High Magic Earth

Chapter 1123: intervention

"Space magic?" Yi Xiao stunned slightly. The fastest update

As the infused magic fades, the tracing compass on the table spins into a halt, and other magical elements also lag due to the lack of the most critical mana.

Only one thing is still running, it is a wind vane like a wind direction measuring instrument, but it is not used to measure wind, but the stability and activity of the space.

To Lucy's blessing, Yi Chou used the silver tongue to create many interesting little things. Although the composition of these things is very simple, they are very practical.

For example, this space mark can be used to detect large-scale shocks and changes in space.

Small tricks such as Phantom Shifting are nothing to Yi Chou. If an enemy dares to forcibly change the space in front of Yi Chou, I am afraid that his body has not successfully crossed the space, and Yi Chou has already noticed the magic fluctuation in advance. , And then ripped the space to pieces.

Space signs mainly detect similar magic that covers a city, and even more than half of the world, such as artificial intelligence that can unconsciously pull people into virtual reality, such as the special magic mirror of Kama Taj world.

Between Yi Chou's next itinerary and goals, Lucy felt the need to be prepared for this. After all, there are guys like Dr. Steven Strange who are sloshing around the world...

"The intensity is really high..."

Looking at the tightly stretched space sign, Yi Xuan took off the dragon leather gloves on his hands and threw it to the side table.

This is true dragon skin, not a set product of the silver tongue, but a long time ago, Yi Chou caught an unlucky flying dragon on the Neverland and got it directly after slaughtering it.

After all, like magic experiments and scientific experiments, hardware resources must always keep up with the conditions.

"This is the situation at the scene."

Lucy's hand swiped in the air between the two people to cut out a complete square, and the picture clearly appeared on the square, like a screen peeled from the air.

On the screen, it is near a French restaurant in the suburbs.

Yi Chou can clearly see the flames of war, smoke and pain intertwined, ruins and death everywhere. It is difficult to imagine this is the prosperous New York in the past, not a front line that is always in a state of war.

The white cartoon ghost above is the most conspicuous target. Its magical fluctuation is like the sun in the night, directly driving away the blinding mist.

Even if Yi Chou can't see anything else, he can't ignore it.

And it can't be regarded as pure white at this time. Its whole body emits a faint green light like a ghost fire, and it seems to start to change to dark green.

"Why do I think this world is more like the second world than the second world." Seeing that the picture hadn't stopped for a long time, the war was rekindled, and even Yi Chao couldn't help but spit it out.

"Is that the source of space shock..."

With Yi's magical accomplishments, it is naturally impossible to admit the wrong target. He glanced at the terrible signs in the sky that had been twisted into horror.

And not only that, Yi Chou can also feel that in addition to containing some kind of high-intensity space magic, this symbol itself is also a very dangerous existence.

Although the magical reaction is strong, it is very simple. In addition to space energy, no other energy can be felt.

In other words, even if it is a mixture of many kinds of magic, it is also a combination of many kinds of space magic. There is no other magic, but it can make Yi Chou feel a little dangerous...

Perhaps it is a cross-border summoning magic.

Summoning magic is naturally also a type of space magic. Although space magic is powerful, it also has many limitations. Even before it is locked, he can easily transfer it out.

This kind of magic cannot make Yi Chou feel dangerous unless this uncapturable danger changes from uncertain to qualitative, such as calling out the real calling magic.

"It's another monster crisis." Yi Xiao frowned. "This place in New York is indeed very disaster-ridden. Is anyone cursing it?"

And since Yi Xiao saw the cartoon ghost sign above, it is impossible to ignore the group of small ants below.

"What's this?" he asked, pointing at the warring parties below.

"Ordinary people, wizards, and new human beings." Lucy's answer is as simple and clear as ever. "A witch exposed her identity and attracted ordinary people to hunt."

"The identity of ordinary people belongs to the US military and is much more than that."

"I didn't continue to track down because the base was very tightly protected, and I also found an intelligent figure in their network."

"In order not to cause unnecessary situations, I did not expose my existence."

"The new human being is on the American side. He does not seem to be an ordinary free man. There seems to be a temporary cooperative relationship between the two."

"I only know so much about the specific situation."

Yi Chou just asked casually, and he didn’t care about the battles of the following parties. If he was before, he might still see that one of them was a wizard, holding the power of a free man. Mentality, go ahead and add a hand, but now, he will not do so.

First of all, as more and more flaws are exposed in this world, free people can no longer hide for a long time, and sooner or later they will be exposed to the public.

Then there is no need for him to deal with the problems of free men and conceal their whereabouts like a firefighter.

And the second reason is... this is just an ordinary wizard, even if the wizard is rare, like this guy, there are a lot of people in the free people.

Seeing only Lucy’s information, Yi Choubian did not continue to ask.

"We have stayed here for 6 days and 18 hours."

But at this time, Lucy cleared her throat and began to speak methodically.

"The gains from the previous worlds have been counted and sorted out. The summary of the items related to the magic book is still in progress. It is expected that there will be 76 minutes, and Sadako Yamamura will return smoothly."

"I think it's time to leave."

"However, before approaching the next goal, I suggest that you now unify a lot of unfinished work."

Yi Chou was shocked again, and did not answer immediately.

Yi Chao has changed a lot recently. Sometimes, even Lucy, who has read a lot of memories, can’t keep up with his changes. After all, even if it is magic intelligence, it takes time to digest a person’s psychology.

"Has Seiko's action succeeded?" Yi Xuan asked.

Lucy is not surprised that Yi Xuan will ask this question. She has been mentally prepared, but unfortunately, the answer to the question may not be as wonderful as Yi Xuan expected.

"No." Lucy shook her head calmly. "Rip Hunter had disappeared with Agomo's eyes, and the mission of Sadako Yamamura failed."

"But if the common game world's useless game currency can also be counted as the mission target, maybe she has already completed the mission in excess."

Yi Biao's expression was a little weird, but fortunately he already knew a little bit, what kind of character is this magic intelligence created by himself, he soon ignored the latter sentence.

Sadako failed, as it was.

Even if Rip Hunt led a group of miscellaneous fish, the time gem, one of the infinite gems, was not so easy to deal with. The reason why Yi Chou didn't do it himself was to worry that he would overturn the boat in the gutter before everything was ready.

Sending Sadako to go is just a temptation, although success is a surprise, but failure, and Yi Chou are not surprised.

After thinking for a few minutes, Yi Biao stood up and agreed with Lucy's suggestion, "It is indeed time to leave here."

He stretched out his arm to the right, and the shadow energy like black Shashuo spread out, instantly forming a storm in the room, covering everything.

Yi Chou stood quietly inside the diffuse black Shashuo, as did Lucy, no panic on her face.

After a while, the black mist faded again, and there was nothing left around, just a few breathing rooms, and was cleaned up by Yi Chou.

This is exactly what Lucy suggested, using the silver tongue with the energy magic similar to the scarlet witch, used as a means of daily magic.

Although the silver tongue is easy to use, it cannot always be replaced with silver tongue, but other low-level magic has long been unable to meet the needs of Yi Chou.

So shadow energy magic appeared, based on the combination of daily defense and special means of attack defense, naturally can be used as a cleaning function.

"The yellow capsules and the house elves have all returned to Neverland." Lucy, who had cleared all the traces left by the laboratory outside of the laboratory, had stepped forward immediately, "I have already Locks where the space magic appears."

Whether they use silver tongues, shadow energy, or even relying on Yi Huo's body speed, it takes them less than a second to reach the place of battle.


"Who said I was going there," Yi Chou said strangely, "I don't want to participate in the boring battle below."

"But space magic..."

"I know, I know." Yi Xiao waved his hand as he looked at Lucy. "But don't you think that we have more important things to do now, seth company, I want to know the truth of things for a long time. "

"Once space magic erupts, it is likely to affect the entire city. At that time, the existence of magic cannot be covered..."

"Don't tell me that you still think that the existence of free people and magic can be concealed." Yi Xiao said looking at Lucy's slightly wrinkled expression.

"No matter what has happened now." Yi Chou pointed beneath the white-green ghost. "Or not long ago, Rip Hunt and his party, and even more and more magical creatures in New York City."

"Magic, free man, has long been an undisclosed secret."

"The difference is only when does each country start to respond, but I think I have an answer to this question."

Yi Chou's eyes fell on the light curtain in the midair again, and the three parties fought. With their identity, the answer was self-evident.

The United States, which regards itself as the world’s leader, even in this world, is still the first one to decide. Since there are already military people trying to arrest the wizard, then the following will probably be free people and ordinary people. There will be more and more conflicts between people.

Of course, there may be the possibility of peaceful coexistence, but this possibility is very small.

"And...who said I didn't care about it, from the color point of view, we have a person who is very suitable for this matter."

As the magical intelligence that is completely assisted by Yi Xiao, Yi Xiao theoretically does not need to explain to Lucy, anyway, Lucy will not resist his orders hard.

But what Yi Yao needs is not a robot, but a helper with an independent personality. Even Yi Yi knows that proper explanation will deepen the friendship between the two.

"Anyway, I will not be involved in this matter." Yi Huo said, "But as you have analyzed, this matter will attract a lot of attention. Taking this opportunity, I can invade the headquarters of seth company."

"Because Seth's defensive strength will be reduced accordingly?" Lucy just made a good speech at the time.

In fact, whether it is Lucy or Yihuo, they don’t know much about the so-called defensive power of Seth. More precisely, Seth has no defensive power at all.

As a company where new humans were pushed to the stage, Lucy had invaded their network for the first time, but she did not find any special security personnel owned by seth.

This is also a normal thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~After all, this is the world. Even if you want to be a company like an umbrella, it is not something that can be done in a day or two.

Keeping your own security personnel has to wait until the branches and leaves of seth company take root in other areas. Before that, they still need to keep a low profile.

This is just an ordinary company, at least on the surface.

But well aware of the existence of Eve artificial intelligence, and behind the seth company is the clamor of the new man and Lucy, but it will not feel that it is only as simple as the surface.

There must be something hidden, and even deeper, even Lucy couldn't easily find clues.

"Of course not." Yi Xuan said to Lucy in a helpless voice, "but at least the appearance of air and magic will share part of our sight, which is better than our intrusion into Seth's headquarters in broad daylight."

"Why do we have to break in." Lucy asked back, "Why are you staring at Seth, maybe it's really just a guise."

"Because my magic can't go wrong."

Yi Xiao smiled and spread out a piece of parchment paper on the table. The center of the parchment paper was outlined by beautiful patterns with four large letters.


"Also." Yi Xuan added again, "We don't necessarily have to break in, because you and I are not acting together. In fact, you are responsible for all the logistical work. Before the operation begins, we will find it again. A foothold."

"And it was her who acted with me."

As the words fell, Athena in a uniform had pushed through the door and walked in. The golden armor and the war skirt wrapped her. Even if it was not the Olympus mountain above it, it was still difficult to hide her gleam of wisdom and the goddess of war.

"Willing to fight for you, father." She smiled.

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