High Magic Earth

Chapter 1117: New York night

As a disaster-prone New York, it has been particularly difficult this evening.

If it has self-awareness, it will definitely be designated as its Good Friday, and maybe there will be an annual event to commemorate this moment of self-awakening.

Because after this day, I am afraid that those calm days will not come again.

But New York is not an Alcatraz city, and you can make your own cry on the full moon night.

In the past, disasters that only appeared in movies and TV series finally appeared in the world. When the fierce battle outside the restaurant was about to blow the brains of both sides, on the other side of the city, a large block of waste was approaching. In the open space of the factory, fierce fighting also broke out.

Fortunately, the latter is already nearing completion.

But if New York knows, if it wasn’t for the future Strange, he would have left a magic on Agago Moto’s eye earlier, and borrowed this magic to successfully intervene to stop it, even if it’s the present New York, it’s hard to escape. If you don’t know how many times you have been overturned by Dustin, I’m afraid it will not feel so lucky now.

Of course, if New York really has a heart. ...

A time ship, an artificial intelligence, two sides of the battle, and the presence of nine non-humans.

Although the magic modification of the Silver Tongue takes time and effort, it is a big project to succeed in the village of Zhenzi. Even with the help of Lucy, it is very slow. Fortunately, it has been successful.

It did not reach the final effect, but it was enough to deal with most new human beings.

This time, Sadako Yamamura was sent by Yi Chou to deal with Rip Hunt’s time squad.

Target Eye of Agomo, the gem of time.

Yi Xiao did not see the live version of the Rip Hunt team playing on Broadway, but Magic Intelligence Lucy would not let go of any valuable information on the network. She quickly sorted out the incident before and after, and passed the message to Yi clamor.

The gems that appear as magical forms are the first to be noticed by them.

As the most gathering place for new human beings, Marvel Universe has many different worlds, comic version, movie version, and even cartoon version. It is difficult to determine what version of the world they are facing with a plot alone.

Of course, according to the experience of the Second World, there should not be a world outside the movie within the world, such as a world composed of comics and anime.

The third new Tokyo City Gantz comic plot extension, but that is not created by the second world, but a virtual world created by artificial intelligence, does not exceed the rules.

But this is the rule of the second world where Yi Chou is located. He knows nothing about the second world of the new man, and it is completely unclear whether this rule applies.

According to the data collected by Lucy, judging from the appearance of Rip Hunt and others, they are almost 100% consistent with the plot of the TV series Tomorrow Legend.

Except that it has completely deviated from the plot.

The TV series does not say that they traveled outside the TV series through the time spaceship, and then encountered the director and screenwriter.

The eye of Agomo may come from the world of Dr. Kiwi's film. If the movie of Marvel Universe, probably only the world of Dr. Kiwi has the full appearance of the eye of Agomo.

Although the various characteristics of the Eye of Agomomoto are consistent with the characteristics of the time gem, it has not been positively confirmed.

Despite all this, the power of Agomoto's eye to control time is also coveted, and Lucy recommended Yi Chou to seize it as soon as possible.

In the end Yi Biao still sent only a small part of the village who had just succeeded in the magic reform, Zhen Zhen and Hua Jiaji to pass by.

Because he is not inevitable for the eye of Agomo.

The power of this thing is stronger, but it is also a hot potato. Yi Chou is not worried about those new humans and super heroes, but the eyes of real enemies, angels and demons.

Yi Biao's current strength can ignore most threats, but after all, it has not really developed, and the plan for creating the gods will take time. Before that, he'd better not attract too much attention.

And... the power of time is terrible. To be honest, Yi Chou doesn't want to face the eye of Agomo.

No matter how strong or weak in front of time, no one can escape the erosion of time, unless it is really out of the control of time, not in the timeline of any world.

The back-time bird and the ghost of time brought Yi Im too impressed. Facing the eye of Agomoto who was significantly higher than them, Yi No wanted to personally test whether he could resist it.

The plan is proceeding steadily without additional risk.

That's why Yi Chou sent Sadako Yamamura to go instead of going in person.

After all, if only dealing with a Rip Hunt team, there is no need to waste too much time. ...

In the New York night scene, Sadako gasped slightly with her eyes closed. With her lack of physical status, it was also a very difficult thing to be able to show a gasp.

Hua Jiaji squatted to the side. The pale pink kimono has been stained with pungent red by the rich blood. The kimono heart and her body were cut with a long wound in front of her, and the broken wound has become black and scorched. The flames curled up, looking shocking.

Her face looked pale. Although she suffered a fatal injury from ordinary people, she didn't fall down. She just crouched and drew circles on the ground.

Because these manifested ghosts only experienced one magical reform, her wounds healed very slowly.

Not long ago, there was a time ship that was not supposed to appear in this era, or even this world, on this open space, but at this time, there was a deep and pale darkness in the night, but there was nothing left. .

The night is like a cold and silent gap, exuding a faint cold, letting people feel a heartfelt shudder from the deep heart.

The time spacecraft left, which means that Rip Hunt's team disappeared, which also means the failure of Sadako Yamamura's mission.

Although Yi Biao does not want to take risks personally because he is afraid of the power of infinite gems, it does not mean that he does not want to get the eye of Gomoto. If Sadako can get it, it is naturally an unexpected joy.

Sadako Yamamura, the first magic reform, was enough to deal with the second-tier heroes such as Rip Hunt.

According to Lucy's calculations, Rip Hunt is a very special existence, because he can shuttle time, as a representative of the time court, his figure appeared in many major events.

The team members he leads are also different. In the peak period, he can take the Green Lantern Superman and the Golden Pioneer to work around, but here, he is replaced by the frozen captain Fire Storm Atom and so on.

The latter is just a group of second-tier heroes, and even a bit reluctant to be among the second-tier heroes. Only the fire storm touched the edge of the first-tier heroes, because his abilities can exercise directly on the atomic level as he improves.

Sadako Yamamura is more than enough to deal with such a group of salted fish.

Her first magical reform was specifically designed to deal with this group of people. First of all, it was dematerialization, which directly abolished Saralans, the Rip Hunter, and the close-up of the Atom. fight.

Immediately afterwards was the reduction of fire damage. Lucy focused on the existence of fire storms. In the new story, after Sadako Yamamura is not materialized, although he can be immune to physical damage, he cannot ignore energy attacks. Flame is obviously energy.

So after several revisions, Lucy finally succeeded in adding flaming abilities to Sadako's super power in the story.

This allows her to reduce most of the damage from the fire after she is not substantive.

This article targets fire storms and heat waves. At this time, fire storms have not yet mastered the field of rearranging atoms. Except for setting fire is setting fire, there is no advantage in the face of Sadako, let alone heat waves.

Only Cold Captain Snatter’s freeze gun is still a problem, because there are very few situations that are immune to both flame and freezing. In other words, it is very troublesome to want to add this setting smoothly.

But Lucy, as a magical intelligence, has no misunderstanding at all. She soon changed her mind. Since she was not immune to the cold, she became in control.

Sadako during life can control the flame, but after her death, this super power turned into cold.

A very perfect idea, with only a slight modification, it was successfully revealed with a silver tongue.

Greatly reduce the damage from the flame, and control the cold itself. There is no physical sadako immune to physical attacks, and her existence is almost completed by Krep Hunt’s squad.

Although at a higher level, some tricks such as fire-free ice control may seem impossible, but to deal with Rip Hunt, with these strengths and Sadako's original mental powers, it is more than enough.

This magic reform was originally aimed at them. After Yi Chou became more proficient at using silver tongue, there will be more other magic reforms.

Unfortunately, there is another problem that cannot be solved. That is the most powerful threat in the hands of Rip Hunt, and it is also the target of this action by Sadako Yamamura, the eye of Gomoto.

The power of time.

Time itself is a special kind of existence, even if it is not so easy to describe in words, if you want to make Sadako not controlled by time, it is not just that, "Sadako is not affected by time." .

This is written in the story, and this sentence will be integrated into the whole story, which will cause a very big change to Sadako's life and death.

If she ignores time in front of her, then she will not grow up or grow old. Such a distinctive feature is completely supernatural evidence. When she proves that she has power, those reporters will not doubt or even preach. The whole story is known to the whole world, and how does the next story go after exposing Sadako to the public eye.

It is a very difficult thing to modify Sadako so that she can withstand time, and it is very easy to cause conflicts between the storyline. In a hurry, even Lucy cannot immediately implement it.

But precisely because of the time power of the eye of Gomoto, it became the key point for Riphunt to successfully escape.

Facing the cycle of time is far more terrible than it sounds.

After resting quietly in place for a while, Sadako opened his eyes again. It seemed that after a sigh of relief, Hua Huaji, who was squatting beside the circle, also stood up and leaned to her side. Say, "Senior Village..."

Hua Marry Ji is a member of Bai Gui Ji. Among the many gains in Yi Huo, Bai Gui Ji is a very special existence.

Unlike Sadako and Fujiang, the Hundred Ghosts are living creatures, but like Gantz combat uniforms and Gantz pistols, they belong to a virtual world created by artificial intelligence. If Yi Huo does not need a silver tongue, they are a program. .

Sadako and Fujiang existed originally, and Fujiang was immortal. There was no evidence for her existence at the beginning. Even if she did not belong to Japan in the world of vampire diaries, she had existed at least in the Meiji era.

The same is true of Sadako. She doesn’t know what method to use to follow Fu Jiang, but she is also real, not created by artificial intelligence.

Fu Jiang’s physical quality is completely an ordinary female high school student. Artificial intelligence can easily pull Fu Jiang into other humans. Sadako has the characteristics of a virus. Artificial intelligence pulls the ghost of Sadako into a virtual The world is probably related to this reason.

In any case, the two of them are barely regarded as the indigenous people of Japan in the Edo era~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Like Miss Huitao Mo from Victoria, it is also more real than the virtual world created by artificial intelligence.

Although the ghosts were only a program at first, they have long been in charge of the total program of the entire virtual world of the table. Under the shelter of 8 million, they filled the background and architecture very comprehensively. Even Yi Yi was a little emotional, so he was only The last moment promises to bring them out and give true truth.

But there are too many of them. Hundred ghosts walk by night, Hundred ghosts walk by night, even if there is no one hundred, they are dozens, not to mention that this is just a variety, there are a lot of plurals like Fu Ji and Case Shanzi, Yi Yi also They can only be roughly defined as a whole with a silver tongue and then brought out as a whole.

Yi Xiao used the silver tongue to write a small story about a jar, describing the jar as something between reality, the world of electronics and spiritual power, which can be used to contain the existence of electronic signals, etc. Jimen.

The strength of the Hundred Ghosts is high and low, and the existence as high as Jiuwei, I am afraid to dare to yell at Yi Chou. The low is like the case of the case, and it is useless except for cannon fodder and scaring ordinary people.

Only after Yi Xiao used the silver tongue to change the magic one by one again, they can leave the jar and separate themselves from the whole, but that is a time-consuming and laborious work.

Flower Marriage Ji is a low-rise presence among the hundred ghosts.

But don't be fooled by Hua Jiaji's delicate appearance and soft voice. She has a special hatred for men. At first, other hundred ghosts were still thinking about taking Yi Xiao out of her intestine and freezing it into a popsicle. Just sturdyly tried to drag Yi Chou down.

She may only show this attitude when she is confronted with Sadako. In addition to Sadako being a woman, there are probably Sadako who is currently her nominal boss.

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