High Magic Earth

Chapter 1100: Codename: Salem (4)

Markel pulled the ghost directly into the tunnel of the New York subway with a stick. The wall of the tunnel broke a big hole. It was not the poor quality of the New York project, but the back of the wall was originally hollowed out. .

Of course, as a Maya, her power is no less than that of some top knights and warriors, at least much stronger than ordinary humans, and you can use magic to cause greater damage when necessary.

Rao is so, in the face of the situation now, she still does not have complete assurance.

The cracked walls shone with countless faint lusters, green light, blue light, and a purple light like a ghost fire wandering in the air, like countless stars.

The ghost of the prisoner who was beaten into the wall by Marcotel exudes a faint blue light, like an electric current. If the light represents the ghost, then the number in the wall is terrible.


Marco Tell also became serious, and said to himself a little lowly.

This is no longer a free man's mischief or carelessness. If so many ghosts are gathered together, even if their strength is not proportional to the appearance of the tall, it is still not a small peep.

This is an advantage from quantity.

Marcotel didn't know whether it was a conspiracy or something. She only understood one thing. If you let all the ghosts here escape, the consequences would be greater than Broadway.

Although the Broadway incident was a direct fight in front of the public at the time, both sides were intelligent creatures, sensible, and hidden after the end.

For so long, there is no new news.

But these ghosts are different. They don't seem to have much wisdom. If you let them enter the human world, you don't know how much trouble they will cause.

Haunted incidents and wounded incidents may not be noticed in one or two incidents, but so many ghosts here might detonate these things on a large scale.

but. .

"I'm not sure to stop them all..." Marco Tell sighed.

"The people inside! Raise your hand! Stand to the light!"

Just like in the movie, the police always arrive at the last hour and the time when it should not appear. Just when Marco Terre and the ghost group are still in some tacit silence, there is a loud cry from outside the tunnel.

The crowd escaping from the subway station has taken the news out. The haunting incident of the subway station can be large or small, and the police attracted by the news have already entered the subway station at this time.

The police's shout was like some kind of switch, it was passed into Marco's ears, and also to the ghosts in front.

"Damn..." Marco Tell frowned.

"Roar!" "His!"

The next moment, like being awakened from a deep sleep, the ghost group took the lead in attacking.

They roared one after another, like the creepy legends in the night forest. The light in the dark darkness gradually became larger. These ghosts were like power generation devices, mixed together, gradually illuminating the surrounding space.

The ghost of the electrocuted prisoner had risen from the tumble. It was suspended in the air, his legs slightly separated, and he opened his mouth like a zombie and screamed at Marco Teier.

Two policemen outside approaching the tunnel looked at each other, and one of them swallowed slightly.

"Have you heard anything?"

The other one wasn't much better. He gripped the pistol nervously, shining a flashlight into the darkness, forcibly calming down, "It's some kind of beast..."

At the same time, inside the walls of the tunnel.

Marktel had raised her wand, and at this time she obviously could not allow her to entrust her, and gave up the melee. Marktel chose Maya's strongest magic.

"The evil darkness, dissipate!"

She uttered a cursed whisper in Maya's language, and at the same time the white light of the wand in her hand spread quickly, like a wave of water, swinging round and round towards the surrounding ghost group.


The group of ghosts that had just formed suddenly turned into ice cream melted by the sun, making a rattle-like squeak, and they were crowded backwards in a panic.

Maya's light magic is extremely damaging to dark creatures. In the face of dementors, it is even more threatening than the special guardian magic.

These ghosts are obviously not as powerful as the dark monarch Sauron, and they are almost vulnerable to Marco Teir.

But the difficulty is not to destroy them, but how to prevent any ghost from escaping from the subway station before destroying them.


The ghost's light was quickly dispelled by the magic of Markotell, just like a flame that was extinguished. The darkness around it had disappeared and became a day.

Under the hood of light, the appearance of these ghosts is clearly visible.

Marcotel couldn't help but frown slightly because they looked so weird.

Just like the prisoner of electrocution, almost every ghost looks different. The soldiers of the Civil War, the British Red Army, dressed in tattered pirates, the priest with the Bible in his hand, and even a cartoon. Insects are generally unknown green objects that creep around.

What the **** is this?

Marcotel was very new to them and was not familiar with them. She couldn't think of their origins or where these things came from.

Outside the tunnel, the two policemen also saw a sudden burst of light, they looked at each other, and then quickly jumped off the platform and ran into the darkness.

These ghosts stepped back step by step after Marcel's expulsion, but soon launched a powerful counterattack.

The tattered pirate threw its axe at Marco Terre, and the Red Army and soldiers also squatted down and shot ghostly green bullets with a ghostly rifle.

The big bug floats in the air, and at the same time splits its large mouth, it sprays out a green viscous liquid like jelly.

Marcel's face was black, and his body was full of magic, and he directly blocked these things around with his magic.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The sound of the ghosts' attacks hitting the magic barrier continued.

At the same time that the ghosts fought back, there were many guys who wanted to slip away because of the bad situation, but Marcotel had already paid attention to this. They just had such a trend, and Marcotel quickly turned his wand and wrist The thick light radiated out along the top of its cane, and as soon as it landed, it instantly burst into a large net.

"Oh...oh my god..."

At this moment, the two policemen had entered the tunnel and saw the situation in the big hole.

Marktel was wearing a white robe, like a wall of nuts, and he was stuck in the hole. The magic sputtered from her wand was woven into a net of current, which was directly attached to the wall and turned into a cage.

And Marco Terre is the only exit of the prison.

The two policemen have seen such a situation, and the supernatural power that was usually only shown in the movie really appeared in front of them.

Although all of this may have been caused by some kind of weapon, the strange appearance of Marco Terr's, the two of them also saw clearly.

"lay down your weapon.."

One of the police originally planned to let Marcotel lay down his weapon, but he said that his voice was a little lower.

Although the situation in the cave was covered by Marcotel and covered by her magic, it was not clear, but the roar of the ghosts was clearly transmitted.

The roar as if the beast was dying made him dared not act presumptuously. The New York police was the most desperate. In such a situation, his first reaction was to call for reinforcements.

He reached out and tried to press down the muzzle raised by his companion, but he knew that his companion was in a more tense state than him, and the sudden touch immediately made him tremble.


At the next moment, the bullet blasted out instantly.

With an air flow and fire tongue invisible to the naked eye, he quickly flew towards Marco Terre.

. . .

As soon as the two policemen came behind Marco Terre, she sensed their breath.

But at that time she was trapping ghosts at a critical juncture and had no time to take care of them. Fortunately, they did not seem to intend to intervene, but chose to wait back and wait and then call for support.

This made Marco Tell a sigh of relief. Although it was troublesome to be seen by some policemen, it was always better than letting a lot of ghosts out here.


"Damn it!"

But at the next moment, the bullets flew out and made Marcot blame him.

Although Maya’s magic is not as systematic as that of Harry Potter, it is equally flexible and even worse than that. Although Marcotel spent a lot of energy to trap these ghosts in front and planned to grind them off a little, but still You can see everything clearly behind you.

The policeman behind him did not intend to attack it, and the bullet was just an accident. In addition to secretly cursing, Marco Tell could only admit that he was unlucky.

She was full of magic power again, gathering a lot of magic power in front of the bullet.

Maya's magic can block bullets, but it is not as easy as imagined. Most of the firearms' power will weaken as the range increases, but such a close distance is when the pistol has the strongest power.

Even if Marco can block it, you need to be careful.

As the magic power was mobilized, the magic net she formed immediately began to weaken, and the nearby ghosts seemed to be aware of it.

"Be careful!"

At this time, the bullet was dropped on the ground by Marcotel, but a large number of ghosts rushed in one direction, but they also directly hit the magic net into a gap.


Like a leaking balloon, the ghosts spewed out of the gap, just like the fish returned to the sea, they roared in the air with an unknown sound, blooming the green and blue dim gloss, directly rushed out of the subway tunnel, Floating in mid-air, turned into spheres of light, and then scattered in all directions.

Marco Tell closed her eyes slightly, and she knew she couldn't stop it.


That ghost-like ghost spread a large hole above the tunnel, and with the exclamation and screaming of the crowd on the ground surface, it directly broke a gap to the ground.

The ghosts released from the trap immediately swarmed to the ground, and a large number of ghosts plunged into the sewer.

Several ghosts were heading towards the two policemen next to them. Although it was because of their intentions that these ghosts were able to escape from Marcotel so quickly, Marcotel could not let them be attacked.

Two rays of light shrouded them, and after the ghost was isolated from the outside, Marco Tell sighed, then pulled the hood, and stepped under the big hole that reached the sky.

The wand glowed again, and Marcotel leapt upwards, leapt nearly five meters in height, and jumped from the subway to the ground.

At this time, the crowd outside did not know what was happening, and was screaming in excitement around the hole, and saw Marcotel leap from below, suddenly screaming again.

Under the cover of magic, no one can see the face of Markotel, but this place should not stay for long.

After making such a big mess, Marco Tell did not know how to close it, not to mention, and Daisy needed her to solve it.

Pulling the hood again, Marcotel turned the cane once, and the white light enveloped her body, blurring her entire body.

At the next moment, she jumped up and jumped to the top of the second-floor bungalow next to it, then a few flashed, and in the crowd's exclamation, fled towards the ghost in the most dense direction, and soon disappeared.

. . .

At the same time, the ghost of the big bug in the sky was still holding his stomach and grinning, as if watching the chaos below with a laugh.

Because Marco Ter was a little flustered at this time, he didn't notice it for a while.

And it did not know what it was thinking, and did not flee like other ghosts, but descended again after Marcotel left and returned to the interior of the subway tunnel.


Marcotel has been spending a long time with the ghost. At this time, there was a subway galloping. The two policemen climbed onto the platform long after Marcotel jumped out of the cave. There was no danger, but one The ghost that had just left the tunnel hole happened to be hit by the subway.


Like a piece of cake fell on an iron plate, the ghost made a thud, passed through the locomotive of the subway, but was hit hard by the inside door of the car, then passed through the door again, and was hit by the next section. The car stopped a bit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And so on, this unlucky ghost was intercepted seven or eight times in a single breath, and a lot of green, **** viscous liquid was spilled along the way, which fell to the car's The last section was taken away by the subway.

Presumably the people in the carriage will be pleasantly surprised.

Fortunately, the big bug stopped in time, otherwise it would also step into the footsteps of this unlucky ghost. It seems to think so too, patting the chest with a very human touch, and then breathing a sigh of relief.

At the next moment, he looked left and right, saw the sewer entrance close to the ground, and then his eyes lit up, as if he found something interesting, and quickly rushed towards the entrance.

The huge body squeezed into the entrance which is only one-tenth of its size, and then it seemed to find its dream playground, and quickly shuttled through the sewer pipes.

In a blink of an eye, it spanned an entire block, and then under a French restaurant, it started to gallop up the tap water pipes.

And the end point of the pipeline is a faucet somewhere in the back kitchen.

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