High Magic Earth

Chapter 1098: Codename: Salem (2)

Hansen’s previous series of cautions were correct, such as not taking the opportunity of dating, handing a cup of coffee with anesthetics, or pre-medicine in the restaurant, because he had no way of knowing what the wizard would do. Reconnaissance means.

Because even if he did everything, he still didn't expect that the wizard and the wizard's instinct-like magic.

Hanson was stunned by Josie's sudden words, a ghost expression you were talking about.

In fact, since seeing the sniff, Josie has been thinking about it. She was a little uneasy all day today, even after encountering dementors and sniffing one after another, there is still no sign of disappearing for a long time.

It seems that something big is going to happen.

In a sense, the successive appearance of magical animals has proved that New York is no longer safe.

The magical animals did not hide their whereabouts. They did not appear much time, so they have not been noticed for the time being, but this will not last too long. As more and more magical animals trace, they will meet sooner or later. be found.

Then it will involve the wizard.

Even the existence of the wizard is incredible.

But even more incredible magical animals appeared, and the wizard was obviously not spared.

In the world of Harry Potter, there is the Ministry of Magic to complete the finishing work, and even if the Ministry of Magic is not completely without communication with ordinary people, the British Ministry of Magic maintains a certain relationship with the government.

But if things happen in this world, it is not necessary.

There is no Ministry of Magic in this world, and the wizards are weak in strength, and it is obviously difficult for them to establish a Ministry of Magic on their own.

The Ministry of Magic in the Harry Potter world was established very early, the wizarding world is powerful, and the old nobles also have considerable funds.

If you start with the magic world, although you can't say that it hurts the roots, it will still hurt your bones.

But this world is different. The number of wizards is scarce and the power is very weak. Unless you take the risk and control some crowds of ruling class with magic, but that is just a way out.

It is impossible for the government to let them stand alone, and the best result is only to be a part of the government, but it is more likely to be firmly controlled by the authorities without a trace of freedom.

What's more, there are free people with unknown positions on the side. Their power is different from magic, more like the direction of technology and super power. No one knows what idea they fight.

In short, once the existence of the wizard is exposed, a full-scale war may not be possible, but the situation will definitely not be better.

The most sensible decision today is to completely leave the maelstrom of America.

Britain, France, Germany, and many small countries in Europe are very good choices. The situation is complicated and densely populated. The threat of the authorities is far less than that of the United States.

Even if the identity is discovered, the government is likely to choose to cooperate rather than worse.

Perhaps it is a good thing to cooperate with the authorities, but the strength of the United States is too strong, no one knows what choice the government will make, and Josie is not too optimistic about the prospects.

Unlike Imogen, they can leave here.

Her family is not in New York and has no friends. In fact, since she left the town and came to university, she has little contact with her family. Even the university tuition fees come from the self-help scholarship and her own hard work.

The only implication may be the boyfriend she just met in front of her.

Between the swings, Josie unconsciously asked her inner thoughts.

"I'm going to England, do you want to come together?" she repeated.

This is not good news for Hansen.

Since Josie first said such a thing, basically the proposal tonight is gone, and her heart is no longer here in New York. Although Hanson is very sure about Josie’s strategy, it is all based on her saying Before this sentence.

Leaving New York is not just a decision.

This means that Hansen had a certain deviation from Josie's plan before, otherwise how could it happen.

There are variables, so Hansen can't guarantee that the marriage proposal will go smoothly.

Even if she had more influence on Josie than she thought, she finally chose to stay, but the next plan might not go smoothly.

The perfect night is the core of the plan. If you do not make this request, the plan will obviously fail directly. If you make it, it will appear that you are just salivating Josie's body, and may have the opposite effect.

Too anxious.

These thoughts suddenly turned in his head, and Hansen's face was obviously not good-looking.

Hansen's changes fell in Josie's eyes, which caused further misunderstandings, thinking that his sudden departure would make Hansen puzzled and difficult.

What kind of person is Hansen? As the trump card of the special investigation department, his psychology is definitely master-level. It is just a change in the eyes of Josie, and he will try to figure out Josie’s heart.

After all, he observed and studied Josie in detail.

He needs this misunderstanding. He even needs to take the countermeasure and follow Josie's words in order to give himself more time to buffer and consider what to do next.

"Are you hiding from me?" Hanson looked very surprised, and seemed very straightforward. He asked what he said when he thought of it, "Am I doing anything that offends you?"

The second question pushed Josie to the brink of self-blame. She was already biased towards kindness. Upon hearing Hansen's doubts, she was immediately uneasy and panicked.

"No... no." She waved her hand. "You didn't do anything wrong, I'm not hiding from you...you can go to England with me."

It seemed that she thought it awkward to let the other party leave with her abruptly, because she didn't even think about whether the other party had time and whether she could get away from work, so Josie fell silent.

"I just... Some things need to leave temporarily for a while, not your reason."

Hansen nodded, but thought it was more troublesome.

Because even if she said so, Josie didn't seem to be planning to change, that is, her heart, in fact, had already made a firm decision.

The plan needs to change.

Although Hansen likes to move afterwards, sometimes it is also important to be responsive. He acted decisively, made a somewhat distressed but embarrassed expression, and pointed to Josie the direction of the bathroom.

"Sorry..." he said.

Josie just thought that Hansen needed someone to think about it, digest it, and nodded quickly.

Hanson didn't make a sound, opened the chair, and then left the place silently.

At the same time, the fbi outside through real-time monitoring and bugs also noticed the situation in the restaurant.

"Salem planned an accident."

"Waiting for the report of the dancer, listen to what he said." The fbi led by the leader was very calm. He was still sitting silently in the co-pilot's position without any surprise.

Hansen pushed the bathroom door open, noticed that there were still people in it, and went to the mirror to start adjusting the collar.

Soon, in less than ten seconds, the man left the bathroom, Hansen gently took the door, and then quickly pushed each compartment.


He walked to the end of the bathroom, and was facing the door. He pulled out a small metal part from his pocket and stuffed it into his ear. Then he whispered, "The target is in an accident. I demand action in advance."

The headed fib received Hanson's call for the first time. He sat up slightly and then said in the same calm tone, "Why?"

"The target chooses to go to the UK. No matter what the reason is, from today onwards, when I ask her to appear again, her heart will change. The most important thing is that I have no time to adapt to this change."

"In order to prevent more uncontrollable variables, today may not be the best, but it may be the last opportunity for hands-on."

When performing missions abroad, almost all the plans originate from Hansen. The fbi outside just cooperate with his actions. The fbi led by only understands Hanson's reasons. As long as he is a little more reliable, he will not refuse.

"Yes." He said immediately.

"That's good." Hansen took a deep breath, thinking slightly in his mind. "Then I will ask for a bottle of red wine. You just have to change to your own in advance and make sure that a sufficient amount of anesthetic is applied."

"What about the other?" the fib headed continued to ask.

"That's my business," Hansen replied, taking a deep breath. "I will look for opportunities."

After talking, Hansen cut off the call. He has been in the bathroom for some time. Fortunately, no one entered during this period, but if it continues, it will also cause Josie to doubt.

Although with her vigilance, this is almost impossible.

But during the mission, every step needs to be extremely careful. Hansen does not intend to give Josie any vigilance.

At the same time when Hansen cut off the call, the fbi led by him also put away the talker and nodded to the person next to him. At the same time as the call, he had already arranged everything, and then just execute it.

Half a minute later, two men in suits entered the back kitchen at the back door of the restaurant. At the same time when the manager was called to show their identity, one of them was already starting to undress.

In less than thirty seconds, he had put on the waiter waitress in this restaurant, and the red wine requested by Hansen had already been prepared.

The next step is to wait for Hansen's signal.

"Huh?" The fbi dressed as a waiter suddenly froze, as if he saw something when he turned back, his expression looked a little strange.

His companion immediately noticed, "What's wrong?" he asked in a condensed voice.

"It's nothing..." The waiter's fbi shook his head. "I was wrong..."

He seemed to be dazzled because he suddenly saw the faucet flowing, as if it were a green glowing liquid.

. . .

This world, New York.

Marco William.

Her name sounds like it should come from a very old noble family, at least it should be an emerging noble family, but unfortunately, she is neither an old noble nor a new upstart, she just comes from an ordinary American working family, The most common member.

There are more ordinary people in this world because they form the basis of this world.

But all this changed completely after the second world opened its doors to her.

Marcaire, yes, this is the population of the population such as Imogen, the strongest of the small organization of the Sisters of the Wizards, and the name of Dai who encountered the virtual crisis in the vampire diary world before Yi Chou. Tutor of West Witch.

Although the Sisters of Sorcerers is only a small organization, the gold content of Marco Terre's strength is very high, not only the well-deserved number one in the Sisters, but also the whole group of free men.

Habens had also considered dragging her into her camp, but unfortunately, her whereabouts were uncertain.

As other wizards and vampire free people have speculated, the first world she experienced was indeed the Middle-earth continent of the Lord of the Rings.

There, she became a Maya.

Perhaps it is not accurate to say that, because Maya is a race, they are very unique and have their own special characteristics. Marcotel is not a subordinate of Vera, so it is not correct to call her Maya.

Marcotel was very lucky. After she entered the Lord of the Rings, she was in contact with a wizard for the first time, but it was not the almost enchanted Gandalf, the one in the forest who was already alert to the Ring.

Unsurprisingly, she awakened Maya's power.

The gift from the hourglass directly awakened the magic that belongs to Maya in her body, but she does not belong to this special race of Maya, so she is special.

Maya is a very magical power. It not only acts on the essence of the body, but also contains a unique magic power.

Under the gift of the hourglass, Marco Terre's strength continues to rise.

In fact, the hourglass will gradually push the power of the free man to the peak of the power of the awakened blood, and the peak of Maya is very high. In addition to the turbulent period of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Marcotel entered. She didn't encounter much crisis. Her power almost rose like a rocket.

There is no major crisis, and you can exercise your actual combat ability at any time. Marco Terre’s start can be said to be very good.

So she also has the greatest kindness towards other free people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even, she also accepted a student.


Not a free man in the Middle-earth mainland. In fact, for so long, Martell only knew that the Middle-earth continent had itself and did not see other free people. She was very skeptical that no other free people entered into Middle-earth. mainland.

Daisy is from the Harry Potter world and is one of the most common wizarding starts, but her talent is not bad, but it is a pity that she is lazy and often dazed.

Marcotel didn't know why he suddenly thought of taking her as a student. Although Daisy was not outstanding, Marcotel and her relationship were not bad.

However, recently, she encountered a trouble, that is Daisy, seems to be missing.

She was tracing this matter, and Marco Tere hoped that this was just another carelessness from Daisy, but she encountered some difficult troubles, but with her tracing, she found that the problem seemed not so simple.

Daisy really disappeared, and, also involved some, hidden deep things.

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