High Magic Earth

Chapter 1111: Whose identity

On the other hand, Josie remained behind.

Since the appearance of the patron saint, her behavior and movements have been a lot more random. If you have enough knowledge of the existence of the wizard, then the appearance of a patron saint is actually enough to expose a lot of information.

Josie didn't know that Hansen didn't find this at all.

However, she has always used this perspective to observe other wizards. To save others by herself, she naturally feels that Hansen views herself this way, and has long discovered some small secrets that she has hidden.

Ah, it's really troublesome.

The sudden appearance of the ghost is not only a sudden situation for Hansen, but also broke Josie's plan. That filthy body really angered Josie.

Under the anger, she temporarily lost her calmness. The advantage of using the guardian curse is very practical. The disadvantage is that it will expose a lot of personal information.

The appearance of each person's patron saint is different. From the appearance of the patron saint, you can roughly guess the wizard's heart and personality. If the two patron saint animals are exactly the same, you can also see how much they love each other.

Seriously, this magic doesn't look like a magic used to guard and drive out dark creatures, but a spell like love and personality tests.

This is more reliable than guessing the love by looking at the constellation.

But even if Josie didn't use the magic, things wouldn't get any better now.

The sudden appearance of the ghost almost hit Josie by surprise and disrupted her plan. At the same time, the fierce battle that rushed in the face made her think that she was back in the dark age of war and the darkest period in the magic world.

But this is the present world, and all supernatural phenomena should be hidden.

"Can Super Dare Team..."

Josie narrowed her eyes, observing the still expanding magic sign above.

In the traffic signs, there is a red prohibition symbol representing the meaning of prohibition, and a pure white cartoon ghost, a classic sign of the Ghostbusters movie.

Unlike Madison, although it is also catching up with the trend, but the hardware is not good, and it comes from another world in Hollywood, which is different. It is not like the old antique that is overcharged and doesn’t listen to the window, Joe Qian Ke is a fashionable wizard.

She had just finished watching Wolverine and Twilight before returning to the wizard meeting, and it felt pretty good, but when she thought that the x23 might stand on the other side of them, and it was still very, very long time, she felt a little bit Not happy.

But anyway, she recognized the logo above at a glance.

Ghostbusters series, it seems that although this is a comedy horror film, but after all, it is a supernatural existence, even if it is a group of teasing, it is also a teasing of outstanding strength.

Thinking about what big bosses are in the movie, Josie figured out what to do next.

Is to continue. . Or give up?

I glanced at the suvs parked in the inconspicuous corners around the corner. Since the restaurant battle broke out just now, even if the entire restaurant was almost razed to the ground, it was spread all over the place. Parked firmly in place, untouched.

Just a moment later, Josie drew her gaze. She had recorded the general situation in her head. Based on the number of cars, she had already judged how many people she had to face.

"Josie, Josie!"

At this time, Hansen ran breathlessly. He crossed the collapsed tiles and gravel on the ground, as if overturning obstacles, with a little breath, he controlled his physical strength to the untrained ordinary people. Within that range.

Hearing Hanson's call, Josie cast her doubtful eyes in the past.

"Let's leave here soon!" Hansen said anxiously, sounding very real, but he didn't know how real or false it was.

His eyes also seemed to be very obscure on the nearby black suvs, but apparently his concerns about these suvs should be different from those of Josie.

Hansen grabbed Josie's hand as if he planned to take him with him.

At the next moment, Josie gently leaned away from Hansen's movements.

"It's time to leave." She sighed softly.

He caught an empty Hansen and it was a little unclear, so he turned around and looked at Josie with the same puzzled eyes, "What are you waiting for, the magical things you have exposed have been exposed, even if you are wearing a mask, stay here Not safe! Come with me!"

"What about you." Josie asked back.

"What?" Hansen was stunned by Josie's sudden change of attitude. I don't know why, Hanson in front of him seemed to have lost the alertness and alertness of the past.

"I mean, you know that my identity can't be exposed, I wear a mask, but you don't, and interested people can still find me through you."

"From the beginning, it didn't make any sense to mask your identity with masks. A lot of people in the restaurant saw our face, and it was impossible to cover up, it was just a joke."

"You don't care, do you?"

Hansen was stunned by a series of rhetorical questions from Josie, and he couldn't even tell the palest disguise after losing the randomness of the past.

But the scary thing is that he doesn't seem to realize this.

"It looks like I'm not as stupid as you think, surprised." Josie chuckled lightly.

"Unfortunately I can't continue to play with you anymore, goodbye, dear Karl, Hansen... or Miltans or something, I hope we will have no time in the future."

Hanson kept staring at Josie blankly, his expression more and more dull, as if his wisdom had been stolen, and his eyes became more and more empty.

Until Josie spit out the last few words, Miltans, Carl, and Hansen, the intelligence agency's special investigation into the real name of the hidden member of the ace member, passed into his ears.

Miltans' pupil narrowed fiercely.

"I understand.."


His pupils contracted to the size of the tip of a needle, slowly opening like a blooming flower. His dull open mouth repeated this sentence with a numb voice.

But at the next moment, when Miltans turned around, his face had completely returned to normal.

It was just under his clothes, in the skin and in the muscles, but it seemed to be abnormal, glowing scary, and twisting and wriggling like a worm.

Then he reached out and made a vague gesture to the nearest suv.

"The target is completely out of control and the mission has failed."

. . .

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and Josie looked at Miltans, who obeyed her orders to act obediently, and the expression on her face seemed to mock his ignorance.

When she communicated with Hansen, the investigative ace of real name Miltans, she did not avoid anyone, and the two stood above the ruins, below the mark.

Not only did those lucky people in the restaurants seem to see that the danger had disappeared, they began to show their heads and looked at them, even many passers-by stopped and took out their phones to start shooting.

"What are these?"

"Not like a superhero."

What they discussed most was whether the Broadway incident was to be repeated.

Although the conversation between the two could not be heard because of the distance, Miltans could still be seen clearly in every move.

At the same time that Miltans turned around, the head of the fib sitting in the suv had suddenly dropped the special telescope in his hand and shouted loudly.

"Action now!"


The trunk doors of several other box cars opened suddenly, as if the sound of the person in charge sounded at the same time. Countless special operations personnel with cumbersome equipment had rushed out of the car and approached Joe on the ruins at a very fast speed. Qian close.


Originally waiting for rescue, but I did not expect to wait for the ambulance, but the innocent wounded who had been waiting for the war machine issued a terrifying scream.

But at this moment, both sides of the war, whether it is Josie or the fib, have completely ignored them.

"It's too late." Looking at dozens of special operations teams coming from all corners, Josie didn't dare to ask her. She took a light breath, and then flicked her wand suddenly.

Phantom shift and phantom manifest.

This is the fundamental reason why General Sorozor cast a taboo against the wizards. It is because of this magic that the wizards can run whenever they want, and they can leave the battle at any time, so that they can’t catch each other at all, and it’s hard to even touch each other. .

but. . At this moment, this advantage was completely reversed.

In the face of the special combatants who have begun to show a sudden formation, Josie has no intention of staying in the fight. First, she may not be able to fight so many people. Second, even if she can, the magic above that is about to form is not good. Stubborn, at least she can't be overwhelmed.

It makes no sense to stay.

Although her mission has not been completed, she did not pass Miltans as a breakthrough to obtain more in-depth information, but apparently the appearance of the ghost has completely disrupted her mission, and it cannot be carried out at all.

So Josie chose to give up instead of continuing to insist.

After all, even if it is a task, it must be carried out while preserving her. The value of a wizard is more important than a few pieces of information.

So as soon as her wand was thrown, she was ready to escape from here.

"Bang!" "Bang Bang!"

But at this moment, several grenade fires seemed to sound, and the special operations team seemed to have guarded Josie's hand for a long time. She had aimed at her early, accompanied by a little white smoke, although a few did not burst, but It was also pushed by the launcher, and the ejected things fell to Josie's side.

Faced with a few things that did not know whether it was a grenade or a smoke bomb, Josie still had a smile on her face, not even thinking about it.

But then, her face suddenly changed.

"how is this possible!"

Josie found that the phantom-shifting magic had failed, as if there was an invisible position disturbing her. Fortunately, Josie was also a person who had gone to university. Magnetic fields, gravitational fields, and gravity fields are all messy physical terms for her medical science. Although sister paper knows nothing, but also heard about it.

She immediately realized that the little things that were thrown to her were affecting herself and trapping herself.

Without hesitation, Josie turned her wand, and the pink light spewed out, trying to smash them with a spell, but by this time, the special forces not far away had already pressed up.

The distance of more than ten meters for these special operations teams said that although they could not make 100 hits, the hit rate was also very high. The bullets of fire tongue danced immediately forced Josie to withdraw the attack to defend.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Josie stepped back under the bullet storm.

On the other hand, the special operations team did not panic. They were oppressed step by step. As they advanced, more and more magnetic field devices were projected, and the blockade line formed by bullets firmly trapped Josie. In place.


After half a second, Josie finally changed her face with several helicopters coming straight away and heading straight for herself.

. . .

Miltans felt that he had a long dream.

In the dream, he next had a special mission. Originally he was just a normal mission. He still used all means to get close to the target and then obtained valuable intelligence.

But when he got the specific information of the goal, he realized that this task was not ordinary at all.

The other party is a wizard.

This almost refreshed his three views, Miltans felt his world view was defeated in an instant, and then was violently re-corrected.

But his professional calmness still calmed him down quickly. Facing the supernatural power, he still started to plan step by step, and then investigated the information about the goal.

It is a pity that there is too little information about the target, and the covert seems to have been professionally processed. In desperation, Miltans can only start tracking the most low-level and bad choice.

Fortunately, he had good luck. The other party didn't seem to see through his disguise. After passing by some time, he finally got enough breakthroughs.

The name of a school.

Next, valuable information came one after another, the poor town where the target was born, the unpleasant high school career, and the university in New York City.

It's strange why he didn't notice this before, but it's not important anymore.

The glorious resume of 13 missions without failure gave Miltans enough confidence, because he felt that his goal this time seemed to suit his taste very much~www.wuxiaspot.com~If he can, he doesn’t mind Get along with the target in a good memory and get enough information until the mission is over.

Although other methods may be more effective, faster, and the intelligence is more real, but he does not like this, he likes the first one.

At this moment, Miltans seems to have forgotten the most important quality of an intelligence officer and is calm.

He designed a wonderful coincidence to pull him and Josie, which is the acquaintance of the goal.

Everything went very smoothly. As Miltans expected, the target easily accepted his new identity and had a good impression. After a period of contact with each other, he also successfully intervened in the target's life.

But soon, Miltans discovered a problem.

And it is a very serious problem, not from the target, but from his own.

He found himself inseparable from each other, unconsciously.

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