High Magic Earth

Chapter 1097: Codename: Salem

"Sir, two?"

Seeing Karl and Josie holding their arms, the waiter of the French restaurant skillfully opened the glass door for them, and then asked attentively.

Carl nodded calmly. "Two." He replied.

The waiter whispered while leading the way, "Are there any appointments?"

"Yes, Mr. Remus."

"Okay, sir."

Soon another waiter found the name, then succeeded, and took the two in accordance with the predetermined position of Karl Remus.

Carl opened the high-back chair for Josie, and the lady gave her the seat first.

Immediately afterwards, the waiters were already methodically busy.

"Wow." Josie whispered in a low voice.

Josie is a poor student. Even if she enters the second world, it is difficult to change quickly. She is not sure whether the dollars in several worlds are universal, but even if it is, a large amount of cash is not a wise one. select.

The United States is a country that rarely uses cash, especially large amounts of cash. If Josie really brings back a lot of banknotes from other worlds, then wait for fib to come.

Gold is hard currency no matter where it is, but for an ordinary student with no background, its shot channel may be more difficult than cash.

The wizards have realized this, and Imogen seems to be thinking about how to transform their magic and other world gains into money. I believe there will be a way soon.

Of course, Karl also knew this.

For the country of the United States, family background does not seem to have much influence on love, but that is just an ordinary one-night stand. If you plan to get married, it is still very important.

According to Josie, Carl is a very successful businessman. Although he is not very old, he already has a small company on Wall Street.

But there is Wall Street, and even a small company is a remarkable achievement.

Compared to Josie, Karl is like a successful diamond king, and she is a Cinderella. Although her appearance has changed a lot under the blessing of beauty potions, it can only be regarded as long. Nice Cinderella.

There are so many beautiful women, more beautiful than Josie, but Karl just took a fancy to himself, he would not laugh at Josie who has never been in a high-end restaurant, nor does he think that Josie was born in an unknown little Zhen didn't even care that she was just a student, even her future occupation was forensic.

Otherwise, why would Josie think that this is a dreamy love.

It came too suddenly, and even made Josie feel a little unreal.

But it happened really, Josie stared at Carl's reflection under the candlelight, and her eyes became a little confused for a while.

Even if in the end all of this will break like a bubble, this is still the best dream left in Josie's memory.

Carl also looked at Josie with Yu Guang, but it was completely different from what Josie thought. Josie, who had known her boyfriend who had just reached a month, thought about it in heart, he was about to add a second to his resume Record.

Karl Remus.

Formerly known as Hanson Mike, he was affiliated with the Special Investigation Division of the US Strategic Intelligence Agency and was one of the trump cards there. He carried out 13 missions on his resume, and no one failed.

His mission is somewhat special in nature, but to put it bluntly, that is, to approach the target, to lure or use other methods to obtain valuable target information, and when necessary, will also cooperate with the arrest operation.

Now, his mission goal is the woman in front of him, Josie White.

A witch.

Suspected of being able to enter other worlds freely, it is temporarily impossible to know the technical means it uses, but it does not rule out the possibility of using magic.

This change started three months ago, without any signs, and then joined a mysterious organization. The members of this organization are also mostly witches, and it is suspected that they can enter other different worlds.

Hansen could not know the more detailed internal structure and the meeting place. It seemed that the other party had special protection as if it were a witchcraft.

The background information of the target is very ordinary. Before high school, there was no dazzling resume. The university is still common and has not received any special training. In addition to mastering magic, it is basically harmless.

The level of threat is not even intermediate.

Hansen is confident of directly subduing the target at close range, of course, if the magic the target masters is indeed like an investigation, from the world of Harry Potter, and not other strange magic.

But Hansen doesn't need to do this. He has a perfect and detailed plan, and he doesn't need to take risks before the necessary moment.

Hansen is a person who likes to plan first and then act.

This is how his perfect answer for all thirteen actions was handed in. This is different from the guy who specializes in Corry and likes to play on the spot, so he lives to the present and becomes the trump card, and everyone else is dead.

Before approaching Josie, he conducted a full half-month investigation.

Analyze her magic through secret monitoring. After all, Harry Potter's wand is too obvious. After recognizing it, Hansen immediately read the book several times.

Then, profile and behavior comparison, analyze Qiao Qian's psychology and lifestyle.

Ordinary friends are scarce, which means that Josie played the most obscure group of people in the world in her previous life. Then she gained strength and beauty, so her heart has actually begun to expand subconsciously.

At this time, she needs to get attention, preferably the kind of attention that everyone in the world has set her sights on, because she doesn't know her changes.

So Hansen planned a coincidence, and then launched a near-perfect pursuit.

Hansen is not afraid of being too perfect and appears deliberate, exposing himself, because this is what Josie wants.

She was already inflated, but she didn't realize it. She thought she should be smooth sailing, and did not expect that there are not so many coincidences in this world.

There are too many coincidences, which is inevitable.

Hansen looked at Josie's blurred eyes and reddish cheeks. He knew that his plan had been half successful. At this time, whatever she called Josie, I'm afraid she would do it.

As long as it is not a condition that touches the bottom line too much, Josie will not feel repulsive, because her heart will also prompt her to complete the smooth sailing in her mind.

That is all the dreams that Hansen shaped for her.

The reason why it is half successful is that Hansen’s mission is not only to collect as much information about magic and wizards as possible, but also to catch the target.

That's Josie White.

The remaining half of the work, Hansen intends to perform this evening.

He had already made a plan. At the next candlelight dinner, he would unexpectedly marry Josie, and she would basically not refuse according to Josie's status at this time.

Then he can spend a beautiful night logically. In the intermittent period, he can mix a strong anesthetic into the drink, and then the action ends.

Just as Hanson investigated, Josie has not experienced any agent-related training, nor is she a big man, and she is not accompanied by bodyguards and professionals.

If it were not for fear that she might have an unknown magic protecting or rebounding, in fact, she would not need to be so troublesome.

A glass of milkshake with narcotics can directly end the task.

But the magic is too special, Hansen is not sure whether she will detect similar magic, and may check out the hostility of people who have just met.

With no hint of risk, Hansen decided to approach Josie first, and then start when she was the least alert.

And there is another reason why I choose to do it again after tonight, that is, Josie’s looks are pretty good, and even can be said to be outstanding. Although Hansen is also familiar with the former Josie, men are all visual animals Now, Josie's beauty is not what she is today.

Hanson has met the extremely ugly father's mission goal, but because it is a mission, he must also grind his teeth to complete, and encountered Josie like this, he does not mind to send a welfare for himself.

It's just an extra allowance for work.

He hadn't tried the taste of witches yet.

Thousands of thoughts turned inside, but Hansen's face remained silent, and he didn't even shift his gaze, because he knew that, according to Josie's habits, she would raise her head in the next moment, revealing a shy expression Smile.

Josie soon freed herself from a moment of lack of attention, whether or not there would be bubbles around her, but she should enjoy everything now.

She smiled shyly at Hanson, then said embarrassedly, "I haven't been to such a high-end restaurant yet."

The reason why Josie likes to be with Hansen is because she feels that she can be very relaxed when she is with Hansen, and she seems to be able to say everything.

This is not surprising. Hansen is a professional after all. He knows how to win trust from others and let others relax their vigilance.

"Then I'm better than you." Hansen smiled. "I've brushed dishes here before."

The corner of Josie's mouth couldn't help but slightly upturned, and it was always pleasant to be with Hansen, something she had never done before. .

Just the next moment, Josie's smile froze in the corner of her mouth.

"What's wrong?" Hansen noticed this keenly, and asked with concern.

This evening is the most important last night. Not only did fbi work directly with the Special Investigation Section, but Hansen himself also raised his inner vigilance to the extreme.

Because he is not sure what will happen.

In the face of scientific and technological means, Hansen may be quite sure. Although the Strategic Intelligence Agency cannot say that it is a world-wide, at least most of the country’s secrets are collected.

Hansen will know what the target has and what kind of response to make.

But the magic is different, and he doesn't know what he will face next.

But what Hanson didn't know is that Josie didn't find his anomaly. She was just a forensic medical student. She hadn't participated in work or participated in various cases. Naturally, she would not have experience.

Even if she experienced a war in the magic world, that would be useless to modern agents.

She just saw something that should not be here, one of the protagonists discussed at the previous party, sniffing.

The little guys of origin and the British Isles don’t know why they appeared in New York, okay, it doesn’t matter, because the magical animals shouldn’t appear in this world yet.

Importantly, it appears in this high-end restaurant.

One of the most crowded places.

The sniffer didn't seem to realize what kind of world he entered, still full of energy to complete his shiny collection work.

It was hiding under a table, pulling the silver decoration on the top of a pair of shoes. The strenuous movement made Josie unable to hold her eyes straight.

Sniffing is actually a very sensitive magical animal.

Just when Josie's eyes fell on it, the sniffing movement suddenly took place, it was suspiciously plugging the metal objects in front of her belly, and then looked to the left and right, it seemed to realize that someone was watching it .

Then in the next moment, Sniff saw Josie in the vast crowd.

For wizards, magical animals are easy to discover, and for magical animals, wizards are not easy to observe.

The magic of the wizard will unconsciously attract some magical animals to gather, and it is also the most conspicuous mark.

There were a bunch of Muggles all around, and only Josie was a wizard.

I don’t know what this sniffer encountered before. Its impression of the wizard seems not very friendly. After he noticed Josie, he hesitated for a moment, and then gave up the little silver decoration that was about to get, and then walked the short one. On all fours, Saya started running away.

Fortunately, because Josie was still sitting unmoved, she didn't panic, but she sneaked out all the way under the tables. She ran away in the blink of an eye and didn't alarm anyone in the restaurant.

"what is that?"

Sitting in the suv car outside the restaurant, monitoring all the fbi in the restaurant, and saw a short figure ran out of the restaurant very quickly, could not help but asked strangely.

The companion probe next to him glanced at it, and it was unclear, so he could not draw the slightest conclusion and could only shrug his shoulders and said indifferently, "Not sure, stray cats and dogs."

For outsiders, this episode is fleeting, but for Josie in the restaurant, this cannot be ignored.

Although Sniff left here without causing any disturbance, but for some unknown reason, the strange unease in Josie's heart reappeared.

She has already experienced dementors tonight, sniffing, will she encounter other more troublesome things?

Thinking about something else in his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When answering Hansen, it was inevitable that he was a little absent-minded, "It's nothing." She said, "Just... remembering something."

Hansen was born with ghosts. Hearing Josie say this, he would inevitably think of some other meanings, but after all, he was experienced in battles, and he was confused without Josie’s words. Is not himself.

However, Hansen still became more cautious. Even the expression on her face was a little cautious, but Josie hadn’t studied psychology, and she was absent, so she didn’t find these details. .

The atmosphere between the two also became a little weird. Josie was absent, and Hansen's words were much less. The atmosphere went silent immediately.

Hansen knew that this wouldn't work, otherwise not only wouldn't the next proposal be smooth, but I would also be aware of some flaws that Josie shouldn't have.

He thought about it a little, and the professional brain had already thought of breaking the deadlock.

But at this time, Josie first raised her head, looked at him, and said in a somewhat tangled tone, "I'm going to go to England, do you want to come with me."

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