High Magic Earth

Chapter 1113: Countdown

The surrounding crowds have been completely separated. General Sorozo obviously has great rights. He has several departments in his hands as a help. Although they have not touched the core of each department, the mobilized army plus bi combination has already It was enough for him to turn ten miles away into a restricted area.

Before Yi Chou returned, this world seemed to be in a wonderful and tacit balance.

Whether it is the mysterious side of supernatural power that the wizards represent completely out of science, or the ability of the new humans to prefer technology and genetic variation, they are called free people and are hidden under the lives of ordinary people.

But... this is just a joke, just free people telling themselves this way.

If it is in the Middle Ages, the modern century, or even before World War I, even around World War II, perhaps this group of supernatural forces may really be covered up. If the aftermath process is perfect enough, it can indeed hide the authorities and ordinary humans. .

But... this is modern.

In the 21st century, there may not be some advanced technologies. The timeline is hundreds of thousands of years later. The sub-world will be as rich in technological civilization, but the progress of science cannot be underestimated.

At least a group of superpowers suddenly appeared, it is difficult to be concealed from the past.

What's more, the free people who are fighting each other have no so-called aftermath process. They don't even bother to deal with their whereabouts. I hope others don't know they have superpowers.

Of course, this is just a small part of the guy with a lot of brains. Most people still subconsciously hide themselves. This is one of the instincts of human conformity, and does not want to be a stranger among countless people.

Later, even if the free man reluctantly formed a few loose tissues, it was useless.

The exposed information has already been exposed and can no longer be forgotten.

Fortunately, from the time when Yi Chou entered the second world, the first known free man entered the second world only about a year ago.

A low-key style of free-action behavior has prevented them from being exposed to the eyes of ordinary people. Although they have been known by the governments of major countries, they are not completely exposed after all.

The low profile of free people seems to be in line with the plan of governments to appease them before they can figure out how to deal with this group of guys.

So the government pretended not to find the free man, and the free man pretended that the government did not find himself. The two are in such a strange and delicate balance.

But all this was disrupted after Yi Chou returned to the present world for the third time.

Not upset.

It was Rip Hunt’s idiot, to be precise, it was not caused by Rip Hunt. It was Raven, the magical woman, but it was Rip Hunt who did it.

Who made the identity of the Magic Woman and Fire Storm so high, they were instantly recognized as their identities in tomorrow's legendary TV series.

The strength is the strongest, but after multiple magic reforms, Dastan has not been recognized, or even ignored.

The supernatural existence was suddenly exposed to ordinary people, because the incident happened suddenly, and it was on a crowded street like Broadway. Almost a few minutes after the end of the incident, relevant reports spread throughout the US television stations and the entire network.

Don't think that this matter is simply over.

"Are there really superpowers in the world? Are you kidding?"

"Quick tm told me today is April Fools' Day."

"How about Superman, where is Superman?!"

"I knew the government was not reliable! They even concealed such important news!"

TV news reports were unable to respond, but the comments on the Internet had already exploded. Looking at these messages, they actually blamed the US government. They didn't know the news very soon. After all, free people have only appeared for a year.

"I don't know if I can see Stephen Amel on the big screen..."

This is concerned about Stephen Amel, who is also the player of Green Arrow. After all, the protagonists of the Broadway incident are very strange and almost the same as the actors who played them in the TV series.

Well, as a group of Hollywood, it's really lying and getting shot, it's hard not to be suspected.

Even netizens from other countries have crawled over to express their incredible mood.

"Superpowers have appeared, Hogwarts owes us a letter!"

"Don't blame **** Tom!"

"It is recommended that New Yorkers move out of New York as soon as possible..."

The Internet has been completely messed up. The impact of the Broadway incident was originally even greater, but the online world is not the real world after all. Although the real world still maintains relative calm, there is no large-scale loitering, but it still There was an undercurrent surging in calm.

However, when Madison first arrived, he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and Yi Chou didn't often surf the Internet. Imogen and others realized the seriousness, but they had no choice.

Only Lucy, she has the ability to solve, as a magic intelligence, she can soak her consciousness on the Internet every day without a network cable.

But she didn't tell Yi Chou because this matter was not in the first sequence, and Yi Chou had more important things to do.

It was precisely because of the low-key behavior that the free man who had always been under the table was suddenly moved to the table, causing such a huge impact, so correspondingly, General Sorozo's actions were also high-profile.

This seemed to represent a bad signal, getting closer and closer to what Imogen and others had foreseen.

But for Josie, she didn't have much energy to think about these things at this time, because the crisis was in front of her. ...

"Give up resistance! Put your hands where you can see immediately!"

"Place your hands immediately where you can see! Give up resistance immediately!"

Immediately after the helicopter was in place, it hovered in place over the sky, with a machine gun erected on the helicopter, but for Salem intending to capture Josie alive, deterrence was too practical.

But the searchlight illuminates the situation below clearly. Four huge apertures with a diameter of three meters intersect Josie and her every move is extremely clear.

Perfectly became the target of the special operations team.

"The second group stops firepower!"

"A group continues to attack! Attack! Attack!"

"The hunter squad is ready to approach!"

Frontline commander Chadley continuously issued commands one after another on the communication channel. As Josie guessed, the central goal of the entire operation was to catch her alive instead of killing her, which is also her ability to continue to maintain The main reason for resistance until now.

Otherwise, even if she is a wizard, it is impossible to survive a frontal attack by an entire elite assault team, especially if she loses her escape.

Whether it is a howitzer or a sniper rifle, if it is released for use, it will soon be razed to the ground.

And don't underestimate these special forces.

Although it may not be because of the protagonist's relationship, they don't have the cool special effects shots in the movie, but the assault squad in reality has far better combat quality than the movie.

They will not make the low-level mistake of not firing or not shooting in the movie.

Regardless of life and death, it only takes three people to form a blockade line, and the assault rifles among these elite team members can hold Josie up.

The assault rifle with blazing tongue burst into continuous sparks in the night, like a symphony of death.

They have slowed down the degree of fire suppression, Rao is so, Josie's resistance is still somewhat dwarfed, and the magic luster blooming in the air has obviously not kept up with their suppression direction.

Chadley has even begun to order the assault team not to aim at the deadly part, avoiding the torso and head, and only attacking the limbs.

In this case, Josie apparently had to insert wings to escape.

Chadley thinks so too. Although he still hasn't relaxed, his nerves are no longer strained. The next thing to do is to wait for the fourth echelon to catch up.

They fired anesthesia guns, then after the target was anesthetized, they were successfully captured and the operation was ended.

Of course, in order to avoid accidents, Chadley still needs to stare at himself all the time.

He was told that this should have been done long ago, and no one can resist the firepower of the assault squad, whether it is a wizard or a superpower.

The firepower of the entire assault squad was pushed up, and no matter who it was, they had to surrender.

I don't need the code-named gigboy at all, and the clown-like agent and target ink for half a month. Now the action is clean and neat.

However, Chadley is probably not clear. Half a month ago, the stand device that could effectively contain the wizard's phantom dislocation has not been created, so it is only necessary to operate Salem in Miltans.

Even after they were created, they were not allowed to be used because they were unsure of the actual effect, but they were equipped with some equipment for unexpected needs.

In fact, in the later plan of Salem's operation, there is no Chadley's action team, they are only a reserve plan.

Of course, they did play a role.

Chadley drew a cigarette from his pocket, lighted himself lightly, and then there was a slightly cruel and grinning smile on his face. He clenched his fist and spit out a big smoke.

The operation is about to end, and Chadley is not a kind of kind to prisoners of war.

The target is a sorcerer, a witch, but it was burnt in the Middle Ages. It doesn't need to be too friendly. ...

Chadley has a cruel character. In his previous mission history, there have been many cases of prisoners of war murdered.

But if the matter is not exposed, it is not a big deal. Of course General Sorozo knows this, but Chadley’s action is too wonderful to perform, and he will not find Chadley in trouble because of these small problems.

Of course, Chadley may not be suitable for this operation, because the final goal of the mission is to catch a wizard, a wizard with deeper magic, and then take more secrets.

Like the one previously captured by Sorozor, sorcerers are humans. They don't care about anything. The guy who got caught is even more greedy than ordinary people because of his extraordinary strength.

After the threats, the acquisition was easy, and the intelligence was collected.

It's a pity that he knows too little magic, and for researchers under the command of Sorozo, it quickly loses value.

Of course, for a wizard who is worthless, it is not so good to wait for his ending, because the next thing no longer needs his own cooperation.

But in general, wizards can cooperate.

There is no doubt about this.

Perhaps it is also possible to reach an agreement with this goal called Josie. Threats and persecution are only the lowest level means, and of course they are sometimes very effective.

So Chadley may not be suitable for the task, but later Solozo thinks about himself. After no one has more suitable candidates than Chadley, he still put him into the Salem plan.

Chadley, as the legendary master chief, did not disappoint, and was only one step away from the success of the plan.

But the other member of the plan, Miltans, who is the center of the whole plan, is not so satisfactory.

Of course, the plan failed because of an accident. Otherwise, when the bottle of red wine mixed with narcotics was brought up, they didn’t need to waste so many bullets to make things happen.

Needless to say, now most of the United States has been alarmed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ such a battle broke out in New York, and tomorrow the relevant reports will be overwhelming, almost drowning people.

Fortunately, Congress and others are still standing on the side of General Sorozo, but even so, Sorozo is very difficult to carry this matter down, at least if he does not get any substance in the next action As a result of sex, his ending will certainly not be good.

But no matter what the plan fails for other reasons or other reasons, failure is failure. Miltans's operation completely failed.

As soon as the fighting broke out, Miltans, who was a non-combatant, withdrew from the first line and returned to the rear defensive line.

Although it does not belong to the bi department, Miltans still feels closer to these ibs as a special investigation section of the special agent nature.

But Miltans now has no thoughts about the responsibilities he needs to take after his mission fails, and his ending will not be too good, at least to be refrigerated, or even hit another department for a period of time.

If there is no other improvement or accident, I am afraid he will be like this.

The trump card is of high value, but it is not irreplaceable. The elite of the agent always appears continuously, so he will be abandoned after the error appears, because there are still many choices.

However, Miltans was too lucky compared to his colleagues who failed.

But these are not the issues he cares about now. Miltans has only one person in his eyes and only one thing in his heart.

That was not far away, Josie, who was at the center of the battle.

He found that he had made a mistake, he did not forget that feeling, on the contrary, as time went by, all this became more profound.

Now, he is pushing Josie into the abyss.

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