High Magic Earth

Chapter 1106: Restaurant scuffle

The devil belongs to hell, and the angel lives forever. The fastest update...

Although the surrounding environment was extremely noisy, and the crowd fled everywhere under the attack of the green ghost monster, Hansen's voice was like a thunder, and it was deafeningly resounding in Josie's ear.

Even for a while, Josie felt that she had auditory hallucinations, because everything around her was quiet, as if the world had been pressed.

"What...what..." Josie stuttered. "You said...what, I don't know..."

Josie didn't know what she was afraid of. Ordinary people's prejudice against wizards? Just kidding, Harry Potter's Muggle world may indeed be the case, but this seems to be uniquely different between the worlds, and not every world is extremely repulsive to magic and wizards.

Just like the same Marvel Universe, in some worlds, a guy like Spider-Man can become a pro-British, New York pro-son, while in other worlds, the more capable variants are like cross-street mice, and there will be betrayal between loved ones.

It makes no sense.

It can only be attributed to the fact that the world makes you think so.

Josie may not know yet, she has discovered a big secret by mistake, and she has not even noticed Yi Biao. In the first world, Yi Biao was indeed attacked by world consciousness and pitted him fiercely, but That is the black hand under the new man.

Yi Xiao did not think carefully about what the change in world consciousness represented. Of course, Josie didn't realize it.

Therefore, people in this world do not exclude wizards. You must know that Josie is also a common member of this world before entering the second world.

She likes Harry Potter, likes science fiction movies, loves those gorgeous special effects, and also imagines that when she was eleven years old, she received a letter from an owl. One day, she suddenly had a cool super power.

Magic is a cool existence. Most people actually fear even more than repulsive emotions. Of course, some people with certain beliefs and extremes will still reject magic. Such people are after all a few and there are.

And instead of worrying about ordinary people rejecting magic, it is better to worry about attracting the attention of other people after their affairs are exposed, such as those who are not magic but have abilities.

Josie felt that her head was a bit messy. She didn't forget the spell. On the contrary, she used it well. In the case of not daring to kill the killer, the forgetting spell and the coma spell were always the two choices.

Not everyone in this world can kill people quickly and without barriers after entering the second world, even if it is a curse that does not look **** at all.

Except for the crippled like Yi Chou.

How does Karl know that he can do magic? Has he told others if he wants to clear his memory, will he alienate himself.

A series of such thoughts appeared in Josie's head, all of which were the psychology of the little woman in love, but what she didn't think of was that Hansen actually came to the point that she was magical.

Normal people who have not been trained in anti-reconnaissance and secret agents will not think of this, and may realize the anomaly in the future, but it is difficult to react at least for a while.

As an excellent psychologist, Hansen knows this.

And this gave him a chance.

"Don't be stupid, Sissi." Hansen knew this was his last chance. He thought about almost every word in his brain, but he was very fluent. "Did you forget my identity."

"Identity?" Josie subconsciously followed Hansen's thoughts.

"I started from the Wall Street Exchange, paying attention to any useful information, not letting go of any details, learning anything I touched by myself, this is my life motto."

"Your disguise is too early. Those who are familiar with you will find the flaws after a little observation. Okay, now there is no time for details. Can you stop this? Otherwise, everyone will die here. "

While the two were whispering, the green ghost was still mad.

It seems to be between an entity and an incorporeal body, and can be switched freely. Physical attacks are ineffective on it, but it can grab objects such as tables and gravel.

Seeing that humans ran out of the gate, the green ghost roared and threw a large broken wall at the opening of the gate.

After smashing a hapless egg that could not dodge, together with the debris of the two doors, most of the exit was blocked.

It is estimated that the remaining gap can only let children pass.

Seeing that the retreat was blocked, the remaining crowd began to hide in panic. The ghosts of the green, worm-like worms began to giggle and throw stones everywhere, like playing an interesting game.

But obviously for humans, this is not the case, because the power of each stone is comparable to a slow bullet, hitting the head does not say opening a hole into a flesh, it is definitely the end of the scene.

It’s not that no one thought of breaking open the window and escaping, but looking at the almost corpse in front of the window, many people immediately lost their courage.

"Survey!? Are you investigating me?!" Josie's voice lifted suddenly.

No one likes to be investigated, especially women, and Josie is a person whose life was not so good in the past. This is simply her taboo.

Hansen said it directly. If it was not good enough, and the situation was a little special, I am afraid that waiting for him is a bit of bitterness.

Magic has a little advantage, that is, it flattens the fighting power of men and women, giving domestic violence a lot more options.

"Observation is observation." Hansen explained quickly. "We will discuss this issue later. The current situation is really too late to say."

He used his identity as a cover to create the image of a successful person, a business elite who is good at observing and discovering details, and this is the secret of his success.

Hansen suddenly appeared in Josie's life. For Josie, she was a stranger, but in turn, Josie was not a stranger to Hansen.

As the owner of a small company, it is okay to investigate whether a stranger is a commercial spy. Although it is unlikely, it is still necessary to be careful.

Then, in the process of contact, Hansen discovered a little secret of Josie.


Originally Josie didn't say that Hansen also intended to pretend not to know, but tonight's sudden incident forced Hansen to tell the secret.

For the innocent crowd here.

He couldn't watch the people here to die, and then secretly walked away with Josie, so that the image of a hero was put on Hansen again.

Perhaps Josie may not like to expose herself. After the incident, he will apologize and show and express regret that he should not be so impulsive.

Coupled with the common experience and secret of the two people, it is absolutely possible to take their relationship even further.

Sure enough, after hearing Hanson's flustered explanation, Josie's face was much better.

That is to say, Hansen's plan has been half successful so far. This half is because his plan is very smooth. As for the remaining half, whether Josie's emotions will follow the direction he expected.

This is also the most important half.

After hearing Hansen's explanation, Josie's face eased a lot.

Just as Hansen expected, Josie also believed that Karl had roughly surveyed himself before contacting himself, and he didn't pay attention to concealment on weekdays, so the other party discovered the magic.

This should not blame her. Although Josie did not pay attention to hidden magic, she lived alone, and no one would accidentally see it.

Of course, if you investigate seriously, it may not be possible, but she is an unremarkable ordinary person, who will investigate her, and excessive care and caution may attract unexpected attention.

Karl was definitely negligent in this matter.

Obviously, Karl does not intend to tell his secret. If it were not for the appearance of the green ghost, the green ghost seemed to kill the entire restaurant. Carl just couldn’t bear to have these people die in vain. a little.

Karl is really a brave man, and his prospective boyfriend is perfect.

It has to be said that Hanson's investigation of Josie did not proceed in vain. He knew Josie and even her way of thinking. All of Josie's ideas were within his expectations.

And again, Josie's face is still not pretty.

As thought of in the second step of the Hansen plan, Josie did not want to expose herself to the public.

The existence of magic and superpowers is actually not uncommon. Since the opening of the Second World a few years ago, governments of various countries have definitely noticed it. It may be that they do not understand well. Perhaps for other reasons, they have remained strange. Calm.

It is the free man himself who has established different organizations and stirred up the wind and rain in different regions.

However, the big movements have been suppressed, control of machinery, artificial intelligence, mental manipulation, memory clearing, several organizations of free people are interested in collecting free people in these abilities. The team composed of them has completed the treatment and aftercare very professionally. jobs.

There may be scattered information that has not been eliminated, but it has been unable to spread. At least it cannot enter the network under the blockade of artificial intelligence.

Perhaps only among the witnesses themselves and his friends and relatives, only a few believe.

The existence of abilities and magic is more like an urban legend, but it has been more and more in recent years, and it has been said to be pretty, but it is still a minority that really believes.

But as more and more big things happen, the exposure of free people is getting higher and higher. Not long ago, the Broadway incident exposed them directly to the public.

It has been discovered that it is a matter of time sooner or later, the difference is only in the way.

Of course, Josie can use the metamorphosis to cover up her appearance and body characteristics, but she still doesn't want to use magic in front of a large audience. This is a psychological factor.

Because deep down in her heart, she was still looking forward to the last trace of delusion. The eyes of the delusion world did not pay attention to the Broadway incident at all, and all of this would have been so calm.

This is a kind of self-deception.

"Quick! What are you waiting for!"

In Josie's daze, Hanson's anxious voice came again from her ear.

Josie has never seen such a Hansen. Since she met Carl, Carl has never lost his mind. He has always been a person who is full of kindness and humor and has a very close affinity. Perhaps he does not have the style of an overbearing president, but in Mildness, never losing his composure, always makes Josie feel safe.

But seeing such a Hansen, Josie was not angry or disappointed.

Because at this time she knew another character of Hansen, justice.

"I know."

Josie's eyes were firm. She reached out and touched her waist. The wand was taken out of the belt buckle on which the unmarked stretch spell was cast. When the wand started, Josie immediately became more calm.


Josie's lips moved slightly, and she seemed to pronounce some kind of mantra, but Hansen didn't hear clearly in the screaming room. He only saw the magic tip tremble, and a piece of debris fell from the ceiling. Flying into Josie's hand next to him, the next moment the gravel twisted slightly, and it became a faceless mask.

Standing up, Josie snapped the faceless mask on her face.

The surface of the mask was pale, without any patterns or logos, and only two hollow eyes were exposed.

The panicked crowd did not notice Josie who stood up suddenly and the strange mask on her face, but the green ghost noticed it.

Regardless of its origin, it is obviously also a kind of magical creature, and the magic of the wizard is just like a bright light in the night.

Hansen apparently didn't expect Josie to be so brave~www.wuxiaspot.com~ actually intended to face each other, instead of secretly throwing a few magics, his mouth slightly twitching, he crawled to crawl under another table.

The domineering green ghost immediately saw Hansen, it stopped attacking, giggled in his mouth, and threw two stones up and down in his hand, as if he thought of something interesting.

As the ghost attack ceased, the remaining crowd in the restaurant gradually calmed down.

They followed the ghost's gaze and saw Josie facing the ghost with a white mask and a wand in his hand.

The shape of the magic wand makes some people have a familiar sense, but in such a panic environment, they even have their brains in a mess. Obviously, it is impossible to comb the thoughts carefully or discuss with the people around them.

The atmosphere solidified for a while, the green ghost stared at Hanson, Josie looked at the ghost, and the remaining crowd hid in all corners, their heads popped out and looked at the three.

As a semi-agent, Hansen was very sensitive to his surroundings. As soon as his voice stopped, he immediately felt that there seemed to be a cold eyes fixed on himself.

His movements suddenly froze, daring not to move, and secretly worse, he should not leave in a hurry at this time, it was simply pulling hatred against himself.

Sure enough, at the next moment, the worm-like ghost's mouth seemed to splash like saliva, spraying disgusting liquid saliva, and the stones in his hand had been slammed toward Hansen like a mortar.

The speed of the stone is very fast, although it is not as good as a bullet, but it is almost the same. Humans must not be able to avoid it.

After throwing the last few stones, the green ghost also gave up this play-like long-range attack, hugged his stomach in the air for a while, and then swooped down toward the ground where Hansen was.

At the same time, Josie raised her wand high and shouted angrily, "Stop!" (Unfinished...)

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