High Magic Earth

Chapter 1119: Chadley

Just when Sadako lost contact with the time ship, the battle that Josie faced was also heated up. ???

Don’t look at General Zorozo and the adjutant beeping in the underground base for a long time, but it only takes about ten minutes before and after. From Rowan’s order, Operation Salem enters the second stage, until Chief Chadlis himself Pressing, the minute hand of his pocket watch only turned 14 times.

Fourteen minutes, not long, but the pressure on Josie was fatal.

Even with the interference of the iron armor curse and electromagnetic energy, a thick layer of discarded bullets had been accumulated under her feet.

The broken clothes could not cover the spring light, but the exposed part was not as beautiful as imagined, because her arms and thighs were almost all purple and green.

The peculiarity of the iron armor is that it is magic. It is naturally impossible for the thin iron skin to intercept the bullet. Not to mention the assault rifle, even the pistol can be easily penetrated at close range.

The magic is different, even if the iron armor curse is used to form the existence of iron energy and material, but it can never withstand the existence of the iron armor curse.

It is a pity that it is far less than the genuine body armor in terms of compression and earthquake resistance, and it can even be said to be completely zero.

Josie was controlled by these bullets for more than ten minutes, let alone these are real bullets, even the rubber bullets of the air gun are enough to make people faint.

It is estimated that there is no good skin on her body now. If it is not for Josie to protect her face, it is not impossible to have a swollen nose and blue face.

But... that's it.

As the enclosure gradually narrowed, only a few rifles were suppressing. The nearest soldier was only ten meters away from Josie. She stood on the raised ruins and looked down, almost across the street. The distance between the two shops.

The distance is indented, and the fire suppression is also reduced. The goal of Salem's plan is to capture Josie alive. These soldiers are no longer like the original volley, but use a burst shot aimed at the head and heart to suppress the center. Josie.

This will not let her be killed by a cold gun because she can't prevent it, nor will she reduce her pressure, and take the opportunity to use magic to fight back.

Although precision shooting is not as dense as before, but because of the deadly part of the aiming point, Josie must be allowed to use magic defense all the time.

Although Josie knew her purpose well, she couldn't help but use aggressive magic as a defense. For these people, the price they paid was nothing more than mission failure, but what they lost was life.

The reason why these people are so careful is that Josie's magic is not to be underestimated. They have been struck by these strange lights, and have paid the price of one petrified person, two people in a coma, one person torn apart, and one person completely dead.

Of course, Josie's half arm was also penetrated by bullets, and only the flesh was connected to the forearm. Although the blood was stopped by Josie, there was no more time for deep treatment.

This kind of injury cannot be saved by virtue of the scientific level of the world. Amputation is the lightest. There must be a way for the new human world of science and technology. Or, it is based on magic potions.

Perhaps the magic in Harry Potter looks very low-level, disordered, and extremely polarized, but it is undeniable that the world has one of the most indispensable branches of the entire magical civilization.

Potion before the anomaly.

And Josie itself is the existence of a near potion master.

But after they were captured, whether they would give themselves this plan, Josie didn’t know, and even, even if they agreed to their treatment, she could not boil any potion of potion without the materials.


A series of burst shots burst from Josie's head again.

She held her head with one expressionless face, and refreshed several layers of iron armor spells for herself again.

Dozens of special operations personnel of the assault squad half bowed, and silently crossed the ruins of obstacles under their feet, and surrounded themselves with guns.

Their cooperation is extremely tacit, and the deadly bullets from the front, back, left, and right will be uninterrupted and will not repeat, which happens to be controlled within a range that they can barely resist.

Then Josie saw their commander, the guy who was the only one who was dressed differently from the people around him, and he was following the special forces with the capture team, just outside the encircling circle.

The guns in those people's hands are different.

Even if Josie had a pitiful knowledge of firearms, she could guess which ones were anesthesia guns, which was no need to guess at all, as long as she could be judged with a little reason.

The situation is bad for yourself.

After these people get close, they may not stay behind anymore, the anesthesia bullets will not be fatal, and they can completely restrict their movements. This is the last part of the arrest operation.

Josie had seen the smile on the commander's face.

But again, she heard the order from this guy's headset.

"Sergeant Chadlis, 12o2 white pigeon, immediately stop Salem!"

"White Dove 12o2, stop all actions immediately!"

Some quick voices echoed in the headset, and a smile appeared on Josie's face.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Karl." She whispered to herself, "For a moment, maybe I really like you."

A thumb-sized clear vial slipped from Josie's hand, and the remaining half of the bottle of crystal liquid spilled out, filling the air with a strange fragrance, and then quickly exhausted.

It is a love potion, but unlike ordinary love potions, it does not require the other party to drink it, as long as it is worn on the body and swayed slowly and effectively.

Josie changed this love potion, which she had improved, to a more romantic name.

She called it, the breath of true love...

The target was in front of him, but Chadley heard a news that made him very unhappy.

"What?!" He almost shouted at Rowan subconsciously, "Stop action, are you crazy?!"

At the other end of the communicator, Rowan's voice was a little quick, but still very calm, "White Dove 12o2, stop all actions immediately."

He repeated quietly, "Chief Chief Chadley, you heard it right, the plan has changed, and Salem's operation is terminated."

Obviously, Rowan also knows about Chadley's temper, although he will be patient and explain to him, otherwise if others do not obey the order and continue to talk nonsense, he would have started cursing.

But fortunately, this is not a battlefield. Secondly, Chadley does not make a speech every time. After all, he is a front-line commander and has his own judgment. Chadley’s judgment is rarely wrong. Because of this, he has made many contributions. , The task is completed very well, otherwise it will not hit the boss again, you can continue to stay here.

Chadley took a deep breath, the white pigeon 12o2, terminated the secret code of the plan, instead of the commander being controlled, it was clear but obviously that the command center did have a problem.

A few minutes ago, some soldiers had heard from himself that the command vehicle was surrounded by a lot of FBI. It seems that Miltans suddenly backwatered and controlled Rowan.

Chadley knew that the mission would not be so smooth!

It was just that he didn't respond at the time. First, his first goal was Josie, and he couldn't pull out his power to help Rowan, and Rowan was controlled, so there was no point in having more people.

What's more, all the causes are from Josie. As long as the goal is taken first, then all problems can be solved.

And Chadley thought so.

He did the same.

"Your Lord Rowan, you have an accident there." Chadley stopped advancing, but did not order his soldiers to stop. He raised his binoculars and looked at the command vehicle not far away.

Rowan didn't deny it, but he wasn't sure. He continued with a bad tone. "Chief Chief Chadley, this is not something you have to consider."

"Then I can't help myself, my task is to seize the goal."

"Your task is to obey my orders!" Rowan said in a huff, with a trace of imperceptible tremor and fear in his voice. "Now I order you to stop all actions! This is the order!"

"You know me, and the general knows me, so I think he has sent me to complete this task for a reason."

"A lot of times you want to accomplish something, you have to pay the price, the important thing is whether the price is worth it."

"And now, I think the necessary sacrifice is worthwhile in order to complete this task."

"I'm sorry, Lord Rowan," Chadley said quietly. "It's been a great time working with you."

"No!" Rowan roared, "You can't afford this price! It's not just me! There are..."

But his roar can only stop here, because after Chadley finished speaking, he cut off the unilateral contact with the command room, and then waved his hand calmly.

"Carry out arrests!" he said.

In the underground base, standing in front of the big screen, through the helicopter hovering above, the adjutant who saw everything clearly below, after hearing Chadley's decision, showed his expression.

Similarly, General Zorozor next to him was not surprised, his face did not change.

And at the same time, Rowan and Miltans, who had been cut off, also looked at each other with big eyes, and the scene was silent for a while.

"I... I can..." Rowan stammered a little at the next moment.

But Miltans no longer gave him this opportunity. At the moment when the communication was cut off, Miltans’ last sense of reason seemed to have been completely swallowed. The only thought in his mind at this time was to communicate with the other party. perish together.

"Go to death!" Miltans shouted loudly, "Go to death!"

He suddenly opened his arms and seemed to make a hug. Rowan had realized what Miltans was going to do, but he was unable to stop it.

Fear flared on his face, Luo Wenwen could hide back, with his arms protecting his head.

The scale of the explosion that Miltans said will never be smaller. It is absolutely useless to evade the same car with him. Don’t say that protecting yourself with your arms, even if you give Rowan a riot shield, so close Absolutely nothing remains.

Luo Wen, holding his head quietly waiting for death, but a moment later, he suddenly felt a little strange and strange.

Lifting his head, he saw Miltans also continued this movement with a blank face, and didn't seem to think why he didn't explode.

But at this moment, Rowan had reacted first. He thought of being deceived for the first time. When he thought that he had been deceived for so long, he almost terminated the Salem operation. He did not hesitate and gave a roar.

"go to hell!"

How did Miltans say to him the moment before, and he completely gave Miltans the moment after.


The bullet came out without hesitation, hitting the heart of Miltans...

At the same time, in the center of another battlefield, the besieged Josie seemed to feel something. She threw out her tongue and whispered a little embarrassedly, "Sorry, this thing is delayed."

Just three seconds after her words fell.


Accompanied by a tremendous loud noise, a two-story explosion exploded, and layers of gas waves were set up behind their battles, precisely where the command vehicle was.

Seriously, Miltans really didn't lie.

Rowan has already experienced it personally...

At the moment when he heard the explosion, Chadley knew Rowan was over, and likewise, he couldn't please himself.

Although in the end he was able to successfully complete the mission, but at the expense of his companion for the mission, he still inevitably suffered the fate of the court, but he has become accustomed to this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am afraid that General Zorzo also knew about it His affairs only made him responsible for the command of the entire assault team.

He still remembered General Sorozo telling himself before he left, "At all costs, he caught the target, because the target is a member of the wizard's backbone. Once he escapes, he will not only escape her, but also the fastest Pass on this matter."

Of course, the situation is so big that Chadley no longer feels that the news can be concealed. I am afraid that even if the wizards have no one to report the news, they will soon be able to learn from normal channels.

But this is no longer a question he needs to think about, after all, Rowan is responsible for the overall action.

But he still can't give up arresting, because if there is no help from the solidified position, I am afraid that the other party will have ran away. This time the operation fails, the existence of the solidified position will be revealed, and the next action will be more difficult.

It must succeed, not fail. This is what Chadley told himself, not to sacrifice Rowan, even if he sacrificed himself, he would not hesitate.

Now, Rowan is dead and he is not very friendly. The last factor that can contain him disappears. There is nothing to stop him from continuing Salem.

"Shepherd Squad!" Chadley shouted in a bad mood.

It is said that the outermost anesthesia team immediately began to move forward slowly. They are the last main force and the most core means of arresting Josie.

But at this moment, Josie, who had been tightly surrounded, suddenly shouted her wand and shouted, "Stop! Stop now!"

"I added a virus to the explosion, and now the air is everywhere, let me go, I will give you an antidote, otherwise, the spread will soon spread throughout New York."

"Remind you, this virus is deadly." 8

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