High Magic Earth

Chapter 1120: Turning point

"There is no virus that is not lethal and does not spread!"

Chief Chief Chadley cursed secretly, but still had no intention of giving a stop order. ??

How do these wizards have a virtue with those scientists, and from time to time they come up with a highly contagious virus. As a frontline commander, Chadley has a deep understanding of such things.

Viruses, their danger is beyond doubt.

On the battlefield, they have great lethality, and in cities, they can exert more powerful effects than the battlefield, and even destroying a city is not impossible.

Although the target is a wizard, they have unconventional means and natural magic that they cannot understand, but they are still ordinary people without training after all.

I am afraid the target is not clear. Since she released the virus, there is no possibility of remission before the two.

Grab the opponent and force the antidote, and until the virus is eliminated.

Apart from that, there is no other possibility between them. Because the virus is so terrible, they will not let Josie choose to believe at all, only to seize her way.

Otherwise, no one can afford this responsibility.

Chadley swears in his heart that the target is still too young, even if there is hope for negotiation, there is no last chance after the virus is released.

It is impossible to let her go first, and then pin her hopes on the virus antidote she left in exchange. Once that is not a real antidote, the responsibility for the spread of the virus will fall on her own.

"Pay attention to the virus, the third and fourth teams keep up! Catch her at all costs!"

Chadley gritted his teeth, and then gave the final order. He backhanded his waist behind him, grabbed the gas mask, and clasped it on his face.

He wasn't sure whether these things were useful for magic viruses, but chatting was better than nothing.

Chadley's movements clearly expressed his decision. With his movements, Josie, who was under siege, seemed really panicked.

"You can't do this!" she shouted sharply.

"Let me go! Otherwise the virus will spread quickly, and none of you can stop it!"

Chadley took an anesthesia gun and began to press himself. With the final order, all the assault teams began to continue to approach. In a blink of an eye, the encirclement was reduced to the face-to-face distance.

"Catch you, you can also get inhibitors." Chadley said a little eerie.

"The incubation period of the virus is less than half an hour!"

Seeing the last moment, Josie's face also began to languish, "Trust me, if you don't let me go, I will definitely not give you inhibitors after half an hour."

"Everyone infected with the virus will be buried with me."

Josie is not stupid. Obviously, if she is caught, the inhibitor will be in the opponent's hands sooner or later. She cannot bear all kinds of torture or intimidation, etc., and Josie can't think of this.

Therefore, the explosion period of this potion is very fast, less than half an hour, and there is not much time left for the other party, maybe even she cannot be transferred.

Chadley's offensive is obviously also restrained, but he deserves to be a guy who can sacrifice Rowan and still choose to complete the task. After hesitating for half a second, he was determined again.

"I believe your mouth may not be as hard as you believe." He said coldly.

"The First Squad!"

At this time, the special forces had completely surrounded Josie. With Chadley's order, several specially constructed rifles sounded, and two large nets splashed out one after another, hanging directly on Josie's body. .

"Zi -!"

These two nets are made of special materials and have a current that can cause paralysis but not lethality.

Almost instantly, Josie fell to the ground with the electric current covering the whole body. At the same time, the surrounding special forces did not need Chadley to order again, and already three anesthetics hit Josie.

In the blink of an eye, the entire battle suddenly changed, and Josie was still struggling to support, and directly became the prisoner of the other party's order.

At this time, Chadley also strode from the rear. He pushed away the surrounding soldiers and went directly to Josie, pulling out the power grid that had lost power, grabbing her by the broken collar and pulling her. stand up.

"Little bitch! You'd better hand over the inhibitor. Otherwise, when you wake up, the face will not be as gentle as I am."

After saying nothing, he injected a tube of anesthetic directly into Josie's neck, then hit a **** fiercely on her lower abdomen, then she smashed past, fell to the ground, and threw it aside again.

"take away!"

Chadley snorted and said to the surrounding soldiers.

The battle seems to have come to an end here. At least the two sides of the battle have completely lost their resistance, but for Chadley, now is the real beginning of trouble.

After all, according to Josie, the virus she left behind was deadly.

Unconscious Josie was locked her hands in electromagnetic handcuffs, wrapped in a military vehicle by two soldiers, and at this opportunity, Chadley summoned a close friend.

"The destination changed, go to the nearest safe house, we will not return to the base."

"Master Chief Pavilion..."

"Don't bother." Chadley glared. "We only have half an hour. No matter whether that one is true or not, we dare not gamble."

"It's too late to go to the base. The helicopter also has at least 20 minutes. We have to ask the antidote now."

"That's right." Seizing the celebrity who was about to leave, Chadley added again, "Call me an experienced interrogator. I want the little **** to like her in the shortest possible time. Say the posture."

Looking at the figure leaving, Chadley touched his nose.

Rao is so experienced that he can't help sweating a lot at this time. Most of his mission experience is in enemy areas, where civilians cannot be counted as humans.

And here is New York, the American metropolis.

Chadley couldn't imagine how the virus would really explode. What kind of ending would he face? He had never taken the initiative to contact General Sorozo or even let the liaison officer deliberately ignore it, that he was afraid of hearing bad news.

If the task is successfully completed, at least he also has the merits and leeway.

The movements of the soldiers are very fast, and the battlefield has been cleaned within three minutes. If it is not the single control left by the ruins and the rain of bullets, it is impossible to see that there has been a war.

Of course, the most conspicuous prohibition mark and cartoon ghost in the sky are still hanging there. Since the beginning of the battle, it has no other changes, but the color is getting darker and darker.

This thing hangs high in the sky, I am afraid that it can be seen throughout New York.

But there was no good solution to Chadley. Besides, it was not his responsibility. I am afraid that General Sorozo would need to leave it for him.

What’s more, if it’s always safe, then it’s no big deal, just say it’s magic, some kind of technology used to rotate the movie, just push it on anything, even Chadley can come up with it. a lot of.

This is not a problem.

The really deadly thing is the existence of viruses.

Fortunately, the target has been successfully captured. The next step is to see the interrogators. Chadley doesn't believe how hard an ordinary girl's mouth can be even if she becomes a wizard.

Of course, it is not ruled out that she may still have some kind of magic as a follower.

Thinking of this, Chadley's mood was even worse, his brow furrowed a bit more, and then he hired a car and was ready to come out.

But at this moment, there was a sudden noise in front of him, Chadley's brow tightened, and he immediately strode over and said loudly.

"what happened!?"

"General Chadley, you just came."

And as soon as he approached, he heard a strange sound, cold, gentle, strange and familiar, as if with a kind of heart-warming magic.

"Hurry and explain to them." The voice said.

Chadley ignored the voice, but pushed away the soldiers in front of him, strode in front of everyone, and asked slowly in a calm voice, "Who are you?"

It can be said that now Chadley is very annoyed, every minute of his time is very precious, and there are people who still grumble in front of him.

"I'm a missionary, but don't remember it as a priest or priest." Chadley saw the speaker clearly. It was a man standing in front of him. Although he really looked like a missionary, whether it was His appearance is still physique, and it looks more like a short mafia guy.

He took off his hat from his head, took it in his hand, turned it around, and put it back on again, and continued, "I'm here to tell you that you can't take this man with you, but give her to us."

"This is the order directly under General Sorozo, this is his secret letter, if you don't believe it, you can also call to confirm it yourself."

Chadley frowned.

The two people in front of us were very weird, a self-proclaimed missionary, but more like a mafia dwarf, and a very thin young man, as if he had just walked out of the university campus.

But they stood up to General Sorozo's order.

This made Chadley very annoyed, things have been very smooth, although there are some twists and turns, but fortunately still within his control.

At this time, two guys suddenly appeared, and they had to take away the target person directly, saying that it was General Sorozo's order.

How did he not know that under the direct command of the general, there are two such four different people, whose qualities are not like those who have been trained.

It is neither like FBI nor Ia, nor is it a military person.

Even more strange is that he seems to think that what he said makes sense.

As an excellent commander, Chadley has visited the frontline countless times. Although he has not received special training like FBI and Ia agents, he is also very sensitive to certain medicines and hypnosis that can produce illusions. He immediately noticed To the wrong place.

Shaking his head vigorously, he took a step back and hid behind the soldiers, then gestured an undetectable gesture to the contact person next to him.

"I need to confirm." He said to the other party.

"Of course." The missionary made a gesture of invitation, "but before that, I hope you can give me the target, at least to control her."

"What?" Chadley froze for a moment, and then heard the implication of the missionary, "Why?!"

"Because the target is dangerous." The missionary's voice was still calm, and there seemed to be no doubt in the calm.

"Impossible." Chadley directly denied, "She has been controlled, in fact, if it is not you to block, we have already begun to interrogate the other party about the virus."

All Chadley's plans are based on the premise that the goal is caught and Josie is under control.

If Josie still has room to resist, it not only means that she can still resist, but it also shows that all of this is under her control. She has no fear of this rounding or even capturing.

This is unacceptable for Chadley.

"Oh, by the way, there are viruses, you don't say I have forgotten, thank you for reminding." The missionary said lazily with no sincerity.

"But... all I said is true, she is indeed very dangerous, whether you believe it or not."

The missionary looked at Chadley, but he was actually wrapped around two soldiers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seemed to have passed out, Josie said, "To this day, are you still going to pretend to be unconscious? , Josie... Miss Verata."

Hearing this name, Chadley frowned slightly, because if he remembered correctly, the name of the target should be called, Josie Hamilton, although the information was useless for him to command the operation, he still wrote it down.

Similarly, in the face of this name, Josie in a coma still did not react, and it seemed that she really passed out.

The missionary seemed to be prepared for such a reaction. He shrugged and said, "Well, I knew you would do this, but I have to tell you that this time I was not alone."

"I also brought a copy of the original hero, Peter...Perry..."

"You can call him sg7."

The contact person next to him was communicating urgently with General Sorozo. Before confirming the information, Chadley temporarily regarded the two guys as lunatics.

But what he didn't expect was that when he thought that the other party was talking insanely, something unbelievable and even horrible suddenly appeared.

Because when the other party's voice just fell, he was always surrounded by two soldiers. It seemed that the target person, Josie, was really unconscious, but he suddenly opened his eyes.

Her eyes were not blurred, and there was no discomfort in the unconscious person who had just woken up.

At the next moment, this glance passed the surrounding soldiers precisely, and fell directly on the so-called replica of Peter Perry, that is, the person next to the missionary.

"Peter Perry..."

Josie Verata’s pupils shrank like a beast’s pupils, and said in an ethereal voice, “It really is his replica...”

"This really surprised me, it was really... unexpected." 8

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