High Magic Earth

Chapter 1109: Ghost logo (2)

If the wizard is a small light bulb in the night, then the magical power of them when they blast each other's magic is like the voltage that burst when the electric baton charges.

But now, the magical energy gathered in the clouds is like a mushroom cloud, huge, even terrifying.

Even Madison, who had doubled the magic power below, couldn't help but feel a sense of horror.

The slender fingers could not help but tremble twice, and after feeling the warm touch of the wand, Madison's heart was slightly calmer.


Ruddy and slightly mean lips were tightly squeezed together by her. Madison stared at the sky. Obviously, the appearance of this sign had proved her idea.

Because this is a classic symbol of the movie Ghostbusters.

The magic that can project the logo into the air is not uncommon. The dark magic logo is the most representative typical magic. What really surprised Madison is the huge magic power behind this logo.

The types of magic are strange, if it is a related world similar to the rules of the dnd magic net, or the level of World of Warcraft is more clearly defined, perhaps the magic can be traced.

But these related worlds have not appeared in the second world. It seems that magic like fairy tales is a little too... random.

Even Yi Chou didn’t dare to say that he recognized all the magic types, not to mention Madison, who couldn’t travel the world, only cats staying in a world.

The sign of the sky must be connected with other magic. No one knows what can be condensed after such a huge magic power.

this movie……

Madison frowned, and began to think hard. The movie was a bit early. She could not remember the details. Fortunately, it seems that she has just released the latest one.

She is still very impressed with the movie Super Stomp.

The above logo is purely composed of magic, and the light and shadow effects are simply cool and amazing. If it is classified according to special effects, it is obviously the latest one.

Of course, the facts cannot be judged so casually.

In the end, there are some amazing guys in the movie. Madison continues to recall that the supernatural creatures inside are nothing but ghost ghosts and ghosts. Even the brilliant boss... is still a ghost.

She seemed vaguely remembering that a guy used a lot of scientific instruments to open the door to hell, then released a lot of ghosts and a ghost boss, and finally dragged almost New York into another world.

But here... are there any instruments?

But this world is completely new to Madison. Even if there is, she doesn’t know, maybe this world is the home world of Ghostbusters.

In addition, the characteristics of ghosts are also very clear. Physical attacks against it will be greatly weakened, and the effects of soul magic and white magic will increase, which is particularly important.

Looking at the rich magic floating in the sky, the thoughts in Madison's mind kept circling.

Obviously, from the magic index alone, she can't be the opponent of the big monster who is about to be born from the top, no matter what magical creature it is.

But the victory or defeat between magic is not simply the strength of the magic.

After a moment of contemplation, Madison decided to join in the excitement after making sure that even if he was affected by the innocent, he could use white magic to escape the ghost.

Although she is also lazy, after all, there has been a completely strange world here, and many things can no longer be seen with past experience.

In the original world, she is the supreme witch on the west coast, but here, she is just empty with a magic power, what is not.

She has no sources of information. It is unclear whether there is a magic world here, and everything is waiting for her to discover.

What's more, she was originally too bored to leave the villa. It's not too boring to encounter such an interesting thing because she left in a hurry because of a little danger.

There is risk, it is more exciting.

With a few hums, Madison picked up the cloak that was thrown to the ground in order to avoid being affected by the battle just now. As if the cloak of mercury liquid flashed a series of silvery soft lusters in the night, gently flicked , While draped over Madison, she had completely covered her figure and blended into the darkness.


At the next moment, accompanied by a sound like a leather whip whipping the air, the perimeter of the playground returned to calm again, leaving only a few nearly burned balloon wreckage, drifting together with the smell of burnt smell. ...


Very cherished blowing the barbecue that is about to enter. Stephen Strange leaned quietly against the corner of the wall. Not long ago, he had completed his 723rd death in this mirror world. .

In a short period of time, his death toll has broken through the 700 mark, and he is striving towards 800.

The reason for using this general vocabulary in a short period of time is because he does not know how long the time has passed, and the concept of time in this mirror world is vague.

But what is even more pitiful is that before the real death of 723, he only formally died only 13 times after he put the barbecue in his mouth.

Of course, if he can move faster and put the roast in his mouth in advance, maybe the situation will not be so bad.

However, eating barbecue is a kind of enjoyment, not filling his belly. The energy body composed of the eye of Agomoto does not feel hungry at all, and the best temperature is the best.

Feeling the barbecue gradually cooling down, and emitting a charming aroma, Strange's face also showed a smile, but the next moment, this smile turned into helplessness.


He found that the strong breath of time was spreading and surrounded him directly. Then at the next moment, a strong and real vibration could be felt directly through the ground.

"No, come again." Strange rolled his eyes helplessly.

The long, thin claws, as sharp as spider legs, suddenly traversed through the wall, and then came out through Strange's chest, and the mooring blood poured out instantly, dyeing his chest a red.

Although it is composed of the energy body of the Eye of Agomo, everything in Strange is very real.

"Seven hundred and twenty-four." Stranger chuckled. "This time is two centimeters shorter than the last time." He counted the number of joints protruding from his teeth boringly.

The darkness gradually filled up, occupying all the space in Strange's field of vision, and then the endless cold appeared again, as if he was surrounded by a sense of weightlessness in space, draining his strength and vitality, so that he could not sleep in weakness.

This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable, like the heart jumped hundreds of times in an instant, and the almost bursting heart was palpitating.

It was also the last feeling before Strange's death.

Everyone has different feelings about death, but Strange is sure that no one has such a sense of death.

When the coldness and weightlessness faded, he deserved to stay awake during the long sleep, but unfortunately, reality did not allow him to escape, and after a while, he woke up again.

"Hah... come alive," Strange said weakly. "A guy like me who is disappointed after resurrection should be rare."

Even after countless deaths, Strange still maintained his optimism and humor, not because of his nature, but because he had to do it.

Only in this way can he ensure that he will not sink completely in the cycle of time and become a walking dead.

"Then it is so painful, why not choose to give up."

A deafening sound came from above, the room was broken, and the twenty-story skyscraper was easily torn in half by Dalstein and cut off directly.

The ceiling was lifted to reveal the white-blue sky outside. In the prosperous and empty New York City, an extremely large hunting creature was entrenched.

It is like an octopus lying on a smooth plate, but it is softer and more strange than the octopus's soft body.

The prototype of Daztan's appearance.

"Ah." Strange shrugged. "It seems that this time I was not very lucky."

The location of Strange's resurrection is fixed. Of course, the place where Durst appeared is also fixed, and there is a certain distance between the two, so even if Durst knows where Strange is, he can't find it.

Because during this time, Strange has long gone to where it is, and after all, it radiates outward in a circle, and it is possible for Strange to go wherever he goes.

Of course, there are times when you are unlucky, and when Dastan runs around, she just caught Strange, who is also running around, for example.

Taking a deep breath again, Strange slowed down, "Is it a little late to say that now, after all, I have died 724 times."

"Give up at this time, I didn't die in vain before."

Strange's task is to hold down Dalstein, but he is using his life to delay time, so he can say a few words naturally, no matter who likes to die.

Of course, Strange can also let go of the confrontation with Dalstein. Although he can't beat it, he certainly won't be seconded when he meets.

He is Dr. Strange, one of the most difficult opponents in the time domain. It is possible to let go of a fight with Dastan for a few hours.

But as a result, the energy of the Eye of Agomoto who maintains his existence will quickly pass by, and it is not clear how long it can last.

Faced with the lazy old God's comfortable Strange, Dustan snorted. His best is also in the field of time. He naturally understands Strange's small abacus.

A strong-willed guy like Strange, he is too lazy to talk nonsense. The last guy who compromised with Strange has already rolled back into his own super-dimensional realm.

All I need to do now is to kill Strange until the energy is exhausted.

Seeing Strange's oil and salt not coming in, Dalstein closed his mouth, raised his claws directly, and cruelly grabbed Strange, ready to tear him into pieces.

But it was at this time that Durst was caught in the palm of his hand, but still smiling, Durst and Durst suddenly changed their faces at the same time, looking in a certain direction in the sky.

"That is……"

"Space door!"

Dustin sniffed hard twice, making a very human movement on the face without the organ of his nose, revealing surprise.

But contrary to the surprise on his face, it was Strange's face.

His face was definitely not a surprise that he could leave here because of the sudden appearance of the space door, but it became very ugly.

"Space door...damn..." Strange frowned tightly, whispering.

Both of them know what the appearance of the space door means. The space door can leave here, perhaps it is not clear where it leads to, but as long as you leave the world of mirrors, leave the huge prison cage created by Strange, the time assassin Dastan can go anywhere.

Upon seeing this, Durstein threw Strange directly, without looking behind him, and turned towards the upper space door.

"Don't want to run! Big bug!"

Strange's hands folded, and suddenly pulled outward, several strong golden ropes were condensed. He tried to trap Dastan in place, but the opponent's speed was very fast, and he rubbed one in Strange Controlling the time of magic, he has dashed out half the distance from the space door.

Seeing that it was no longer possible to attack each other, Strange didn't hesitate, he directly flipped his hands over, the world of mirrors turned back on, and at the next moment, his body was separated from his head, and Strange used his magic to kill I died myself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ 725, it was the first time that I chose to die, fortunately, it was not very..."

The cold, the pain spread again... After experiencing countless deaths and fleeting moments, Strange and Dastan appeared again on the two edges of New York City in the mirror world.

But this time, the space door above has disappeared.

"The world of mirrors has become unstable. Once the space door has been eroded, there will be a second erosion. You can't stop me, Strange, you and I know it."

Dalstein stood in place, making a huge noise in his body, rumbling, loud and loud, resounding over the empty New York City.

Strange said he didn't want to talk, hiding in a corner invisible to Dustan, Strange's face changed rapidly, and he was thinking about countermeasures.

Although I don’t know why the space door appeared suddenly, but apparently, facing the turning point in the mirror world, Dastan has given up the hunt for Strange, and began to wait for the opportunity to escape through the space door.

There was a rare silence in the world of mirrors, but it only lasted for a moment and was interrupted by the recurring spatial fluctuations.

The place where the space gate is about to appear this time appears to be a building, right next to the Twin Towers building, very close to Dalstein.

Without saying a word, Dastan turned and rushed towards it, while Strange, who was far away from here, also felt this energy. He was too far away to stop it from being too late. In desperation, he waved his hands again, invisible The magic solidified, and then penetrated into his heart.

The world of mirrors is reset again.

The two returned to their original positions, but this time, Dastan did not speak, because both sides knew very well, because the appearance of this space door broke the balance of the mirror world, and Strange’s little trick was useless. Stan will soon find an opportunity to escape from here.

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