High Magic Earth

Chapter 1105: Meteorite

"Don't call me Ghibli, Lucifer," Gabriel said.

"Why not, this title is more suitable for you at this time, after all, you are here to spread the war, not to bring the gospel of your father."

"Let the earth enter a higher magic power, but it is not a sowing war. The creatures on the earth should be grateful."

"I'm not saying this, I mean the place where the meteorite landed." Lucifer's tone was plain, and he couldn't hear anything. If he was not fast enough, he would be directly killed by the meteorite.

"You are stingy," Gabriel said sarcastically.

"I've always been so stingy." Lucifer didn't care about Gabriel's irony, and seemed to be somewhat proud.

It seems that Lucifer's relationship with his other brothers is not very good. After the nonsense, Gabriel looked at Lucifer a little, and then there was an additional suit of the same style on his body.

"Your taste is really bad." Lucifer did not let go of any opportunity to take advantage of the word.

"This is the same as you." Gabriel retorted.

"Yeah, that's why your taste is poor."

The clothes of the two are exactly the same. Where is the difference? Obviously, only the appearance is left. Although the angels don't care much about their appearance, it is still very uncomfortable.

"You really are so annoying." Gabriel gave up his plans to argue with Lucifer.

Unhappy, but both guys still know that the business is important. Lucifer summoned Baicale thousands of miles, obviously it would not be a trivial matter.

"What's wrong," Gabriel said lightly.

This Gabriel looks like a white man, looks ordinary, and has no characteristics. Presumably, even if Hollywood's most senior scout is here, he can't think of his prototype.

Or maybe he didn't have a prototype at all, nor did he come from some second world, but in the present world, and he randomly transformed a look like this.

"What else can I do," Lucifer said, "Your duty is to protect the second door. If it is not the second door that requires us two to open, I will not contact you."

"The second door." Gabriel clearly knew what Lucifer was referring to, and his tone changed slightly, "Can you confirm that the other person is the key person."

"I'm not sure," Lucifer said. "But a key new human has died. The plan is about to start. This is not something I can change."

Gabriel was slightly silent, because Lucifer's sentence was reasonable, and he thought a little, he continued to ask, "Who?"

"Tony Stark, those new humans like to call him Iron Man, maybe you have heard of it in the multiverse."

Gabriel frowned for a moment, and then hesitated and said, "I seem to have an impression, he doesn't have that critical identity."

"In some worlds, his identity is enough."

A short conversation is enough to let them know each other's situation. Now all they need to do is rush to the so-called second door and open it.

The position of the second door was only known by Gabriel, and only when Gabriel and Lucifer's body existed together could it be opened.

Seeing Gabriel no longer in doubt, Lucifer took a step back and made a please gesture.

The invisible fluctuations spread out from Gabriel. The high-level archangel is definitely not two wings, only a brutal muscle idiot.

All of them are proficient in magic, especially the unique magic of the angelic family. Unique magic is their bottom card, and they are undefeated during the battle.

Just as Yi Chou can now use the power of the silver tongue to fill his shortcomings in melee combat, using magic to multiply their combat power several times is also the way angels fight.

The physical qualities brought about by racial talents only give them better assistance.

Of course, there are also some full-time combat angels who are proficient in the way of progress, such as the attack version of the iron war angels that Yi Chou has seen before.

Although the number is scarce, it is impossible to compile at all, but when fighting, the degree of brutality is not lower than the magic of the angels.

Because no matter what kind of way, the end of the road is the same, the end of magic can be reached, other means can also be reached, the gap is nothing more than the degree of difficulty and the length of time.

As the waves condensed more and more, the space in front of Gabriel began to be torn apart. Under the magic tear, the space was gradually caught out of a crack.

The red-yellow space door presents a ring shape, which expands from small to large, and looks somewhat similar to the circle drawn by the group of guys on Karma Taj.

However, the portal opened by Gabriel did not splash Mars, as if it could trigger a forest fire at any time, but the edge was very stable, as if the surrounding space was corroded by a wormhole.

At the next moment, when the space stabilized, Gabriel took the lead and stepped in.

Then Lucifer shrugged and immediately followed.

When the space gate swallowed both of them in, they disappeared again and again, and the Canadian plain covered by magic regained the peace and gloom of the past, leaving only a huge new crater.

Fortunately, this place was covered by magic, and ordinary humans and satellites could not observe it. Otherwise, once there is a helicopter approach, you will see the terrifying scene below.

This is not just the huge crater that Gabriel left when he fell from the sky. This crater can only be regarded as the newer one.

Countless craters, large and small, are like ant dens. They are countless, and they can't be seen at the end. They directly cover the edge of the horizon.

Like an ugly wound. ...

Gabriel and Lucifer stepped into the portal, and then stepped into the weightless space with one foot. The space door was not parallel to the bottom, and the other end was completely in the air.

When I stepped out, I fell straight down.

I don't know if the angels will be killed, but they obviously have wings. They don't need to worry about this. It's just that neither Gabriel nor Lucifer seems to mean spreading their wings.

They are getting closer and closer to the ground below, already close enough to see a group of medieval iron cans fighting each other below.

The rigorous medieval knights in these packages also saw the two guys above. They didn't know what this was, but they couldn't help but stopped to watch. Someone in the colleague had begun to draw a cross on his chest.

"Oh, they are so cute." Lucifer followed behind Gabriel and shouted loudly at the familiar movement.

Gabriel didn't answer, the magic wave appeared again on his body, and the portal was opened again exactly as before, but it appeared in front of them, that is, on the way to fall.


The two figures fell into the portal directly, before and after, and the portal closed again, leaving a group of medieval aborigines looking at each other.

The portal is obviously involved in extremely high space magic. For a portal that can be opened at will and through time and space, the other end of the portal is upside down, which is obviously not worth mentioning.

This time the back of the portal is a bustling cement road. Abandoned cars and garbage spread along the road to the end of the horizon. The sunset casts a dim golden light in the sky, a scene of the last days.

Lucifer and Gabriel were obviously very skilled at the sudden change of direction. They had no sense of imbalance and fell down from a height, but after passing through the portal, they naturally stepped on the ground and the whole person From the trend of falling, he was rigidly reversed to walk upright.

Just like they had walked through the portal.

"I don't need to say more about the next road. Follow me and take the wrong step. You will always be lost here. I don't want to come back to find you." Gabriel said softly.

"Relax, I have to recite the route."

The portal behind them had disappeared. They walked on the land where the end came to the world. The sun was burning the earth, and then slowly, the ground began to crack.

Just like the entire earth began to collapse, the horizon collapsed at the same time, limited by the distance visible to the naked eye.

The bottomless ditches instantly swallowed everything on the ground, the pavement, cars, building debris, everything fell into the bottomless crack.

The rate of collapse was very fast, following Lucifer and Gabriel closely like a tsunami, and it seemed that they would devour them in a short time.

Very tacit, they began to run.

Gabriel opened the road in front of him. He seemed to be looking for something. He continued to run and did not forget to look left and right, as if he did not want to destroy this place. He obviously had a strong power, but he did not rampage, but avoided one by one lightly. An obstacle, although these obstacles were soon swallowed by the cracks in the earth.


The cracks were getting closer and closer to them, and at this moment, Gabriel finally found what he was looking for, he yelled, then opened the trunk of an abandoned truck and drilled straight in.

Lucifer didn't hesitate, as if he didn't see this as a self-deceiving idea, and turned around.

At the next moment, darkness extended, and the dark carriage became the universe and the void in an instant. The collapsed world of doomsday disappeared, and they were already standing in outer space out of thin air.


Gabriel soon saw a suspended meteorite fragment, the speed of the fragment was not fast, but he and Lucifer, although they were in the same weightless state, but one wing, but instantly got power again.

Two pairs of wings, one black and one white, waved vigorously, and they instantly crossed the short distance and jumped to the debris that did not seem to be their palm size.

Then go on, again, the world is turned upside down, and the two of them seem to have entered the kingdom of the Lord. Everything around them swelled in the blink of an eye. An island slowly stopped.

They stood on the highest point of the island, surrounded by endless seawater, but in front of it, there was another large island.

This time, without needing to remind Gabriel, Lucifer would know their destination.

The wings waved again, and they instantly rose into the sky and flew towards the other island.

The distance between the two small islands seems to be only a few hundred meters, but when they came over this sea area, it seemed that the whole world had become a sea of ​​turmoil. The distance between the islands extended rapidly, and the number of sea areas below appeared. The endless continents and oceans seem to have crossed a world.

But in the blink of an eye, all this disappeared again, and the island just now reappeared in front of them, and at the very center of the island, there was a depressed basin.

"We are here," Gabriel said condensedly.

A moment later, Lucifer and Gabriel stopped in front of a wooden gate. The gray wooden door looked like iron metal, with an unusual sense of thick and solemn.

This is the second door. ...

The second door is not only a real door, but also the second stage of the plan.

Gabriel represents heaven, and Lucifer represents hell. Of course, it is just said to the outside world. For angels and demons themselves, heaven and **** have no meaning. The difference is that they represent different energies.

The need to open the door together with Gabriel and Lucifer is not a guardian magic, just because this door requires two kinds of extreme energy to open.

The power behind the door is neither hell~www.wuxiaspot.com~ nor heaven. It is the most bizarre, but also one of the most common energy, the power of space.

Space energy is special and special, and ordinary is also ordinary, but there is no doubt that once the space energy reaches a certain sufficient amount, then there will be a qualitative transformation in an instant.

If there is not much difference in flame from low temperature to high temperature, even if it reaches the level of the sun, it can only burn everything and cannot burn through the parallel universe, then the space energy is different.

If the space energy accumulates to a certain degree, its essence will change, the space will twist and collapse, and a series of uncontrolled situations will occur.

Even the angels have no control.

They must seal this power, and now, it is time to reopen.

"What are you waiting for?" Lucifer said, rubbing her hands when she saw Gabriel's lack of movement.

He put his hand on the side door, but Gabriel stopped softly, "Wait, did you really make a decision?"

"If you open this door, the space forces will cause the world to be eroded."

"And don't forget, we sealed a second world coordinate with a ghost behind the door. This second world will enhance the **** power of the origin world. Demon, ghost, and even the ghost door may be opened. "

"Are we really going to do this."

Lucifer rolled his eyes and smiled, "I really admire you. The hypocrites are not shouting in vain. I'm tired of wearing these masks."

"To tell me, we have to do this. The arrow is on the string and we have to send it."

Before the words fell, Lucifer had extended his other hand, grabbed Gabriel on the side, and then printed his palm fiercely on the door next to it.

At the next moment, the wooden door shone.

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