High Magic Earth

Chapter 1099: Codename: Salem (3)

There are not many free people, but there are also a few.

Fortunately, the opening of the source point world is not controlled. Except for the very vague mainline task prompts, it is hardly prepared by the free people.

Based on this, the strength of free men has been slowly increasing.

Because most tasks need to be combined with the plot, and the time of the plot is limited, once missed, it is obviously a task failure.

If the mission fails, it will not open the next source world.

And even if you receive a task with a large time span, it may not be good news, but bad news. Although a long time can allow free people to prepare and improve their strength, they also shorten their lifespan.

Most of the source world is based on the earth. Except for a few non-human races such as a few vampires, many people have no way to increase their lifespan.

Especially free people who belong to the ability side.

Marcotel knew that they had always been hostile to the magic camp, but she thought it was just a disagreement, just like KFC and McDonald's, she did not expect the other party's hostility to be so great.

Because the disappearance of Daisy seems to be related to them.

Is fatal.

Marcotel found some clues. With her intuition, although she is not a so-called orthodox wizard, she is a woman, and the intuition of a woman is sometimes more accurate than that of a wizard.

Well, this is of course a joke, Marco Terre found the clue that Daisy left behind.

Because of this, she had to believe the fact that Daisy was kidnapped or taken away.

Related to sth company.

Daisy, because of her long time relationship with Marcaire, also has a hint of Maya on her body. Maya can sense the same race, although only a little breath is too thin, but in a very special period, she can’t take care of it. too much.

After tracking, Marcotel finally found a broken thread in two places, a warehouse near the Hudson River, which was later verified by her to belong to the sth company.

As for another clue, it is Marcotel who is now tracking.

The scent of Daisy is almost all over the sewers of New York, but only here is the strongest. Under the subway station on Central Street, there is a pipeline that intersects the sewer, and it is also the place where the scent of Daisy finally appeared.


The deafening roar of the speeding train, accompanied by the roar of roaring noise, New York is a very up-to-date city, which also means that most of the construction time is very early, this subway line is very old, old The only remaining role is to wait for a certain serious accident, and then pull the current mayor out of office.

At this time, Marco Terre was in the subway station.

She didn't understand why Daisy's breath appeared here, but thinking that she had been kidnapped and all her actions had been taken hostage, it was normal for her to understand the kidnapper's intentions.

But **** it, can these villains do nothing if they leave the sewer, or the sewer is their body.

No, wait, even if they have a sewer, most of the time they still can't do anything.

Marcel is going crazy. She hates the sewers and the subway in New York.

In particular, this abandoned line has been in disrepair for a long time. Not only is the tunnel ruined, but it is also immersed in a strange smell, waiting for the train to rumble past, Marcotel is hesitant to jump off The platform continued to go deeper, because the ghost knew what to step on in the dark, strange mud, homeless body, or turtle shell.

"Ah! Ghost!"



But without waiting for Marco Ter's determination, countless noises came from the other side of the platform, and the crowd fled in a panic and fled, looking panicked.

Screaming and clamoring one after another, maybe most people don't see what it is, but people have blind obedience, and under the push of the crowd, they also turned instinctively and fled.

Marcotel was a little far away and could not see what was happening on the other side of the platform, but she could guess one or two from the surrounding calls.

"Ghost?" Marco Tell's mouth curled up.

She doesn't know what the so-called ghosts or ghosts are, it is more likely to be a free man, but in any case, she likes challenging things.

Slightly leaning against the wall of the subway, Marco Tell gave way to the crowd, facing the opposite direction of the flow of people and rushing forward.

Although the escaping crowd was curious about the woman who was walking in the opposite direction, Marcotel clung to the wall and noticed that her people were only a few, and she had changed a mask on her face temporarily using the glasses at hand. She is Maya, but she still has a lot of Harry Potter magic, otherwise how to teach Daisy.

Although the world of Harry Potter looks very low-level and there are not many offensive spells, there are many very interesting and valuable magic.

Transfiguration is in it.

Against the crowd, wearing a mask on the face, Marco Tell's behavior seems to be much like the lens in the movie, but the plot in the movie is only interesting to watch in the movie theater, and did not have to experience such a dangerous situation first.

Almost after realizing Marcotel's suspicious behavior, the fleeing crowd was stunned for a moment, and soon moved away from her.

This made her progress smoother.

After all, this is just a small episode. There are many people who escape. The subway station on Central Street has gathered about 20 or 30 people, and it flees without a trace in a blink of an eye.

"This can't be better..." Marco Tell muttered in a low voice.

Try not to expose yourself. This is an unsuccessful rule among all people. To be honest, Marco Terre is not skilled in using the forgetfulness spell. If you want to forcibly modify the memory of others, many problems will inevitably occur.

The situation is now very good. The crowd evacuated on their own. As long as the surveillance is turned off, even if there are police officers coming soon, this time is enough.

Enough for Marco Ter to find the free man, and then ask Daisy's situation.

Of course, if the free man just happened to be here, it might be irrelevant to Daisy, but it was beyond Marcotel’s control, and she could only pray that this would not be the case.


The white light gradually condensed in Marcote's hands, and then formed a cane with pure white body and a head like a natural wood carving. She lifted up a few times, and several white lights have been dissipated out, directly to the surrounding walls The probe in the corner blew up.

At the same time, Marcel's appearance is also changing.

A pure white wizard robe slowly covered up, the style is the same as the classics of the Middle-earth wizards. The mask on his face has been removed by Marco Terre, and the big hood is worn on her head. It only covered half of her face, but she couldn't see her.

She rolled up her sleeves, the wide cuffs seemed to be fixed by the invisible magic, just stayed right at her elbows, exposing her two fair arms.

Marco Tell seemed to sneer, then carrying a magic wand, like a monk, jumped off the platform and hurried towards the tunnel.

Her movements were light and quick, and she was more than a wizard to a trained medieval assassin. Within a few breaths, she came to the scene along the shadow.

Uh, maybe there is no shadow anymore.

The tunnel in the subway should have been very dark. There are countless dark sins and filth hidden in the dark tunnel where there is no sunlight all day. No one knows what terrible things are hidden inside.

This should have been the original face of the tunnel, but this is not the case.

A huge light source shines brightly inside the subway, as if the thunder **** at the top of the thunder came into the world, just suspended in the air in the middle of the tunnel.

There was a strong electric current around it, and the crackling sound was noisy throughout its body.

As for its core, it is a human figure, just like those panicked crowds shouting when they run away, a ghost.

"Uh... I didn't expect it."

The tunnel was illuminated by it as if it were daytime, perhaps not so exaggerated, but still a dim and dazzling strong current, no dark place, no place to hide.

Since she couldn't hide, Marco Terre stood up generously, and she didn't feel much nervous looking at the weird ghost floating in mid-air.

Not a free man, and may even have nothing to do with Daisy’s disappearance.

This somewhat disappointed Marco Ter.

According to her observation, even if the ghost in front of him is really a ghost, it must not have been Daisy's change.

It is wearing a prison uniform and black and white uniforms. Although his head has become a skull, he can still recognize his identity. He was a prisoner during his lifetime.

It was covered with a faint blue light, and an iron bracket was fixed on the forehead of the skull's head, extending all the way to its arms and shoulders.

This guy was electrocuted, and I don't know how long he died. After all, electrocution has been seldom used. No wonder it is carrying lightning and sparks all over his body.

Marcotel took a deep breath. As a native of New York, she knew that she was on the subway line above this old New York prison.

The ghost that appeared in front of him is probably related to it.

but. . Why do ghosts appear in the real world, and do not appear early or late, just at this time came out.

There must be a reason for this, maybe the free man did it.

But the most important thing now is not to discuss the reason of the ghost, but how to solve it quickly.

There are no mandatory requirements and regulations that allow free people to resolve each other's mess left by others, but if the existence of free people is exposed, this is not good for anyone.

Helping each other and helping each other will make them hide longer.

So most of the time, when free people meet in front of them, they are likely to be noticed by ordinary people. Things that are photographed and reached must be resolved as much as possible.


And the ghost in front of him had already given Markel the choice. She hadn't thought of dealing with it yet. The ghost had already attacked Markel first.

It dangled in the air, and the slow movement made people wonder if it would fall next moment.

Then it turned 180 degrees at first, paying attention to Marcotel behind him, and then turned slowly.

When the body is not completely squared, it seems to have opened the mouth of the skull and made a vomiting action. A large amount of green viscous liquid and a dazzling white blaze were sprayed out, directly covering the Marcel underneath and Cover.

The viscous liquid has not yet exhibited corrosive or other characteristics, but the dazzling white light has pulled out a crackling arc in the air, showing its powerful current.

I believe that if it is hit, there is absolutely only one possibility of being cooked.

"What the hell!"

But Marcel did not panic and even had time to tease a pun.

The ghost's vomit is very large, and it is undoubtedly undoubtedly, it is just spraying liquid outward, but it directly fell on the head of Marco Terr. It is very doubtful whether it has been practiced before him.

Obviously, it’s a bit of a trouble to avoid, but Marco Tell can’t let these disgusting things fall on himself.


She advocates violence, but magic is still the main force of Maya.

Marcotel slammed the pure white wooden wand towards the ground, and an invisible light film quickly spread out, spreading directly into a round ball around her and wrapping her inside.

And like ripples, a halo of light spread out along the position where her wand clicked on the ground, just like to dispel the darkness here, washing the ghost in the air over and over again.


The ghost was struggling in the air, screaming painfully and vaguely, and the light released by Marcotel was clearly a matter of invisible range, but the ghost was stepping back step by step in the air as if it could be hit.

The attack of the electric current and the viscous liquid was also interrupted. After the last sizzling sound was also cracked down by the liquid, Marco Terre held the wand again with his backhand.

The light film still wrapped her. These liquids fell on the light film and immediately flowed to the ground by the slippery nature of the light film. Except for the formation of some more viscous liquid, it did not seem to be corrosive and toxic. .

"So this thing is all about disgusting people, right." Marco Tell whispered badly.

The ghost in front of her is weaker than she imagined. It turns into a humanoid figure, can float in the air, and can even directly attack the physical range. It comes with a crackling blue light special effect such as lightning. It looks tricky, but I did not expect it to be completely like this goods.

No wonder it will be brought into the world by an idiot free man~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the ability is too strong, it is estimated that the free man can not beat it.

She didn't know how long the police could get over. Perhaps if the police patrolling happened to pass this section, it might enter the subway station in a few minutes. The situation inside was obviously not suitable for the police to see, so she decided to fight.

"Damn it, go to hell!"

Marcotel yelled, holding his wand in his backhand, and pulled himself forward, suddenly a stick, directly hitting the ghost's invisible body floating in the air, pouring it into the wall of the tunnel next to it.

That force was so great that it even punched a hole in the wall.

Sure enough, violence is the mage's favorite.

Marco Tell followed, and came to the hole that was smashed by herself. Then, at the next moment, she was a little stunned.

Looking at the countless faint green light in the cave, Marco Terr took a deep breath.

"Uh... I still didn't expect this."

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