High Magic Earth

Chapter 1110: door

Suicide and homicide are completely different. The latter is only passively received, but the former requires great courage. As long as Strange is hesitant, it is the moment when Dastan escapes his cage.

This is also very clear to Strange, because the space gate and the magic energy of the mirror world have the same root, and it can easily erode the mirror world and appear in any corner of the mirror world.

Then the death reset is no longer easy to use. If the space door refresh position is close to Dastan, it is likely that he has no time to stop it, and Dastan has already fled.

Not only does this require enough courage to make Strange steadfast, he successfully commits suicide to stop it before Dastan escapes, but the reset itself is risky.

This is just fighting face, and your own face...

Strange touched his rough chin and gave up his current tactics decisively.

Outside the Twin Towers, Dastan is showing his real body, boringly crushing several buildings and lying on the ground and taking a nap. His spirit seems to be a little weak, but his heart is always alert to the upcoming space door.

This feeling reminded him of the whack-a-mole game, one of countless novelties found in other worlds when he first met the leader.

Not only test patience, but also test instant reaction.

The tail-like organ swayed from side to side boringly, and without pressure again leveled several small buildings, clearing out a large area of ​​ruins.

The appearance of the god’s power will naturally consume more energy than usual. Dastan has not considered returning to human form, but seriously, he can’t beat Strange in human form, and the mage power of Kama Taj Not to be peeped.

If Dastan becomes a humanoid again, he has no doubt that Strange, who doesn’t know where the cat is, will immediately rush out to teach himself to be a man.

Dead is dead.

Bored and yawned, a large amount of sand like a sandstorm spit out from Dalstein's mouth. The gravel was sprayed onto the buildings in front, immediately staining the surface of these buildings with a layer of maroon, and then in an instant, these buildings were like water The grains of salt in general are dissipated in the air.

It is a real dissipation.

But before Dalstein closed his mouth, another yawn came, and he opened his mouth again, but this time it was not grit that was spitting out from his mouth, but a cloud of poisonous mist.

The dark clouds fell to the ground, and the land was blackened in an instant. Large plants seemed to be drilled from the black soil in the blink of an eye, but they could be sniffed from their slightly grim and outward appearance and decayed breath. For ordinary people, It should not be a safe plant.

The characteristics of each exterior appearance **** are different, and even for some powerful exterior appearance gods, their hole cards have not been completely understood by now.

But this is already a feature in itself. One of the features of the external appearance **** is chaos.

From appearance, to inner, to each person's different unique ability, almost everything has a very large uncertainty, which makes the super heroes often have to pay a lot of casualties when they face the appearance of the god. A little valuable information.

While Daztan was bored and dozed off, the world of mirrors changed again.

The infinite space starts to overlap, the zebra crossing on the ground, the junction between the buildings, the dividing line on the windows, everything becomes a movable module, they are intertwined with each other, flipped and superimposed, like the inside of a kaleidoscope The world is the same.


The ground on which Dastan was lying suddenly began to tilt, and the ground became a vertical plane. His original lying position stood upright at a 90-degree angle, and some sleepy Dastan was stunned. The reverse kick on the other side of the world, with a very loud voice, "Fuck!" and fell into a puddle on the ground.

The huge body crushed everything within a few miles into powder, and the surviving buildings were also unable to escape under the weird energy emanating from time to time.

Fortunately, New York City in the mirror world is a deserted city. Even if Strange and Dalstein were in the dark, they would not need to consider the casualties of ordinary people.

Sudden changes in the surroundings, Dastan’s heart has no fluctuations, and the only thing that can make moths in the mirror world except the space door is Strange, which can be imagined with his eyes closed.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Strange was only normal human size, a little thin, but the more majestic figure slowly drifted into the air.

The scarlet cloak hunted behind his back, representing the mysterious and powerful magical radiance surrounding him.

Strange's eyes exuded light green, but in the deepest part of the light green, there was a little undetectable dark purple, and the whole person exuded a very strong breath.

As if the gods were born.

Strange borrowed powers that did not belong to him, that was not the realm he should touch.

But... in order to deal with Dalstein, it is presumed that Xiaoduo wouldn’t mind borrowing a little power from him. After all, Magic Night directly threatens the entire multiverse. It is a grasshopper tied to a rope with itself. Her own world is destroyed, and Domam’s realm is inevitable.

Seeing Strange appear, Dastan rolled his eyes helplessly.

The appearance of the space gate caused the position of the two people to change in an instant, from Daztan chasing Strange to become Daztan too lazy to do it.

Because he does not need to kill Strange to exhaust his energy, he can leave by waiting for the space door.

Obviously, what Strange had to do was to entangle Datstan with death, so that he would not have the opportunity to find the space door, and then escaped.

Besides fighting, is there any better option to haunt Dastan?

"Dastan!" Strange, whose magic power had reached its limit, let out a roar. He felt he had never been so happy.

"Come and let us fight hard!"

Although as a mage, it is a bit of a loss of grace to declare war in such a rude way, but there are not many opportunities for such firepower to be fully opened, and Strange does not pay attention to such small details.

He crossed his hands and used his fingers to draw one after another semicircle in the air. The golden luster left a splash of Mars in the air as he moved, like the space was cut.

At the next moment, the arc in the air spreads automatically, completing the missing parts, forming a perfect fan and circle, just like a roulette. As he separated his hands, the golden roulette was left and right by him. Control in the palm of your hand.

"go with!"

Strange roared, and the roulette shot out one after another. They were huge in the air in an instant, blinking across hundreds of meters, and striking Dalstein's eyes.

When they arrived less than a dozen meters in front of Stan, the magic aura that had been as big as a slap had expanded into the size of a ferris wheel. It was no problem to cut Dastan in half even under the shape of time.

Faced with an attack that could already cause serious injuries to himself, Dastan rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Don't do that." He said helplessly, "I don't want to do it."

Not far away, the space door seemed to have a vague meaning, but unfortunately, Dastan was strangled to death by Strange, and the two of them almost disabled most of New York, leaving Dastan no chance to take care of others. ...

"what is that?"

Like a monk, holding a magic wand with a height of one person, a stick shattered an unlucky ghost into pieces, watching it wailing endlessly, and then reunited again, Marcotel raised his head and looked at the sky. A huge sign, the head could not help raising a big question mark.

She felt a strong magic in the sign, which even made her feel a trace of pressure.

A terrifying magic, perhaps related to summons, may be a summoning magic.

In fact, from here, you can see the level gap between different wizards. Of course, the lens has not been cut back to Yi Ao and Josie, but from the appearances of Marco Til and Madison, it is clear that Mark Ther's strength is far more than Madison's, even if Madison just killed another himself, the magic power has been greatly improved.

Because of the same marking magic, for Madison, it made her feel shocked, but for Marktel, it was just a degree of pressure.

And Marcotel could already feel vaguely that this might be some kind of summoning magic.

Don't think this is an incredible thing, they are wizards, this is how the wizard should deal with magic.

Just like a mathematician treating an unknown math problem, although not sure how to solve it, after rough reading, he should have a rough idea of ​​how to solve the problem.

For example, Yi Biao, he may draw more judgment and guess when he sees the sign above, guessing the attributes of the summon from the attributes of the magical energy above, and seeing the size and position of the channel by the way of the magic flow.

Although Marcel is not as good as Yihuo, she is also a leader among wizards, enough for her to get enough valuable information from the logo.

A powerful magical creature.

It may not be as powerful as the dark lord Sauron, but it is definitely beyond the existence of the Ring Spirit.

I don't know who can deal with it in this world.

Marcel is not a virgin with a strong sense of responsibility. Even if no one can defeat the monster and the United States begins to throw nuclear bombs, she will not feel guilty for those dead innocent people.

But there are still many free men in New York City, among which wizards occupy the vast majority. Once this magical creature appears, the wizards are the first to suffer, but this is what Martel did not want to see.

And as the magic world's knocking brick for the world of ordinary people, the whacked magic creatures plus nuclear bombs seem too unfriendly.

I'm afraid it will make the world's first impression of magic very bad.

Although Marktel doesn't care, she can't live alone from the world. Since she can't leave the world, she still needs to care about the opinions of those around her.

Looking at the huge sign above, Marcotel's brows grew deeper and deeper.

The ghost that had been directly broken up by her stick had gathered again. Although it did not become smaller and the green light flashing on her body did not dim, it was obviously painful from the dark green thick liquid everywhere.

In a sense, these viscous liquids can also be regarded as its blood, and anyone who has been chopped with blood can feel uncomfortable.

Seeing that Marco Terre seemed to have forgotten himself, the green ghost quickly ran away in the smoke, and even the squeaky squeaks were gone.

As if suddenly awakening wisdom, the green ghost closed his mouth at this moment and ran away.

Marcotel naturally saw the little movement of the green ghost, but she didn't chase it, because she was still thinking about how to deal with the magic hidden behind the sign.

After pondering for a moment, she suddenly turned around and jumped towards the place below the sign. The magical power rose from her body, her toes splashed out in the air with a light spot, and the man had jumped to the nearest roof.

In any case, the constantly oscillating magic waves in the sky seem similar to the ghosts she encountered. This is the mess she caused, and she must solve it herself. ...

The huge sign looks very clear. The red forbidden characters and cartoon ghosts in Josie's eyes do not have the slightest cuteness and beauty that should be produced, but rather terrifying.

She could clearly feel the terrifying magic from the top ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that huge magic even made her feel a heartfelt fear.

The red forbidden character is extremely scarlet in her eyes, like the venom of the snake, mixed with poisonous and spooky. Some cute cartoon ghosts do not have the slightest sense of beauty in her eyes. The innocent expression of the ghost seems to be insidious. A terrible evil smile, like an invitation from hell.

"Josie! Josie!"

As if the distant voice at the end of the world appeared in Josie's ear, from far to near, gradually awakening her, it was Karl's voice.

Josie was startled, she recovered, and found that she was standing on the ruins outside the restaurant, while Karl stayed in place and was calling her loudly.

Mind magic!

Josie reacted immediately. The sign above didn't deliberately release related magic, but the strong magic wave emitted was enough to shake her heart.

What a powerful presence.

He is certainly not an opponent. This is the second judgment made by Josie. Some of her gentle and weak faces are free of the old coquettishness and kindness. Josie stood sullenly on the spot, her face full of thoughts.

It even seems a bit cunning.

Although this expression only flashed across her face, he was still caught by Hansen who was always watching her. He was a little stunned in disbelief, and even told himself in his heart that he was probably wrong. Too.

After all, he was far away.

In fact, this is just Hansen's unwillingness to believe. He doesn't believe that there is another aspect of Josie, even hidden, even the elite of the intelligence department has not discovered.

Everything at this time was too confusing. He really didn't want to get out of the way. He could only tell himself that he was wrong, but Hansen's remaining reason was telling that all this was not just an illusion.

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