High Magic Earth

Chapter 1112: Patron saint

This is a very serious problem. The fastest update

For most people, this is not a problem at all. Whether it is love between two loves or unrequited love, maybe things will develop on the bad side, but there is also a chance of a happy ending.

But for Miltans of the Special Investigation Division of the Intelligence Bureau, the latter is too unlikely to be nearly zero.

Miltans was also alert because he would not make such a low-level mistake.

The other party is obviously just an old-fashioned girl from a small town. Even after coming to the big city for a few years and learning the rhythm of life in New York, she still can't get rid of the smell of a country gangster.

She doesn't look pretty, she can only look in the middle and upper. Miltans has also seen photos of her high school, and it's just a Betty wearing braces and even a little fat.

Miltans didn't understand.

As an excellent intelligence officer, he began to reflect on himself and realized the difference between the target and other targets in the first time.


One potion in Harry Potter has a high appearance rate, love potion.

Although this thing is not reliable, rather than being a potion of love, it is better to turn the other party into a potion potion that only knows to call 666 behind him, but it is undeniable that magic can do this.

I don’t feel like I’m in a magic potion.

That thing will reduce his IQ. Miltans has not yet noticed that his IQ has decreased, because the people around him have not looked at themselves with abnormal eyes.

Although he also wanted to go back to the intelligence bureau to check some things, but during the mission, he could hide himself as much as possible, so as not to involve too much.

And Miltans consciously took great care every time he drank or ate what the target had handed him.

What's more, the number of times the target handed over his drink was numbered. There were only three times in total, two cups of coffee and one cup of juice, and I made excuses for not drinking it.

The target has no chance to give himself a potion of love.

Like an old man who had fallen out of love, Miltans sat on the sofa all afternoon, smoking one cigarette after another, and scattered cigarette butts had overflowed the ashtray.

The sudden emotion and his task are intertwined in his brain, almost driving him mad and turning into a schizophrenic.

One voice told him to give up the mission and move Josie to find a way to leave the United States. Another voice told him that it was still just a mission without any emotion, just like the previous 13 missions.

Love makes people blind and impulsive.

People who have been enchanted will obviously not realize that they are enchanted, perhaps they are in this state.

Thoughts like this lingered in Miltans' head. He kept pacing on the floor, squeaking the wooden floor of this temporary safe house.

Then one night passed.

Miltans did not realize that after a night, the tangled feelings began to subside unconsciously.

Then the choice is self-evident.

In the end, he made a rational final decision between the two, continued the original task, and actively played down the emotions that should not exist.

As the trump card of a special investigation section, Miltans naturally received relevant training to avoid the situation of apparently trying to capture the enemy, but in the end it was counter-informed by the enemy's beauty.

How to deal with this relationship, he has many choices.

Then under the excuse of busy work, Miltans disconnected with Josie for a period of time. Time is the best medicine. With the help of a lot of self-hypnosis, Miltans began to ignore this relationship and even hated Joe. Qian.

So far, he must continue to contact with the target after all, if this kind of emotion is really bored, it is likely to be counterproductive.

This episode quickly passed, and in Miltans' view, it was just a little bit difficult during the mission.

In the following days, he still proceeded according to the original plan in an orderly manner, gathering intelligence, reducing the vigilance of the target, narrowing the relationship between himself and the target, and then directly matching the action of bi to capture the target at the right time.

The action went smoothly.

And this smoothness continued until the eve of Salem's plan. Salem's plan was the closing action to capture the target. The most critical action was this day. It was also the last date he and the target got along alone.

But also on this day, the accident was born again.

Before Josie suddenly proposed to leave the United States, the plan was smooth, as he expected, and then the **** green ghost appeared, wringing his plan straight and unreasonably.

This completely exceeded Miltans's expectations.

Just like in order to save people, he did not hesitate to expose that he knew that Josie would magic, let Josie deal with ghosts, and then when Josie was crushed under the rubble, the feeling of anxiety and helplessness appeared in his heart again. same.

He still loves her.

Never changed...

The screams and screams of the survivors and the onlookers, intertwined with the bullet's tongue, this is the main theme in the center of this battlefield.

More and more special operations teams gathered, they showed a trend of encirclement, and gradually surrounded Josie, forming a perfect circle.

All the members of the special operations team, all the multi-functional camouflage combat uniforms, assault rifles, two pistols, two daggers, grenades, smoke bombs and so on.

These things are scattered on the body, at least a dozen pounds of weight, but the members of these special forces seem to feel nothing at all, they have small steps, but they are very calm, and the body leans forward. The shooting caused further oppression to Josie.

Only one of them is not a regular dress, and his dress is similar to that of others, except that there are some small and useless small things.

This is the leader of the special operations squad, the legendary sergeant, Chadley, and General Sorozo's capable officer.

At this moment, his face was somber and he rushed across the first line of the encircling circle, striking the bullet of his rifle in the direction of Josie.

"Bah!" he whispered in a dedicated communication channel. "A woman hurt three of our brothers. The boss said he wanted to live, but he didn't say it was complete."

Chadley clearly has a high level of execution in the special forces squad. His words just fell, and the suppression of the bullet storm was once again dense.

Josie, who was surrounded by the middle, looked dwarfed, almost even hitting her shoulder with a stray bullet.

At this time, the helicopters in the distance also hovered over. Their machine guns and searchlights were directed downwards, just like the most professional lighting technicians on the stage, lighting the lights around the ruins.

The bullet couldn't hold the spitting tongue. When Josie used magic to resist the bullet, she had some difficult magic luster, the crowd's screams and panic sounds, and the huge and still spreading prohibition and cartoon ghosts in the night. Constitutes a bizarre scene...

In the first time of the battle, the ibs began to expel the crowd.

Unlike the last Broadway incident, bi was also caught by surprise, not prepared at all to receive the wind in advance, this time they were prepared.

At the same time that the special operations team was dispatched, the bi who did not participate in the arrest operation began to take charge of the clearance. Rescuers were also their temporary composition to appease the wounded who were injured in the previous restaurant battle.

Bi quickly pulled the cordon off, drove out the crowd, and isolated this place. If someone didn’t cooperate, they wouldn’t mind using violence to put people out.

Anyway, this scene will not be leaked, because they immediately began to collect mobile phones and other photographic equipment.

The prepared bi has prepared enough funds in advance. All the mobile phones collected on the spot directly blocked the eyewitnesses' mouths with equivalent banknotes. Of course, as for the information inside, then I am sorry and destroyed on the spot.

Of course, this world is after all a well-developed Internet era, and many videos have been transmitted to the Internet, but that is not what General Sorozuo cares about. What he cares about is that the next scene should not be exposed.

"Hey! You have no right to do this!"

This time, there were no reporters who heard the news, but some of the lively people were not afraid of serious matters. They desperately vented their dissatisfaction with the black suits in front of them, telling the rights of democracy.

Unfortunately, there is no egg use.

They were still pushed out by the black suit's anti-riot shield and man wall combination step by step, and the sound gradually moved away from Josie, leaving only the roar of bullets in the venue.

In fact, Josie's situation is not good, even very bad.

Not every sorcerer has touched another level of magic like Yi Chao, and has achieved a qualitative change to some extent.

For most wizards, human weapons still have a strong threat. Although they can resist, they can only resist a limited amount.

This phenomenon is very interesting.

If it is put in the game, it is a typical manifestation of high magic attack and low defense. The wizard can kill ordinary people without the use of firearms, and there are many ways to kill ordinary people, but in the face of ordinary people's firearms, they are still easy to die.

This is very wrong.

Lucy said this to Yi Chou not long ago, which is completely meaningless.

Even if the wizard can get rid of the firearm, there is no essential difference. Ordinary people take a sniper rifle and the wizard releases a spell of death. Is there any difference?

Even if the sorcerer can draw a figure to kill, the ultimate goal is only death.

The wizard lacked effective means of defense.

Even for magic, the life-spelling curse has no anti-curse that can resist it well. If it weren’t Yi Chou who had no soul and was rescued by the magic shield on the tamed death wand, he would have died long ago.

So the means of attack are not lacking for wizards. What they lack is the ability to deal with different situations and various defenses.

Josie is facing such a dilemma now.

The iron armor curse cannot effectively defend against bullets. Of course, it can resist the physical attack of bullets, because this magic is used to resist arrows when it is initially created regardless of the ignorance.

Arrows are also physical attacks.

Bullets are nothing more than modern arrows with faster speed, more power, and more tricks.

But the iron armor curse, as its name implies, is to put a layer of invisible iron armor on yourself, which is made of magic power. It is difficult to rely on a layer of iron skin to resist bullets, even a thick layer.

If it weren’t for Josie’s deep magic, she would have been unable to stop it.

The killing distance of the pistol is very short, it is difficult to hit the target more than ten meters away, but this distance is just the perfect distance for the rifle to launch. Partial situation.

As they got closer and closer, the power of the bullets became stronger and stronger, and Josie could feel that she had begun to stop it.

In fact, even if she can block it, she won't be able to hold it for long, because she doesn't have so much magic power.

At first, she could take time to fight back, but now she has become passive and can only respond passively. In addition to the fact that the encircling circle has formed, it is more that she needs to save magic power.

After being exhausted by magic power, and killing several enemies with magic power, Josie chose the former without hesitation.

But the good news is that the other party seems to be a bit handy, and they can see from the strange electronic standpoint that they throw out, disturbing their phantom-shifting magic, that they are prepared and want to capture themselves alive.

Or wouldn’t it be faster to have a few howitzers.

This gave Josie a panting opportunity.

They use firepower to suppress themselves in order to avoid their own counterattacks, and the life-spelling mantra also has no solution for them, not to mention there are more strange and strange spells.

The special operations team also succeeded in doing this.

However, Josie can still feel that as they continue to approach, the blockade line is getting stronger, but they are also deliberately reducing and controlling the lethality of the suppression line.

Control at a level that you can resist but can't fight back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so you don't accidentally kill yourself.

"Ah... a bunch of idiots..."

Josie’s wand continued to wave in front of her, like a conductor standing on the ruins. The wand glowed in the air one after another with a light pink magical luster, and the light seemed to smog, and it instantly dispersed, corresponding to a certain A large bullet in both directions fell to the ground weakly.

A layer of squashed bullets had accumulated on the ground.

At the same time, Josie also saw new combatants coming from behind the special operations team in the back of the counterattack. The firearms in their hands are obviously different. They are a kind of firearms that have been replaced with narcotic bombs. They want to grab themselves.

But apparently this group of idiots did not realize the terrible magic contained in the huge mark above, even at the very center of the encircling circle, Josie could still feel the throbbing heartbeat from this magic.

They know nothing about magic.

Obviously, the situation at this time is very bad for Josie, even a dead end, but Josie does not seem desperate, but still keeps calm, as if to fight back with Jedi.

It's not that she doesn't control herself, or she wants to die.

Josie’s patron saint is a fox, and not an ordinary fox. In the magic world, there is a very magical magical creature called the fox. Their existence is rarely known, and even most wizards suspect that they do not exist at all. , Is just a legend of the wizarding world.

Because they can confuse people's eyes, confuse people's ears, confuse everything, five senses, thoughts, clues to trace it and even subconscious.

What is observed is not necessarily true, what is heard is not necessarily accurate, and even the entire world cannot confirm its authenticity.

This is the image of Josie's patron saint.

Facing the siege of the special operations team, Josie has the last card, her trump card, Miltans.

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