High Magic Earth

Chapter 1104: Smooth

"Sara! Be careful on the left!"

Rip's angry anger made Sara, who was entangled with Sadako, suddenly retreat. Although she didn't anticipate the danger, Ripple predicted the direction of Sadako's attack three times and five times, which had convinced her.

Sure enough, just as she flickered to the right and avoided, a pale ghost hand rushed out of the ground. If she was one second later, she would be hollowed out from below.

"You're so cruel." Sara sighed aside.

"It's in battle! And it's been a long time!" Rip couldn't help but hate his indignant roar when he heard that Sarah had some leisurely thoughts.

"Be quiet...don't make a noise..." Snatter, who was hiding next to him, prolonged his dissatisfaction. The freezing gun in his hand couldn't stop at the place where Sadako was about to settle, and blocked her route to Mick. Cause more output environment.

The firepower of the flame gun and the freezing gun caused great trouble to Sadako. She constantly wanted to find an opportunity to directly kill these two guys, but she was entangled to death by the fire storm.

Fire Storm has a very strong ability. It can be said that it is the strongest in the entire Rip team, which is enough to be involved in the ranks of the first-line Super Britain.

He can change the atomic and subatomic results of inorganics and rearrange them. Although this firestorm dominated by Jefferson's ability is not very handy, the scorching high temperature is enough to hurt Sadako.

The particularity of Sadako allows her to be immune to almost all physical attacks, but again, energy attacks can still harm her.

For example, flame, electromagnetism, and sadako are the first experimental body to introduce the combination of high-latitude energy and silver tongue, and it is also the only one that is currently not perfect.

Yi Xiao is trying to continue to modify her shortcomings, such as not letting the common energy of flame electromagnetics hurt her, but the experiment has not been successful, so at present Sadako can only reach this state.

The fire storm is entangled with Sadako, Rip is entangled with Hanaji, and the flame frozen double guns of Mick and Snite are output as the main force. Even if there are occasional mistakes, Sarah can check for vacancies.

The two sides seemed to stalemate for a while.

But this is not the case.

Physical attacks are almost ineffective against Sadako, even if the fire and cold, and Rip can hurt Sadako, but it only hurts.

Relative to Sadako, these injuries seem too worth mentioning.

But on the other hand, people like Rip need to be careful and careful, because as long as there are a few mistakes, what is waiting for them is a fatal ending.

"Captain! Is there anything else you can do?"

The fire storm Jackson Stein, who is mainly responsible for close combat, was aware of this problem for the first time, and Dr. Stein, as a secondary thought carrier, had always had a sense of uneasiness.

So far, he has been able to deduce from Rip's abnormal movements that he came back after a short time trip.

Only in this way, he can know the attacking action that the opponent is about to take every step in advance, which gives them a great advantage, but there is a question why why Rip has to travel in time.

There is only one possibility, they lost.

Otherwise, Rip will not travel back through time to seek help, because Rip once said that traveling through time is a very dangerous thing, and with his current strength, it is difficult to get rid of the help of the time ship and use Ago directly The eyes of the motorcycle come through time.

But he has already done so.

So the situation must be very bad.

In fact, Stein's guess is almost the same. The real future situation is indeed very bad. After Sara rushed out, almost one face was killed by Sadako. After Sadako rushed into the spaceship, they were killed and injured. Of course, the main reason is not understanding the power of Sadako.

In a hurry, Rip directly launched the power of Agomoto Eye.

He wasn’t sure if he could succeed, but he had to do it, because everyone was dead. All he left to wait was death, and the sight of Agomomoto, perhaps a ray of life.

Rip succeeded. For the first time, he successfully returned to three minutes ago. Using his understanding of the future, he successfully organized and launched the first wave of counterattacks, but unfortunately, it did not last long.

Then Rip launched a second crossing, followed by a third, fourth...

And this time, this is the eleventh time he has crossed, and the time span is getting longer and longer, but Rip also feels that his head is getting more and more painful, and he can't hold it anymore.

And even more inexplicably, Rip knew that in two minutes, they would face a big crisis.

For unknown reasons, Sadako's power suddenly increased several times. They were not opponents at all. The other party forcibly broke through the blockade of Fire Storm and then killed Mick and Snart.

This ending is almost inevitable, Ripple returned to the past three times, and did not reverse this future.

But Rip, the leader of time travel, knew in his heart that he could not support more time, perhaps once or twice.

He must change all this, now.

The fire storm still violently collided with Sadako. Sadako's entire body seemed to have an invisible energy shield to isolate the fire storm's flame and heat from the outside, so that the fire storm could only exhaust all the means and use the method of close combat Sadako is entangled in place.

Looking at everything in front of him, Rip took a deep breath, and then responded loudly, "How? Yes, of course, hold on!"

Facing the enemy of Sadako, the way to victory may not necessarily be to kill the other party, as long as they can successfully escape, it is victory for them.

In fact, Sadako is also very depressed.

As a Miss Yamamura who was an outstanding student during her lifetime, Sadako is not stupid, but she is very clever. Although she has not been to high school, if she has a normal life path, she will definitely study at university and become a school bully.

And her goal is the gem of time. She understands the power of this gem naturally. She can see that the other party always predicts herself first and definitely uses the power of the gem.

But she has no good solution.

Seriously, in the face of such enemies, it is not easy for her to ensure that she will not die, because the other party can see the future, and now everything is just past for the other party.

Who knows if the other party will bury a deadly killer on the next road they must pass through.

Being able to still press each other is enough to show that Sadako's strength is strong.

Sadako can think of what the other party can think of, since Rip has made a time jump, which means that he still has the advantage and even forced the other party to go back to the past.

Although Sadako doesn't know where the advantages are, but for now, as long as she continues to stalemate, she does not believe that the other party can control the time indefinitely.

Sadako's tactics are correct, because as long as he continues to delay for a few minutes, an inexplicable force will emerge from her body to support her in completing a mass extinction.

But Rip couldn't let her do this.

Although...the price is high, it is always better than the death of all the staff.

Thinking about it this way, Rip put his hand in his arms and took it out from the beginning, but it was something that had never been used in the eleventh time span.

"I will reverse all this." Rip murmured to himself. ...

In this world, 18:35 New York time.

Sadako Yamamura invaded the Rip team 72 hours and 23 minutes before the spacecraft.

Hanson and Josie met in front of 72 hours and 45 minutes.

"I don't like to wait, especially I hate waiting for that guy, I hate him!" On the endless Canadian plains, the cold wind blew, and the cold temperature almost attached a layer of frost to the surface of the plain, and it was in this empty grassland. On the top, a thin and abrupt figure was trembling in the same place.

Lucifer, who was far away in New York not long ago, was wearing a thin tight suit standing in the center of the plain, and he still couldn’t help but said, “I’m also busy, when will this guy be able to Learn to be punctual."

While he was like a lunatic who was about to commit suicide, he was wandering on the plains with extremely low temperature at night. Out of far space, a meteorite galloped like a rising sun with a scorching heat towards the earth.

It smashed the dust debris that blocked the road all the way, terrifying a guy who had just flew out of the atmosphere, like a pupil who learned to fly, and came to the edge of the earth in a blink of an eye, bursting into the atmosphere.

As if feeling something, Lucifer raised his head, his eyes flashing slightly.

"It was only half an hour late. I thought I would stay here tonight."

The falling speed of the meteorite is faster than Lucifer's vomiting. When his voice has not fallen, his upper part has been blocked by shadows.

The huge meteorite pyrotechnics flew all over the sky, like dragging a tail formed by a flame, which could not be swept away forever.

"I suspect this guy will take the opportunity to rule out aliens."

It was noticed that the location where the meteorite fell was radiating outwards from the center where he was standing, and Lucifer's face changed. Although he was still nagging in his mouth, he had opened his dark wings unambiguously.

Fully unfolded wings with a length of nearly five meters instantly tore apart his back suit, only two sleeves and the part in front of him, but Lucifer did not care about his image, or the image of the human body.

The skin on his head was completely red, **** red, and it looked like a skull with blood and flesh, and his forehead seemed to bear the sharp horns, a figure of a devil.

In a sense, this may be the original.

And indeed, just after Lucifer turned into a terrible image that was not very beautiful, his speed suddenly surged, his wings only fluttered, and the figure had leaped forward more than ten meters, and in a blink of an eye, he ran 100 meters away. .

This must be done not only by aerodynamics, but also by magic.

The meteorite did not seem to have noticed Lucifer below, or that the meteorite would not have stopped because of the existence of creatures on the ground. Just after Lucifer had flown nearly a thousand kilometers, the meteorite arrived as expected, with a violent momentum. From the sky.


The turbulent airflow blasted thinly, set off billowing waves on the Great Plains, and spread directly out of a hundred miles. The gravel, larger soil, turf, and everything on the ground were messed up.

And just where the meteorite fell, with a center of 100 meters, the distance of a hundred meters has been completely sunken, forming a giant pit that is more than ten meters deep.

At this time, Lucifer had calculated the safety distance, had already stopped flying, and even had time to sort out his image that was not scattered by the rolling waves.

Seeing that the meteorite finally landed steadily on the ground, he couldn't help complaining, "I just flew out, and now I have to fly back, so I hate this guy."

Although he was in a bad mood, Lucifer had to see the other party because of the emergency.

Otherwise, his body would be the first to not let go of himself.

Less than half a minute later, Lucifer returned to the crater again. He floated over the center of the crater, then slowly folded his wings and landed smoothly on the ground.

"My dear brother, don't sleep, the beautiful solo journey is over, I hope the scenery along the way will satisfy you."

What kind of scenery can there be, this is a meteorite, even if it is not, there is only a dark paint in the depths of the sky, there is no vitality at all.

There may be some nebulae and galaxies that look extremely beautiful and vast from a distance, but their distance has been measured in countless light years, and I am afraid that there are not many opportunities.

It must be said that the skills owed by Lucifer are not shallow. I believe that Nali Yali knows this deeply.

But after a long while, the meteorite did not move.

Lucifer leaning lazily on the meteorite stunned slightly, then raised his voice, "Dear brother?"

The meteorite still did not respond.

The expression on Lucifer's face became a little bit bad. He frowned and got up from the meteorite.

"Hope your luck is not so bad." He muttered in a low voice.

He dropped his head slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next moment, his appearance once again showed the fierceness of the devil, but this time his wings did not appear, but his arms began to show a strong sense of muscles.


There was another blast, and Lucifer punched **** the surface of the meteorite. With his full blow, the rough meteorite instantly showed tiny cracks.

It seemed to stagnate for half a second, and then the click sound continued to sound, and the meteorite began to crack in layers, like peeling coconut sugar, falling off one by one.


Lucifer's unrelenting momentum is another punch on the meteorite, which overlaps with the previously hit core.

The superposition of the two forces finally made the meteorite unable to sustain. The shell of the meteorite that hadn't even worn away the earth's atmosphere made a wailing cry, and then burst.

The splashed meteorite fragments did not hurt Lucifer, he stood silently, waiting for the explosion to subside.

When the smoke dissipated, the appearance of the meteorite reappeared, and Lucifer's control of power was clearly very precise. Although he almost destroyed half of the meteorite into fragments, the other half of the meteorite was still almost intact.

And between the two petals, at the center of the meteorite, a strange pattern is clearly presented.

That is a human form.

A human-shaped depression like a baby curled up is clearly imprinted on it.

Lucifer's frowned eyebrows didn't let go, because that should be his brother's position, and his brother should be sleeping in the meteorite, but...

"Good evening, my dear brother."

But at this moment, a slightly frivolous voice suddenly appeared behind Lucifer, and Lucifer's eyes narrowed and he reacted instantly. He turned slowly and said slowly.

"Oh... good evening, you are really naughty, Ghibli."

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