High Magic Earth

Chapter 1096: Anxiety

Imogen’s words completely silenced the witches around. In the United States, the disappearance case is not strange, but if the missing person is a wizard, it may be strange for the sisterhood.

especially. . A powerful wizard.

Sisterhood is not a way to be dominated by others. The internality of the sisterhood is relatively equal, as can be seen from the round tables they use.

The wizards had a variety of original occupations, with students and regular employees, but Imogen has her own company and she has more leadership skills, so most of the time she is organized by her.

But Imogen is not strong, at least, she is not the strongest.

Among this small sisterhood, the strongest is Marco Terre, and even in the entire wizard, the entire group of free people is one of the best.

As human beings love the gossip nature, the wizards are not spared. The gossip about Markot is the most widely spread.

There are many news about her, and the most one of them is also one that can be confirmed, that is, she prefers to wander around.

That is a donkey friend, maybe not called in New York, but. . Probably this means.

She once turned the United States through road trips, and then set her sights on foreign countries, Europe, Asia, and even Africa.

Marcotel's first world was traveled through when she was lost in the jungle along the Amazon. At the time, she was more of an adventure lover than she was a fan of travel.

No one knows where she entered the first world.

But there are curious people who have made inferences based on her method of casting.


Maya from the Middle-earth Continent of the Lord of the Rings, the existence of half man and half god, of course, because of the special nature of this race of Maya, maybe she is not really Maya, but it must also be related to Maya, at least she entered That world should be the Lord of the Rings.

Because most people enter the world, they are still on the earth, no matter what period, they did not leave the earth, so they doubt the world outside the earth, such as the existence of the Middle-earth continent, no one has entered, this has always been a puzzle.

Maybe Marco Terre was the first, but no one got an accurate answer from her.

There is no doubt that Marco Terre's strength, whether she is Maya or not, her magic is not to be overlooked, and the battle alone is far superior to the wizards who have returned from the peaceful ordinary magic world such as Harry Potter.

She even has a good swordsmanship.

So she could not be the ordinary disappearance. If she really disappeared, then something very bad must have happened, very, very bad.

It’s not a fool who can sit here. Ordinary people will not be famous in any world. Even if they enter the second world, they will be eliminated sooner or later. They can stay, at least in some way. ordinary.

They can think of the meaning expressed in Imogen's words.

The atmosphere became more silent. If they thought it would mean that the United States is indeed insecure, and it is the kind of insecurity that can harm wizards.

But it is difficult for them to leave here, leaving means escape, not everyone can accept the life of escape, nor everyone has the courage to resist.

This is a dilemma.

Fortunately, at this time, a witch next to Josie said a little weakly, "I... I really want to know the news of Marco Tell, she is not missing, but something has been delayed."

As soon as these words came out, the witches sighed with relief at the same time, and they all booed at her. Such an important thing wasn't said earlier at the beginning. It had to stop for so long.

"What's the matter?" Imogen asked with concern.

"Do you know Daisy." the witch asked again.

The circle of free men is actually very small. There are also vampires, werewolves, and unknown messy magical creatures. The number of wizards is further reduced, and the witches among the wizards are still few in New York.

Seeing the witches nodding, she said again, "Daisy is missing. She is a student of Marcotel. She went to investigate the matter."


Imogen frowned, thinking that Marcotel was just something ordinary, but did not expect that there was actually a missing case involved.

"It's been more than a week." The witch nodded. "Maybe it may be longer. I also know Daisy. I thought she had entered the source world, but now it seems that this is not the case. At that time, she may have disappeared. Now."

Imokin pursed his lips, and even Josie and Joanna frowned. The faces of the witches around were not very good-looking. Only the youngest Sanna still played the phone with no heart.

Daisy may not be as strong as Marcotel, but as a wizard, it is still not so easy to be lost by a robber or robber.

Well, maybe she is really unlucky, or she has a lot of power, but the kind of new wizard who has only learned one or two kinds of magic.

If this is the case, things will be much simpler. Imogen can only let herself think like this, and she hopes it is.

"Maybe we really have to be more careful this time." Imogen said, "Don't expose your magic in front of ordinary people. If you accidentally expose it, remember to clear your memory."

"There won't be any trouble for the Ministry of Magic to find us here, but it also means that no one will clean up the mess, and be more careful about the maliciousness of ordinary people towards us, maybe things are worse than imagined."

"If someone has something wrong, or plans to leave here, remember to tell us."

"Now, hold each other's hands."

At the same time, Imogen has already spread his arms slightly, and then spread his hands to the left and right, Josie and Shanna each extended one hand to hold Imogen, and then the other Hands are passed down in turn.

Soon, all the witches' arms were connected together, and the slender arms in black and white turned over and held each other, forming a perfect arc.

The next moment the magic was launched, a magical imprint that seemed like a bold courageous loyalty curse appeared on everyone's arms, and the patterns seemed to be connected to each other as if they were one, then flashed by and hidden again.

With the end of the magic, everything that happened today will be deeply buried in their hearts, even the soul-spelling curse and the true spitting agent cannot be excavated.

This kind of magic was originally a variant based on the Courage of Loyalty and Loyalty. Imogen has no such deep level to modify the spell, but there are so many people, and so many wizards come together.

And this is not the reason for trust or distrust. The human heart is always the most difficult thing to measure in this world. There is such magic once and for all, why not use it.

Letting go, Imogen asked again, "Who else has any questions?"

If not, the rally will end here briefly, and there will be no new gains to exchange with each other. This time just to remind everyone to be more careful.

And at this time, as a witch raised her hand, a weak voice came again from the edge, "Uh... did anyone notice the new magical creatures in New York City recently?"

. . .

When Josie left the party of the witches, it was very late.

Women naturally love cute things. This is their nature, just like shopping is irresistible. At least it is the nature of most women.

The young witches are no exception.

They quickly shifted the topic from why there are so many magical creatures in New York City, to whether there will be sniffing in New York City. I want to catch a sniffing sniffing, so cute, and I can steal a lot. gold.

Among them, Shanna is most interested in this magical animal go activity, because she has probably listed the sniffing private house money as her pocket money.

Fortunately, not all witches lost their minds, at least a few people headed by Imogen also knew what happened.

But even more helpless is that knowing all this, but unable to stop.

They can't do anything, they can't do anything.

It's not easy to deal with these magical creatures. First of all, they don't know how much they are, where they come from, and why they appear in New York.

Secondly, even if you know, there are also some highly dangerous guys among these magical creatures, such as horned beasts, poisonous horned beasts, birds and snakes. Wizards who are not magical animal professionals can't deal with them.

One of the scary things about magic is that you never know what you will face.

There is no Ministry of Magic for them to search for information, and naturally there will be no weaknesses of magical animals for them to know.

And here is the 21st century, not the 20th century where the magical animals are in the movie. The early 20th century has not yet reached the situation of monitoring the ground, but now, maybe they can eliminate the memory of witnesses and repair the destruction of the magical animals. Everything, but all the monitoring and records cannot be erased.

These magical animals are difficult enough to deal with, and it is impossible to control the situation.

The real despair is not to know nothing but to know, but can't do anything.

Imogen and others did not tacitly mention the possible follow-up effects of this incident. It seems that doing so will save them from being implicated.

Although they are wizards, they may have seen some worlds in other worlds, but after all, they haven't grown up for a long time. In the face of such a situation that affects themselves and has a great situation, it is inevitable that a ostrich mentality will be born.

Witch, still a woman.

Josie sighed and tightened her woolen coat. It seemed to be extremely cold tonight. The cold seemed to penetrate her soul.

Frowning, Josie suddenly stopped at her feet. Her eyes fell behind her. The dark alley seemed to hide some unknown darkness. They wriggled and bred in invisible corners.

A bad feeling came to Josie's heart again.

It's a very bad feeling, it makes people uneasy, as if something very bad is about to happen, all the happiness is dispelled in advance, leaving only worry and sorrow.


Josie is familiar with this feeling, she will not admit it wrong.

She traversed in the darkest period of the Harry Potter era. She had seen the open fight between the Phoenix and the Death Eaters, she had also seen the lawless acts of dementors and werewolves, and naturally saw Hogwarts. Ci's final battle.

This is the price of choosing to stay in the magic world.

She chose to stay there instead of retreating to become an ordinary person, and naturally she had to bear the consequences.

Fortunately, the hourglass service has always been perfect. Josie's process of awakening magic is natural, and there is no problem. Although she will not have much magic, she can still learn some things with Jin Jialong in hand.

And war is the best way to catalyze progress, and it is also a ladder for tempering individuals.

Josie's strength slowly moved forward in this situation.

The magic world in the dark period is turbulent, and diagonal alleys are not nonsense, because even the darkest period will encounter dementors going out for food even on the road.

Things that feed on human happiness and soul.

As a person outside the box, Josie knew of course the most important spells in the Harry Potter world. The patron saint spells were the first spells she learned.

Thanks to the existence of an hourglass, otherwise a normal wizard wants to learn the guardian spell, which is not so easy. This is one of the most difficult spells to master. Many wizards until graduation, enter the Ministry of Magic work, and even have their own family After learning with children, I still didn't learn.

For free people, this is not too difficult.

but. . Dementors are still not so easy to deal with.

Perhaps the single one is okay. If it is in groups, or if the dementors are still hidden in the dark, then it is definitely a nightmare for the wizard.

With a little carelessness, it will fall into the rhythm of the dementors, and then, the soul will be absorbed.

Josie doesn't want to face these things, even if she knows that Dementors may attack ordinary people, but she cherishes her life more than ordinary people.

The reason why superheroes are great is that their value lies not in their magical abilities and superior ability, but in their ability to make choices that ordinary people cannot make at the most critical moments.

Their strength comes from the heart.

Of course, Josie never thought she was a hero. She stared again deeply at the end of the alley that seemed dark to deep, and then took a few steps back carefully, and quickly left without looking back.

Her new boyfriend Carl is still waiting for her and should not waste time here.

Thinking of her boyfriend who is perfect in both appearance and character, Josie couldn't help but feel hot.

She really feels that she has come and gone. That wonderful journey of the world is like a turning point in her life, which not only opened the door to the magic world for her, but also made her real world life better and better.

With a happily thought in mind, Josie soon saw Karl waiting on the street corner. The two of them agreed to go to the restaurant for dinner tonight, hoping it was not too late.

Apparently ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Carl also saw Josie waving at himself, he smiled a big smile, and then waved his arms likewise.

Josie ran over in small steps. This was her boyfriend, even though she might have waited a long time, but she still had no trace of impatience.

I just don't know why. It's clearly away from the nasty dementors. The uneasy feeling still seems to haunt her, as if it can't be dispelled like a cloud.

But soon she cast aside this little problem with Carl's bright smile, as if she had become an ordinary woman who could not magic.

But just an ordinary forensic medicine and wizard, Josie, who has not studied reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance, did not find that she and Karl stopped at the corner of the street after they left the corner and walked to a relatively quiet and high-end French restaurant. An ordinary suv also moved.

Just like the domino effect was triggered, as it started, a series of cars moved from all corners together.

On the first co-pilot of the suv, a guy in a black suit was whispering, saying to himself, "Dancing man No. 0 is in place and Salem is ready to start."

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