High Magic Earth

Chapter 1122: Hide identity

"I said don't do it. The update is the fastest"

The preacher vaguely spit out the cigarette **** that had just been drawn halfway to the ground. He, who is also not far from Josie, is naturally in danger. The bullets that surround the surrounding can be of no matter your identity.

Besides, in addition to looking annoying, does he have any special status?

Although the missionary was dressed very formally, he behaved in a decent way, but his movements were unambiguous. In the face of the scattered bullets, he suddenly stretched out his left arm and the muscles on the ape arm swelled, and he directly dragged the companion beside him. Block yourself.

The replica of Ped Perry, sg7, a natural flesh shield, no need to use white.

The missionary hid behind the human sandbags without guilt, and looked at the half cigarette butts on the ground with pity. Recently, his funding was not enough. Damn Soroso, stingy guy.

In fact, if it’s not that the missionaries don’t have much conception of money, and spend money on it, no matter how much money they can always disperse as quickly as possible, perhaps General Sorozo will not be stingy with this money.

"Boom! Boom!"


The bullets scattered all over the sky, they were like deliberately neglecting Josie in the center of the crowd, like a headless fly, they made various strange arcs in the air and refracted them in all directions.

Along with the explosions and screams, the surrounding soldiers fell suddenly.

Josie's disguise made Chadley very angry. He felt that he had been ignored, so under his orders, the soldiers began to attack with all their strength, no longer keeping their hands, and they were not like the previous kind of petty.

At the same time, Josie also seemed to let go of her hands and feet, not just passively defending with the mentally handicapped means of iron armor and electromagnetics.

And she just stood here, did nothing and said nothing.

But these bullets seemed to be controlled by invisible forces. Not only did they not hurt Josie, but they also kindly beat the soldiers around.

The bullets hit by the soldiers returned to them, and almost in the blink of an eye, the surrounding fell.

Even the sg7, which was used as a meat shield by the missionary in front of him, also had several bullets in his body, almost punching his chest into a sieve, and even one in the forehead.

But as if he didn't feel it, sg7 was still in front of the missionary. As he breathed smoothly, the wounds of the bullet began to heal slowly, and the bullets that remained in the body were pushed out.

"Dang, Dang!"

With a series of crisp sounds, the warhead fell to the ground, and the damage of sg7 also healed in the blink of an eye, intact as if he could not see that he had been injured before.

The special operations personnel led by Chadley are all elites in the elite. The assault team composed of these personnel after layers of screening has extremely excellent combat qualities.

Even in the face of huge casualties at this time, they still did not panic. A large number of gaps had appeared in the encirclement, but apart from the screams and the sound of falling to the ground, none of them retreated.

Chadley knew that this would not work. Although it was not clear why the bullet could not hit the target, he would fly around and hurt his soldiers, but this was obviously magic.

It must be that the target used some unknown magic, or that almost all magic is unknown to them.

"Scattered retreat!" Chadley shouted, "Plan!"

Operation Salem is a whole plan. Since the plan is complete, it naturally includes various situations that may be encountered, the mission goal is successfully achieved, or the key person appears to resist, and it is necessary to use force to capture.

The latter is divided into two cases, whether the assault team can use firepower to suppress the target. At the beginning, they were in a situation where they could suppress. Now, Josie’s magic seems to have exceeded their expectations, but naturally there will be Corresponding plan.

The combat plan was adjusted instantly, and all the surviving commandos responded instantly.

Their movements were very rapid. At the same time as Chadley's voice fell, they began to look for bunkers. They disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving only the wreckage.

At the next moment, the fifth echelon followed again, in pairs, holding a special anti-riot shield in their hands, not a translucent, bullet-proof glass in the conventional sense, but some more special metal, which looked Very heavy, with a faint blue glow on the surface.

Of course, Chadley's shouting also exposed himself.

Josie, who was very unhappy with Chadley, stared at it for the first time, but Chadley's movements were faster than those of the soldiers, and he was no longer nearby.

Seeing that Chadley seemed to be ready to start a new round of attack, the missionary was also helpless. He hid behind the meat shield of SG7 and said lazily, "Useless, you think the title of fraudster Josie Is it called white?"

"What she has is more than just making illusions and deceiving others with lies. These tricks can deceive anyone, any creature, or even anything."

"Now, she seems to have deceived the bullet's trajectory.

"By the way, there are many of these special wizards who have the ability to fight close, and they are not only powerful wizards in the traditional sense..."

Just as the missionary's voice fell, Josie's figure rushed out.

She was high in the air, her posture and movements were like an elegant fox, and then swooped down in an instant, toward a group of special operations teams.


With a loud noise, Josie fell heavily to the ground, corresponding to a group of four, two assault squads with a huge metal shield walking in front, had been slammed out by her.

The front end of the metal shield that flew out nearly five meters away has even been slightly deformed.

The missionary who had come out from behind the meat shield naturally saw this scene too. He sighed slightly and then said without sincerity, "It seems that your luck is terrible today."

No one noticed that at the moment she just moved suddenly, she had triggered the magic mark on her arm, which is a special contact magic. Obviously, this is for help.

Hearing this, Josie had already turned her pupils into light silver, and looked at the missionary lightly, not knowing if she was going to stay and be happy, or to leave here first.

But at this time, it had been neglected by Chief Chadley, missionary, and Josie. The huge sky sign on the real wall suddenly took action.

"Hooooo hahahaha--!"

It gave a roar with echoes, like the scream of the worst demon in hell, with a disgusting nuisance.

Josie, Chadley and others looked up at the same time, and at this time, it once again issued an unpleasant sharp smile, "hooooo ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, the giant in the sky has suddenly changed completely. Although the original giant prohibition is also scarlet, it makes people feel a bit uncomfortable, but the cartoon ghost in it is still a bit cute.

It's just now that it has abandoned the last normal feeling.

Like a mirror distorted by a haha ​​mirror, the white cartoon ghost twisted and twisted in the scarlet forbidden sign, and the grinning mouth was viciously grinning, sending out a full of malicious mocking, and its eyes exuded green The light of the sky is like two ghost fires in the air, and the illusory body begins to show its essence, as if condensed by rain and mist into ice.

But this is not the point, more importantly...

"Why is this guy stronger than me..." Even though he was already using the power of blood, but felt the pressure in the sky still slightly higher than himself, Josie was still in shock.

"In Hui's words, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time."

With a thought in her heart, Josie planned to leave the place, but before she could act on it, a hot ray suddenly hit the concrete floor in front of her.

The high temperature even forced Josie to continuously jump back.

"Oh?" Josie turned her head in the direction of the rays.

She saw Pete Perry, the mune before the so-called replica sg7 had disappeared. His feet gently lifted off the ground, as if ignoring gravity, he was swaying up and down, and the dark red was just around his eyes. Slowly subsided, a situation of overheating.

Obviously, the previous two hot rays were emitted from his eyes.

"Superman's abilities can also be copied, so it's not super-powerful..." Seeing sg7's classic action in os Superman, Jossie could not help but spit.

"Miss Verata, you can't go anywhere."

At this time, the missionary standing next to sg7 said slowly, "As for others, you can leave this neighborhood first."

A weird scene appeared, apparently still killing and killing Josie a moment ago, a team of special combatants who would not listen to orders except for Chief Chadley, but before this sentence of the missionary , Disarmed one after another, and began to leave here silently.

Even Chadley was so, he stopped, and the figure soon disappeared into the soldiers.

Josie was not surprised. She had heard that the abilities of a missionary were very similar to hers, and they were the kind that could command others to obey her.

But the difference is that Josie uses words and sensory deception to achieve the goal of making others obedient, while the missionary directly orders others.

Similarly, the identity of the missionary is indeed special, but this is not the time to consider these issues...

"Are you an idiot?" Josie glared at the missionary and pointed her claws at the sky. "I didn't see that thing was about to come alive."

"I saw it." The missionary looked impatient, and seemed to be very annoyed. "So you can just let me take you back."

"Still that sentence, you will not be the opponent of sg7, and I will not let you go today."...

At the same time, in an inconspicuous hotel in New York, Yi Chou was still addicted to the magic experiment of repairing magic lamps.

With the help of Lucy, the development and use of the silver tongue has been greatly improved, and the debris is quickly categorized and sorted out, not to mention the concrete ability of the silver tongue, unless it is the same as the four stone plates from which the silver tongue originated The magic items exist at the level, otherwise it is difficult to enter Yi's sight.

But when it came to the magic lamp, there were big problems.

It is not that the magic lamp cannot be repaired and restored by the silver tongue, but... the problem itself is not from the magic lamp.

Yi Chou didn't really want to repair the magic lamp and use wish magic again. What he wanted to do was to fulfill his original promise and give Aria eternal freedom.

The magic lamp was repaired, but the elf inside was no longer Aria.

Not Aria, the elf of the magic lamp was replaced by a completely unfamiliar man. The only thing that was the same as Aria was that his appearance also had strong Central Asian ethnic characteristics.

The skin is dark, and only a thin layer of hair also has a little natural curl, but unfortunately, since seeing him at the first glance, Yi Chou has no affection for him.

So he was thrown back to the original world together with the magic lamp.

Yi Arao’s unhappy mood was caused by Aria’s unreasonable loss, and he became angry with this unlucky guy. Yi Arao admitted that there was indeed this reason.

But what about this, Yi Chou will not care whether a strange magic lamp elf will live a good life or not.

Yi Chou did learn to deal with emotions, which would make him appear more real, but learning to deal with emotions does not mean that he is going to become a virgin, and he takes that **** elf to die.

After that, Yi Xuan tried again to summon the magic lamp back. The first few times were also the unlucky elf. Then, as Yi Xiao kept throwing him back, he finally changed his energy inside the magic lamp at a certain time. It's a pity it's still not Aria.

Presumably she will not be unlucky enough to be caught twice by the magic lamp.

Yi Xiao is very sure~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This magic lamp is indeed the magic lamp that Aria once existed.

Through continuous experiments, the magic lamp was constantly thrown back. In the exchange of magic lamp elves back and forth, Yi Chou finally figured out the rules.

The world where the magic lamp is located has always been the same world, which may be a fairy tale world, and the time flow rate of that world is obviously different.

Perhaps in Yi Chou's opinion, the loss of the magic lamp is only a matter of a few minutes, but for the magic lamp wizard, it may have been a long time.

So Alia is gone.

She may have found a way to leave the magic lamp, or...

After more than a dozen trials, Yi Xuan finally gave up using the magic lamp to lock Aria, and tried to find her directly. After all, many fairy tales mentioned it. If you want to release a magic lamp elf, you need to connect yourself with The magic lamp spirits exchange positions.

And those who can pay for each other to this degree often love each other deeply.

If Aria really escaped using this method, Yi Chou would not mind helping her.

But it is a pity that even if Yi Huo has been busy here for a few days, he still has nothing to gain by now, and it is strange that Yi Huo can feel better.

For this reason, no one has dared to touch the irritable stubbornness in recent days, whether it is Miss Fu Jiang or the goddess Athena, even Lucy is included.

But today...Perhaps this short rest time seems to be finally over.

"Knock." Lucy lightly knocked on the door of Yibiao's laboratory room, and before the response came out, she pushed the door in.

Seeing Yi Biao's doubtful eyes falling on her, Lucy didn't sell the key, and directly said, "Thirteen minutes ago, there was a strong energy response over New York."

"Preliminary suspicion is high-intensity space magic."

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