High Magic Earth

Chapter 1108: Ghost sign

The green ghost seemed to melt in the water, and began to melt quickly. A lot of **** viscous liquid was sprinkled along the way, green and bright, like the scene of a chemical accident.

"That's... guardian curse!"

As one of the most classic magics in the Harry Potter world, the appearance of the patron saint finally allowed people around to confirm the identity of Josie. Some of the survivors exclaimed, their voices tremble, and they were mixed with incredible surprises and doubts. .

Seeing Josie reappear, Hansen also took a sigh of relief, letting go of his heart, he had a moment of relaxation, and this moment of negligence made him subconsciously ignore the meaning of the patron saint.

Josie's patron saint is a fox.

As we all know, the image of the patron saint is based on the character of the wizard, and the image of the fox is often synonymous with cunning.

It's just that these two points do not overlap with Josie's dumb appearance.

By the time Hanson had recovered, the confrontation between Josie and the Ghost had been briefly extinguished.

On the other side of the battlefield, Josie's patron saint slammed the green ghost out a dozen meters away, and then an elegant arc was drawn, running again in the direction of Josie and back in mid-air.

The patron saint shook silver dots in the air, as if the stars had fallen into the world.

Not far away, the worms were like ghosts. They were lying on the ruins outside the restaurant. The huge belly was opened with a big mouth, and the green viscous liquid continued to flow, and it looked like it was impossible.

Although it is a ghost, its appearance is more in line with the definition of a monster, and the organs and viscous blood exposed from the wound on the stomach add a little nausea.

And the patron saint who caused all this shook his body and dissipated in the air after returning to Josie.

Unfortunately, the magical power of the patron saint is not low. After the spell ends, Josie can only stand on the spot, panting, waiting for the restless magic to calm down.

Josie didn't chase it up for the first time, and the scene was a little calm and strange for a while.

The surroundings were silent, and the atmosphere of the surviving crowd did not dare to escape. They hid in far corners. Only the sirens and screams of police cars and ambulances mixed together and spread to the distance.

Other than that, there were no other voices.

But after all, Josie was not the injured party. She recovered more quickly. Within half a minute, she straightened her waist again, and the magic filled her body again.

Staring coldly at the ghost, Josie clenched her wand in her hand and decided to finally release the guy who made an immortal impression with vomit.

Capital punishment! !

Josie strode out of the meteor. Although she didn't wear a wizard robe, but for the sake of dating, the latest and most popular slim trench coat was carefully dressed today, but she was suddenly wearing a black robe.

An invisible black mist floating like a blackening fluttered behind her, as if wearing a **** jelly.

The green ghost also seemed to have foreseen his next destiny, as if it had really turned into a worm, wriggling on the ground.

It couldn't stop struggling, wondering if it wanted to flee or fight back.

Josie was getting closer and closer to her, and the anger in her eyes almost turned into substance. The green worm ghost was struggling more and more fiercely. Finally, she suddenly turned over and turned from lying on her back to lying on the ground.

"Is it useful..."

Josie's face was cold, and her body was full of rich Queen style.

The green ghost seemed to ignore it at this time. It stretched out his hand tremblingly and dipped in his green blood on the ground, and soon a strange symbol slowly formed.


As if the searchlight switch was turned on, a green light suddenly appeared around the symbol, like an emerald turntable, and after a few seconds of pause, it suddenly took off.

The magic gathered towards the symbol, and then suddenly burst out.

The rich magic power is twisted and formed in the air in an instant. At the next moment, the magic power can't change in the air, and finally forms a clear figure, which looks like it is projected from the ground to the sky from a distance.

It was a weird pattern, consisting of two parts nested within each other, one part was a huge prohibition sign, and the other part was a milky cartoon ghost. ...

18:13 New York time.

Miss Madison is hanging out.

As a frequent visitor to New York, Miss Madison is very familiar with the map of New York. She quickly moves on the small map, with phantom shift and teleport as a means of transportation. In almost a short time, Madison can go around Most of New York.

Of course, there is no difference between New York here and New York there, even without the presence of witches, but there is nothing more in that world.

Magic creature.

Root Madison knows that in the world where she lives, there are no magic creatures in New York, nor the United States Department of Magic, the only Ministry of Magic is located in the United Kingdom.

As for the movie where the magical creatures seen in this world are mentioned, which mentioned the US Department of Magic, she could not tell the reason.

Perhaps because of the age, the US Department of Magic disappeared in modern society for some reason?

But this cannot explain the disappearance of magical creatures. Magical creatures are not humans. They are called creatures because they only have biological instincts and no human wisdom.

They will not hide consciously because of human relations.

These strange magical creatures bring great fun to Madison. Unicorns, Bogut, and some small creatures are almost everywhere, but they have different abilities.

But what Madison didn't understand was that she had seen several incidents where magical creatures attacked or mischieved human beings.

Theoretically, the existence of magical creatures can no longer be concealed, but why humans seem to know nothing about the existence of magical creatures, even the magic world.

Uh... the magic world really doesn't seem to, because Madison didn't encounter other wizards in this world.

But the number of magical creatures is not small.

Madison was suspicious of this strange situation. She felt that she seemed to have found something, but she couldn't say it because she suffered from too few clues.


Just as Madison passed by an amusement park closed at night, a loud noise suddenly came out of the park. The deafening sound instantly attracted Madison's attention and made her look sideways.


It sounds like heavy footsteps, but it's not like it.


The sound rang in a series, and getting closer and closer, Madison found it with a trace of powerlessness in the dullness, as if the footsteps were not completely firm.

"Strange." Madison murmured to herself, wearing an invisibility cloak over her body, all covered in the shadows.

She bought this incognito in Diagon Alley. It is a contraband, but it can still be bought for a large amount of gold, and as the West Coast master, what Madison lacks most is money, and the most is not lacking. It's money.

Of course, this cloak can't be compared with Harry Potter's three holy tools, not even Yi Yi's post-production.

Not only can it not isolate the breath and sound, it can only isolate the sight on the physical level, and it can't ignore most of the magic prohibition like the cloak of one of the three holy objects.

Of course, the latter is just a legend. After all, Harry Potter did not use this cloak. Try the age line drawn by Dumbledore in the Flame Cup competition at that time.

Maddie Xu Jingjing slept in the shadows, like a witch assassin waiting for the opportunity.

At the next moment, a huge shadow floated over Madison.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


Along with some light jumping steps, in Madison's indifferent face, a huge group of huge cartoon balloons used to decorate the atmosphere in the playground, playing cheerful children's music, jumped past Madison's side past.

It seems very dreamy, and a childlike scene.

If it weren’t for their weird, or even horrifying appearance, Madison would really think that the original amusement park’s amusement setting technology had already reached this level.

But obviously, these balloonmen are not robots.

The huge Mickey Mouse, Dabai, Uncle McDonald, the uncle of the United States in black and white pants and star clothes, and the white cartoon sailor.

They glowed faint green light all over their bodies, and in the dark night they exuded a cold feeling, like ice dug from the deep sea.

The green light, like a ghost fire, occupies their entire body. The light seems to give them life, so that they can make a variety of actions under the support of the balloon body.

While these green rays give them a sense of mystery, they seem to completely turn them into a new kind of living creature.

Uncle McDonald's and Mickey Mouse's face was grim, uncle McDonald's.

"What the hell..." Madison murmured in a low voice.

She suddenly felt that this scene seemed somewhat familiar. She seemed to have seen it somewhere. Thinking of this, she immediately thought hard and thought about it. Even the shadow around her had been illuminated by the ghost ghost fire, and she did not notice it.

After half a minute, Madison suddenly made a fist with his right hand and thumped his left hand violently.

"Ha! I thought of it, isn't that the **** of the ghost ghosts!"

The popularity of this movie is not bad. As a funny horror comedy, not only in this world, but also in the world where Madison is located.

She saw it a long time ago, before she became a witch, as a little girl with a Hollywood dream, she naturally needed to store a lot of movie information.

It's a pity that because of the age, she can't remember it.

In addition, she remembered that she had seen it, and when she came to the world to make up, she subconsciously ignored its existence, so she did not remember it for a moment.

But the characteristics of these guys in front of them are really too strong, so creative ideas attached to the balloon, it is estimated that only the group of funny B ghosts in the Super Dangerous Team can think of it.

By the time Madison realized, the ghosts had already passed halfway in front of her.

But... watching them move slowly, Madison always has a bad feeling inside.


As if a balloon leaking sound appeared, the ghosts stopped at the next moment, and the uncle Star Lattice walking at the front slowly drifted back, and then a head came out and looked at Madison with a bad intention. Direction.

"No, don't." Madison shook his head slightly, rolling his eyes helplessly, "I hate these things."

Sure enough, if the action is slow, the response is also slow.

I don't know if I didn't hear Madison's whisper, or I ignored her voice at all. These balloons were like a big wolf who saw a little sheep, squeezing and squeezing each other, overwhelmingly pressing in the direction of Madison.

These balloons serve as an amusement park to set off the atmosphere. They are all very tall. The shortest ones have a height of three or four floors of more than ten meters. Under the background of the ghost fire, they are squeezed into a black, and they seem to be a bit. Eerie and horrible.

If you ignore their soft balloon bodies.

Madison didn't know how they found the camouflage of her cloak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She didn't want to know, she only knew one thing now.

Explode! Balloon monster! ...

A moment later, there was again silence around the amusement park. Madison stood in the wreckage of a group of balloons after the balloon was burst, and took a long breath, wiping the virtual sweat that did not exist on the forehead.

She does not exclude the things in the amusement park, nor has there any bad memories about the amusement park, and there is no clown phobia, but the group of guys in front of him is really uncomfortable.

Originally, these large balloons and things like Barbie play looked a little weird. Against the background of these green rays, they became even more terrifying.

Only a balloon that bursts is a good balloon.

After breaking them into pieces, Madison apparently felt much better.

"Sure enough, a walk after a meal will be a joy."

After being depressed for a few days in the room, Madison was swept away. Madison felt that he was refreshed now, and going out to relax was the right choice.

After briefly cleaning up the surrounding debris, Madison wiped out the clues and traces he left behind to ensure that no one would find him, and he was ready to leave here.

But at this time, a huge sign suddenly appeared on the sky not far away.

The huge red prohibition sign, with the white cartoon ghost in the middle of the prohibition sign, is a classic sign of the Ghostbusters. It is floating above the center of New York.

Madison was slightly stunned by the sudden sign. Before she reacted, she saw a lot of green light suddenly appearing in the surrounding open space. Like smoke, she began to rise into the sky and converge towards the position of the sign.

This is the bright green light supporting those balloon actions before.

Then at the next moment, a huge magic wave suddenly burst out above the sky.

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