High Magic Earth

Chapter 1121: missionary

"Look, I'm right."

Seeing Josie woke up, the missionary seemed very smug, and spread his hands to the soldiers beside him and the dull looking Chief Chadlis.

Is the other party really an idiot? The missionary's approach can not help Chadley come up with this idea.

But this time without Chadley's reminder, the two soldiers responsible for guarding Josie, who had placed her in the middle, had sent out a terrible reminder first.

"The target person is out of control!"

"Ready for the second..."


Only the next moment, the soldier's voice stopped abruptly.

Because not only his voice, but also his life ended instantly at this moment, the two were equally short, and the same came so suddenly, it was overwhelming.

After the scene was silent for half a second, the soldier's body fell to the ground.

And the murderer who caused all this was just Josie, who seemed to have bruises and bruises on his side, whether it was magic or physical strength, who had already reached the limit.

Ignoring the ferocious gaze of the soldiers and Chief Chadley, Josie gently withdrew her hand, and the sharp five-finger claws were covered with blood from the soldier's abdominal cavity.

"It's a pleasant mood."

Josie flicked her fingernails lightly, her blood was suddenly swept away, and her slender jade hands became clean again.

It's not that Josie is murderous. Although her life in the second world using magic hands is not rare, she is definitely not a murderous demon.

It's just very uncomfortable with this soldier.

He just took a lot of advantage when he was standing by himself. It was simply an up and down of his hands. I am afraid that if there were not many people, he would have done more excessive things.

Isn't it that these soldiers are **** guys, why did they run into a rogue.

Although this guy's movements are very subtle, I am afraid that even the other guy who is standing by him has not noticed, but as the victim, how can Josie, who is pretending to be comatose, not know.

She was very dissatisfied.

I thought that Qiu had no place to report. I didn't expect someone to cut the bullet halfway. Seeing that Josie, who couldn't pretend to be, could kill this guy in the first time after turning the chessboard over.

Feel comfortable.

Of course, since Josie had such a good idea, Chief Chadley's face was naturally ugly, and he took a step back without leaving a trace, hiding his figure again behind the soldiers.

As a veteran of a long battlefield, Chadley has a lot of combat experience. His movements are very clever. Only two steps are moved under his feet, and his figure is completely covered up. The movement is very small, and almost no soldiers notice this. point.

Don’t be in danger when the situation is uncertain. This is one of Chadley’s experiences.

This is not a hero, but the meaninglessness and value of letting himself die. Although Chadley is brave and stubborn, he is not mindless.

Being able to stay on the front line of the battle all year round without dying, this incident itself shows Chadley's strength, not just luck and brutality.

Seeing Josie easily break away from the electromagnetic handcuffs and other restraints, Chadley thought of many things in a flash.

The opponent didn't completely lose his resistance, but kept the overturned cards, ready to wait for the opportunity to escape and escape, or the opponent has some unknown magic, and now she is just numbing herself.

Even more... The other party would have to do this completely. She would have to pick her up and bring her back to the base. The other party was already prepared for everything that happened, if so...

This matter is obviously not that simple.

Chadley was shocked out of cold sweat, and the last point seems unlikely to be guessed. The other party is just an ordinary student, even if it is a better-educated university, those students are in college time, except for open parties and *There is no other thing to do besides handing in.

It is impossible for the target to know Salem’s action plan in advance. Even if he knows it, it is only necessary to escape ahead of time.

But the appearance of these two strangers and the sudden wake-up of the goal really proved that this matter was not as simple as imagined.

Perhaps the existence of the virus is just to confuse yourself.

It's not that the virus doesn't exist, the virus is fake, but this virus is just to add more credibility to Josie's arrest.

Otherwise, a powerful wizard is not prepared for anything, just resisted and was successfully arrested, although it is also possible that Chadley and others overestimated the wizard’s strength and incidentally underestimated the destructive effect of modern weapons on magic. , But it will inevitably make them whisper in their hearts.

So, this is the role of the virus, making Josie's failure more real.

The grass-roots commanders of the army are not always simple in mind. On the contrary, the battlefield is constantly changing and extremely fierce. They need to have a more acute heart and thinking than ordinary people to grasp the rhythm of occupation in order to lead their soldiers. Survive in a small-scale conflict.

Of course, at the overall level, they need to obey the orders of higher commanders and they cannot resist, but it is not that they cannot be flexible and changeable in small-scale battles.

Otherwise, what kind of war is that, and what is the difference from the queuing and killing tactics of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries? There is no need to fight, just put out the strategic assets and the number of soldiers.

Chadley's thinking was very sharp, and in a flash, he realized countless possibilities.

Although it is just a guess, once these thoughts appear, it is like taking root in his mind, and can no longer be discarded.

At this time, Josie has completely changed his image in his eyes.

Uh... this is not an adjective, but in a real sense, it has changed its image.

"It's this magic again." The missionary took out a cigarette, flicked the fire, lowered his head to point at himself, and shrugged as he looked at Josie's new image. "It seems that there is no wrong person. You can't be called a human anymore, are you?"

"...It seems inaccurate. It should be said that you are not even a wizard now. What are you?"

At this time, Josie, as the preacher said, was not completely a human appearance.

Her eyes turned into cat-like vertical pupils, and the mottled eyes in brown had completely turned into amber, exuding a charming and cunning luster.

Josie's hair began to grow, and her long blond hair also turned amber brown, but this does not seem to be the final color of the change, because the brown is also mixed with a little silver.

This silver is not as if it hadn't been completely converted, because Josie's original hair was blonde, not silver, which is more like gold first turning brown, then turning silver again, but not converted.

Then, shortly afterwards, the long brown hair soon showed a new move.

Like spring buds breaking out of the ground, the long hair at Josie's ears began to shake constantly, as if there was something underneath to swell out, and after a few seconds of wriggling, a pair of silver foxes with fine fluff like edelweiss The ear popped out of the hair.

Long brown hair avoids the fox ears like running water, and separates along its sides, straight down.

This feature is much more pronounced than changes in pupils and changes in hair color.

"Pair of fox ears." The missionary spit out the cigarette **** from his mouth and stared, "Fox?"

"Fox, that's not bad, but I still prefer the bunny girl..." The missionary murmured, looking at the back of Josie's **** while muttering.

The broken clothes could not cover much of the spring light. As Josie stopped pretending to be faint, the large bruises on her body began to subtly and quickly subside. At this time, most of her skin has been restored to smooth and white. .

The witch is also a woman, although the occasion is a bit wrong, but any woman is very sensitive to such eyes. Josie immediately noticed the missionary gaze, she quickly turned sideways to block her back, avoiding the missionary’s Looked at him, and then gave him a fierce look.

But... even if the missionary's gaze is blocked, some features will still appear.

The huge foxtail quickly squeezed out like a bamboo shoots. The long tail extended half a meter long, and the silver hair was soft and fluffy like the most expensive tapestry.


Josie's characteristics are already very obvious. Although it still has a human shape beyond the ears and tail, these two are already the most obvious proofs that anyone can recognize.

Fortunately, the soldiers around, whether it is the special operations team or the FBI, are trained and determined generations.

Although this kind of existence like a half-orc is very strange, but the other party is a sorcerer, sorcerer, magic, they have been psychologically prepared before the task, so even seeing this scene, did not move at all.

"Fox..." the missionary sighed. "It's a different animal. Each of you has different characteristics and images."


Answering Qiao Qian's teeth, a low voice came from Qiao Qian's throat, which sounded like a mixed sound of cats and dogs, but it was an octave higher, like a human scream, very The kind of tragic and sad.

"Don't tell me you can't speak human language anymore." The missionary rolled his eyes.

"Aw!" Josie snarled and said impatiently, "This is more comfortable!"

Seeing that the missionary, a sudden stranger, had a pleasant conversation with Josie, Chadley made a gesture to the cronies next to him without leaving any traces.

The contact person has confirmed the identity of the missionary, but... this is not good news for Chadley.

Chadley's small movements did not attract the attention of Josie and the missionaries. I don't know if they really didn't find out, or they didn't pay attention.

Lazy, the preacher continued, "Josie Verata, the famous fraudster, that unlucky CIA intelligence officer should really go to the realm of the free man to investigate your identity. In that case, he will not be taken by you. I was so miserable, I thought you were an ordinary weak girl."

"I'm afraid those of your friends in the magic world don't know your true identity, Verata."

Josie frowned, her hands clasped naturally, as if inadvertently making small movements, using one hand to grab the other hand above the wrist and a little below the elbow.

"I heard that a group of people are investigating us, but I didn't expect you aa..."

"Or, you didn't expect you to join them." Josie seemed to have heard of the missionary, she said coldly.

"Then you guys who are not angels chuckled."

The missionary once again took out the fire lazily, lit a branch for himself, and took a beautiful breath. "Of course, although I am God's spokesperson, I don't like those who are birds."

"God's Spokesperson, how dare you say..."

"Although I think so, I think I am a mixture of angel and devil, but everyone praises me like this, what can I do."

"You are a fool." Josie rolled her eyes.

The missionary flicked the cigarette **** aside again, "Forget it, gossip ends here, will you follow us or will we take you away."

"What's the difference between the two?"

The missionary tilted his head and thought for a while, "It seems not."

"That would allow me to refuse to sing."

"I'm afraid I can't." The missionary sighed.

"Let me go, that thing seems a bit dangerous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And it hasn't been able to persist for a long time." Josie said vaguely, pointing at the huge prohibition sign floating in the sky.

The huge forbidden sign has become extremely scarlet, and the cartoon ghost in it looks a bit daunting at this time, and its grin becomes gruesome and scary, as if peering at all the terrifying demon on the ground.

"Don't use your abilities." The missionary said suddenly, "You may be able to deceive others and order others, but this is useless to me."

"You will not be an opponent of sg7, just follow us."

"It's impossible!"

But at this time, General Chadley, who had been completely ignored by the two, suddenly inserted horizontally, "No one wants to leave here, this is not the place you want to go!"


The soldiers around them reopened the enclosure silently again when they talked, and Josie clearly showed a stronger physics than before. Chadley decided to attack with full force without knowing the depth of the enemy.

With his order, the gunshots were mixed with narcotic bombs, and the sizzle of the power grid sounded again, and the attacks from all directions seemed to be overwhelming and surrounded Josie directly.

Fortunately, Chadley was not crazy enough to surround the missionaries, but the missionaries knew badly when they saw the soldiers around him suddenly.

"No!" he shouted loudly.

But it was too late.

Because at the next moment, a huge magic burst out of Josie's body, which was countless times more powerful than before.

Her body fell slightly, and the whole person seemed to be a fox, and then, countless bullets near Josie began to turn, as if their goals suddenly changed, the bullets' tracks became messy, they were entangled in the air, Intertwined, refracting away in all directions.

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