, and looked quietly at the dark ceiling.

After a while, she suddenly turned up and she needed to go out for a walk.

It seems that doing so will calm her heart a little.

. . .

Hiding in the stronghold.

After banging on the keyboard for a day, Harbins sent the last email to warn the British wizard not to try to come to the United States, and it will also start to become unsafe. After putting down his work, he rubbed his shoulders tiredly. .

"I am a prophet, why should I do these things that do not match my identity." He could not help complaining.

The other person in the room, the only middle-aged uncle Joseph who accompanied Habens here, made a heavy nasal sound from his nose, seemingly hummed, but besides, he gave no response.

His eyes, including the mind of the whole person, fell on the sheepskin handrails in his hand, which was a part of what was recorded in the secret pivot of the church.

It was his loot in the legendary medieval world in the night, after he killed a few vampires and rewarded them with their fangs to go to church.

Although it is a copy, the various demon hunter skills recorded above are not as valuable as the original copy.

Seeing that there was no sympathy at all, although he had long known the virtue of Joseph, a veteran veteran, Habens couldn't help but flick his lips.

In front of outsiders, especially those free people who didn't know much about meeting for the first time, Harbins always had a good sense of mind, and there seemed to be nothing he didn't know.

Only in front of Mei Mi, Joseph's relatives and companions, he will reveal his true side.

"Oh...my dear brother, miss me?"

When Harpens just gave away his breath, Mei Mi's voice suddenly appeared in his ears. With the gust of wind, Mei Mi appeared silently in the room, and at the same time placed a pizza in front of him.

"Double cheese." She said.

Surprise always appears inadvertently.

Habans, who is currently in the gourmet market, had his eyes lit up, and then rubbed his hands. "I want to die."

Seeing that, Mei Mi's corners of her mouth could not help but also lifted a trace of arc, and the depression brought to her by Yi Chou was also washed away a lot. She took out a stemware from the cupboard at hand, then came to the refrigerator and took out one The bag is also tied to a hospital-numbered blood bag.

The seductive scarlet liquid like a rose flowed into the cup with the sound of berthing, and Mei Mi took out several frozen ice cubes from the refrigerator again.


The ice fell into the blood, slowly and vigorously blended into the liquid, and hit the edge of the cup, making a crisp sound.

"Happy birthday." She toasted and said to Harbens.

Habens, chewing the pizza cheerfully, seemed to be stunned for a few seconds before digesting the meaning of Mei Mi's words. Today is his birthday.

But many things keep him busy, and he has forgotten his birthday.

If it is not Mei Mi remember to remind him.

"When you say that, why am I not happy at all." I thought pizza was a surprise for Qian Lao, but I didn't expect it to be a birthday gift.

This contrast is somewhat too big for Habens.

"This is the birthday, boy." Joseph finally put down his hand and did not know where to pull out a small silver jug. Then he gestured slightly to Habens.

He carefully folded his hand along the original trace, and then tucked it back into his clothes again.

"It's just a copy."

Habens, who was chewing on the pizza, saw Joseph's movement and said disdainfully.

"Wisdom is true and false." Joseph leaned back, leaning back, "I thought you would agree with this more than me."

"But wisdom does not fully represent power."

Harpens picked up a piece of pizza again. "If I were you, I would let Mei Mi take a bite. The power of a vampire is much more real than your study of the devil's deeds."

Sitting on the side, wandering out of the sky, Mei Mi, who didn't know what he wanted to write, was mentioned at first, and he was slightly stunned, and then said, "Interrupt, boys."

"Wanting to be a vampire is not as simple as taking a bite, okay, although I mixed a lot of vampire viruses, the strongest is the twilight vampire."

"You know what it needs."

"Die first." Harbins continued.

"Forget it." Joseph shook his head.

"If I become a vampire, the first of my old demon hunters is to cut off my head. I like the atmosphere of the church, and I don't want to turn the church into a restricted area."

"And don't forget, this record was still the result of cutting off three vampire heads."

Hearing this, Mei Mi's brow wrinkled slightly.

Because she thought of the conversation with Yi Chou, enemies, new human beings, angels and demons when they met during the day.

Habens is her younger brother, and it can be said that he is the person who knows Mei Mi best in the world. Since Mei Mi came back, he has been paying attention. When Mei Mi frowned, Habens also put down his pizza.

"Why, didn't the meeting go smoothly today?"

"It doesn't matter what you see with your eyes." Mei Mi groaned angrily.

Harpens shrugged. "Well, it seems to be not smooth."

As a sacrifice to the Spartan Temple of War, Habens' prophecy is different from witches and wizards. He doesn't need to see the blurry images and instructions from the crystal ball.

If he wants to know the future, he only needs to offer sacrifices, and the spirit will naturally guide him.

Of course, offering sacrifices alone is not enough, and so-called sincerity is needed, so most of the time the sacrifices are representatives, responsible for representing the petition of a group of people.

But there are also many gods who prefer to take private work in private, for example, Gree, well, maybe they are not gods, but at least gave Habens a chance to sacrifice.

But private work also often means that it is not reliable, and the Griai sisters are very unreliable. They like to collect things and say a lot of nonsense.

If the priests are smart enough, they can also get some valuable information from them.

Based on this, Habans generally does not ask them things.

Mei Mi naturally knew this. When she said this, it generally meant that she was in a bad mood.

The omniscient prophet doesn’t have to look with your eyes. In Mei Mi’s mouth, it’s basically the same as saying that you are talking nonsense.

"What did he say?" Harpens asked again.

"Talk a lot."

Mei Mi responded briefly, but did not answer in detail, but vaguely passed.

Because she thought of Habens, he was a priest, and the power of the priest came from God. If Yi Biao said it was true, maybe God is not a good choice.

Thinking of this, Mei Mi's brow deepened.

Harbens wanted to inquire carefully, but didn't know how to speak.

It happened that at this time, the only semi-covered window in the basement leading to the ground gave a knocking sound.


"It's an owl." Joseph said without looking up.

"I really should teach the wizards to use other methods to pass the message~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mei Mi said, "Magic is something that makes people improve, can't they modify the phone, instead of degenerating to pass the pigeons in the Middle Ages era. "

It was Habens who had opened the window and ushered the owl in.

But in the next moment, his movements will be a slight pause, because there is blood on the owl, it is not that it was injured, nor was it attacked by some kind of raptor.

That's it. . Contaminated with blood.

"What does that say?" Mei Mi asked in a raised voice.

"I have a bad feeling." Joseph said beside him, "I smell the blood."

Harbins looked serious at the moment. He took a small parchment and read it in ten lines. "It is correct to choose the owl to deliver the letter." He said, "We have been exposed, and the government's people are staring at us."

He paused for a moment, and seemed to give Mei Mi and her two digestion time, "It's now." Then he continued, "The attack has already begun."

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