High Magic Earth

Chapter 1102: Join together

The messy table was packed with quirky magic materials, which had become dry and shrivelled, but still struggling with the twisting freshman Mandela grass, from time to time stretched out his hand and put his lampshade on the magic desk lamp.

As if it were a slide, parchment paper with new words on the surface, fragments of magic lamps, pure white masks, and a re-engraved version of the Melisandre ruby ​​necklace.

There are more than three people long, and the long table that runs through the whole room has been packed with bits and pieces of such things, and it can't even be placed.

They were crowded on the table, almost flowing down.

The beginning of chaos has already appeared in the outside world, but this has not affected Yi Chao's magic workshop at all. It seems that the outside world is just an episode in Yi Huo's life.

Perhaps only the eccentric and self-centered guy like Yi Huo would view the whole world outside as an episode.

During this time, Yi Chou put all his energy and mind on the silver tongue, using the help of silver tongue and Lucy to summarize and organize his gains from these worlds.

Pick out what is valuable, or reuse what is not.

At this moment, Yi Chou sat quietly in a mess, mountain-like magic material, and looked quietly at a beautiful girl.


The crowded clutter was finally overwhelmed, and some kind of white debris at the edge fell down violently, hitting the ground with a crisp sound, and then bounced twice.

The sound was like the last string of the string, which completely sounded the silence between the two.

"This is impossible." The beautiful girl demon king, one of the sources of fear, Fujiang, kept shaking her head. "Don't think about it." She stared at Yi Chou fiercely and simply refused, " I won’t let you do that disgusting thing on me."

"You will not die." Yi Chou's voice was calm, "You are Fu Jiang, have you forgotten?"

Fu Jiang's face was sullen, she stared at Yi Chou, looking like she would be swallowed alive.

However, Yi Biao does not seem to have this consciousness, and still chattering on his own, "And you are only one of the split individuals, which does not represent all of Fujiang."

"Relax, my technique is very good, even for the first time, don't worry."

"I don't understand why you don't..."

"Enough is enough!" Fu Jiang shouted to Yihou, "impossible is impossible! You die this heart!"

"Why do you resist this?" Yi Chou's voice also increased. "Without any side effects, you can greatly improve your strength. Although the appearance will change, the larger body size will also bring stronger attack and defense power!" "

Fu Jiang has been chatting with Yi Chou for almost half a hour, but he still doesn't want to let go of it. Even Yi Chou can't help but want to lift the table.

And don't need to be too concerned about this rich river in front of you.

Fu Jiang is indeed a very fragile animal. Any wind and grass will make her emotional ups and downs, and the result is that more Fu Jiang will be split, which is a disaster.

However, this is not the same in front of Yi Xiao, she will not split because of some things, because she is specially stripped out by Yi Xiao using the silver tongue.

It can also be a customized version.

The particularity of Fu Jiang made Yi Xao not dare to use it at will, so he redefined it at the suggestion of Lucy, and then separated one of them.

She won't split on her own because of emotional excitement. Although she still can't control splitting autonomously, even if she is injured, there is only a possibility of splitting.

And the new splits that emerged can still be eliminated.

This directly eliminates the possibility of Fujiang occupying the entire world.

It is a pity that Yi Yin's silver tongue can only make a proper modification to the split Fujiang. Fujiang is still full of stuff in the boundary after his reinforcement.

However, because of the danger that the guy in front of him was weakened by the silver tongue, in the story read by the silver tongue, her character was also set to be fuller, and even a bit stubborn.

It's like a bear child in a girlhood.

"Hum." Fu Jiang sneered with his arms in front of his chest. "Although the appearance will change." She learns Yi Yi's tone of yin and yang strangely. "You dare!" She shook her head.

"Isn't that a little change!" she screamed like a female leopard feeding her. "That just turned into a monster! Monster!!!"

"Not even monsters! I can't describe the appearance of those creatures. It is simply indescribable. This word is really accurate. I am so grateful for the first time that you have written me into a full language proficiency in the story."

"I will never become those strange creatures, absolutely, absolutely not!"

The nature of the Fujiang Institute is Yi Chou’s plan for creating the gods. He feels that although the high-latitude forces will erode the appearance of the host and turn them into some indescribable hunting monsters, the power of promotion is also considerable.

Yi Chou believes that this plan is very promising. Even if he is given enough time to go to various worlds to collect those protagonists with great potential, he is even confident to create a large army to quell angels and demons.

But Daenerys's success was purely unexpected, and he was preparing to use Fu Jiang for a controlled experiment.

Even more than that, besides Fujiang, Sadako, the goddess Athena who has been liberated from the seal stone, the monsters of the night ghosts, Sister Mandala, Lucy, all the power that Yihou can use in his hands, he will One by one.

Unfortunately, at the beginning, Fu Jiang was extremely uncooperative.

So when Athena pushed through the door, she saw that Yi Ao and Fu Jiang had a quarrel with each other. The two of them fought reasonably, just like two croaking ducks.

"It's not always keeping that shape." Yi Xiao rolled his eyes. "That's power! Magic! The huge magic power, how many people dream of it, sacrifice such a ridiculous appearance..."

"Just a little sacrifice?" Fu Jiang sneered and repeated exaggeratedly, "Will you agree if you are not a woman and make you that kind of monster?"

Yi Huo stunned slightly, before it was too late to refute. Sister Athena had stared at the two for a while, "What are you arguing about?"

Fu Jiang narrowed his eyes.

And Yi Chou rubbed his eyebrows, "Damn..."

When Lucy entered this magical workshop, Yi Chou, Athena, and Fu Jiang were arguing together. Athena completely abandoned her goddess style, and even Yi Chou threw silent words behind their heads. They It looks like three dogs barking and barking, trying to beat each other with volume.

"Give up." Fu Jiang sneered with his arms on his chest, "I can't make you do what you want."

"Me too." Athena added beside.

"Please." Yi Xiao spread his hands, "Although I did not create you out of thin air, but at least gave you a new life, in a sense I am also your father."

"That's how you guys reward me?"

The women really belonged to the Appearance Association, and when they heard that they were going to become strange, indescribable monsters, even the battlefield goddess Athena also showed great resistance and instantly unified the front with Fujiang.

If it's not the experiment, it's better to do it in coordination with the goal and be sober, Yi Chou really thinks. .

Lucy called twice, but none of the three of the fierce quarrels heard it. At last she took a deep breath and intervened loudly. "Sir! I have repaired a magic lamp again. I can try to summon Aria again." Come here, and... what are you arguing about?"

Athena and Fu Jiang narrowed their eyes, and they turned to look at each other in tacit agreement.

Yi Xiao looked at Lucy's equally good face and couldn't help but support her. "I hope you will be my teammate..." he said helplessly.

The nanny elf, the dedicated and dedicated Alimond, stepped into the magical workshop, almost flew out of the deafening roar and scream inside, Lucy, Yi Chou, Athena, Fu Jiang, four people are like chess pieces on the chessboard , As if they were not together.

"The power at high latitudes is the fastest way to ascend. Even if I have a silver tongue, the ascension needs to be carried out in a reasonable way." Yi Chou patted the table aloud. "You don't want to be the first to eat crabs, no problem, But believe me, you will need it sooner or later."

Fu Jiang hummed softly, his expression undeniable, "Also believe me, I will not make such a choice."

Alimond said weakly, "Sir, supper is ready, you need..."

"Of course." Yi Biao took the question cleanly, "You really saved me." He said, "Thank you very much."

. . .

At the same time, the mountain village sister who did not participate in this warm and friendly family meeting is wandering alone on the streets of New York.

The white dress is thin and long, and the waist is long. If it is not the long one that was originally draped on the front to cover the face and then back to the back, then her image is not much different from when she was a female ghost.

Uh, it seems so inaccurate, because she is still a ghost.

However, under the reshaping of Yi Xiao's silver tongue, she has changed a lot from her previous image. The slim figure and the unique face of the Orientals have attracted her a lot of attention on the streets of New York at night.

The coveted, mischievous gaze is like the wolves in the forest, constantly glancing at the mountain village sister.

These eyes made Sister Tzuko uncomfortable. Her brows were slightly frowned, and her beautiful face seemed to be broken for a while, but unfortunately, under the cover of the long and shadow, this detail change was not noticed.

The next moment, she turned and walked into an alley at the corner of the shadow.

After a few wandering guys wandering around, it seemed that something very bad was brewing in the darkness.



But soon, the sound of the body hitting the ground continued to appear, as if some kind of strange drumming, so that the followers who had just followed up and were going to pick up some cheap new gangsters looked at each other, so it was unknown.

"The guy in front is too gentle with our beauties." One of the skinny children said heily, while the others suddenly laughed in bad faith.

Just then, their smiles froze in their faces.

Because right in front, all those who had followed up earlier had all laid quietly on the ground, and they were lying on the cold ground as if they had lost their souls like dead corpses.

There is no vitality, as if it is fused with darkness and shadow.

"They... what's wrong."

The thin child swallowed and said, "Would these people be dead, or the girl?" .

It was just the second half of the sentence. He had never had a chance to think about it, because he suddenly turned his eyes, and the two of them stuck their necks fiercely, as if they could not breathe, and there was foam at the corner of his mouth. Fell down.

The person behind him was startled, and instinctively hid back to see the tragic appearance of this skinny man, and then looked at a guy who fell to the ground not far away through the faint moonlight, his death was almost exactly the same as the skinny man .

The thin girl, Sadako, was at the end of the alley not far away, and behind her, there were corpses everywhere.

This weird scene, the horrible situation, finally made them unbearable, these gangsters burst into a terrified scream, and then turned around and ran back.

On the way, some people twitched their faces, squeezing their necks fiercely, and foaming in the corners of their mouths fell to the ground, and never got up again.

And this just makes others run faster.

Sadako walking in front slightly turned his head, looking at the frightened crowd in the rear and escaping towards her target in the opposite direction. It seemed that she was going to catch up, but she finally suppressed her intentions.

"Forget it, there is still a task in hand...you are lucky."

"What do you think."

Sadako asked the empty place beside him.

There was no answer in the darkness, but there were some weird noises, rustling, as if an animal was grinding their teeth.

Sadako chuckled, and then continued to walk forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ got rid of these dead guys behind her, her speed was obviously much faster, her figure flicked, as if floating on the ground like a flutter. Gliding, he moved hundreds of meters away in a blink of an eye.

After a few minutes, she stopped outside a relatively empty abandoned factory, standing far away in the shadow, staring at the open space.

not moving at all.

It seems that because of the glide, her head is a little scattered, and she is scattered to the front together. Her long half covers her face. In the dark shadows, it is half bright and half dark, and it looks a bit gloomy and horrible.

"This is it..." she said slowly, "are you ready?"

The strange noise in the darkness came again, and Sadako chuckled slightly, then was half-covered, and the only ray of arc on his mouth that was exposed was getting bigger and bigger.

It seems like a bottomless darkness and abyss.

Until it broke into a big mouth of blood basin, exposed all the dense gear-like fangs!

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