High Magic Earth

Chapter 1124: Ghost sign

The fox represents the wisdom among animals.

But more is still cunning and treacherous.

The deceiver Josie, few people know her another name, whether it is the intelligence officer Miltans, or the so-called friends and classmates she made in this world.

Even other free people, the members of the small wizarding witch sister society she joined, only knew what she wanted to show.

The trajectory of an ordinary girl's life, and then one day, the girl's life has a huge turning point, she entered the second world.

But just like her ordinary first half of her life, even if the girl entered the second world, it was only one of the most common beginnings, the dark period of the Harry Potter era.

There is no special treatment, no special, but finally the girl's good luck has not been exhausted, she finally showed a talent in the potion that others do not have.

She has the potential to become a potion master.

Everyone's talents are different. Not everyone who is ordinary in the present world will become a wizard after entering the second world. Similarly, not everyone who is a genius in the present world will still be in the second world. genius.

There may be a gap or a new life.

Master potions are extremely rare even among wizards. In an inappropriate analogy, this is more like a chemist in science.

Not everyone has a talent for chemistry, can remember a lot of chemical formulas, and then become a chemist.

What's more, real potions are more difficult than chemistry.

Science is a traceable existence, and the meaning of magic is to break the law itself, and the potion material is not as easy to grasp as the chemical elements.

In the potions, many times the record of brewing potions uses clockwise three turns and counterclockwise three turns, inject a little magic power, and then put down a little general text like lizard powder to record.

But how much is a little lizard powder? When making potions, many free people will subconsciously vomit bad habits of wizards. They will not record what is really valuable in the mysterious tone of the gods, and they will never learn to use measuring instruments. and many more.

But it is not that the wizards do not want to record clearly.

You know, the reason why magic is called magic is because of the existence of magic, and each person's magic has different attributes.

At least in the world of Harry Potter, this is the case.

The necessary step for brewing the magic potion must be stirring with the magic wand. In fact, during the stirring process, the magic wand has begun to slowly release magic power.

Obviously, the magic power injected by everyone will not be the same, and the effect achieved will certainly not be the same. Perhaps after three rounds of stirring, the potion will appear yellowish. Maybe someone with less magic power will not reach the third round. By the time, the potion had begun to change color.

This requires the control of potions by different people.

The scientific method of measurement has a special effect on science. For magic, it may not be as good as expected.

Wizards are not stupid, if this is really useful, how could they not write in the record, three ounces of dragon skin.

Magic even has more means to achieve this effect, such as casting a transformation spell on the scales, so that it can pick up a sufficient amount of potion material itself, after weighing, throw the excess off the scale, or add more some.

In fact, the reason why the record is so vague is that every wizard, at every step, will not achieve the desired effect.

The vague quantity record is to give the wizards room and room to play.

In fact, behind every potion master, there are countless, crucibles being blown up and waste potions, because he needs a lot of experiments to figure out what he should do to be able to achieve the desired goal, after all The success criteria of the medicine have been recorded, and all that needs to be done is constant comparison and experimentation.

Other than that, all you need is talent.

Whether it's luck or intuition, there are always people who do certain things that happen to have perfect grasps and succeed in one time.

This will make him take a lot of repeated routes less than others.

Josie has this potential, the potential of the potion master.

However, in the eyes of Imogen and others, she is still only a lucky little guy. Having the potion talent makes her a leap to become a man, no matter how ordinary she was before, she must admit it now.

Fortunately, sometimes it is part of strength.

She is not Imogen. In the modern world, she is already a young woman who has sat in the position of general manager of a newspaper, and she is not a Harvard schoolgirl like Joanna.

But the number of successful people like Imogen and Joanna is not much in itself. Many ordinary wizards who are ordinary Lipps are still ordinary even if they enter the second world. More than half of the witches in the Witch Sisters Association are like this. It is the best among them.

Even if he was jealous of Josie, he could only secretly whisper in his heart that there was no other way.

This is also the effect that Josie wants to achieve. After all, contact with the Sisters of Witches cannot be as full of loopholes as the treatment of Miltans. Contacting the Sisters of Witches will be a long experience. She needs to be more Carefully.

A genius witch template with the potential to become a potion master and already able to make some practical potions is obviously a good choice.

Neither will it be casually thrown into cannon fodder because of the plain and indifferent people, nor will it attract unnecessary eyes and sight because of its outstanding talent.

The ordinary life of this world, Josie, chose to use the same background as when she deceived Miltans, which would make her appear more real.

Even if she has special magic, in a small city like New York, it is too difficult to design two sets of different backgrounds for herself at the same time and in the same place.

Conflicts and flaws can easily occur.

It’s just common, but in the face of the Sisters of Witches, Josie is very careful about forging her own experience. Miltans will not be able to investigate things in the world of the free man, and will not find strange places. .

Anyway, she will soon get what she wants and information through Miltans, and only a few months of contact will not expose her to any flaws or loopholes.

In fact, when the missionary called out her true identity not long ago, Josie was very surprised and unbelievable.

She didn't understand why her identity was exposed, even if the other party was a missionary-a plot character from the source's source world.

The scary thing about the missionary is that he is like God's agent, and he can easily persuade others to obey his orders completely, and only need a light sentence.

"Your wife doesn't believe you, but you can prove your heart, try it, try to let her see your heart."

With a persuasive persuasion, a husband who is deeply distressed and distressed by his wife can open his chest with a knife and take out his heart without hesitation.

The name of a missionary is truly horrible.

Instead of him as a black hand*, he is a pie and a skill, and he can detect Josie’s superb detective background.

Not to mention that the professional intelligence officer Miltans has more professional investigative ability, and the missionary has no investigative skills at all.

If it weren't for him to have that terrible power and true missionary status, I'm afraid he would be no different from the mafia* who was on the street.

But Josie's magic is not so simple. The title of the deceiver will not be wrong. She is Josie.

Josh the fox.

. . .

The magic mark in the sky has been fully activated, and the huge sign composed of the red forbidden symbol and the white cartoon ghost slowly emits cold magic energy.

A large amount of magical energy appeared in the real world for the first time. For the free people and wizards in this world, it is tantamount to the shock brought about by the industrial revolution and the emergence of the world's first ray of electricity.

But it is just shocking. Even wizards of this level cannot easily perceive the source of magic power in the world, so only the wizards in New York can feel this scene intuitively.

Negative energy is not something to please, just as electricity is an indispensable energy for human beings, but it is equally deadly. Except for magical creatures that are also negative energy and a few special magics, no wizard will use negative energy.

The consequence of the accumulation of a large amount of negative energy is to bring instinctive uneasiness to the hearts of the wizards and to make them want to stay away from it involuntarily.

Wizards with higher magical knowledge may be aware of the root cause, and more low-level existence and werewolves and vampires with only magical instincts will also stay away from this place because of instinct, and are unwilling to approach this range.

Of course, because there is something called TV and news in this world, in fact, everyone will know the source of negative energy in the first time.

The gigantic ghost sign is like an arrogant foreign visitor. Yaowuyangwei floats in the sky above New York, unbridledly showing its existence to mankind.

It is obviously impossible to conceal such obvious things, but it is probably because General Sorozor and the president and high-ranking political officials standing behind him have not had any fighters go for such a long time since the logo appeared Investigate one or two.

If you don't count the three helicopters that were dispatched while hunting down Josie.

However, as the sign stays over New York for longer and longer, I am afraid that this calm will not be able to continue. Whether the government wants to give a reasonable explanation, or the giant sign has a new change first, it will easily break this. Fragile calm.

At this time, the cartoon ghost in the logo seems to have some signs of coming alive. Its original milky body began to exude cold and miserable green. The faint green light seems to be a huge ghost fire. A jelly, but if you look closely, you will find that its image is far less beautiful than the surface.

Its surface is made up of substance. It looks like a large piece of rag in the near future, wrapped in green light. It can't be swayed with the air wafting. In addition to the reality, it shows some kind of terrible.

The dark green cartoon ghost is struggling struggling in the air. It uses its chubby hands to hold the two edges of the forbidden symbol. It seems to break away from it, and its eyes emit a blue luster. The corner of the mouth outlines an arc of evil.

The red forbidden symbol has become overwhelmed by its repeated attempts, and the recovery power is also smaller than once. I am afraid that it will not be used for long before it will be successfully broken through.

And the coldness and chill that a large amount of negative energy gathers together cannot be resisted by ordinary people. As the ghosts start to struggle, those gathered below begin to involuntarily move away from here.

The instinct from the depths of the soul still exceeds their psychology of watching liveliness and gossip.

Chief Chadlis and the seven special operations teams he led were also away from here under the guidance of the missionaries. Within a moment, the radius under the ghost sign turned into a no-man restricted area. Reporters from major radio stations are still watching from afar, explaining to the camera from time to time.

Of course, the discomfort caused by the negative energy is plainly a kind of psychologically suggestive effect, and it is certainly not just the reporters who can resist.

There must be elite intelligence personnel from various countries, as well as the FBI in the United States to stay, trying to figure out what happened here.

But they hide very deeply, and most people cannot find it.

In addition, there are a few who are also going in reverse, trying to go here guys.

For example, Madison, who was attracted by the huge signs in the sky and magic waves, felt that it was because of himself, and he was responsible for ending its Marcotel, and a certain skin appeared dark green, but from the good body line Look, it should be a beautiful girl, but it is riding on a bicycle with a mysterious and strange creature.

The ghost signs in the sky attracted them like moths, but after all, New York is the most prosperous city in the United States. Even if the phantom is small, it is actually very huge.

Unless you use the Phantom Shift to make your way at no cost ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or you want to travel through more than half of New York, it will take ten minutes at the fastest.

Everyone is still some distance away from the ghost mark, but at this time, under the ghost mark, there is already a figure in a shadow somewhere in the shadow of the battlefield where Josie had fought the special forces before.

He didn't know when he came here, and he was covered under the cloak. The whole person seemed to be completely integrated with the surrounding shadows, and there was no breath or trace.

He stared at Josie and the missionary not far away, and a thick black mist emanated from the lower part of the cloak, as if watching them closely.

After a long time, he slowly raised a hand and inserted it into the shadow next to it. At this moment, a very complicated pattern was faintly visible on the back of his hand.

Although it can't be seen in a flash, it can be felt in a vague contrast. It is very similar to the complex pattern that Josie triggered before in the battle, under the elbow on the inside of the arm.

It's even exactly the same.

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