High Magic Earth

Chapter 1095: get together


Josie Hamilton, born in an unknown town in the countryside of Chicago. When she was in high school, she fell in love with the school football team's quarterback. Unfortunately, until graduation, the other party did not know her name.

Her life is just like her appearance, ordinary, ordinary to no ordinary.

After graduating from high school, she couldn't bear the boring numbness in the town, and couldn't see the desperate life at the end. She came to New York with a grade that she had seen.

But the life of her expectation did not come. The university is far better than her, and there are more people than high school, which directly submerged her in the vast sea of ​​people.

Don't say to find a boyfriend.

Perhaps it is not easy to meet a wonderful night.

Of course, if she does not dislike those otakus who wear glasses and are thinner than the glasses frame, she may also have a market.

But Josie was not desperate. She never thought life abandoned her. She always looked at everything around her with an optimistic attitude.

Maybe. . It is because even if she died in the apartment, no one will find out until the class next week.

If there are no complaints, she will not be able to mourn and complain, depression? Josie hasn't been miserable to that extent. She just has a smaller number of people in communication, and there are still two or three friends.

She just couldn't understand, she wasn't too ugly. Why is the communication circle so small?

But what Josie didn't expect was that destiny had already arranged everything, and at an unexpected time, destiny would open a new door for her in an unimaginable way.

That is a whole world.

. . .

When Josie entered the Harry Potter world, the whole person was half awake.

She traversed in her sleep. Last night, she spent most of the night. After watching a whole season of criminal psychology, she came to another place when she woke up.

Unlike her warm and comfortable little nest.

The ground here is icy, with a bitter chill, and a **** smell flutters in the air. To be precise, the iron fence pressed against her awakened her.

Gu Ling Pavilion.

Unfortunately, the time she entered coincided with the goblins being attacked by Death Eaters. Fortunately, she was lucky and Voldemort had just left.

Otherwise, maybe the little Tom with no nose doesn’t mind giving the life-spell to the half-blood wizard or Muggle dumb cannon.

It took Josie a full three or four minutes to realize where he was, the world of Harry Potter, not the studio of a movie theater.

Perhaps the surrounding buildings and corpses everywhere could be faked, but the warm organs inside the corpses could not be faked. This was evidenced by the blood in her hands.

Incidentally, what she has refined is medical forensics.

There are not many troubles in small towns, and there are not many comfortable majors that have been selected by students in big cities.

Forensic medicine is not bad. Apart from dealing with corpses every day, at least the welfare benefits are not low, and it is not very tiring. The police station is not attacked by thugs and will not hurt the forensic clinic, as long as the other party comes in and robs the corpse.

Maybe you still need to worry about zombies?

A lot of thoughts turned around in Josie's head, trying to force himself to concentrate and deal with everything in front of him in this way.

Less than ten minutes later, Josie left the Gu Ling Pavilion.

Unlike when she came to this world in pink cartoon pajamas, when she left, she wore a black robe with blood, a few wands that were still intact, and there were too many Jin Jialong and gems that could not fit.

Gu Ling Ge was attacked, maybe the goblins were not dead, but at least the demon in the hall was dead, and the goblins who dared to interact with the front of Lao Fu did not exist. The remaining goblins were hiding in the underground bank of Gu Ling Ge. In the channel.

Of course, Josie couldn't penetrate the Gu Ling Pavilion.

She has neither magic nor keys, but Jin Jialong does not necessarily have to be underground in the Guling Pavilion. The goblins have always believed that the Gu Ling Pavilion is the safest place in the magic world, so they have a habit that is fanfare. In the hall, on the high steps, counting the money while looking down at the wizard who came in.

While satisfying their bad taste, it also showed the strength of Gu Ling Pavilion.

and so. . Now all these things belong to Josie.

Voldemort is not short of money, and the Death Eaters are all a group of pure blood, pretending to be a very high-strength guy, will not sweep the battlefield like a locust crossing, maybe Jincancan Malfoy leaked from his finger a little Enough for them to use for a long time, so it was cheap Josie.

Of course, to be able to do all this requires more than luck.

This requires courage, and understanding and cognition of the surrounding environment.

It happened that Josie had both. Perhaps the former is somewhat lacking, but the latter is absolutely sufficient.

She is a person with a very small social circle, so in a sense, she was forced to go home, once the modern people live home, then the network is bound to be indispensable.

And have they traveled abroad?

Of course there are.

Josie has not only watched Harry Potter, but also the legend of the ancient battlefield through the play, and even the Kanyan Yankees in the Arthur dynasty, the twelve monkeys may also be considered. Hour is her favorite, after all, she will become a forensic doctor in the future.

Not Doctor Strange.

Before the Phoenix came, she searched the battlefield and quickly left, while Diagon Alley was more deserted and depressed than she thought.

Not only are most of the shops closed, but even the Lizhen Bookstore is not open early because it is not in the school season.

The whole street was deserted, and the only one with the door open was a stupid Weasley joke shop.

Fortunately, there were still a few bars, and Josie soon checked in with Jin Jialong. If she remembered correctly, during the battle of the Harry Potter book, this was the last few attacks on Diagon Alley, and then Voldemort will fail completely. At this time, it is relatively safe compared to other places in the magic world.

But here is not a novel after all, but a reality. Perhaps the Death Eaters, like the Germans at that time, wandered everywhere and domineering? Who knows?

Josie doesn’t have many choices. Perhaps Hogsmeade Village is a good choice, but she doesn’t know how to go. Of course, it is safest to stay away from the magic world.

Voldemort will not set his precious gaze outside the magic world, nor will the Death Eaters know that Josie, a traveler with no record at all.

but. . She didn't want to leave like that.

This is the world of Harry Potter, the live Harry, Potter.

Okay, maybe Harry Potter has nothing to look at, but the magic is real, the magic that really exists, many people have dreamed of magic, enter the magic world and do nothing, just leave so vainly .

This is not the choice she wants to make.

Josie had a hunch that she felt that what happened today would change her life forever.

It took a long time for Josie to realize that this was the unique intuition of the wizards, and it was not uncommon for wizards with such a strong intuition when they first awakened their magic.

Because the strong are always a minority.

. . .

"Josie, Josie?"

"Slap, look back!"

With a clear snapping finger, Josie suddenly stunned, and finally woke up into a good time immersed in memories, "Hoo..." She let out a light breath and shook her head as if it was hot.

"Sorry." She said to her companions, "Today there is always some uneasiness."

At the other end of the round table, one does not look old, but it is very majestic. At first glance, the wizard of the big company woman type frowned, and then said, "The wizard’s intuition is often very useful. Be careful."

Her words made another witch on the left roll her eyes and blow out a big bubble gum in her mouth. She seems to be quite young, as if she was only seventeen or eighteen years old. Compared with the strong woman, she looks like a child Relationship with mother.

Of course, if anyone really dared to say so, she would definitely give each other a pig tail.

"Imogin, what's the matter of calling us today? Not long ago, the last party was such a short time that no one should enter another world and have the resources to exchange it." It seems that the various reactions to the surrounding companions have long been used to The scene calmed down a little bit, and another witch took the topic.

If Mei Mi or Habens are here, it will be recognized that this is Joanna, who has been a professor of defense in a parallel world of Harry Potter.

She didn't follow Harbens anymore, but. . The circle of free people is so small that no one can escape.

Imogen, the witch of the strong woman type, cleared her throat slightly, then whispered, "It's not about Broadway. Have you read the news."

Everyone's reactions were similar. Even some absent-minded Josie nodded. During this time, the TV station was almost bombed, and the news was scrolled at various times.

At first, they thought that this matter would be blocked, but now it seems that this period of time has passed, not only does not have the slightest intent to block, it seems that it is getting worse.

Imogen is engaged in the journalism industry. She keenly smelled the unusual smell. Coupled with the warning that Harbins gave her, she also felt that something seemed to happen recently.

"Habens said, let us better leave the United States, what do you think."

The other youngest witch rolled her eyes and impatiently snapped her phone on the table before anyone else had spoken. "Come on, my parents will never let me leave the United States. I can go back at ten at night. Best of all, if I spend the night outside, they can kill me without waiting for others."

Joanna also shook her head, "My family, my life, my life is here, I can't leave."

Like Joanna, everyone else shook their heads and responded one after another. Their answers were almost the same, and they did not intend to leave here.

Although their ages are different, the difference is not big. Perhaps the biggest difference is only twelve or three years. Some of them are because of family members, and some are because of friends and life. They can't just leave.

"What about you, Josie." Imogen is worthy of being a strong woman in the journalism industry, taking care of everything, she saw Josie did not speak, and asked indifferently.

"I don't know." Josie lowered her eyes and shrugged. "Maybe leave. Britain is a good choice. I always wanted to come."

"What good is Britain." Joanna asked puzzled.

"Stonehenge, you know." Josie spread her hands. "Have you seen the legend of the ancient battlefield? The heroine of the TV series returned to ancient England through the magic of Stonehenge. I want to go to the scene to see, then Is there any magic on it?"

This time Joanna rolled her eyes. "You got it, you are willing to leave, no matter what new boyfriend you find? That's a rare little fresh meat. You don't want me." It's coming."

Other witches also took part in it, and a serious topic immediately turned into a night talk of the girlfriends of the sisterhood, but the sisters in this sisterhood were all wizards.

In this atmosphere, Josie's restless mind also relaxed a lot.

As she said, destiny opened a world for her, and good luck followed.

It all changed from the moment she waved her wand in the bar and hotel.

Unsurprisingly, she awakened the magic of the wizard, and her magical talent seemed exceptionally good. Although it was a pity that she was not trained by the Hogwarts system, the teaching method between Hogwarts and self-study seemed to be no different. .

And she is even more outstanding in the talents of potions. She fled the town because of her excellent chemistry achievements. She is also the same in potions. She even improved the formula of beauty potions.

It is for this reason that her entire life has changed.

The beauty pharmacy pushed her original plain appearance forward by one point, and this is the point that made her successfully step into the ranks of outstanding appearance.

Even at a bar party held at a sisterhood, UU read a book www.uukanshu.com. She encountered a fantastic love start, a perfect encounter and is about to develop into a perfect love.

It's almost dreamlike as if the TV series came true and entered her life.

It was the little fresh meat Joanna said.

The reason for being able to enter the sisterhood is because of the beauty potion. This is a small organization inside a free man wizard, only accepting female wizards, so the nature is like a sisterhood.

Everyone is here to exchange and learn from each other, then everyone must have something to do.

Josie came in by potion, and similar things will never go out of date, and will always be a woman's favorite.

After a whisper of whispering, the witches gradually calmed down, and Imogen tapped his finger on the mahogany table, and a magical wooden relief on the table was immediately distorted by magic.

"It's been fifteen minutes," she said. "Marcotel hasn't come yet. Is she traveling again? I haven't received a notice. Does anyone know what's going on?"

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