High Magic Earth

Chapter 1118: 0Guiji and Sadako

There are only a few out of hundreds of ghosts out there, which is only a handful, but even if there are only a few sporadic ones, there can be no controller. It happens that this action is a partner of Sadako and Hanaji, and Sadako is also a female ghost. The temporary command was placed on Sadako. ?

After all, the particularity of Sadako decides that Yi Chou will put more effort into her in the future. If nothing happens, the command will not change for a short time.

Seeing that Sadako didn't respond, Hanaji once again softly called, "Senior Village..."

With a soft, cherry-scented voice, Hanaji pulls Sadako back from the trance, she settles in, and puts a strand of black behind her ears.

Awake from the confused, she felt a sudden pain emerged, covering her body surface, like a soul-eating beast, the pain in the center of the chest was to sever her heart It came out, like the most bitter cold wind from Siberia, which eroded her soul.

That damn... weapon...

Similar to Lucy's calculations, Sadako, who possessed various means of restraining the Rip Hunt team, defeated them.

Whether it is Snatter or Saralans, their nerves are tense in the battle. The attacking methods of Sadako Yamamura are too fierce, invisible and interestless, and the slightest negligence pays the price of life.

Sadako violently broke the gate of the spaceship, and they all saw it. No one dared to underestimate this kind of power. At the beginning, they were ready.

As the battle began, Sadako gradually showed that the power of the immune flame control ice made them desperate, and Sadako without an entity was completely unable to be hit.

The end of the battle is self-evident, and perhaps failure and death are the only possibilities.

But what everyone didn’t think of was that the actual captain of the timeship, the team’s nominal captain, who appeared to be running around with a pistol in the comics, didn’t think he would spend much time. Rip Hunter, at this moment, showed the keen combat command of ordinary people.

Whether it is spiritual power or ice power, or even Sadako tries to use the mind control to directly break through the other party's spiritual and mental defense line, Rip Hunt will always direct Sarah and others to avoid it at the last minute.

And Rip Hunt’s reminder is also very interesting. Sometimes he will prompt Sarah and others to hide to the right, sometimes he will yell suddenly, sometimes he will even yell directly, but no matter what he does The results are very effective.

Suddenly shouting often makes the companion facing the attack stunned, this time stunned, but it happened to be dangerous and dangerous to avoid them from the next attack by Sadako.

When unable to prompt them for specific directions, Rip Hunt has such a method to remind them to attack carefully.

This kind of prompting method is very clever, and also requires coincidence and luck. Not only that, but it is not so simple to just avoid the Sadako attack.

They are also the first time they have faced Sadako Yamamura. The information of Rip Hunt and others has long been known to Sadako. Be the first to know what Sadako's next attack is.


Once or twice may be a coincidence. After three or four times, obviously no one would think so. To achieve this, either Rip has the usual number of times of nerve response, or he has already experienced a lot of battles and experience, but No one looks like Rip Hunt.

It's just that Rip Hunt holds another thing in his hand, but makes it impossible to make sense of it.

Time gem.

After going through several such things, almost everyone except Mick's idiot thought of the reason, whether it was Sadako or Rip Hunt's own.

Later, Sara Lans and Firestorm completely let go of their hands and feet. After all, Rip Hunt was able to travel through time. No matter what they did, Rip was able to modify it in time. They just needed to follow their original intentions.

Sadako on the opposite side is similar, but her situation is quite the opposite.

With Rip Hunt's awareness of her foresight, her actions were almost frustrated everywhere. Sadako didn't think of using a positive attack to suddenly change the way of fighting to break the situation, but that made no sense.

As Sara's assassin told her instinctively, as long as you follow your heart, you don't need to make deliberate changes. The reason why time is strong is because its strength is that it exceeds all factors.

No matter what changes, time always flows, if you can travel through time, then you can predict everything, everything in the absolute sense.

Sadako suddenly made several moves, abandoned the newly acquired cold ability, and continued to be his most skilled mental ability, but was still disrupted by the same sudden change of fire storm.

Although she can be immune to most of the flames, after all, the fire storm is half-footed into the ranks of the first line of English. His flames are no more than ordinary.

Obviously, Sadako's sudden change of behavior was predicted by Rip again. Both the past and the future Sadako chose the same offensive method because they had the same thinking and the same brain.

People can never deceive, only themselves.

Seeing that her attack was not effective, Sadako gave up a few times later, and she was obviously still at the advantage of suppressing them, even if Rip could avoid her attack dangerously and dangerously every time, but As long as one is not careful, there is no possibility of overturning.

Therefore, Sadako is not in a hurry. She does not believe that Rip can cycle indefinitely. She only needs to wait for Rip's mistake or his time cycle cannot keep up with her attack.

That is, walking into a dead end, her attack either kills one person or kills another person.

But Sadako is also the first time to face the strange power of time. In the virtual world of the vampire diary, Miss Tao’s time cycle is a big cycle, so big that if she does not touch Miss Tao, and does not retain her memory, she will not The existence of the current time cycle will not be affected.

This was the first time Sadako faced time control at close range.

She made a serious mistake, Miss Sadako didn't realize that when Rip Hunt attacked her again and again, she was also designing her own traps step by step.

In addition to Ripple and others falling into a dead end, there is actually another possibility to end the battle.

Sadako's failure.

After these ten minutes of rest, the scary wound that Hua Marry Ji almost cut her upper body in half before her belly has not healed much, but her face has become much more rosy, without the previous paleness.

She was widening her eyes and staring at Sadako's changing face. It seemed colorful and very interesting.

Sadako's face was very ugly at the thought of the final failure.

She didn't anticipate that she would fail, nor did she expect that she would fail. Rip Hunt only used a black stick to shoot herself out of the spaceship.

Modify reality, spear of fate.

When the fragment of the spear of destiny appeared, Sadako was stunned for a while, not only because Lucy mentioned a little in the material for herself, but also because she knew the name of the spear of destiny.

Although Ms. Yamamura died early, she has at least a high level of skill. She has also read a lot as an extracurricular reading. Perhaps she is not sure about the bias. The most famous weapon in the Bible, the Lankinus gun, she still knows.

Because of the existence of Yi Biao’s true enemies, the particularity of the Lankinus gun, and if it appears in the d world, the spear of destiny may have the ability to modify reality, so Zhenko shouted this in Rip After the sentence, there was no immediate reaction, but a little hesitation.

It was this sentence that Rip took the opportunity directly.

Rip, who can rotate time, is quite sure what will happen next. He has no doubt that Sadako’s eyes are on the black lacquered broken stick in his hand, like the charred charcoal, the spear of fate will Suddenly for a second.

In the next moment, the frozen gun from the captain of the cold, the high temperature gun of the heat wave, the impact of the fire storm, and even the energy weapon of the atom man who came over to help, together with the green shock from Rip, married Sadako and Hana Hit the spaceship.

They didn't seek to kill Sadako, they were originally trying to hit her off the spaceship.

The strength of the second-tier British is not strong, it is because their physical quality has formed a burden. Although they are not a bit better than ordinary people, they still can not catch up with a bottle of serum of soldiers.

In the same way, they can be ranked as second-tier heroes. The high-strength attack and lethality make up for their lack of defense and form a balance in strength.

The characteristic attack happened to be their strongest aspect, plus Sadako was caught off guard, and they were really kicked out of the spaceship for a while.

Apparently, Rip Hunt also knew that he was just barely supporting under Sadako's ability with the ability to control the time. The gap in strength was not able to make up for a short time, even if it was able to reincarnate time.

Being able to escape in the hands of Sadako intact is their biggest victory. When seeing Sadako Hanajuki drop the spaceship, Rip Hunt instantly rushed to the control room of the spaceship with the shortest route and restarted Giddy the first time. Yep.

The spaceship has been repaired by Lei, otherwise he will not rush back at the last moment.

Restart the spacecraft intelligence, search for the nearest target, locate, and then start to escape.

Rip's movements were like mastery after a lot of hard work, without wasting a second, and even less than three blinks after Sadako left the ship, the spacecraft slowly left the ground and took off.

Even the backup hatch didn't drop in a hurry.

Rip Hunt did not want to be chased by Sadako. Once he was entangled again, he could not be sure to lead his team members to escape.

The spaceship was not very stable in the air, but the speed was not slow. After shaking, it disappeared from the face of Sadako in a blink of an eye.

With the escape of Rip Hunt and others, Sadako also calmed down quickly. The final energy shock hurt her not badly, otherwise she would not be shot down to the spaceship, and Huamaji was almost cut in half. The injury was more serious.

But Sadako, who calmed down, soon realized that perhaps the spear of fate in Rip's hands was not as threatening as she had imagined.

It was not introduced in the original TV series. Is it really a spear of destiny or a fragment of a spear of destiny, or is it just an introduction as a key, and what is its ability to modify reality? The information given is vague.

Sadako wasn’t sure, but... it was true that she was shot out of the spaceship.

With the support of a substantial reduction in flame damage and the ability to control the cold, they were still hit by the last blow of these people, which is more than just a concerted effort.

Maybe the power of time and the spear of destiny have a special effect...

At the thought of this, the heart began to ache painfully. Sadako rubbed his chest and thought slowly, but this kind of thing was a little too difficult for her who had not re-learned for a long time, and soon she no longer wasted her brain. Cell, after throwing this question away, prepare to take it back and throw it to Lucy to think slowly.

Seeing Sadako’s face seemed to relax, and the waiting Hua Huaji looked at him again with his eyes closed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was dark and dark all around, and it looked very vague, but Hua Jiaji began to stare at Zhen Zi with wide eyes. As she rubbed her chest, her eyes almost fell.

After swallowing, she asked softly, "Senior Village, what should we do."

"What else can I do." The failure of the task made Sadako not in a good mood, she said helplessly, "Catch it up and go back to the business."

"Then, that... wouldn't be angry." Hua Marry Ji said vaguely, but Sadako knew who she was referring to.

As their creators, or in the sense that they can be called father's arrogance, they do not have frequent contact with them, and they only meet occasionally. Instead, as an agent of magical intelligence, Lucy, they are the real masters.

Of course, it was only because of the busy experiment of Yi Noo’s magic during the recent period, so let Lucy act for a while, and the incident of Dornting would happen just once. , He will also gradually withdraw these things after free time.

Lucy’s relationship with Sadako is not good, but it’s not bad, because she always has a straight face, and even if there is nothing wrong with both parties, Sadako’s impression of her is difficult. Get up.

"That guy..." Sadako frowned, "It's okay, she should have already expected..."


"Let's go, although we don't have any hope of finding a time spaceship, let's chase it." After Zenko said, he turned and floated back.

"But then... isn't that the direction to go back to the city, I remember that the big flying guy ran away here..." Hua Mu Ji pointed to the road extending to the suburbs.

"Long word! Everyone said that ghost knows where to find a time spaceship, isn't that the same direction!" 8

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