High Magic Earth

Chapter 1125: Ghost logo (2)

Qiao Qian narrowed her eyes and stared coldly at the missionary in front of her.

The pressure from above is growing, both magical instincts and dangerous instincts are constantly telling her to stay away from here immediately.

But if there is a missionary blocking, this is obviously impossible.

"Keep off," she said softly.

The invisible wave of magical power seemed to break free of her and spread out from her body. This is Josie's unique magic, or it is no longer magic, but her instinct.

Just like vampires can **** blood to replenish energy, they also possess extraordinary strength, agility, and physical strength. Elves can fly naturally and show friendliness to other creatures.

This is not ordinary magic, but her natal magic.

The deceptiveness of My Fox.

Josie was trying to deceive the missionary to make him feel that no matter if he had left, or thought of something else weird, and then let himself go.

My Fox is not an ordinary creature. It is a magical animal belonging to the magic world. Its existence is very secret, and it is not even known at all. Most wizards suspect that they do not exist at all.

Even the wizard lovers who deal with magical animals all day long are hard to see the fox side, just know that it does exist.

According to legend, it is very deceptive.

Five senses, cognition, thinking, and even everything in the world will be deceived by it.

So no one has ever really seen it.

When dealing with the obnoxious big green fat ghost before, Josie once revealed that her patron saint is a fox, obviously her ability is the same.

Mysterious deception magic.

The missionary closed his eyes and seemed to frown slightly, but after a while, he still shook his head, "No." He said indifferently, and then even a somewhat impatient response, "I said chick, can you do it quickly After the decision, the guy above didn't look good."

"Because you should worry about how it will end after it appears."

Obviously, the missionary also knows that the ghost sign above is not easy to provoke, and the rich magic fluctuations have even affected the surrounding groups that are not magical. As a person of General Sorozo, he should probably be more worried that this monster may be nearby. Casualties and damage caused.

This is one of the most prosperous cities in the United States. New York, even if it is not the core location, this monster will cause at least tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of casualties, if its hands and feet are destroyed.

But unexpectedly, the missionary didn't seem to care about this issue.

"I'm not the superhero in your mouth." He waved his hands impatiently. "These things have a half dollar relationship with me."

"But thank you for reminding me that it might not be a good choice to get involved...sg7!" the missionary shouted.

In addition to influencing the missionary with magic, Josie also thought of continuing to procrastinate, so that the magic above was completely completed. Under the disturbance of the big guy, maybe she could find a chance to escape.

But the missionary, although it didn’t look reliable, was not really stupid. He obviously thought of it long ago, and this one blocked Josie’s plan first.

Of course, even if the small abacus is successful, the big guy above is also very dangerous. It may be stronger than the three of them.

After all, Josie and the missionaries are both psychic and control capable, and they have no means of combat. The actual combat strength is actually only SG7.

But beyond that, Josie couldn't think of a better idea.

Just like a missionary, although Josie possesses the magic of Mystic Fox, she only has the magic of Mystic Fox. My fox's ability is to deceive. Unfortunately, this is of little use to the two previous guys.

Needless to say, the missionary, he himself is also a proficient in this way, in addition to persuading others, some strange ability can also resist Josie.

As for sg7, when Josie tried to cheat them before, she obviously felt that her magical fluctuations passed over sg7, but when the magic reached the head of sg7, she was caught by a special Power blocked.

This is most likely an ability.

Because the replica prototype of SG7 is the original hero Peter Perry, a very terrible guy, it is not surprising that SG7 has any abilities.

Of course, abilities can't stop magic, because abilities are abilities, magic is magic, two completely irrelevant systems.

The mystery of magic, even Yi Biao dare not say it completely, and the status of power in science is similar to that of magic, and may be even more difficult.

Because magic itself is nowhere to be found, there are no rules, so it is not surprising that it cannot be resolved.

But all science itself is built on order, and suddenly unresolved abilities emerge, which is nothing less than a disaster and destruction.

Power and magic are completely disjoint parallel lines, not to say that the power of the spirit system can certainly resist the magic that also acts on the spirit.

This makes no sense.

Similarly, because there is no reason, even if there is some kind of power to resist the magic of mental power, it is not surprising, because no one knows what kind of changes have occurred in it.

The situation of sg7 obviously belongs to the latter.


And just when the missionary shouted, sg7 had an action directly. When Josie hadn’t responded, the body sprang forward instantly, showing the speed that humans could not reach, and the punching force mixed with the tip of the wind. Xiao, like a ferocious iron pillar, slammed into Qiao Qian's door.


Josie just had time to complain, barely crossing her arms in front of her, and was shot straight out.

At the moment of Bengfei, she even heard the crisp sound of her arm.


Obviously, this is the sound of bones splitting.

Although Josie is proficient in the magic of mental power control, as a wizard who fights on the front line of war all the year round, her comprehensive strength is still very strong, and many other means.

The severe pain climbed her body in the next moment. Josie did not make a mistake. The tingling and the severe pain in her arms seemed to gnaw at her like an ant.

If it was the Josie that Miltans investigated, it must have burst into tears or lost resistance at this time.

But the real Josie, when faced with this kind of injury, did not change her face, which was only a minor injury for her.

The sg7 on the opposite side obviously had no intention of letting go of Josie. When Josie was stuck in the air, he moved instantly, not letting go of the opportunity to hit the water dog, and followed.

SG7's body fluttered lightly in the air, ignoring gravity, and stuck to Josie again. The white but terrifying palm had been slashed to the edge of her neck.

"This is not very good..."

Josie muttered in a low voice, and then the next moment, she closed her eyes.

Not to give up resistance, but no matter how good the hypnotic master, when hypnotizing himself, more or less, he must use a signal to give himself a reminder.

Close your eyes and open your heart. This is Josie's signal, that is, her top.

"My arm was not injured..."

"I'm strong..."

"My melee capabilities are not bad..."

"At least I can be entangled with this guy in front of me, even... there is a possibility of exceeding."

Josie meditated in her heart, looking like she was cheering herself up, like a prayer before despair, but in fact, she was hypnotizing herself.

That's right, just like deceiving others, hypnotizing yourself and deceiving yourself.

The next moment, her eyes suddenly opened again.

At this time, her arms had become intact again, and it looked like the previous bone fracture did not appear, and she had never been injured.

Faced with sg7, he slashed over and tried to stun his hand knife. Josie sneered and stretched out her right hand. The rail was between her neck and sg7's palm.



Then at the next moment, Josie's arm made a crisp sound again, accompanied by Josie's vague cry and cursing, sg7 directly connected to the arm and took her with her, and directly flew her out.

Sure enough, don't think you can block the next attack.

. . .

The original West Coast Madison, the supreme witch, is moving.

Maya's Melee Mage Marcel is moving.

Dark green fan creatures are moving on their bicycles.

. . .

Obviously, Josie’s power can’t resist sg7, even after she deceived herself. Although her five senses and body have been greatly enhanced by the magic of the fox, there is still a gap from sg7.

SG7 can feel this even if it is completely controlled by brainwashing without its own thinking.

Even missionaries who are not far away are watching the same.

This can be seen from Josie being hit by SG7.

Although Josie's strength has been greatly enhanced after hypnotizing herself, she can only confront sg7 in front of her, but she can only be in a situation of continuous dodge and evasion.

Rao is so, she still eats sg7 number of punches.

The strength and speed of sg7 obviously surpassed that of ordinary human beings. Even if it was just a normal punch, it had reached the level of bending steel plates.

Ordinary people may not be able to withstand one or two at all, even if Josie has been half-foxed and has some natural physical qualities of magical creatures, but still can't resist for a long time. If you continue this way, failure is only a matter of time.

"Is it cheating again..."

Just as sg7 pressed Josie down from the bottom, the missionary, who was the half controller of sg7, watched silently from above.

As a mentally capable person, the missionary can easily see from Josie's movements to infer what she did.

"This time... Did you deceive yourself."

"Five senses to deceive oneself, one's own perception of oneself, and even one's own body... It is worthy of being deceiver Josie, even able to do this."

The missionary can easily make others obey his orders, but he cannot change himself in words. This is no longer the ability to do. This is completely the field of magic.

Of course, it's also possible that the missionary's ability is only for others.

But in any case, this cannot change the situation that Josie is facing now.

Very bad situation.

. . .

Qiao Qian is in the middle of the disadvantage. This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable, and even more dangerous is that the strength of sg7 seems to continue to climb.

SG7 is very proficient in fighting techniques, whether it is Muay Thai, Sanda, karate or other regional combat tactics, it seems that he can be used by the fascinating. His movements are mixed with a variety of fighting skills, if it is not difficult for Josie to face In his words, he will find that his movements look like a movie lens designed in advance, not only very coherent, but even with a little beauty.

Without knowing the reason, his movements were very rusty at the beginning, as if he had never used these techniques.

It's just that as Josie has been entangled with her for longer and longer, his fighting skills are growing wildly at an incredible speed.

I am afraid that growth will continue at this rate, and it won’t take long before Josie can no longer be his opponent.

And sg7 is also amazingly powerful in power, even incredible, just the whizzing of the wind, it made Josie's cheeks hurt.

For this, Josie was not too surprised.

Because she knows sg7, she can even say that sg7 only has this power, but it makes Josie feel weak.

SG7, according to the missionary, its prototype is the original hero Peter Perry. In fact, even without the missionary, Josie can see from the appearance of SG7.

He was not disfigured, and excluding the misleading appearance, he was almost exactly the same as Peter Perry, star face.

Peter Perry, a protagonist from the super hero of the American TV series, is a very old American drama. According to reliable sources, there are also plots of super heroes in another source point world.

Peter Perry is the protagonist.

His superpowers are not so new, but they are powerful enough.


He can copy other people's superpowers, as long as Peter Perry can control and digest it, there is almost no upper limit to this copy.

Of course, in the plot, he encountered a series of conspiracies and messy things~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Superpowers were suppressed, offset or even captured, and it was not surprising that only a few abilities could be copied later.

But there is no doubt that this ability is terrible.

Replicas, whether by cloning or any other means, obviously inherited Peter Perry's ability, because that is the core of Peter Perry's power, and the loss of the copy ability, the existence of the copy body also loses its meaning.

A clone that can replicate abilities. He only replicated strength, speed, and a lot of fighting skills. Before intercepting his hot sight, er, maybe there was a small amount of flying, which surprised Josie. .

Maybe there are not so many abilities that he can choose to copy, or the clone cannot control a large number of complex abilities.

Whatever the reason, Josie didn't help much at this time.

Feeling the increasingly dangerous breath of the sg7 body, and his increasing weight, Josie's attention was focused on the complex pattern on the inside of his left arm.

She must make a change.

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