High Magic Earth

Chapter 1103: Beginning

"We're back." Returning to the spacecraft, Sarah gave a helpless call. There were not many people left in the hall of the spacecraft's control room. Only Micksnet and Ray were the same when they saw Sarah. The half-dead responded.

It seems that he is a character in the comics, which has dealt a great deal to Snatter. What he is most proud of is not how much treasure he grabs, or the frozen gun in his hand, but his ingenuity.

Although it is not used in the right way.

But now, his so-called ingenuity is just the plot designed by the writers, and even his life seems so ridiculous.

A wise man sometimes thinks more about the problem than a fool. For example, this matter has little effect on Mick. He is grinning and holding a comic.

"This comic strip looks quite interesting." He smiled happily.

Snart, obviously, has already become a horn.

Barry Allen once again disrupted the time, Rip Hunt did not follow his originally booked trajectory of life, and the team composed of Sarasnath and others did not encounter danger and run-in, and formed a profound friendship, they encountered Until now this situation, of course, Saralans will not incarnate the elder sister to enlighten Snatter.

She glanced at Snatter and turned her head indifferently.

Atom Man Lei walked over with excitement, and said to Rip with full energy, "Captain, I'm glad you came back so early. By the way, should I call you Captain, or dare to rebel against fate, and finally The time master who successfully saved the time court."

Originally seeing Lei was still very happy, if he ignored the second half of his sentence, "the captain is just fine." Rip said helplessly.

He walked two steps quickly, threw Thunder behind him, and then shouted loudly.

"Gideon, how long will the spacecraft be repaired."

"Estimated twenty-three hours."

"Can I take off immediately after repair?"

"The coordinates are expected to be locked for eighteen hours."

"Very good." Rip nodded.

Sarah was not interested in Rip’s movements at all, but Ray’s reaction was quick. It was worthy of being an independent scientific researcher who created an atomic war suit. “We’re leaving, why?”

"Why is it so anxious." Lei was puzzled, but the latter sentence still revealed his true face, "The Marvel limited edition handbook and comics I ordered haven't come yet."

"I think we were discovered." Rip explained Ray's problem perfectly in one sentence.

"Uh." Lei shrugged and thought for a while, "I think that our previous battle did not conceal our whereabouts and characteristics at all, and it has already been discovered."

"I mean here." Rip explained tirelessly. "Even if the spacecraft can't make a time journey, at least one place needs to be moved."

"What do you think of Australia."

"I like the Mexican chicken rolls there!" Mick, who looked down at the manga, suddenly looked up and said amazingly.

Even Snatter, who pretended to be dead and thought about life next to him, could not bear it anymore. He put Mick's head back. "The thing is authentic in Mexico. You can know it by listening to the name. Let's watch your life." "

"My life?" Mick flipped the comic in his hand in doubt, "Don't touch my head."

Okay, the latter sentence is understandable, because bald people generally don’t like others touching him.

Mick and Snatter are talking about non-nutritive nonsense, "Drop! Drop!" At this time, a large decibel alarm suddenly sounded through the entire spaceship, representing a dangerous red light that enveloped everyone, as if the signal lights were of high frequency Flashes.

"The spaceship was invaded! The spaceship was invaded!"

At the next moment, Gideon's slightly mechanical and stiff voice came from their ears.

"What's going on!" Rip exclaimed.

Gideon is worthy of the artificial intelligence of the time court, and it can only be displayed at a low level. It instantly projects a large screen in the middle of the control room lobby, which is playing the picture outside the spaceship.

"Suspected intruders were found." Gideon said.

Rip and others immediately surrounded him. Although Snart still seemed to be weak, he knew that everyone was now a grasshopper on a rope, and no one could escape if the spacecraft was in trouble.

Even Dr. Stein, who was still repairing the spacecraft, rushed over, but they were stunned and opened their mouths in front of the screen.

"What the **** is this." Sara said the first disgust.

What appeared on the screen was a huge monster. It seemed to be humanoid, but why should it be used? Because her head is almost huge, almost twice as big as her body.

The huge head was wrapped in long black hair, not only did it not have the slightest sense of beauty, but rather strange and abnormal.

It was it that was attacking the spaceship, and its head was its attacking weapon, like a chainsaw, in the form of a lumberjack gnawing at the metal on the gate.

If it weren't for the pink floral skirt that seemed to be a kimono under the head, Rip and others couldn't believe it was humanoid.

"What shall we do?" Lei asked.

Lei was just an ordinary scientist before he was put on the thief ship by Ripula. Although he was motivated to become a superhero in Star City, he didn't have any after all, so he didn't have much experience in dealing with it.

And this thing looks dangerous outside, and no one wants to use his body to try the other person's teeth that can bite off the metal gate.

"You can't let this thing continue to be destroyed." Rip also frowned.

In fact, he has little experience. In the future world that the crystal ball takes him, he spends most of his time on escape. He really fights or rarely organizes to resist.

Although Rip already had courage and strength, his tactics were still zero, and he still focused on fighting.

Sarah, who was still an assassin, made the first decision under the last sense of responsibility, "I will meet it." She sneered and uttered the whine of the two sticks sticking around her waist, and then strode toward the meteor. Go outside.

She turned around and didn't find it. At the moment she turned around, Rip's chest suddenly burst into an emerald green light. Two seconds later, he squatted with his head clasped, seeming to be very painful.

"Why..." Lei just questioned, and Rip groaned painfully.

Then before everyone responded, Rip gritted his teeth and stood up, grabbing Sarah who was preparing for the gate of the spaceship ahead.

"Wait..." Rip said, clutching his head. "Don't be impulsive. You are not the guy's opponent. She will kill you."

Sara seemed very puzzled, not understanding why Rip was so stupid as a rookie recruit in the first moment, and became aware of everything in the following moment, as if she had a certain mind.

Although he was not optimistic about himself, Sara was very upset.

Everyone was almost the same, big eyes squinted, didn't understand why Rip suddenly had such a big change, only the most erudite, and all the dry stuff in his belly, Dr. Stein suddenly widened his eyes, and seemed to realize what.

But Rip apparently had no intention of explaining much. He quickly assigned the task and briefly stated, "There is more than one enemy outside the door."

"That big monster is called Hanamaki." He said in Japanese pronunciation, "It's only used to attract our attention. This thing has a strong regeneration ability and can hardly be killed."

"The real enemy is hiding in the dark. She is called Sadako Yamamura, a ghost, and in front of him is the ghost of a superpower."

"Like a dead person?" Lei suddenly glared and interjected, "Oh, it seems wrong, dead..."

There was a comic book from Company D in his hand, and Rip didn’t even bother to read the name of the comic, and he took a half-sentence sentence. ."

Lei's eyebrows shook slightly, not understanding why he wanted to say what Rip had said first, but the next moment, he seemed to realize what he was.

At this time, Rip had already directed himself.

"Lei puts on your suit and becomes smaller to repair the spacecraft's b2, b3 area. I will let Gideon point you to the specific location. There are some problems there that cannot be repaired without you."

"Try to fix it quickly, you don’t have to participate in the next battle, we are enough."

As he said, Rip walked toward the collection house next to him. He picked out a round shield from a pile of debris. It was a metal shield from the Roman period. It was the harvest of a certain time travel, but it has been refinished. After that, although it is still ordinary metal, it is much better than the Roman period.

He threw the shield to Sarah, Sarah caught it in the air, but his face was puzzled.

"Trust me, you will use it." Rip said.

On the way back to the control room from the collection room, through a map hanging on the wall, he picked it off. "This is a good thing, and it can't be damaged." He muttered.

"Stein and Jefferson will immediately merge into the Fire Storm. You will be the main attacker for a while, and I will assist."

"Snatt and Mick, you are suppressing on both sides. If you want to defeat the other party, you have to rely on your weapons and use the range of the two guns, but pay attention to protecting yourself, the other party can teleport."

"Sara." Rip turned to look at Sarah again. "You will protect the Snatts for a while. As for the shield... it is to protect yourself."

"There are three minutes left." Rip took a deep breath. "The door will not hold."

Seeing that these guys were still looking at each other in front of them, Rip didn't move at all, and Rup rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Not yet!"

Although the team formed by Rip has not run through several times, after all, Rip is the nominal leader, and Sarah and others have the potential to be superheroes. After half a second, they did not refute, they immediately started let's move.

Lei took out the Atomic Warframe from his pocket and gently tapped his finger. The Warframe was already put on his body, and then under the guidance of Gideon, he quickly moved towards the rear of the spaceship.

Stein and Jefferson took a deep breath, and then extended their hands to each other, squeezed hard, and the next moment, a flame spread from their hands, and in a blink of an eye, the two merged into a fire storm.

"It turns out that you turned back through time...!"

Jefferson and Stein just merged into a fire storm, and Jefferson felt Stein's thoughts. Seeing Stein's conjecture about the strange behavior of Rip, Jefferson exclaimed directly, and then Stein's roar in his mind. Cover your mouth.

The episode of Fire Storm was not noticed by two rough-hearted guys like Mick and Sarah. As for Snart, if he refers to the little clever aspect, I am afraid that it is not less than the wisdom of Dr. Stein, he must have already had himself Thoughts.

Sara waved the shield twice in her hand, seeming to feel quite comfortable, and then inserted one of the short sticks back into her waist, leaving only one.

Although Mick and Snart were very uncomfortable with Rip's orders, they didn't bother to answer. They still walked slowly to the corner of the spaceship to hide themselves.

Seeing everyone start to move, Rip also stepped back slightly, he bypassed the control room, and then entered another room behind him.

Bringing the door slightly, Rip came to an edge of the room. He squatted down and fumbled on the ground for a while, then a large slap in front of the floor opened in response.

"Sir..." Gideon's voice had just appeared and was interrupted by Rip.

"Hush." ​​He said, "I must use this thing, or none of us can get away."

After all, Rip is the captain, and Gideon can’t stop him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to get things, Rip will restore the floor, and then turn around and leave the room, when he returns to the control hall, Rip has already taken things In his arms.

Everyone was already waiting, Sara holding the shield and staring at the end of the corridor on the other side of the room with silent eyes, Mick and Snart were already hiding, and if the enemy appeared, it would be the first time Facing their fierce attack.

The fire storm stood at the front, he was burning with blazing flames, and the flames in his pupils seemed to burn everything.

At the next moment, the door exploded inward with a biting bite.


The metal gate hit the inner wall of the spaceship fiercely, and a huge pit with a deep fist was trapped...

The scenery under the Twin Towers will never be tiresome. The top-down view is so fascinating, but for Lucifer, there is nothing new about it.

Because he was tired of looking down at the ground under his feet.

But the news brought by Naliya was not tolerated by him. Of course, this could not tell Naliya, and even showed a careless appearance in front of her.

Even Naliyali is the most loyal angel.

The physical character of Lucifer made him unwilling to believe in anyone, any creature, and his father could still betray his son. Then, there is nothing in this world that will not betray it.

"Relax, little fellow." Lucifer stayed alone in the office, patting the huge sarcoma in the room, whispering like a voice, "I'll be back soon."

Just after Naliyali left, Lucifer also left the Petronas Twin Towers. He even left New York, one person farther north in front of him, the end and the edge of the horizon.

There, he will greet and another brother will come. (To be continued...)

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